Beyond The Outline

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Linjiang Sixth Middle School’s 2019 high school sophomore opening test, Chinese papers.

The test time is 150 minutes and the total score is 150 points.

Candidate’s score: 48.

Mathematics: 36.

English: 22.

Rationale: 59.

A few test papers were placed on the desk, and the faces of the scrolls were all painted with terrible crosses, and one was even more miserable. The reader quickly discovered that this normal approving method was not applicable to this examinee. , So there are only a few sparse red ticks left on another page.

Two words were written in the name column with teeth and claws, scribbled like weeds, but with sharp pen.

Candidate’s name: Xu Sheng.

“You can see for yourself the scores of this test.”

“The average separation of 30 points is a big difference, let alone sprinting for the college entrance examination, I think you have to re-read the junior high school at your level!”

The head teacher Meng Guowei raised his voice as he spoke, his voice yelled so that he could hear it in half of the corridor outside the office: “I didn’t talk about any of these questions in class. All of them are sub-items! I sprinkled rice on the test paper. , Jimeng has more correct questions than you, what the **** is going on-did you come to school to study or to mess around?!”

Xu Sheng has been standing in the office for six minutes.

I don’t know how many times I have heard similar words. He looked far away and landed on the wall clock behind Meng Guowei. By the way, he guessed that it should be the classic phrase “get off as soon as possible if you don’t want to learn”.


Meng Guowei patted the detained test papers in his hand on the corner of the table with a “pop”: “I don’t care what you used to be. Since you are now in the second and seventh grade of high school, just give me honesty. If you don’t want to study hard, get out of here! ”

Xu Sheng looked sleepy, closed his eyes a little, and made it clear that he didn’t want to listen to nonsense.

Meng Guowei: “…”

Although Meng Guowei’s words were cruel, he felt guilty in his heart.

In fact, he didn’t dare to talk to this student, but after all, he had just taken over, so he had to give him a prestige.

The school was just splitting into classes in the second year of high school. The school didn’t know what to think about. It probably wanted to balance it. He put two firsts in his class-and added the first grade and the last one.

The teenager standing next to his desk is out of touch with the environment in the entire office.

The students in and out of the office are all dressed in school uniforms. He is the only one wearing a black T-shirt with graffiti. It is hard to tell what the graffiti is.

The young man was tall and thin, with eyes downcast, as if he hadn’t slept enough in his early study. To that stop, it seemed that nothing was in sight.

This is the surprisingly low grades in various subjects. He can’t count the ten fingers inside and outside the school. He never wears school uniforms. This is the first time Meng Guowei has met him for the first time in so many years of coaching.

Linjiang Sixth Middle School is also a key school. Although it is not among the best in the key points of the A area, the score line has just barely touched the tail, and it has just been promoted from Pu Gao two years ago.

Meng Guowei put aside the investigation of this time, and said: “Where did you go after the exam yesterday, did you leave school secretly again?”

Speaking of this, the boy barely stood up straight, and asked casually: “Someone saw me leaving school?”

Meng Guowei: “That’s not true.”

Xu Sheng pondered for a while: “Did the surveillance capture it?”

Meng Guowei: “…Neither.”

Xu Sheng made it clear that he had confirmed that leaving school was done by himself, and then answered frankly, “I did not leave school.”


Meng Guowei organizes language in his brain and wants to say something more.

But Xu Sheng is really impatient.

“Teacher,” he said openly, “if it’s because of grades, it’s okay to talk about it. The lessons you teach you, as to whether you learn or how much you learn, are my own business. You really don’t need to tell me this.”

Xu Sheng’s voice is not loud. The noisy office is filled with the sound of flipping books, the sounds of teachers assigning tasks, and the chatting and laughing of students when they enter and leave. He said these words casually and unobtrusively. .

Meng Guowei heard it clearly, and was shocked by these random and arrogant words, and said for a long time: “What are you talking about? Is this the attitude of talking to the teacher-then what else are you going to school?! ”

Xu Sheng met his eyes without evasive.

Only then did Meng Guowei realize that the boy in front of him violated the school rules and regulations not only “not wearing school uniform”, he even wore an ear stud on his right ear, and a layer of silver surrounded by black chalcedony. This one is not low-key. The black stud earrings were half-shaded by broken hair.

What school are you coming to?

This sentence was repeated a few times in Xu Sheng’s mind.

“Just think I’m here to mess around,” Xu Sheng stretched out his hand for a long time, took the test paper off the table, grabbed it in his hand and said indifferently, “Leave me alone.”

In the entire class, only Xu Sheng’s test paper was detained. When he entered the class with the test paper, the originally enthusiastic class instantly calmed down, just as if someone suddenly pressed the still button on a movie that had been broadcast well.

A boy in the front row of the classroom pouted his butt, and his upper body was on the desk. He stretched out his hand to grab the cookies of the second row of classmates. After seeing him come in, he kept this posture strangely.

“The school boss is too murderous,” the boy whispered, “I don’t dare to move. I’m so tired. Give me a piece of your biscuit…”

For all the students in the second and seventh class of senior high school, from the moment they saw the placement chart, their mood was only left with the word suffocation to describe.

Two days ago, the whole year stood fearfully at the school gate.

“What class is Xu Sheng in?”

“Class 7, okay, okay, I’m in class 6.”

“Fuck, I’m from Class 7…”

“What is your luck, brother, hold on, there are two years left in high school. Isn’t it two years? Time flies like a white horse, and it will soon pass.”

Who is Xu Sheng?

The famous school bully.

The school is notoriously heterogeneous.

Because of the fact that he didn’t wear school uniforms in the first year of high school, the grade director made several fires. He asked him to stand and call his parents. He also asked him to stand in front of the school to review. In the end, the effect was not effective. Don’t wear it.

Linjiang No. 6 Middle School, which has a strong faculty and rigorous school spirit, has been digging forward for more than ten years without finding a second place with the school motto of “civilized and harmonious, diligent and realistic”.

Xu Sheng walked past them to the last row.

Even if his T-shirt and jeans are out of the office, it still doesn’t fit in with the surrounding atmosphere, and it looks even more eye-catching among the gray-blue school uniforms in the classroom.

He was tall, and he was late for the report that day, there were only two vacancies left in the class, except for the last row. The remaining empty seat is on his left, across the aisle, and has been vacant since yesterday, saying it was a leave.

Xu Sheng didn’t care who the absent person was. He dragged the chair out to continue sleeping. When he dragged the chair, the boy in the front row couldn’t hold back his pen and shook.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, holding a chair, leaned down slightly, and patted him on the shoulder with his other hand.

The pen in the boy’s hand almost didn’t fly out, so he had to turn around: “You…what’s your order?”

Xu Sheng: “Don’t you squeeze.”


Xu Sheng pointed to the boy’s chest tightly on the edge of the desk, and visually observed that the range of motion he left for himself was no more than 30 cm. If he wanted to go to the toilet, he would only have to slide down, squat down, and drill under the desk. Go out this way, and ask again: “Aren’t you crowded?”

The boy opened his mouth: “I…”

Of course I squeeze, but I dare not say! Don’t even dare to get too close to you!

Xu Sheng waited hard for a reply, and simply backhanded his desk back a little.

In the first English class in the morning, Xu Sheng was about to lie down to meet Zhou Gong in advance, and the window beside him was knocked twice.

A few heads tried their best to open the window, and came in from the corridor: “Boss.”

Xu Sheng put his hand on the back of his neck and tilted his head slightly when he heard the voice: “I want to sleep, if you have a fart, hurry up.”

The guy who leads this wave of people has the most popular thick bangs. His skin is a bit dark, but he looks very energetic. He sighed and said, “We are too far apart this time. Class, one end and one end, how can you play games together in class from now on?”

Although Xu Sheng is famous, most people avoid him, but at this young age, boys sometimes do not need any special conditions to play together, just playing two games. Xu Sheng’s popularity is really not bad. During the first year of high school, every get out of class was over, and there was always a circle of people in the back row of the classroom.

Sometimes, game technology can be more practical than academic performance.

The fate of Xu Sheng and Zhang Feng playing the game for the first time began with his first review in front of the school. At that time, Xu Sheng concluded the last sentence after reading the review, “I was wrong, but I don’t guarantee that I won’t do it next time.” Repeat offense”.

After that, the whole school was in an uproar.

After getting off the flag-raising platform, Zhang Feng said to him sincerely: “Fuck you, you are a bit awesome.”

Zhang Feng said again: “Did you go to the teacher’s office just now? I heard that you made your classmate Meng very angry.”

Xu Sheng was noncommittal.

After feeling sigh, Zhang Feng continued to work hard to peek into their class from the window. This time he not only poked his head in, but also squeezed his upper body in, and looked around in the second and seventh class.

Xu Sheng was overwhelmed. He leaned back. He had long legs. Even with his legs bent, he still stepped out for a long distance: “What the **** are you doing?”

Zhang Feng confided his true purpose: “Let’s come to learn from God.”

Xu Sheng, who was patronizing the test and sleeping, didn’t care who the classmates had: “?”

“No, this word is not appropriate enough, it should be paying homage, yes, I am here to pay homage to learning God,” Zhang Feng said, “–it was the first place in the school entrance examination and the first prize of the municipal league in the first year of high school entrance examination. The National Cheng Kung University poster is posted on the honor wall at the entrance of the school. Don’t you know, your class is creative this year, one you, one learns God.”

Xu Sheng suddenly smiled when he heard this.

He waved to Zhang Feng: “Come here, come closer and say.”

Zhang Feng leaned forward defenselessly.

Xu Sheng simply rolled up the test paper he brought back from the office just now and knocked on his head: “Are you **** looking for a fight? If you look at Xueshen, you can look at Xueshen, and you’re still using it? Today, I asked you to stand and stand sideways. Going out is pretty creative, do you want to try?”

“I was wrong, brother, I shouldn’t arrange you,” Zhang Feng bent down and hid, muttering as he hid. “But brother, how come I haven’t found anyone for a long time, have your class come together?”

People did not come together.

Xu Sheng threw the test paper on the table, his eyes swept across the narrow aisle beside him, and landed on the empty seat beside him.

In the teacher’s office.

The class bell rang, and Meng Guowei was still immersed in the conversation with the problematic student in the new class, and could not extricate himself for a long time.

A teacher passed by him with a lesson plan. Seeing that he was still studying Xu Sheng’s scores, he stopped and said, “Mr. Meng, don’t think too much about that kid’s doing this all the time. What happened to several teachers during the first year of high school? It’s useless to catch him. If it doesn’t work, let it go. It’s really not every student wants to study hard.”

Meng Guowei was different from other teachers, and his temper rushed up: “I still don’t believe it. I can’t cure him. Meng Guowei has not given up this word in the dictionary for more than 20 years.”


“Teacher Meng, I support you mentally,” the teacher looked at the time and said, “Hey, let’s not talk about it, I have to go to class.”

However, there are other teachers who are interested in this topic, and they asked while reviewing the homework: “Lao Meng, do you have any ideas?”

Meng Guowei was pondering for a long time, and then read several books of “How to Guide Students Correctly”, which really made him come up with an idea: “He may be resistant to the teacher. I am going to try One Belt One, and find a good student to lead him. .”

As Meng Guowei spoke, he took out another stack of test papers beside his hand.

Xu Sheng was not the only one who was detained. Xu Sheng’s stack of papers was originally placed next to another stack of papers, but the reason for the detention was completely different-Xu Sheng’s test was really bad, and this stack was purely The answer was so good that I was left directly by the teacher as an example, printed several copies and distributed among the various classes.

Except for the language deduction of six points, other subjects almost get full marks.

At the top of the test paper stack, the first line reads: Linjiang Sixth Middle School’s 2019 high school sophomore final exam, math paper, full score 150, score: 150.

Candidate’s name: Shao Zhan.


A new pit is opened, I don’t know how many people are there, new challenges, I’m still very worried, but I will try my best!

ps: Xu Sheng is a real scumbag.

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