Beyond The Outline

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Shao Zhan.

Xu Sheng heard the name no less than six times a day.

The teacher of each subject entered the door with a sentence “This time you guess who the first grade is. Forget it, don’t guess, there is no suspense, but I still have to say that Shao Zhan scored more than 20 points for the second grade this time.”

Then he sent down more than 30 copies of the high-score test papers: “Look at people’s ideas for solving problems, and then look at you.”

Originally, Xu Sheng didn’t know which Shao and which accounted. The test paper came from the head of the row. He reached out and took it. He planned to throw it to the side. He accidentally saw the handwriting on the photocopy roll.

It’s not that he wants to read it, the main word is really hard to ignore.

The pen is strong, and the writing is a bit cursive. Xu Sheng himself is also a “cursive” writer, but this cursive style is very good at first glance, which is different from his kind of casual drawing.

Some classmates have already started to say: “Learning the word…I can’t write it like this even after ten years of practice. Is this a word that humans can write.”

“Shao poor,” the teacher looked at Xu Sheng when he spoke, “I don’t expect you to write it like this, I just hope that some students in our class can write the words so that people can understand them. I can’t get the face points.”

Student Xu Sheng, who couldn’t get the noodles, folded the paper and stuffed it into the belly of the table.

Xu Sheng’s campus life has always been unpretentious and boring.

Sleep, play games, go to the hallway to stop.

There is no fourth possibility.

In the last biology class in the afternoon, the teacher asked him to get up and answer questions.

Xu Sheng threw the phone in the belly of the table before he stood up slowly, “Teacher, I didn’t hear clearly, can you say it again?”

The biology teacher watched the student sitting in the corner and played on the phone for most of the class without a person, and he was full of fire. Now he coldly said: “There is in the book, do you know which page we are talking about now? “The biology teacher held back his anger and showed him a clear path,” page four.”

Xu Sheng carried this English book and turned a few pages: “Choose words to fill in the blanks?”


The whole class was silent.

“Ah,” Xu Sheng realized something from this dead silence, “This is not an English class?”

Two minutes later, Xu Sheng took the mobile phone and the power bank that came from the same table and walked outside the classroom, standing with his back against the railing, and by the way, through the open classroom door, he indirectly made a face-to-face meeting with the classmates from the next class 6. .

The phone vibrated twice.

It was a message from Zhang Feng.

-Boss, are you fined to stand again?


-I thought we couldn’t see you very often at such a distance, but I found that almost every class when I looked up out of the corridor, I saw your heroic appearance.

-You also stand up for a while, you can see me more clearly.

-That’s not necessary…I just waved at you, can I see it?

Xu Sheng raised his eyes and saw the place near the window at the end of the corridor. He really stretched out a hand.

He lowered his head again and replied: Fuck, are you stupid?

Zhang Feng asked again: Do you go to the Internet cafe at night? old place?

Xu Sheng didn’t reply in time, he withdrew from the chat box. Recently, there was a person lying quietly in the contact list, and the note was “Mom”.

The message was received two days ago.

“This question is super outline”,:

[Mom]: Are you at school yet?

[Mom]: If you are not willing to let you live at home, go to class, and I will leave you alone. If you really can’t go in, graduate the head office smoothly.

[Mom]: Sophomore in high school, let you study not for me to learn, what are you going to do in the future like this? !

Xu Sheng glanced twice, his expression was not fluctuating, and then he replied “OK” to Zhang Feng.

After returning, he tucked the phone back into his trouser pocket, moved his finger, and pressed his index finger inadvertently on the second joint of his thumb with a click.

The biology teacher was writing on the blackboard and inadvertently glanced outside, and found that none of the boys in the corridor were standing straight, leaning on the railing as if they were boneless, so he frowned and turned away.

☷The author of this book, Papaya Huang, reminds you that “This question is super outline” is the first time to update the latest chapters on https:”>a>, remember the domain name☷

Jingle Bell-

The school bell rang.

The biology teacher put down the chalk: “Okay, let’s dismiss the get out of class. I asked the class representative to take a few additional questions in the group… and the one outside, come in.” The biology teacher said this, and took another look in the corridor.

The corridors were empty, and there were people nowhere. Xu Sheng consciously dismissed get out of class early, pinching the bell.

There is an old-fashioned residential area near the school. Outside the alley with white walls and gray tiles, it has developed into a commercial street, jewelry stores, snack shops… and a black Internet cafe that can access the Internet without an ID card.

The Internet cafe was opened in a concealed manner. Enter through the back door of the small restaurant, go up to the second floor, and open the glass door.

Xu Sheng is a frequent visitor to that Internet cafe.

Zhang Feng didn’t live at school. When he packed up his schoolbags and ran over with a few brothers, Xu Sheng had already occupied the machine in the corner. This uncle didn’t play games either, he wore headphones and stepped on the edge of the chair with one leg bent, and he huddled there to watch a movie.

“What’s this? Why is there no plot?” Zhang Feng paid the money and flung his schoolbag on the floor casually, and waited for him to look at Xu Sheng’s computer screen during the boot process. For a long time, he found that he couldn’t read it, so he had to turn to the title. , “…The power of BBC art, **** me, documentary?”

Xu Sheng held the mouse with one hand and dragged the progress bar.

Zhang Feng issued a soul question: “You watch this in an Internet cafe? Why don’t you just watch the news broadcast?”

Xu Sheng didn’t look like he was watching a documentary seriously. He raised his hand and moved the earphones back so that he could listen to Zhang Feng’s words: “The news is broadcast at seven o’clock, and it hasn’t started yet.”

Zhang Feng: “…”

Xu Sheng closed the documentary: “I’m kidding, I’m on the game.”

Xu Sheng played a few games with them, during which Zhang Feng answered the phone, his mother cursed on the other side of the phone, “You are going to die, what time is it, you are not going home”, Zhang Feng opened his eyes and said nonsense: “I have a few questions that I can’t figure out, so I will stay and ask my classmates…”

Zhang Feng’s mother doesn’t believe in the nonsense of his child: “You fart! Is your classmate by your side? Why didn’t I hear someone talking about it?”

Zhang Feng was desperate, so he had to cast his helpless eyes on Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng typed on the keyboard while cooperating with him, and said in a modest manner: “This question is actually quite simple.”

Zhang Feng’s eyes motioned to him, ‘if you can’t do it, then you can do it more.’

Xu Sheng: “I said you write.”

Xu Sheng pretended to be like that, and the ending sounded for a long time: “‘Solution’, colon.”

Zhang Feng: “…”

“What then?” Zhang Feng waited for a long time and couldn’t wait for the following, “…you say more.”

Xu Sheng: “Of course

“This question is super outline”,:

You can see the next question later. ”


Fortunately, Zhang Feng’s mother couldn’t hear exactly what Xu Sheng had said over the phone: “Then you come back early after talking to your classmates. Mom made your favorite braised pork.”

Zhang Feng was so urged that he couldn’t drag him any longer, and before he got off the plane, he screamed in his heart: He couldn’t find someone to ask for help. He was afraid that even the black Internet cafes and network administrators learned more thoroughly than the one next to him!

Zhang Feng hung up the phone: “Boss, you talk about the topic, you really get through at one point.”

Xu Sheng cleared the line of troops and said, “You’re welcome.”

“Then I’ll go back first,”

Before Zhang Feng left, he said, “Don’t be too late. School has just started and it is not good to be caught.”

Xu Sheng unscrewed the mineral water bottle on the side, and responded with an extremely perfunctory response.

“You go back,”

Xu Sheng said, “They can’t catch me. ▓https:”>Xuanhuan Literaturea>_▓”

Xu Sheng soaked in the Internet cafe until dark. When the BBC documentary saw the end, he looked a little tired. He tilted his head back and took off his headphones and planned to go to the front desk to buy something to eat.

In addition to instant noodles at the front desk, there are some duck legs and chicken feet. Xu Sheng glanced at it. He didn’t have much appetite. Finally, he only took a mint from the side.

After buying, I took one out and put it in my mouth, opened the door and went to the stairwell to breathe.

Without taking two steps, there was a “bang” from the place where the debris was piled up in the stairwell.

“Just that little money?”

“Tomorrow’s breakfast money is here too, really out of it…” It was a boy, his voice was only promise.


It was the sound of kicking things over again.

“I told you that if you don’t make two hundred this time, don’t blame us for being polite,” the kicker’s voice was rough, “are you looking for a beating?”

This kind of black Internet cafe is a high-risk zone.

There are mixed fish and dragons, and it is not uncommon for this to happen.

The candy in Xu Sheng’s mouth was extremely cold. He leaned against the wall and listened for a while, then bit the candy into pieces, and then walked casually to the pile of groceries.

There were four people standing in the circle surrounded by groceries. They were dyed with ancestral social yellow hair. They didn’t wear school uniforms. They probably weren’t the students of No.6 Middle School. The gray-blue school uniform on the surrounded body was very conspicuous.

“Sorry, let me go, I will definitely give it to you tomorrow, tomorrow…”

The four yellow hairs counted the more than one hundred dollars in their hands, then looked at each other and laughed: “Tomorrow? Tomorrow will not be the same.”

They didn’t laugh for long, because the man with the money was patted on the shoulder from behind as soon as the voice fell.


“It doesn’t matter who I am,” Xu Sheng stepped forward and put his hand on the person’s shoulder, just like the brothers. The words in his mouth were completely different, “You are too noisy.”

The bad boy holding the money turned his head and was stunned when he saw Xu Sheng.

In all fairness, although Xu Sheng is notorious, but with this face, he can still make a lot of return in school.

Black T-shirt, dark blue jeans, ear studs.

Except for this outfit that doesn’t look like a serious student, Xu Sheng’s eyebrows are exquisite and sharp, and the tails of his eyes are slightly raised. He looks absent-minded, but there is still a bit of wildness in his eyes, which can be seen by anyone. I think this looks like a bad student who is often posted with disciplinary notices.

The most important thing is that it looks better than they

“This question is super outline”,:

, It’s more like grabbing money.

“You…” The bad boy who took the money was lowered by his posture, choked and said, “Are you also here to grab the money?”

Xu Sheng smiled: “You can understand it this way.”

Xu Sheng put down the hands on his shoulders, moved his wrists, and asked casually: “How much have you taken from him one after another? Do you want to wait for me to do it, or you can pay for it yourself.”

✉The author of this book, Papaya Huang, reminds you that the latest and most complete “This is a super outline” is all in fantasy literature, domain name ✉

Bad boy: “…”

The four yellow hairs were scared away.

He was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he came out to frighten people casually. The persimmons were picky and squeezed. When he encountered someone that looked harder than them, he didn’t dare to be arrogant.

I didn’t care about anything, I just took out all the money I could get in my pocket and threw it on the ground, saying “I’m sorry, I don’t know this is your site” and then ran down the stairs.

Xu Sheng bent down to pick up the money scattered on the ground, folded it neatly and squatted down.

The person in the No. 6 middle school uniform was still sitting on the ground and shivering. Seeing Xu Sheng squatting down, his first reaction was: “I really have no money, really no…” TAT.

Xu Sheng: “…”

Do I look like a money grabber?

Xu Sheng didn’t say anything, but just stuffed the stack of money into his hands, got up and walked back, opened the door of the Internet cafe, and then threw a sentence: “This kind of place, don’t come in the future.”

Xu Sheng stayed in the Internet cafe until almost nine o’clock before getting off the plane.

The outside is completely dark, and the street lights on both sides of the road extend outward along the street.

The school locks the school door at half past six, but the dormitory building is open until ten o’clock, but if you can’t get into the school, it will be useless even if it is open until dawn.

Xu Sheng walked around to the back door of the school.

The back door of the school and the dormitory building are next to each other. They are closed all year round. The rusty iron door is tied with a thick iron chain. The entire wall just surrounds the boys’ dormitory building. The one closest to the wall is the second-year high school. The front and back doors are almost facing each other.

He stepped on the stone under the wall and turned up on the wall. The young man is tall and has long legs and turned effortlessly. With his back bent and stretched out, he let go of his hand, swinging one leg down, and was about to jump down—

But saw a person walking across.

The man was tall, carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, and his school uniform cuffs were rolled up, revealing half of his wrist. The gray-blue school uniform, which was ranked third last in the district, was worn on him, and he couldn’t tell the difference.

It was too far away and I couldn’t see his appearance. When people walked to the street light, Xu Sheng discovered a more important problem.

He cursed in a low voice.


Good luck.

His record of leaving school without leaking over the wall was ruined today.


Happy Christmas Eve

“This question is super outline”,:

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