Beyond The Outline

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

It is a felony to enter or leave the school without permission. It is marked in bold and heavy on the first page of the school rules. Those who violate the school rules will be reviewed and punished by the whole school.

Although Xu Sheng has always violated the rules, the current number of arrests is very small. If there is no definite evidence, he will just get mixed up. He opened his eyes and said that he had never done this before, and the teacher could not help him.

When he was in the first year of high school, his relationship with the teacher was even quite good.

Although the first reaction of the teachers of all subjects when mentioning the name “Xu Sheng” was a headache, the relationship between people is very wonderful, and scolding can also bring out feelings.

There are too many times to go in and out of the office, and it’s hard to think about it.

In short, he is not afraid of this, but it is always troublesome.

Xu Sheng sat halfway on the fence, neither jumping nor jumping for a while.

At night, the hot and noisy cicada’s chirping weakened at noon in the summer, and the street lamp stretched the reflection. The young man on the wall held the edge of the wall with one hand and hesitated for a while, and finally jumped off.

“You haven’t seen anything, and no one has ever jumped off this wall.” Xu Sheng patted the wall dust off his hand, stepped forward, and said in a tone that is not really negotiable, “…understand? ”

When the distance was getting closer, Xu Sheng could see clearly what the person looked like.

Taller than him.

A school uniform is well-dressed, with the button up to the top one, which is even too well-regarded… But is the No. 6 middle school uniform look so good to wear? Xu Sheng’s thoughts crooked.

In addition, there is only one word left, cold.

That coldness was not brought about by his looks, but the indescribable and indescribable temperament in him.

In fact, the person in front of him looks good. The young boy has deep eyes and deep eyelids. The broken black hair covers his forehead, adding coldness. Xu Sheng believes that the aesthetic standards have always been relatively high. Looking at the school as a whole, except for himself, who can admit that he is “good looking”, there are only teachers and directors who occasionally need to strategically flatter and say “you are handsome”.

However, the man didn’t look at him at all, and walked past him into the dormitory building.

Hearing the sound, the uncle dossier opened the window, apparently familiar with the classmate in school uniform, and said enthusiastically, “I’m back? Are you okay at home?”

“It’s okay.” His voice was also cold, but it was a little low.

“It’s okay,” the uncle supervisor opened the attendance book and handed over the pen, “eliminate the fakes. You can sign here and you can go up.”

“Uncle,” he said after signing the school uniform, “There’s another thing.”

“Is the dormitory screen broken?” said the uncle master, “Hey, many people have come to tell me these days that they have been reported to the school today, saying that they will apply for repairs in a few days.”

“That’s not it.”

As soon as Xu Sheng stepped up a step, he heard the school uniform say: “That one over there, doesn’t wear school uniforms.”

The next sentence is: “He just came in through the back door.”


Xu Sheng almost stomped on empty.

When it comes to this, the old master can’t understand it. He took the attendance book, then patted the booklet on the table and shouted: “That student who doesn’t wear school uniform, you keep it and come here.”

Two minutes later, Xu Sheng was rushed into the dormitory lounge by the dormitory uncle.

Standing next to him was the school uniform.

It’s just that he is the one being tried, and the school uniform is the jury.


I closed the door at once. It seemed that I was idle these days and had nothing to do. I finally let him catch someone and plan to take a good trial: “Which one of you will talk about it first? What’s the matter?”

The uncle Su Guan moved a plastic stool, sat in front of them, and turned to Xu Sheng, “He said you came in through the back door?”

Xu Sheng burst into 10,000 swear words in his heart.

If his English scores are acceptable, he can scold him ten thousand more sentences in other languages.

“What do you mean, ❀Fantasy Literature❀”

Xu Sheng lowered his voice and asked, “Didn’t we say it all.”

The school uniform was looking at him right now. Xu Sheng heard this person’s indifferent tone and asked unkindly: “We?”



Uncle Su Guan urged: “What’s the matter for you, who turned in?”

Xu Sheng had no choice but to hum.

Master Suguan: “What did you go out to do over the wall.”

Xu Sheng picked and picked in his mind, and finally found a reasonably well-founded answer: “Relieve.”

Uncle Supervisor: “Why do I need to go outside of school to relax?!”

Xu Sheng: “The pressure to study is too much.”

If these words are heard by Meng Guowei or any teacher in the high school teaching department, they will collapse on the spot: What pressure do you have to study? Have you studied, where’s the pressure.

“…” Uncle Su Guan said grumpily, “No matter how stressful you are to study, you can’t just go over the wall casually. If every student is like you, there will be no order in the school.”

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, Xu Sheng sighed, “You are right.”

“The current students really don’t take the school rules seriously. It is written in Article 3 of the school rules. Students must enter and exit strictly according to the school regulations!”

The master of the dormitory wanted to change the school rules to suppress this student and let him understand his mistakes more deeply. However, the school has many regulations. If you have to memorize it all at once, you may not be able to memorize it. I started to get stuck in the middle of reading: “No, um. , No…”

A low, cold voice took over.

“It is forbidden to cross the wall and enter or leave the school recklessly. Those who enter or leave the school in violation of the above regulations will be punished according to the severity of the circumstances.

Xu Sheng sighed in his heart, and said to his heart where the best product is from.

The school rules are back-to-back.

“Uncle,” the school uniform seemed to not want to stand on the side. After he finished speaking, he looked down at the phone time and asked, “Can I go now.”

Su Guan’s attitude towards him was far from that of Xu Sheng. He was as warm as spring to one, and to the other… Xu Sheng was the other.

The uncle master smiled: “Okay, okay, go, go back and check the windows, if you have any problems, report it to me tomorrow.”

Xu Sheng felt that the uncle Su Guan was in a good mood now, and then asked, “Can I go, too?”

The smile on Uncle Su Guan’s face was fleeting: “You stay with me, this account has not been settled yet.”


It took Xu Sheng another five or six minutes before the uncle the supervisor let go, waved his hand, and said, “Okay, it’s not difficult for you. Let’s do it according to the rules. Go back and write a 500-word review… Have you ever written a review before? ”

The review itself is a trivial matter, but Linjiang Sixth Middle School has a perverted rule, the cumulative calculation of the number of words in the review, that is, the first 500 words, the second time you have to write 1,000.

And Xu Shenggao, because of the incident that he didn’t wear school uniforms, a lot of people, big and small

Six or seven small reviews have been written in total.

In other words, his review tonight needs to write three thousand words.

Xu Sheng forced himself not to think about the back of the school uniform just now, so as not to do anything to bully his classmates: “I have written…I am quite experienced.”

But Xu Sheng still couldn’t help it. He opened the door, put his hand on the doorknob, and stopped for two seconds, then released it again: “Uncle, that was just now.”

Uncle Supervisor: “?”

Xu Sheng said his words were as calm as possible: “Who is he, what is his name, his class, and the number of his bedroom.”

Xu Sheng didn’t wait for the uncle to answer, and forced himself to calm down again. He turned the doorknob open and said, “Forget it, don’t tell me, I’m afraid I can’t control it.”

The more confused the old master in charge, the more confused he listened: “??”

Xu Sheng wrote a review overnight, and the word floated so that no one knew him except him. At the beginning of the review, he wrote a “fuck” heartily.

After writing it, he scratched it with restraint.

For this review, Xu Sheng didn’t go to bed until two o’clock. When he woke up the next day, he had missed early self-study. When he grabbed the review book and walked out of the dormitory, it happened to be in the process of raising the flag.

The national anthem floated from the playground.

The five-star red flag rose to the top and fluttered in the wind.

Xu Sheng walked through several classes, only then saw Meng Guowei standing with his hand standing with his hand standing with his hand: “Teacher, I’m late.”

Meng Guowei was awakened by a phone call from the dean of education early in the morning: “Your class Xu Sheng was caught over the wall last night. He seriously violated school regulations. You must educate yourself and conduct a school-wide review!”

He had never thought that this student could commit a crime in such a short period of time.

“No later,” Meng Guowei is now unexpectedly calm, “It’s not too late,” Meng Guowei is now unexpectedly calm, “You came just in time, just in time for the review.”


Xu Sheng’s reaction to Meng Guowei was unexpected: “…Are you in a good mood today?”

Meng Guowei: “People often do not shed tears when they are extremely sad.”

On the flag-raising stage, a student representative picked up the microphone and began to announce the punishment notice: “Student Xu Sheng from the second seventh class of our school violated school discipline and school rules and went over the wall to enter and exit the school last night. The nature is bad. Please ask Xu Sheng to come to the table below. Review the teachers and students of the school.”

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole school exploded.

For them, the new semester has just begun. Even without the two-day test and paper commentary, today is the first day in the true sense.

On the first day of the new semester, there will be a fresh review of the school bully.

“This is too awesome,” someone whispered, “what kind of speed.”

In fact, Xu Sheng himself was quite surprised. He always knew what he did. If there was no unknown classmate behind a yin person, he would not have gone to the stage of review.

So the teachers and students of the school watched as a young man walked out of the thousands of people in the audience. Although it was morning, the whole turf was still hot with a layer of gold by the sun.

He was still wearing a T-shirt with loose hem and stepped up the steps.

Xu Sheng took the microphone from the classmate on the side. There was a short and harsh noise during the handover of the microphone. Then there was a blatant and casual voice that was unique to boys of this age. The voice was “hello” first. Then he said: “Dear teachers and classmates.”

Everyone thought that the review had already begun.

However, the voice changed: “My review time this time may be a bit long. Before I start the review, I want to give some advice to the school leaders.”

Xu Sheng’s paragraph is out of manuscript, and he didn’t even open the review book: “Can we set a limit on the cumulative number of words in the review? Otherwise, when the cumulative number of words will be 30,000, I’m fine. Other students still have to go to class.”

Meng Guowei understood that when he was extremely sad, not only would he not have tears, but he would suddenly stop breathing and heartbeat. When Xu Sheng got off the stage, he took a deep breath and said, “Xu Sheng—come to my office before you go to class. https:”>a>”

Meng Guowei was still working on “One Belt One” last night

Plan to prepare.

Classmate Shao Zhan in their class is excellent in character and learning, a good student in the eyes of teachers and classmates, and a child from another family in the eyes of parents. If Xu Sheng can communicate with such outstanding students more, I believe that after one semester, he will discover the true path of life and establish a correct learning outlook and values.

There are no students who can’t teach well, only teachers who don’t work hard.

So Xu Sheng stood in the teacher’s office for less than three minutes and found that the content of Meng Guowei’s conversation with him was different from what he expected.

Meng Guowei scolded and scolded, and the topic changed after scolding: “I just split into classes, are you not familiar with the classmates yet?”

Xu Sheng handed in the review. Meng Guowei glanced down, and the ghosts and symbols were drawn throughout, and he didn’t know how he finished the reading, the first “fuck” that was crossed out.

The characters are very marked.

Xu Sheng finished the review and said: “It’s not very…”

Not very familiar.

Before the word ‘familiar’ can be said, Meng Guowei said: “It doesn’t matter if you are not familiar, you should take the initiative to interact with students, actively participate, and get familiar with more contacts. In this way, I will introduce you to our classmate Shao Zhan.”

Shao Zhan.

The name Xu Sheng has an impression.

It was Zhang Feng who talked about it for a long time yesterday, but didn’t see him, the student who scored more than 20 or 20 points in the grade.

But this sounds wrong.

What kind of shao?

Meng Guowei took a sip of water and wanted to talk about the posture of three days and three nights: “My classmate Shao Zhan…”

Meng Guowei and Xu Sheng thought completely differently. He thought he had made it clear enough yesterday: You don’t care about me, I won’t provoke you, everyone is fine.

This is going to put other teachers aside, and I’m sure I won’t be too lazy to spend more energy on him.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t know exactly what medicine Meng Guowei sold in the gourd, he straightened up and interrupted: “I don’t want to know.”

He obviously said this one step too late.

There was a sound from behind:



You 4 or 4 have all been to the festival! Myself! alone!

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