Beyond The Outline

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 The twenty fourth

These cold, heartless, desperate red scores were spread side by side on the desk, and the bedroom fell into dead silence for a moment.

Shao Zhan silently put down the red pen, no one wants to break this silence first.

Shao Zhan: “…”

Xu Sheng: “…”

After a long while, Shao Zhan uttered three words with difficulty to try to comfort the candidates, but also to comfort himself: “I have improved.”

Faced with this tragic score, Xu Sheng couldn’t figure out where he had made progress: “You can also praise this score. Are you comforting me?”

Shao Zhan: “You can get a score of one hundred and fifty points, and you will get this point.”

Xu Sheng: “…”

Shao Zhan added: “These test papers have only one hundred rolls.”

Xu Sheng didn’t know if he should be happy about it now.

In all fairness, Xu Sheng’s score has indeed improved a lot compared with his previous scores. If it were replaced with a one-hundred-and-five-point paper, the average score would add up by leaps and bounds. Meng Guowei could shed tears of moving, and offered Xu Sheng’s paper for use in the office: “Bodhisattva Manifestation, Xu Sheng This kind of result can also be obtained in the exam. Is this classmate Xu Sheng from our seventh class? He is finally willing to learn!”

After Shao Zhan finished speaking, he began to look carefully at his wrong questions to find out where the person’s points were lost.

The score is only one aspect, Xu Sheng has a poor foundation, and just looking at the score can’t fully understand his mastery of the knowledge points. To give a simple example, suppose that a certain problem requires three steps to solve the problem to get the final solution. Xu Sheng used to be unable to solve one step.

But after combining with the draft paper Xu Sheng used to calculate, Shao Zhan found that Xu Sheng can take at least one step now.

When there are more, I can walk two.

Although Xu Sheng doesn’t like learning, after all these days, Shao Zhan can’t breathe in the sea of ​​questions. No one wants to suffer this crime in vain: “Am I really getting stronger?”

“Right,” Shao Zhan said, “although the process is not important for filling in the blanks.”

Xu Sheng: “That’s a fart.”

Shao Zhan: “But your problem-solving consciousness is keeping up.”

Shao Zhan’s remarks did not comfort Xu Sheng. Xu Sheng only felt that the sense of suffocation was stronger: “The consciousness of solving problems is not important. What is important is what should be done now?”

How to do.

This is a serious problem that the two of them have to face.

After the exchange of identities, they encountered many obstacles, but no matter which time it was, the “monthly exam” did not come more turbulent, and the charming peach eyes were younger brothers in front of the monthly exam.

Shao Zhan originally thought that the exam was easy for him, but after observing a few of Xu Sheng’s answer sheets, he found that he really couldn’t imitate Xu Sheng’s answering ideas.

Xu Sheng is not the kind of simple hand in blank paper to get a low score. The questions he can write will include his own thinking process. Of course, the questions he can write are all wrong. The questions that cannot be written are probably because the long test time is too boring. Will pull something casually.

He also couldn’t make up the number of words on the Chinese composition page to write a few **** and unreasonable poems.

At the moment of the disaster, Xu Sheng had an idea. He was half leaning on the desk before sitting upright in the next second and asked, “Is there any way to miss the exam?”

Missing the exam may be the only way they can go, it’s nothing if you don’t take the exam

Is everything all right?

Can be delayed for a while is for a while.

The more Xu Sheng thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.

Shao Zhan remembered the school’s regulations very clearly. He said coldly: “Students must take the exam in strict accordance with the school’s rules. Those with special circumstances can be temporarily exempted from the exam, and the corresponding notice of re-examination will be issued after waiting. First, there is a major incident at home. By……”

“Big things happen,”

Xu Sheng said, “This lie is not round, pass it.”

Shao Zhanxin said what he was doing here now. He raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and said, “Second, serious illness…”

Shao Zhan just said two words, and Xu Sheng patted the table: “This is fine.”

Shao Zhan looked at him.

Xu Sheng: “It’s easy to pretend to be sick.”

“It’s not easy to have a headache and brain fever. Even if you can’t find it in the school’s medical office, it’s okay. It’s just too much pressure to study. It’s okay to talk about it anyway. As long as the root cause cannot be detected physically, it can be subtly transformed into a mental illness. problem.”

In order to give Shao Zhan a little confidence, Xu Sheng said: “I’ve done this kind of thing before, and it’s easier than if there’s something at home. Where do I go and ask two people to pretend to be a parent to come to school. I have to show my stuff in just a few words, neither is Lao Meng. Vegetarian.”

The two decided on the reason for the absence of the exam and decided to implement it tomorrow. Before Shao Zhan got up and left, Xu Sheng held him: “Well, do you still have the medicine you gave me last time? Maybe it was a bit cruel. Plus I got soaked in the bath—the wound was a little itchy.”

Xu Sheng pulled at the collar when he spoke. The T-shirt on his body was already wide, and half of his shoulder was exposed in this pull, and a corner of his tattoo was also revealed.

After giving him the medicine, the lights in the dormitory were almost turned off, and Shao Zhan returned to the dormitory with a few test papers.

Close the door and return to silence.

Without any other extra voices, Shao Zhan put the test paper on the table, with the word Xu Sheng facing upwards. The word Xu Sheng was not much different from before. The upper half of the word “Sheng” was hooked like a thorn. It’s like coming out.

At this time, the phone screen lights up, and the group with the label “Nanping” flashes in the notification bar.

Shao Zhan didn’t look at it, he just turned off the screen and then touched the bathroom to take a shower while the lights were still on.

The weather is dry and hot, and cold water drains down the water pipe——

In the past few days, Shao Zhan jumped the wall and gave Xu Sheng tutoring. In the end, he had to face the failure of general subjects. His mind was a little messy for a while. He closed his eyes, and after a while, what appeared before him was When he was applying medicine to Xu Sheng just now, he was facing the tattoo.

Although I closed my eyes, the totem still appeared in front of my eyes very clearly.

He saw it so clearly for the first time.

The picture in his mind was turned back and forth, and the totem gradually faded away. The last thing that appeared before his eyes was the alley near the Nanping Middle School. The scene was very familiar, the dilapidated wall tiles, and because of the dampness and no sunlight. It looks very dark. Standing against the wall in this gloomy alleyway, there was a person standing with his head down, tall and long legs. The lower body was wearing the school uniform of Nanping No. 6 Middle School, and the upper body was a simple T-shirt, which was blown by the wind in the alley. Almost flying.

Because the light was too dim, only the smoke pinched between his fingers was shining with sparks of fire.

The light was like breathing, bright and dark.

Shao Zhan seemed to hear someone shouting “Brother Zhan” outside the alley.

So the camera lens gradually moved forward, and Shao Zhan saw the man lifting

Head-the corner of the young man’s mouth with fresh wounds, his eyes are full of sharp hostility, cold and open, and the eyebrows are not fully opened and slightly green.

That is himself.



Shao Zhan turned off the shower switch, he opened his eyes, and the water continued to flow down the soaked hair.

He opened the bathroom door and went out, the flashing in the notification bar of the phone was no longer the group chat, but “S”


Xu Sheng changed his head. The original colorful head was replaced by a landscape photo. It was not the same as the general landscape photo. He didn’t shine the blue sky, but the light penetrated the clouds and projected on a wall. He made a gesture with the shadow of his hand, and folded his hands into a bird that was about to fly.

Those two hands belonged to Xu Sheng’s own.

Shao Zhan didn’t know why he could recognize it only by looking at it.

S: You will leave later tomorrow.

S: I have something for you.

Shao Zhan replied: What to give

S: Masks, pretending to be sick has to be prepared. You can’t get too ill at once. It’s not true. We will put on masks to pretend to have a cold tomorrow.

Shao Zhan:…

The next day, Xu Shengguo deliberately turned over two disposable masks, took the masks and knocked on the door of Shao Zhan’s bedroom, handed them to him before leaving, and told him to pay attention: “Today, let’s cough first. Cough mainly.”

In Shao Zhan’s entire high school career, such magical things have never happened.

He took the mask.

Xu Sheng is now Shao Zhan. He has to go to the classroom early. He puts on the mask in advance. Then he raised his hand and hooked the edge of the mask with a finger, then pulled the black mask down a bit and said: “If the teacher asks you what’s wrong, just Say it’s okay.”

Shao Zhan hooked up his mask: “You are quite skilled in this business.”

Xu Sheng released his finger and pulled the mask up again: “It’s okay.”

Xu Sheng said that he has experience in this matter. He is really experienced. Junior high school deceived many teachers by skipping classes for the sake of justification. The acting is so realistic that the teacher personally persuaded him: “Xu Sheng, your grades are also hanging in high school. Can you go to the Drama Academy? I hope it’s bigger.”

Xu Sheng had breakfast and walked into the teaching building wearing a mask. Before entering the class, he received a lot of attention.

Hou Jun was making up his homework. When he raised his head, Xu Shengzhen, who was half of his face covered with a mask, forgot where he had made up: “I’m going, Brother Zhan, what’s wrong with you? ☺https:”>Xuanhuan Literature a>_☺”

Xu Sheng covered half of his face, but his eyebrows were more prominent. He pretended to cough and said, “It’s okay, maybe I have a cold.”

Hou Junxin said that the temperature has been quite stable recently, is this weather cold?

But he didn’t think too much. As the class leader, he regarded caring for his classmates as the first rule: “Here, you have to pay attention to your own body. Your body is the capital of learning. If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. You go to the school infirmary.”

Xu Sheng waved his hand again and again, coughing and said, “…It’s okay.”

Hou Jun watched the sickly body of “Xueshen” cross the first row of classmates and walked back until his brother Zhan was seated. Then he looked back anxiously and continued to lower his head to make up for his homework.

When he finished one and took out the other one and planned to make another one, he raised his eyes unexpectedly-when he saw the school bully also entering the class wearing a mask, Hou Jun was a little uneasy.

This, what, situation.

The school bully was cold.

Don’t wear school uniforms yet.

Wearing a black mask on his face, it feels unfathomable to look at.

Xu Sheng turned over a page of the vocabulary manual, and raised his eyes to see this scene. He actually wanted to say that Shao Zhan’s own aura is really very cold, so cold that it is almost arrogant.

And it is purely the kind of arrogance that I am totally unconscious.

He said that asking you to pretend to be sick is not to ask you to pretend to be forceful.

“Xu…” Hou Jun felt that calling Xu Sheng sounded too raw, so he changed his words, “Brother Sheng, you?”

Shao Zhan: “It’s okay.”

How come one or two say it’s okay!

This doesn’t look like it’s all right.

Hou Jun suspiciously said: “Brother Gang Zhan said that he has a cold, so you can’t…”

This cold reminded Shao Zhan. He tilted his head slightly, put his hand to his lips through the mask cloth, and coughed coldly.

Hou Jun: “…”

Is this weather catching a cold, or two people catching a cold together?

Hou Jun couldn’t help but a question came out in his mind: School bully and Xueshen, these two, what did they do to catch a cold together in this weather? !

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