Beyond The Outline

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Twenty-fifth

Hou Jun couldn’t understand it. If he continued thinking about it, he was afraid that he would think of something he shouldn’t, so he lowered his head and continued to make up his homework.

Tan Kai just entered the class and saw a pair of unique masks at the same table: “Brother Monkey, what’s the matter with them?”

Hou Jun shook his head and said sternly: “Don’t ask me, I don’t know anything.”

Tan Kai: “…just ask you, what are you doing with such a big reaction.”

The morning class is still mainly semi-review.

The mathematics teacher combined the knowledge points to be reviewed with the content of the new class. The mathematics teacher’s surname is Zhou, and Lao Meng is said to be classmates, but the two do not look like their peers at all.

Teacher Zhou is well maintained and dressed very fashionable. He even wears a dark gray waistcoat on the outside of the thin shirt: “The test center of the first half of this question, you can see if there is anything, it is the content of your first year of high school. This question is changed. You can’t understand it if you change?”

“Your thinking is too straightforward,” Teacher Zhou said, “I don’t know how to work around.”

Xu Sheng found that although he didn’t know how to solve this question, he looked familiar.

The weather was already hot, and wearing the mask for a long time made it even more boring. Xu Sheng hooked the edge of the mask to breathe, and poked Shao Zhan with a pen: “Did you talk about this question last night.”

Shao Zhan took the phone and tapped his finger on the screen twice, and then the voice came out through the mask: “After three times, you still don’t understand the way.”

Shao Zhan added another sentence: “I didn’t expect you to have an impression.”

“…” Xu Sheng said, “I have no impression that this is a bit unreasonable. I am not that bad. Besides, learning this kind of thing can’t be done overnight.”

When Xu Sheng said this, he went to Shao Zhan’s side and asked, “What are you playing?”

The screen of Shao Zhan’s mobile phone is not any game that Xu Sheng usually plays.

“Listen to the class,” Shao Zhan did not raise his head, put his hand on Xu Sheng’s forehead, broke him back, and said, “Sudoku.”

Xu Sheng originally thought he would be able to watch him play a game of some kind, so as to resolve the boring and depressed mood in class, and he had no idea whatsoever when he heard the word “Sudoku”.

He really couldn’t understand why someone would not cherish the opportunity to play games in class and play Sudoku.

Teacher Zhou was halfway through the topic. It is really hard to ignore the two classmates in the back row of the classroom wearing masks, especially one of them is still playing with a mobile phone. He raised his voice and asked: “Shao Zhan, Xu Sheng, what’s the matter with you two, do you wear this mask to absorb heat?”

Sitting in the front row, Hou Jun rushed to answer for them: “Teacher, the two of them are not feeling well.”

“I don’t feel well and I have to play with the mobile phone–” Teacher Zhou nodded and commented, “I am physically disabled and have a strong mind.”

Shao Zhan: “…”

Teacher Zhou also said: “If you can show even one-tenth of your perseverance in your studies, you won’t get this result in the exam.” As Teacher Zhou said, he couldn’t help but wonder, “Is it really uncomfortable?”

Shao Zhan pretended to be ill and was actually very insincere, just like he felt when he first entered the classroom, he could not realize that he was pretending to be ill, and he was properly pretending to be forced.

Xu Sheng touched him with his elbow.

“What are you doing?” Shao Zhan said.

“Cough.” Xu Sheng reminded in a low voice.

Shao Zhan reacted, he withdrew from Sudoku, and started another game at random.

Dressed in a costume, and then in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of class seven, under the puzzled gaze of Teacher Zhou, he took a breath: “…cough.”

Shao Zhan’s “cough” came out, and Xu Sheng followed closely. His professional ability was stronger than Shao Zhan, not only nibbling, but also leading the action.

Xu Sheng arched his upper body slightly, lowered his head, his shoulders trembling slightly with the rhythm of coughing: “Cough, cough.”

Shao Zhan: “Are you a bit too much.”

Xu Sheng: “You don’t know what a performance without a trace is. I have just the right intensity.”

Due to Xu Sheng’s “moderate” strength, Teacher Zhou was deeply worried about the health of the two classmates.

After class, he returned to the teacher’s office, put the lesson plans on the table, sighed, and said to Meng Guowei: “Lao Meng, your classmates Shao Zhan and Xu Sheng seem to be unwell…”

◂Would you like to read “This Question is Super Outline” written by Papaya Huang? Then remember the domain name of fantasy literature◂

Not long after Meng Guowei returned to the office, he sat down before he had time to drink a sip of water. He went to Director Gu to get a notice, saying that it was a new case in Eastern Province. He hadn’t looked at it carefully: “I just came back. After a while, all the class teachers will come to me to receive a notice, the school is new, let the students pay attention to precautions, and I am tired enough—”

Speaking of this, Meng Guowei suddenly opened the lid of the teacup, raised his head and took a drink, then turned his head and asked, “Lao Zhou, what did you just say?”

Zhou Yuan frowned and said, “I was just in your class. Shao Zhan and Xu Sheng in your class were wearing masks. They looked like they had a cold. They seemed to be quite sick. Especially the classmate Shao Zhan, his waist was straight. Can’t get up.”

Meng Guowei: “Huh?”

“I will arrange for them to go to the infirmary in the next class.” Zhou Yuan has his own unique opinion on the phenomenon of two people wearing masks at the same time. “Don’t be an infectious disease.”

Zhou Yuan’s sentence about infectious diseases is not casual, there are indeed many precedents. The school has a dense flow of people. If the sanitation is not in place, the whole class will have to catch a cold.

After Zhou Yuan finished speaking, he found that Meng Guowei’s hand holding the teacup began to tremble slightly: “Lao Meng, what’s the matter with you?”

Zhou Yuan shifted his gaze to the right and saw the second-year group notice that had just returned from Director Gu’s office on Meng Guowei’s desk.

Black text on a white background, the first line of Song font enlarged and bolded:

—Notice on strengthening environmental sanitation and virus prevention in our school.

Hello, teachers and students:

Recently, two cases occurred in my country’s Eastern Province, and the N411 new influenza virus has been diagnosed, which can spread rapidly through the air.

The initial symptoms are similar to the common cold, mainly manifested as fatigue, weakness of the limbs, headache and brain fever, accompanied by cough symptoms. Since the incubation period is long and detection is impossible, students are expected to pay more attention.

In the future, there will be all suggestions on how to improve environmental hygiene, such as opening more windows and more ventilation.

This kind of notice can be sent out almost every other month. The probability of a real outbreak on campus is less than one in ten million, and it is often not possible to encounter it after several sessions.

Meng Guowei didn’t take this matter seriously at all at first, thinking about letting the class representative send it out in the class, and the notification would do.

However, Zhou Yuan’s words forced him to face this precautionary notice formally.

After watching Zhou Yuan, he could fully appreciate the nervousness of Meng Guowei now. He quickly eased his mind and comforted him: “Lao Meng, don’t be nervous, now this situation is temporarily

At this time, we can’t jump to a conclusion. Maybe things are not what we think. The possibility of a common cold is still relatively high. ”

Meng Guowei raised his hand and leaned on the desk: “You are right, I hope so.”

Zhou Yuan continued to comfort: “Eastern Province is more than 2,000 kilometers away from us, and the source of infection will not spread so fast.”

The next section will be Meng Guowei’s class.

When the class bell rang, he took a deep breath and walked to Class 7 with the lesson plan. As soon as he put down the textbook, he saw two classmates wearing masks in class. Meng Guowei moved his eyes away and forced to be calm: “We turned to page 68 of the textbook. Yesterday we talked about…”


This sound came from his most proud student, classmate “Shao Zhan”.

Meng Guowei took a deep breath: “Speaking of this sentence, the old county of Yuzhang, Hongdu New Mansion…”


This sound came from his most troubled student, “Xu Sheng” classmate.

Xu Sheng had already discussed with Shao Zhan before class, and the task would be completed with three coughs. Choose the time for yourself and try to stagger it.

So Meng Guowei was extremely anxious in this class, he stopped halfway and said: “Xu Sheng.”

Shao Zhan raised his eyes.

“You open the window wider,” Meng Guowei stopped and pointed to the window, “the class is dusty and ventilated.”

Shao Zhan threw the phone back into the table, got up and opened the window.

Only then did Meng Guowei feel his breathing easier.

These days, Xu Sheng has developed the habit of taking notes in class. After all, he can’t do anything, and sitting down is boring. It’s not as interesting as copying notes.

He has always used Shao Zhan’s textbooks. If any of his classmates come to borrow books to read, they will find that the handwriting on Xue Shen’s class notes is suddenly scribbled to the point where people can’t understand it.

When Xu Sheng was halfway through writing, he noticed Shao Zhan’s gaze: “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing.” Shao Zhan wanted to say where you practiced this copybook, and finally opened his eyes and closed his eyes, letting him scribble on his textbook.

Tutoring is impossible to be useful.

It is impossible to practice calligraphy.

Meng Guowei was frightened in this class. He originally planned to post the notice from Director Gu, but he was careful and worried that sending it now would bring psychological pressure to the two masked men and cause unnecessary panic.

So after he returned to the office, he pondered for a long time, and stopped a classmate who came to the office and called the wrong book to go back to class: “You go to Class 7, and call Shao Zhan and Xu Sheng over.”

When Xu Sheng went there, he couldn’t guess what Lao Meng asked them to do.

But when Shao Zhan got up, he said, “You are coughing too hard.”

Cough like this, can you not be called over to ask a few words.

Xu Sheng followed Shao Zhan. The two wore masks walking in the aisle of the second grade group one after another, attracting a lot of attention. Some classmates even walked away and looked back.

Zhan has added new materials to the topic building.

In the office.

As soon as Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan sat down, Meng Guowei handed over two cups of hot water: “I heard that you two have some physical problems?”

Xu Sheng took the hot water, pondered and said, “It’s okay, it’s not very comfortable.”

Not to mention any discomfort, the trick to pretending to be sick is to be vague.

Meng Guowei: “Recently…Is it…it’s easy to get tired?”

Xu Sheng’s hand circled behind Shao Zhan and pinched slightly beside him.

Shao Zhan said: “It’s a bit.”

Meng Guowei: “Weak limbs?”

In order to pretend to be sick, Xu Sheng could recognize everything: “Yes.”

Every time Meng Guowei said a word, he paused for a second. He grabbed his heart and asked again: “Perhaps, occasionally I feel headache and brain fever?”

Xu Sheng calculated in his heart that headaches and brain fever are not a big problem.

Can recognize.

Finally he said: “Yes.”

What the two didn’t know was that Meng Guowei’s world seemed to have been disintegrated by lightning strikes. This excellent teacher who has been coaching for many years and can calmly deal with emergencies is thundering in his head.

Meng Guowei thought: It’s over.

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