Beyond The Outline

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Twenty-sixth

Meng Guowei’s expression was really not right, with deep worries in his eyes and a sentence of “How could this happen?” He opened his mouth. Because of the nervousness, the first two words could hardly make a sound: “Yes, don’t be nervous. …”

Xu Sheng wondered why Meng Guowei reacted like this. What’s wrong with a slight physical discomfort, a little headache and brain fever?

As for this.

Those who didn’t know thought that he and Shao Zhan had some terminal illness.

Xu Sheng: “We are not nervous.”

I don’t know where to start with Meng Guowei’s words. He wanted to take a sip of water to crush himself, so Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan watched Meng Guowei shaking hands and picking up the water glass. The water in the glass swayed from side to side, ripples in circles. .

Who is nervous?

“What’s the matter with Lao Meng,” Xu Sheng asked, turning his head, “Parkinson?”

Shao Zhan spit out five words: “How do I know.”

Between classes, the office is crowded with people, and I look at all gray-blue school uniforms.

Shao Zhan was wearing a mask and the T-shirt on him. Sitting there was nowhere in the office. He stood up and said, “Teacher, if there is nothing else, my classmate Shao Zhan and I will…” .

Before he finished speaking, Meng Guowei put down his water glass and shouted: “Hold on!”

After that, Meng Guowei leaned over to reach the landline on the desk, pressed a string of numbers, and was picked up after a few beeps. On the opposite side was a gentle and gentle female voice: “Hello? This is the school infirmary.”

“Doctor Li,” Meng Guowei swallowed and said in a panic, “This is the second-year group office. Please send someone to the infirmary. I have two classmates here who need to be isolated immediately. Please as soon as possible!”

Xu Sheng’s feelings when he heard the first half of Meng Guowei’s sentence were only accidental, and he was stunned as soon as the word isolation came out.

He and Shao Zhan looked at each other, and at the same time saw a huge question mark in each other’s eyes:?

isolation? !

“Is there a misunderstanding here,” Xu Sheng was so anxious that he took off his masks. “What kind of isolation?”

“Shao Zhan, you put on the mask first!” Meng Guowei was shocked. He thought of calming the students’ emotions before the school doctor came, and at the same time evacuated the office crowd with Teacher Zhou: “Students hurry out, evacuate, and return to yourself Class, calm down and listen to me. Go back and tell the other students in the class that no one is allowed to step into the office without a broadcast instruction! Get out! Hurry up! Get running!”

The office fell into chaos for a while.

The students who were orthogonal to their homework, reporting the progress of their homework to the teacher, and standing and being trained were scattered. They were rushed out under the strong urging of the two teachers, and they couldn’t take care of everything.

Xu Sheng was standing close to the door, and the crowd swarmed towards the door. A boy who ran in front was still holding a pen ruler in his hand, and he was about to hit him. A hand stretched out and pulled him.

Xu Sheng was dragged to the side by the force that came out of thin air, just staggering away from the person who hit him.

Within a few seconds, the doorway was blocked by the crowd.

Xu Sheng lowered his eyes, just in time to see Shao Zhan loosen his hand holding his clothes a little bit.

The man didn’t even look at him, he still looked like “Don’t come close to me”, but his hand movements were similar to what he showed.

It’s totally different.

Shao Zhan: “Don’t get in the way.”

Although the current situation has not yet been figured out, and Shao Zhan said this abusively, Xu Sheng still said, “Thank you.”

Meng Guowei quickly evacuated the crowd, and even the other teachers ran out, covering their noses and mouths. Two minutes later, only three of them were left in the office. The people sent from the school infirmary also arrived very quickly, rushing across the two teaching buildings and rushing to the office of the second grade group.

The school doctor, wearing a white lab coat and a medical mask, rushed in from the door: “Where are the students who need to be quarantined?”

⋓Would you like to read “This Topic is Super Outline” written by Papaya Huang? Then remember the domain name of fantasy literature⋓

Meng Guowei raised his hand: “This, this, this!”

The Sixth Middle School’s medical equipment is notoriously good. The school’s medical room has a separate half-story building, which is specifically arranged as an infirmary, a rest room, and an isolation room that has basically not been opened.

One more door is set at the entrance of the isolation room, the windows are also sealed, and there is infrastructure and special disinfection equipment inside.


After Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan were pushed in, the school doctor directly closed the door.

It was also at this time that their campus broadcast sounded: “An emergency notice was interrupted. Recently, two new influenza virus cases occurred in the Eastern Province of my country, which are the N411 virus—”

“There are two students in our school who are suspected of being infected…Don’t panic. Under the leadership of the teacher, every class will carry out disinfection activities in an organized and disciplined manner as soon as possible.”


What the **** is this coincidence?

The odds of smashing the billboard down on the street are nothing more than that!

The two stood side by side, facing the cold bars, completely messed up.

“Teacher,” Shao Zhan also took off his mask. He said to Meng Guowei who was standing outside the isolation window, “I think I’m better.”

Xu Sheng grabbed the iron railing on the isolation window and said, “I also think I’m all right.”

How could Meng Guowei believe their words, he said with affection: “Don’t worry, as long as we maintain a stable mind and actively cooperate with treatment, the new virus is not terrible.”

Even if Xu Sheng wanted to break his head, he couldn’t think that the situation would go in this direction. He said: “I really think I’m all right.”

Meng Guowei: “I know it is difficult for you to accept it for a while.”

Shao Zhan forced to calm down and suggested: “We can go and check.”

“Stupid boy,” Meng Guowei sighed, and couldn’t bear this kind of thing happening to his students. “The incubation period cannot be found out.”

Shao Zhan and Xu Sheng: “…”

After Meng Guowei left, only Xu Sheng and Shao Zhan were left in the isolation room. There was a smell of disinfectant in the room, and Xu Sheng pulled the mask on again. He leaned against the wall and asked, “What should I do now?”

Shao Zhan found that every minute and every second together with Xu Sheng, unexpected things can always happen.

Xu Sheng, who has not good grades, has great ideas.

“Wait,” Shao Zhan said, “I’ll talk about it later.”


There is no other way but to wait.

There is only one bed in the isolation room, which is similar to the bed in the dormitory. Xu Sheng has never wronged himself. Shao Zhan stood by the window and observed the situation outside. He turned around and saw that Xu Sheng had found a proper position and lay down: “You What are you doing.”

“Take a nap,” Xu Sheng was able to enlighten himself, “from another angle, this

It’s also a good opportunity to skip classes. ”

As Xu Sheng said, he moved a little to the side to make room for Shao Zhan: “You also sleep for a while? Anyway, you are idle. Who knows how long you need to observe, you can’t stand until school is over.”

Looking at the bed, Shao Zhan turned away and refused: “You can sleep by yourself.”

He now feels that going to the final examination room for the exam, or letting Xu Sheng go to the first examination room under his name, is not so unacceptable.

But there is one thing Xu Sheng was right. There is still more than a day before school, so he can’t stand until school is over. Except for the bed, there is only a round stool without a back in the isolation room.

The hot summer wind was isolated by the iron windows, but the blazing sun resolutely passed through the barriers, the cicadas cried away, and the clean green grass smell in the afternoon was like the smell of a teenager’s school uniforms just after drying.

❥The latest chapter of Papaya Huang’s work “This Topic is Super Outline” is updated from https:”>a>, domain name ❥

When Zhang Feng got the news, he rushed to the isolation room after class, and bumped into Hou Jun and Tan Kai on the road. The three rushed to the entrance of the infirmary and saw this scene through the window:

Half of their brother Zhan’s face was buried in the arms of the school bully. Perhaps the school bully noticed his gaze, opened his eyelids, then half propped up, raised his hand and pushed Shao Zhan to the side a little. It may not be appropriate to say that pushing is because “Xu Sheng”‘s movements are not as cold and ruthless as his face looks.

He didn’t withdraw his hand until Xueshen’s head leaned back on the pillow smoothly.

Zhang Feng: “Wow.”

Tan Kai: “What’s the situation?”

Only Hou Jun, whose heart is like a mirror, said in his heart that everyone in the post bar may be standing upside down…

But does the school boss usually look so cold?

Hou Jun recalled, only recalling Xu Sheng’s inattentive and occasional gagging look when he just started school. It seems, it’s not cold?

Hou Jun’s thought was just a flash, and he didn’t delve into it, because “Xu Sheng” had already walked to the window: “What’s the matter?”

Zhang Feng remembered the purpose of coming this time, he leaped close, his face almost stuck to the window: “Boss, I want to come and tell you that you must hold on, not give up the hope of life, and what is better than living. Are important.”

Shao Zhan: “…”

Zhang Feng: “Really, it must not be as bad as we thought. The patient from Eastern Province was also discharged smoothly.”

“We have nothing to do,” Shao Zhan waited for a long time and was waiting for someone to come, he interrupted, “You call the school doctor.”

Zhang Feng: “Huh?”

Although the virus has a long incubation period and cannot be detected, severe coughing is indeed a key indicator. The two were pretending to be coughing, but not coughing now is just returning to normal for both of them.

The school doctor has rich experience, and after observing for half a day, they found that the two did not continue to cough symptoms, and reduced the probability of illness from 80% to 20% in my heart.

Nevertheless, the school doctor still has to verify clearly: “Then you had a cough in class before?”

Shao Zhan quickly found the reason, and said without changing his face, “The classroom is too dusty.”

“Dust” Xu Sheng also thought about it. He could only change his thoughts: “Excessive use of his voice.”


“I like to read an hour of text in the morning in the last few days,” Xu Sheng said. “We love to study like this. With a good memory in the morning, I especially want to read the text.”

School doctor: “…”

Shao Zhan: “…”

The trouble was just an oolong. The school doctor continued to observe for two hours and found that the two people did not have a problem at all. Not to mention coughing, but now they can go to the playground to run ten laps.

So far, the vigorous monthly exam has quietly arrived.

“The monthly test starts today, and the test lasts for two consecutive days. Everyone is refreshed. There is still half an hour of self-study early, and we will try to integrate and review the knowledge points at the end,” Meng Guowei said passionately on the stage. As expected, but the teacher believes that this exam will definitely see your outstanding progress in your studies this month!”

When he said this, he did not notice that the expressions and body movements of the two students in the audience were very stiff.

“You will go to the first examination room later,” Shao Zhan said, “the first one on the left hand side of the door.”

Short-term tuition is useless, pretending to be sick, and having to go to the exam room to die for the monthly exam. Xu Sheng sighed and said, “I’m the last one. You turn all your information upside down and it’s mine.”

After speaking, the two fell into despair at the same time.

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