Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 405 Confrontation

There will be no suspense about the outcome of this hearing. Everyone knows this, but since such a big battle has been set up, Fudge, the minister who was pushed to the stage, still has to do what needs to be done.

"You were officially warned by the Ministry of Magic for illegal use of magic three years ago, right?" Fudge looked at Harry condescendingly. He felt that Harry was a bit similar to him, both were in the hands of others and had no choice.

"Yes, but-"

"Knowing that you were in a place densely populated by Muggles?"

Yes, but-"

"Were you fully aware that there was a Muggle nearby?"

"Yes," Harry said angrily, "but I only use magic because we -"

"Kid." Fudge once again interrupted Harry as he tried to defend himself.

"I remember that Hogwarts once held a hearing because of Hagrid's teaching accident. You should be able to understand the trial process, right?" Fudge lowered his head and looked at Harry, "You were not allowed to defend yourself. , you better watch your mouth."

At this time, the very serious-looking witch next to Fudge asked Harry: "Did you really release a Patronus? A complete Patronus?"

"Yes." Harry answered honestly.

"A physical patron saint?" The witch obviously didn't believe it.

"Yes." Harry felt irritated and a little desperate, "It's a..."

Harry suddenly thought that Solim had told them before that it was best not to publicize the form of his patron saint, and he quickly shut up.

"What?" The witch leaned forward slightly.

"Nothing." Harry hesitated, "Someone told me before that it's best not to talk about the form of the Patronus...

"This is the Wizengamot." Suddenly, a voice sounded that made Harry feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart. He was sure he had never heard this voice before.

Umbridge's face emerged from the shadows, looking at Harry with a smirk.

"The wizards present are all veterans of the Wizengamot." She said again, "We need to know everything related to this case."

"Okay..." Harry felt he had no choice, "It's a stag..."

"Have you ever conjured a Patronus before?" said the witch with a serious face: "By the way, my niece is also studying at Hogwarts. Her name is Susan. Susan Bones.

Harry immediately thought of the little girl from Hufflepuff. Although Harry had no contact with her, students in the same grade knew each other more or less.

"No, that was the first time I transformed into a complete Patronus." Harry collected his thoughts and answered honestly.

"First time?" Ms. Bones was a little confused. "I think the Patronus Charm is not part of the teachings at Hogwarts. Where did you get the information about this spell? Who taught you it?"

Seeing Harry's hesitation, Umbridge said in her cloying voice: "Answer the question! Mr. Potter!"

"It's Solim." Harry said to himself that if he could return to Hogwarts, he would definitely apologize to Solim, but he actually involved him in the hearing.

"Solim? You mean————"

"Solim. Selwyn," Harry said, "I don't remember his full name. His full name is a bit long."

"Solim. Org. Bashir. Selwyn." Dumbledore's voice rang: "That is his full name, if Madam Under-Minister must know it."

Suddenly, there were many playful eyes in the room focused on Ms. Umbridge. They all know that when Umbridge first joined the Ministry of Magic, she made a big claim that she had the blood of the Selwyn family, but later she stopped doing so. Anyone with a brain can understand that this woman is lying.

"You mean, your classmate taught you this curse?" Ms. Bones was not affected at all and still asked Harry in a businesslike tone.

"Uh..." Harry didn't know what to say for a moment, "Solim did teach me this spell, but I could only release some silver mist when I was in school, and never released a complete Patronus. ..."

"Okay, we can skip this problem." Fudge shook his head helplessly.

"Well, Minister, I'm just surprised that a minor wizard can cast the Patronus Charm." Ms. Bones said, "This is amazing."

"I guess it's not a question of how amazing the magic is." Umbridge knew that Fudge had an ambiguous attitude in some aspects, and she decided to take the field herself...

"Actually, I think the more amazing it is, the worse it is, because the kid did it in front of a Muggle! And he has a criminal record!"

Many wizards present nodded in agreement.

"I did it all because of the dementors!" Harry was a little angry, "Just in the alley! Two of them!"

Harry thought people would be whispering to each other again, but he didn't expect that everything was completely silent. It seemed even quieter than before.

"Dementors?" Ms. Bones said after a while, her thick eyebrows raised high and her monocle seemed to be about to slip off. "What do you mean, child?"

Only a very small number of wizards present knew the truth of this matter, while many more wizards knew nothing about it.

"Ah," Umbridge spoke again, making an obnoxious scoff while looking at the Wizengamot members in front and behind, as if hoping that they would also understand the joke.

"Yeah, yeah, I knew we were going to hear nonsense like that.

"The Dementors are in Little Whinging?" said Ms. Bones, with a hint of surprise in her voice. "I don't understand—"

The eyes behind her glasses glanced at Dumbledore below.

"Don't you understand, Amelia?" Umbridge said mockingly, "Let me explain. He took great pains to discover that Dementors could be a wonderful excuse, indeed. Muggles cannot see Dementors. Ghost, isn't it, child? Very clever, very clever, so there are no witnesses. "Only your 2.4 side of the story?"

"I'm not lying!" Harry said loudly, his voice drowning out the whispers that were heard again in the courtroom. "Two of them, one caught me, and the other caught my cousin!"

"Enough, enough!" Umbridge said, with a very arrogant look on his face, "I'm sorry I interrupted him, I'm sure this was a well-rehearsed lie.

"Mr. Secretary, I think we can have a vote now." Umbridge pressed Fudge, "We can't waste our time on a lie."

Dumbledore cleared his throat. The Wizengamot was quiet again.

"Actually, we have a witness who can prove that Dementors were indeed present in that alley," he said, "except for Dudley Dursley, I mean."

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