Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 406 Witnesses

"You mean - you have witnesses?" Fudge looked at Dumbledore, "But... you should understand that in cases involving the wizarding world, Muggle testimony has no validity. ………”

"Of course, Mr. Minister. I understand our laws very well. After all, I am a member of the Wizengamot and the chief wizard. Believe me, I can guarantee you

This witness's testimony is consistent with our laws. Dumbledore sat in his chair and said very gently, "I am not old enough to forget these important things, until the witness I am talking about is not a Muggle." "

"This is impossible!" Umbridge's voice was a little sharp: "There are no other wizards in Little Whinging except Mr. Potter who have settled there! These Ministry of Magic records are there, and that place is under the Ministry of Magic's focus for some reasons. Monitored.

"Ah, I think you are right, Deputy Minister Umbridge." Dumbledore said: "But I never said that the witness was a wizard..."

"Ha!" Umbridge's sharp voice made many people tremble, including Harry.

"You just said that the witness was not a Muggle, but now you say...

"She is a Squib." Dumbledore's words silenced the entire scene instantly, "If I remember correctly - the Squib group will not be registered with the Ministry of Magic. Although they do not have the ability to cast spells, they do You can see some things that Muggles can't see, such as dementors.

Harry saw Umbridge as if someone had hit her from behind. She looked a little sluggish now.

After a while, Umbridge said angrily: "We will verify this news."

"Of course, of course." Dumbledore looked at Fudge with a smile, "Then Mr. Minister, can we invite her in?"

Of course Fudge had no objection, and he was happy to see Umbridge make a fool of herself. Anyway, now that Umbridge was no longer of the same mind as him, he certainly wouldn't care about this feeling.

"Of course." Fudge nodded, "Weasley, go and bring the witness in.

Percy immediately stood up and ran down the stone steps from the judge's bench, hurried past Dumbledore and Harry without even looking at them. A moment later, Percy returned, followed by Mrs. Figg. She seemed frightened and even more strange than usual. Harry wished she'd thought of changing out of her thick slippers.

Dumbledore stood up, gave the chair to Mrs. Figg, and conjured another one for himself.

"Full name?" Fudge asked loudly, just as Mrs. Figg sat down timidly on the edge of her chair.

"Arabella. Dorian. Figg," said Mrs. Figg in a slightly trembling voice.

"Are you a Squib?" Fudge's expression was a little subtle. Although he and Dumbledore were now in the same camp, he still felt that this old lady known as a "Squib" was specially found by Dumbledore. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? Where the dementors appeared there happened to be a squib passing by?

Obviously, Umbridge thinks so too. But this woman thought a little deeper, and she felt that this woman might be Dumbledore's spy who had arranged to monitor Harry Potter in Little Whinging.

"Yes, I'm a squib." Mrs. Figg was obviously not used to the environment here, and she hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Minister," Umbridge next to Fudge spoke up, "The identity of this woman who calls herself 'Squib' has yet to be verified."

"Of course, Dolores... I understand, but that was after the hearing. After all, we can't wait for the people below to verify the information. If we later find out after investigation that there is a problem with her identity, then she 's testimony will immediately be deemed to be in evidence."

After Fudge finished saying this, he continued to look at Mrs. Figg.

"You can recount the situation now."

"On the evening of August 2nd, about nine o'clock, I went out to buy cat food at the corner store at the intersection of Wisteria Road," Mrs. Figg said immediately and hurriedly, as if she had memorized everything she wanted to say. , "Then I heard a commotion coming from the alley between Magnolia Crescent and Wisteria Road. I walked to the entrance of the alley and saw the dementors running

"Run?" Ms. Bones said sternly: "Dementors can't run, they can only slide."

"That's what I mean," Mrs. Figg said quickly, with a blush on her dry face. "They slithered down the alley and pounced on the two boys."

"What do they look like?" said Ms. Bones, squinting her eyes so tightly that the edges of her monocle dug into her flesh.

"Oh, one is big, the other is skinny -"

"No, no," said Ms. Bones impatiently, "I mean the Dementors, describe them."

"Oh," said Mrs. Figg, the blush now spreading to her neck, "they're big. Big, with cloaks on them."

Harry felt as if his heart was suddenly filled with lead, sinking horribly. Whatever Mrs. Figg said, it sounded to him like the most she'd ever seen was pictures of Dementors, and pictures simply couldn't convey the true nature of those creatures: the weirdness of them hovering just inches above the ground. The horrible appearance, the rotten stench they emit, and the horrible creaking sound they make as they devour the air around them.

Now even Harry felt that if he hadn't experienced it himself, he would have regarded Mrs. Figg as someone who was prepared to commit perjury.

On the second row of benches, a short, chubby wizard with a thick black beard, Master 040, whispered into the ear of a curly-haired wizard next to him. The wizards sneered triumphantly and nodded - it seemed that they thought this so-called witness would be exposed soon.

"Big and cloaked," Ms. Bones repeated dryly.

Fudge couldn't hold it back, he snorted, "I understand. Is there anything else?"

"Yes," said Mrs. Figg, "I felt them—everything went cold, and it was a hot summer night, and then I if all the joy had gone out of the world. Now, I remembered...horrible things...

Her voice trembled and gradually became inaudible.

Ms. Bones's eyes widened slightly. Harry could see the red mark under her eyebrow where the lens had sunk in.

"What did the Dementors do?"

"A boy had already collapsed when I arrived. That was Harry's cousin. He was being sucked by the dementors at the time..."

The surrounding wizards immediately began to whisper. They could all imagine the scene - in fact, many of them had personally seen the entire process of dementors removing human beings.

.... There was another one - that was Harry, who was being choked by a dementor... and then a silver-white stag appeared - it drove away the dementor. Two soul-catchers...'

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