Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 419 Harry In A Bad Mood

Unlike people like Solim who don't read the Daily Prophet very much, most wizards get information through the Daily Prophet. At the beginning of the holiday that just passed, the Daily Prophet reported extensively on Dumbledore's old muddle-headedness - their mention of Voldemort's return to Dumbledore was just a brushstroke and more pages were all lies about Dumbledore. and slander.

The Daily Prophet has unparalleled influence in the wizarding world. Unlike most ordinary wizards, the parents of Hogwarts students knew the most critical part of the matter from their children: Voldemort was back.

Dumbledore actually openly announced the return of the mysterious man at the banquet, which caused many people to panic. As the most well-known wizard, Dumbledore’s every move

Every word and action has an impact on ordinary wizards. Some parents are willing to believe what Dumbledore says, but more parents think that Dumbledore is just talking nonsense. It must be said that the series of reports by the Daily Prophet were very effective. They successfully diverted people's attention to whether Dumbledore was old and confused, and the truth that was brushed aside was selectively ignored by people.

But the students did not forget the most critical part of the matter. They did not leave much time for discussion last semester, and due to Dumbledore's protection, Harry was not involved when announcing Voldemort's return. This caused many students to After returning to the Gryffindor common room, he unscrupulously commented on some of Dumbledore's "ridiculous things" reported by the Daily Prophet, which made Harry very angry. Fortunately, Hermione saw the opportunity quickly and stopped Harry's reckless move. Otherwise, this stupid boy could tell what happened that night in the lounge.

Although there was no way to tell the truth, Harry still had a big fight with Seamus. He could not tolerate anyone slandering Dumbledore - even if that person was the mother of his classmate.

As roommates, Harry and Seamus didn't say a word the whole night, which made the atmosphere in their dormitory shrouded in embarrassment until dawn. This is not to say that Seamus and Harry reconciled the next day, but that Seamus left early.

"Does he think that if he stays in the same room with me for too long, he will become crazy?"

"Don't take it to heart, Harry," Dean said. Thomas muttered in a low voice and put his schoolbag on his shoulder, "He just..." He seemed unable to say what was going on. He paused awkwardly and then followed him out of the room.

Neville and Ronald both looked at Harry with "It's his problem, it's not your fault" look, but Harry didn't feel much comfortable.

Five minutes later, Harry and Ronald rushed to have breakfast. As soon as they reached the common room, Hermione caught up with them, "You didn't get any rest last night, okay? Your face looked so... Oh, my God. ." She looked at the bulletin board in the common room in surprise, and there was a new big notice posted on it.

Lots and lots of galleons!

Is your pocket money not enough to cover your expenses? Want to earn a little more gold? Contact Fred and George Weasley in the Gryffindor Common Room for a simple, almost painless, after-school job.

"They've gone too far." Hermione said with a straight face, and took off the notice.

"By the way, what happened, Harry?" Hermione then asked as they walked down a staircase. Next to the stairs was a row of portraits of old wizards, all of whom were too busy talking to each other to pay attention to them.

"You seem angry about something."

"Seamus thinks that Principal Dumbledore has become an old fool, as the Daily Prophet said, and he also believed those... unpleasant words that were said to Principal Dumbledore." Neville saw Harry didn't answer, so he spoke succinctly.

Harry expected Hermione to react angrily on his side, but she just sighed.

"Yes, Lavender thinks so too." Hermione said sadly.

"Don't those idiots have anything else to discuss?" Harry felt like he was going to explode.

"Don't you remember what Dumbledore said at the end of term banquet?"

Harry and Ronald looked at her stupidly, and Hermione sighed again.

"About You-Know-Who. Dumbledore said he was 'very skilful at creating conflict and enmity. We can only demonstrate the same unbreakable friendship and trust -

"You can still remember it after a holiday?" Ronald on the other side couldn't help but say something.

"That's because I listened carefully." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Look, it's only been two months since the mysterious man came back, and we're already fighting among ourselves - and the reason turned out to be a series of ridiculous reports.

0…Please give me flowers…

Students are constantly coming to the foyer through various stairs. The students gather in a stream and move towards the auditorium. They want to fill their stomachs first and then start today's classes.

"Solim, look over there." Draco motioned Solim to look back, "Potter's face doesn't look right."

"Since when have you cared so much about Potter?" Silna turned her head and looked at Draco narrowly, "Can you notice his face from such a distance?

"It's no big deal." Solim didn't even look at it and continued to destroy the food on his plate, just chatting.


"Speaking of gossip," Draco quickly picked up what Solim was saying, without giving Sirna a chance to tease him. "Is what you told me yesterday really necessary?"

"What? Do you feel that you don't feel safe without your two bodyguards? Or do you mean that you can't sleep without hearing their snoring every night?" Solim looked at Draco, "Goyle and Clara You saw where Bu was standing last night, and they are not the same group as you now. If you continue to sleep in the current dormitory, someone might suffocate you with a pillow at night. "

Solim's words startled Draco.

"how come!"

"Why not?" Solim glanced at several empty seats on the Slytherin long table. Those empty seats should have been occupied by people, but they were all lying in the school hospital now.

"There are some things that I can't tell you right now, but - if that person really decides to punish your father for something, then he will definitely take action against you, there is no doubt about it. Even if he wants to kill you directly His fate is somewhat unlikely, but it’s always right to be careful.”

Draco turned pale,

'Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Sirna said, "Will that woman do anything today? After all, you said she made trouble in the principal's office last night." "

"We have a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson in the afternoon, we'll find out then." Solim said nonchalantly: "She came to Hogwarts just to cause trouble." Speedy cars have moves - sooner or later. ".

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