Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 420: Palliative

History of Magic is widely regarded as one of the most boring courses ever devised in the wizarding world. Cuthbert Binns, who teaches the course, has a drawl that will almost certainly put someone to sleep in ten minutes, or five if the weather is hot. The format of his classes remained unchanged, always repeating what he said from the textbook, while the students took notes underneath, or, to be more precise, were in a sleepy daze.

No one but Hermione could pay attention in Cuthbert Binns' class, let alone take notes throughout the class. For this, all the students admired Hermione very much.

Today, they endured Cuthbert Binns's drawl about the Giant War for a full hour and a half. Harry had just listened to it for ten minutes when he vaguely realized that if there was another teacher, this topic would probably be more interesting. Then his mind wandered, and in the remaining part of "Zero Six Three" For an hour and twenty minutes, he and Ronald had been playing hangman's game in a corner of his parchment, with Hermione glaring at them from the corner of her eye from time to time.

"What will happen if I don't lend you my notes this year?" Hermione glared at Harry as soon as get out of class came.

"There is no doubt that I will fail History of Magic." Harry said honestly: "But no one except you can resist Cuthbert Binns' hypnotic magic. To be honest, I want to be like Solim." Taking History of Magic is a waste of time anyway. I might as well practice spells or write homework for other classes.

"Don't waste time, the next class is Snape's potions class." Ronald said sleepily: "Think about how he will torture us in the tenth class of the new semester.

In Snape's Potions class, students would try to get seats in the back row, which would keep them away from Snape's sight - although this was just psychological comfort and had no effect. Especially for someone like Harry who was "focused on" by Snape, even if he sat on the chandelier on the ceiling, it would not change his situation of being targeted by Snape.

"Quiet." Snape said coldly, closing the classroom door behind his back.

In fact, there was no need for Snape to order everyone to be quiet. As soon as the class heard the door closing, they immediately became silent and all small movements stopped. Generally speaking, the mere appearance of Snape is enough to silence the entire class.

"Before we start class today," Snape walked quickly to the podium and looked at them all sternly and said, "I think it is necessary to remind you that next June, you will take an important exam. At that time, you will Prove how much knowledge you have learned about the preparation and use of potions. Although there are several people in this class who are indeed mentally retarded, I hope that you can all barely "pass" in the O.W.Ls exam, otherwise I will be very angry."

The Slytherin side was quite unusual. Usually when they heard Snape insinuating or taunting Harry, they would stare at Harry and chuckle, but today they seemed extra quiet, which surprised Harry for a moment. He thought Snape The phrase "tyranny is slow" is not talking about him.

"Of course, after this year, many of you will no longer be able to take my class," Snape continued, "I only select the best students to enter my N.E.W.Ts potions class, which means, Some of us are going to have to say goodbye.”

Snape slowly turned his head, his eyes falling on Harry's face. Harry stared at him without showing any signs of weakness, and couldn't help but feel a vicious pleasure at the thought that after his fifth year, he could give up Potions class.

"But before that happy moment of farewell arrives, we still need to persist for another year." Snape said softly, "Therefore, whether you plan to take the N.E.W.Ts exam or not, I suggest that you all focus on studying your homework well and achieve the goal." I demand a high passing level from my O.W.Ls students.

"Today, we are going to prepare a medicine that often appears in ordinary wizard level examinations: the demulcent, which can calm and relieve irritability and anxiety. Note: If the ingredients are put in carelessly, the person taking the medicine will fall into a dead state. and sometimes even irreversible lethargy, so you need to pay special attention to your behavior."

To Harry's left, Hermione sat up straighter, a look of concentration on her face.

"Ingredients and preparation methods—" Snape waved his wand, "—on the blackboard—"

"Everything you need—" he waved his wand again, "—is in the storage cupboard.

"You have an hour and a half, let's get started..."

The demulcent potion Solim can already prepare with your eyes closed. As a magic potion that has a high probability of appearing in ordinary wizard level examinations, palliatives have a wide range of applications, especially in the medical field.

In the third year, when Draco was lying in the school hospital because of the Hippogriff incident, Madam Pomfrey used this potion on him, but the demulcent she used was the same as the standard demulcent. The elixir was different. Pomfrey deliberately added a little more moonstone powder, which gave the soothing agent a sleeping effect. Only a confident potion master would dare to do this. Once the dosage is too large, the user is likely to be unable to wake up.

The potion Snape asked them to prepare was the most difficult and labor-intensive potion the students had ever come across. The ingredients must be added to the crucible in strict order and quantities; the mixture must be stirred a specified number of times, no more and no less, first clockwise and then counterclockwise; the temperature of the flame must drop to a certain value when the crucible boils The standard, neither too high nor too low, is maintained for a specific period of time before the last ingredient is added.

This is a challenge for people who are trying to prepare demulcent agents for the first time. Many students are hurriedly handling materials while staring up at the blackboard.

"Your potion should now be emitting a faint, silvery white steam." Snape said with ten minutes left.

Harry was so busy that he was sweating profusely, and he glanced up at the classroom in desperation. His own crucible emitted 1.6 clouds of dark gray gas, and Ronald's crucible was splashing with green sparks. Seamus frantically poked the flames under his cauldron with the tip of his wand, for they were about to go out. Hermione's potion was emitting a slightly shimmering silvery white steam. When Snape walked quickly past, his eyes on the hooked nose lowered and looked at Hermione's cauldron without making any comments, which meant that he couldn't choose. Anything goes wrong. However, next to Harry's cauldron, Snape stopped and looked down at the cauldron with a terrible sarcasm on his face.

"If some of you who have intellectual problems don't understand what 'silver white steam' is, you can take a look at Mr. Selwyn." Snape stood in front of Harry and Ronald, even though they chose a table away from the podium. Even the furthest position did not escape Snape.

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