Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter Eleven Ideas

In the eyes of most ordinary wizards in the magic world, those who can skillfully use black magic are dark wizards. But what is black magic? In the relevant documents and regulations of the Ministry of Magic, black magic is defined as follows: magic that causes irreparable and huge damage to the body or soul of the caster and the caster. Such magic is collectively known as black magic. In the eyes of ordinary wizards, magic that causes great damage and targets the soul is black magic. The Three Unforgivable Curses are typical black magic. The Fierce Fire Curse, Corruption Curse, and other spells that can cause irreparable damage to others are all classified as black magic by the Ministry of Magic.

Solim knew when Schuyler was in school that black magic is not as simple as explained by the Ministry of Magic. As long as it is powerful magic, it is black magic. This is a wrong concept.

If you want to understand what is black magic and what is white magic, you must have a deep understanding of a problem-what is magic. What is magic? Is it the colorful rays shot from the little stick in the wizard's hand? This is the case in the eyes of most wizards, because they don't know how to study magic, they are just users, and most wizards are not qualified users.

Schuyler gave Solim the standard answer: magic is emotion, magic is the will of the wizard.

Very idealistic, isn't it?

Let me give you an example. The magic riots of the little wizards all broke out when they were emotionally unstable. For example, Neville was thrown from upstairs, Harry was pushed by Dudley to the glass that disappeared, and Solim was extremely eager to learn magic. The magic riot makes the magic power of the little wizards into a dominant existence, allowing them to consciously manipulate some things: floating cups, still water drops and so on. And what steps are needed for a real magic to be unleashed? The first is to condense the magic power, then inject the will, and finally release it through the wand.

So what are black magic and white magic? Or to give another example, the Patronus Charm, an extremely standard white magic, white magic in every sense. To release this magic, the wizard needs to inject his own joy and happiness, and at a higher level, he needs to inject the firm will of guardianship. The Killing Curse, an absolute black magic, requires the caster's desire to kill, which is why the Killing Curse has become one of the three unforgivable curses - wizards who often use the Killing Curse will gradually lose themselves, always in the People who are eager to kill are not normal people no matter what.

Human emotions can be divided into positive emotions and negative emotions. Like joy, joy, happiness, peace, happiness, etc., these are positive emotions. Negative emotions like disgust, hatred, fear, jealousy, greed, despair, etc. Wizards use these emotions to unleash certain spells that require them. This is the so-called white magic and black magic.

Magic like disarming spell and cleansing spell, what kind of emotions do you want, this is a relatively neutral magic. There are many such spells in the Ministry of Magic's list of dark arts. For example, the Fierce Fire Curse, this magic does not involve emotions, but the power of this magic is a bit strong, and it is not easy to control, and it is easy to cause a lot of people and property losses. Another example is the Corruption Curse, which can cause extremely serious damage to the human body. When hitting an important part of the human body, such as the head and upper body, if it is not properly dealt with in a very short time, it is very likely to be fatal. In the eyes of most wizards, such powerful magic as Fiercefire and Corruption are all black magic.

"How? Are you less resistant to black magic?" Solim said to the three who were still digesting the information.

"Is this black magic?" Hermione asked Solim in disbelief, the definitions of black magic in the books she had read were all evil, depraved, and unforgivable magic. But in Solim's mouth, black magic is completely different from those in these books, which makes Hermione, who has always believed in books, at a loss for a while.

"Black magic is not necessarily evil, but evil must be black magic." Solim believes that it is necessary to be vigilant against black magic.

"It's best not to use magic like the Killing Curse, the Cruciatus Curse, and some magic that will have some subtle effects on the caster." Solim warned the three, especially Draco, and some pure-blooded children, Dark magic was to them what chicken legs were to Ronald.

"Even the Fiercefire Curse and the Corruption Curse are not black magic?" Hermione couldn't believe it. Many books on magic she had read would mention black magic, and when it came to black magic, except for the Unforgivable Curse, it was all black magic. The Fire and Corruption spells appear the most. In Solim, these two magics that most wizards consider to be black magic are not black magic.

Seeing that Hermione couldn't turn the corner for a while, Solim smacked his lips. Once the cognition is formed, it is difficult to correct it. This is also human nature.

"Okay, let me give you an example." Solim took out his wand with his left hand and pointed at Neville: "Stunned!"

Neville spread out on the chair without any suspense, and then slid off the chair.

"My God, what are you doing!" Hermione was taken aback.

"Resuscitate quickly!" Neville lay on the ground and still didn't understand what happened.

"Stunning Charm, Hermione, do you think the Stunning Charm is Dark Arts?" Solim went over and helped Neville into a chair and sat him down.

Seeing that Neville was fine, Hermione looked at Solim again, and then shook her head. She didn't think the Stunning Charm was black magic, after all, this magic was so popular that many students would use it.

"Then you have to sit still." Solim sat down in his seat again. "According to the Ministry of Magic's definition of black magic, the Stunning Spell is a black magic."

Now it wasn't just Hermione, even Neville who had just recovered and Draco on the side stared at Solim incredulously.

"Don't look at me like that." Solim waved his hand with helplessness on his face. "According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, all magic aimed at the soul belongs to the category of black magic, not only the stun spell, but also the Legilimency spell, the joy spell, the calming spell, the forgetting spell, etc. all belong to black magic."

"For... the soul?" The three little wizards looked at each other. "Stunning spell... for the soul?!"

Solim watched the three people's reactions with amused, and began to explain.

Inducing a coma in a person can be achieved by a number of means. If you take a brick, you will be dizzy. If you starve him for three days without eating, he will be dizzy if you are hungry. If you have the ability, you can also be dizzy if you are angry. Even some Muggle chemicals can do this. But these are all physical, while magic is much simpler, just targeting the soul of the target. A weakened, simplified soul shock can achieve the goal.

The human soul is like water contained in a cup, which should be calm normally, and all kinds of magic for the soul are trying to make the water in the cup no longer calm. Something like the Killing Curse simply pours the water out. Some curses against the soul are to boil water, and slowly the water in the cup will be boiled dry. And the Stunning Spell is nothing more than shaking the glass to make the water in the glass oscillate.

"These internal things all involve the root and origin of magic, that is, the magic pattern. This is not knowledge that you can touch now. There is an elective of runes in the third grade. If you are interested, just choose it at that time .” Solim yawned.

After finishing the basic popularization of black magic, Hermione was still not satisfied.

"And what about dark wizards? The books say that those who use black magic are dark wizards." Hermione's thirst for knowledge had always been appreciated by Solim.

It doesn't mean that those who use black magic are dark wizards, and those who don't use black magic are not black wizards. Do you think Dumbledore knows black magic? A great wizard doesn't know black magic, what are you kidding? If you want to reach the level of a great wizard, exposure to black magic is inevitable. If you don't touch, learn, and understand black magic, you can't become a great wizard. So is Dumbledore a dark wizard? Obviously not. The difference between black wizards and white wizards is not in what magic they use, but in the means of doing things.

Still for example, a white wizard and a black wizard want to know something from the same person. White wizards will use Legilimency or other gentle means to achieve their goals. But the black wizard is different, the simplest is the Imperius Curse, an Imperius Curse can solve everything. If the Imperius Curse is inconvenient to use, then Veritaserum Potion is also acceptable. Even if you are reluctant to use Veritaserum Potion, you can use the Cruciatus Curse after subduing the opponent. From here we can see the biggest difference between white wizards and black wizards. One is gentle with room for action, while the other is ruthless and unscrupulous.

"According to this standard, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic are all dark wizards, but are they bad people?" Solim continued without waiting for the three to answer: "The means of doing things can't distinguish good wizards from bad wizards, and they think white wizards are good. Yes, dark wizards are bad, this is a very naive view."

"Solim, did you learn all this knowledge from books?" Hermione knew that there were four rows of books in Solim's big box, many of which could not be found in the market.

"About this matter, I think Neville can tell you." Solim stood up and looked at Neville who had been silent since he came in, and raised his chin, indicating that Neville could talk to Hermione. "I'll go out to solve my personal problems first, and wait for me to come back. The same goes for you, Draco, since you are determined to change, start today."

"Need help?" Hermione asked eagerly.

Solim almost sprained his ankle when he heard that. "I mean I'm going to the bathroom!"


Hermione blushed.

When Solim left, Draco and Hermione both looked at Neville, waiting for him to say something.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Neville said, "I heard my uncle talk about Solim. I have an uncle who teaches in that school."

"Hey, Longbottom, you actually have an uncle teaching in Schuyler?" Draco became interested when he heard it, "Teaching what?"

"It's like history, and I can't see him very often." Although Neville is the only one in the Longbottom family generation, he has many uncles, but he hasn't had a child yet.

"Don't interrupt, let Neville continue." Hermione yelled at Draco, "What's a Skull?"

Draco curled his lips, and said angrily: "Schuller is a magic school, only those who are qualified can go."

"Why have I never heard of it? There is no mention of such a school in the book. I know that there are three major magic schools in Europe. Durmstrang is in country dé, Beauxbatons is in France, Hogg Watts is in the country of Ying, where is this Schuyler? And what qualifications are you talking about?" Hermione babbled like a cannonball. She is like this, excited when encountering new things.

"I never went to school there, how would I know!" It was the first time Draco saw Hermione in a state of excitement.

"I know, my grandma and uncle both told me." Hermione and Draco looked at Neville quickly, gesturing for him to continue.

"Only little wizards who have completed the magic riot before their seventh birthday are eligible, and they must be from a family like Selwyn's to send their children in." Neville swallowed, and separated himself from grandma and uncle. And what Solim knew about Schuyler was told to the two of them like beans in a bamboo tube.

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