Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 12 Schuyler

Compared with other schools for the entire wizarding world, Schuyler is more like a military academy. It also teaches what other schools teach, and it also teaches what other schools do not teach. In terms of courses, Schuyler has lessons in spells, potions, transfiguration, history, combat, defense, alchemy, and survival. Unlike Hogwarts, there is no Defense Against the Dark Arts class in Schuyler. It puts Dark Arts and Defense all under Charms, Combat and Defense. As for the herbal class, except for a few plants that are hallucinogenic, poisonous, or have other conditions when they are burned, they will be explained in the spells, and most of them are divided into potions and alchemy classes. For the students of Schuyler, the best way to encounter plants blocking the way in the wild is to burn them with a fire. If it is more troublesome, then use Diemfire. They will only learn a limited number of plants that must never be burned. Fighting and defense are completely practical courses, teaching you how to fight and defend, how to kill different types of enemies, or how not to be killed by enemies.

For the students of Schuyler, the enemies are not only wizards, but also various other magical creatures or magical races. Vampires and werewolves are all pediatrics. The real troubles are races that have been fighting wizards since ancient times, such as elves. Schuyler casts the Cruciatus Curse and Imperius Curse on students over the age of seven once a month, targeting elves.

Veela is a magical creature that is very popular with adult male wizards. When Veela starts to dance and sing, all the male wizards you see will fall into longing and happy feelings. You will feel that nothing is important in the world, and you will involuntarily want to please Veela and get her attention. . Except for strong-willed wizards who can get rid of this influence, most male wizards are powerless against Veela.

The ability of Veela comes from elves. Do you think elves can do what Veela can do? able! And the effect is much stronger than Veela. If an ordinary wizard is charmed by Veela, he can be awakened with a single slap. If not, then two slaps. But the elf's magic aimed at the soul cannot be awakened by slapping the palm. If you want to break the influence of the elf on the wizard's soul, you need a more powerful stimulus than slapping: the Cruciatus Curse. The original intention of this magical invention was to forcibly break the influence of elves on wizard souls. But everyone knows what happens to people who have been hit by the Cruciatus Curse. Rolling all over the floor is considered good, but more often it is convulsions all over the body, and it is impossible to stand up. Even if you stand up, your hands are trembling, and you can't hold your wand steadily, how can you fight the elves? However, resistance to the Cruciatus Curse can be produced by being subjected to it many times. To put it bluntly, it means to suffer the Cruciatus Curse more often, and you will get used to it next to each other. This habit means that the body can quickly return to normal state, not that the effect of Cruciatus Curse will be weakened.

And Schuyler trains elite wizards. To put it bluntly, it is the wizard army. Wizards who are dedicated to fighting. The wizards have never given up their vigilance against the former enemy, and the rules established since ancient times have continued to this day. Moreover, the Cruciatus Curse is the same as the Imperius Curse. If you suffer too much, you will develop resistance. Although the process is very inhumane, it is still of great benefit to wizards. The Cruciatus Curse can exercise the wizard's endurance, and the Imperius Curse can actually improve the wizard's resistance to soul magic. Even the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic have special training against the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse, but their strength is far less than that of Schuyler.

When using the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse, one must master the measure. Too strong will cause serious damage to little wizards, even irreparable damage, while too weak will not achieve good results. Therefore, the wizards who cast these two kinds of magic on the students in Sigule are great wizards who have profound attainments in manipulating magic power.

Schuyler only accepts little wizards who have had a magical riot before the age of seven, which ensures the quality of the students. No matter how old you are, the nightmare begins after you turn seven. Cruciatus and Imperius Curse once a month, from the age of seven until graduation. Twenty-four Unforgivable Curses a year—no winter or summer holidays, only the fifteen-day Christmas holiday. If you make a mistake, there are extra "additional meals"-in addition to the monthly must-haves, Schuler's students call the extra Cruciatus and Imperius Curse "additional meals."

"When do you think you're going crazy?"

"Next second."


"Already crazy."

This is the daily greeting among Schuyler students.

Isn't it scary? Being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse for a long time, it is true that you will recover faster and faster under the Cruciatus Curse, but the indescribable pain brought by the Cruciatus Curse will not decrease at all-the first time you suffer from the Cruciatus Curse It's the same feeling you get from Cruciatus for the hundredth time. The brain that is often confused by the Imperius Curse, and the Cruciatus Curse that cannot be avoided every month. It was such an extremely depressing atmosphere that made Schuyler's students more or less abnormal.

"Yes, that's it." Solim said from the sidelines, "If you see a "normal-looking" student in Schuyler, then you'd better stay away from him. Because he is either crazy or out of order." on the verge of madness, or the kind of guy you can't afford to mess with."


"When did you come back!" The three shouted in unison, completely oblivious to when Solim came back.

"While you were staring intently at Neville's face."


Solim changed a serious expression: "Generally speaking, Schuyler is a school that attaches great importance to actual combat. I can say without exaggeration that five students who are about to graduate from Schuyler can kill this school." Light. Of course, it’s not considered a professor. But Schuyler doesn’t only cultivate combat wizards, if he really doesn’t have combat talent, he can also work on potions or alchemy.”

The quality of Schuyler's students is not at the same level as that of Hogwarts students. Whether it is the talent of the students, the consciousness of the students, or the quality of teaching, it is more than one level higher than Hogwarts. However, the teaching purposes of Schuyler and Hogwarts are completely different. One is to focus on cultivating combat ability, and the other is...well, right?

"To tell you the truth," Solim sighed, "Sigule's teaching quality and depth are really incredible. Magic knowledge, magic theories, and magic skills that are not accessible to the outside world will be taught to you carefully. As for you It’s two different things to learn or not.” Solim folded his arms and raised his head to look at the ceiling, sighed again, “To be honest, if it wasn’t for the Cruciatus Curse and the Imperius Curse, I might not have come to Hogwarts. tz."

"Is... very difficult?" Draco asked.

"I guess I should be able to use the Cruciatus Curse when I was in the third grade." Glancing at Draco, "Why don't you try it sometime?"

"Forget it then." Draco swallowed. If possible, he would never want to suffer from the Cruciatus Curse in his life.

"Okay, don't discuss that school." Solim stood up, "If nothing else..."

Eh? Wait, am I trying to set a flag?

"Bah! You're going to be involved with that school for the rest of your life. Come on, get up! I'm going to teach you some spells you can use in battle today." Solim hurriedly ended the conversation.

In an adjoining room covered with cushions.

"Introduction to combat spells, I don't think there is anything more suitable than the Disarming Curse." Solim said facing the three of them with his wand in his left hand.

Looking at the three people who took out their wands, Solim nodded: "The first thing you have to do is to find your own suitable way of holding wands."

For a wizard who is good at fighting, he can know the opponent's weight by seeing how the opponent is holding a staff.

Most wizards only hold their wands with their entire palms. This is not noticeable in ordinary daily life, but once in a duel, the disadvantages of this way of holding a staff are fully revealed. The whole way of holding the wand makes the wrist joints very passive, and there is too little room for turning. When you point your wand at the opposite side, your wrist bends down, which is a very unnatural and uncomfortable position. In battle, when the enemy changes positions, they can only swing their arms in order to aim at the opponent. This is nothing to ordinary people, but in the eyes of wizards who are good at fighting, this is a huge flaw.

If the way of holding a staff for ordinary wizards is "holding", the way of holding a staff for wizards who are good at fighting is "pinching" and "clamping". The so-called "pinching" refers to a way of holding the stick by pinching the body of the stick with the thumb, index finger, and middle finger. And "clamping" is a way of holding the stick with two fingers: the index finger and the middle finger, or the middle finger and the ring finger to clamp the body of the stick. These two ways of holding the stick free the wrist and allow the wrist to have more room for movement, which is extremely helpful for combat.

After listening to Solim's explanation, the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. They never thought that there are so many details in the way of holding a stick.

"If you usually observe carefully, you will find that Professor Flitwick's way of holding the staff is "pinching", while Professor McGonagall is "holding". Do you know what this means?"

"Professor Flitwick is good at fighting? And Professor McGonagall is not?"

Solim nodded: "If you know something about the past of Professor Flitwick, you will know that he was once the dueling champion of the whole country. As for Professor McGonagall, I am not belittling her. An academic wizard like her, without If a battle occurs under prepared conditions, it is likely to be subdued in two or three strokes."

"Okay, before I teach you the Disarming Charm, I want to ask, do any of you have dragon heartstrings in their wands? Solim looked at Draco and Hermione. Neville's wand is He gave it to me, so naturally I don’t need to ask.” I know this question is a bit rash, but you must ask clearly before practicing the disarming spell. "

"Uh... my wand has a dragon's heartstring." Hermione asked puzzled, "What does that have to do with the core of the wand?"

Different woods and cores give wands different qualities. The dragon stick is biased towards black magic. When using magic with positive emotions, the dragon stick will weaken the power of the magic, and the dragon stick is easy to change. Maybe a failed duel will change the loyalty, or a failed spellcasting will also weaken the loyalty to the master, and gradually it will no longer be suitable for the person who holds it.

Solim walked over to take Hermione's wand and looked at it carefully: "Vine wood? Then there should be no problem, it's an interesting combination."

"Solim, do you still know about wands?" Draco asked in surprise. In his opinion, Solim already knew a lot, but Draco didn't expect Solim to dabble in the mysterious wand science.

"So-so, I know a bit more than you guys." Solim returned the wand to Hermione. "Grape vine is also called ivy. The wand made of this wood is extremely loyal and unwavering to the owner, but considering that its core is a dragon core that is not so loyal to the owner... so I say yes Interesting combination. It can be seen that you are a contradictory person, Hermione."

"Okay, since there are no problems, I'll start teaching you the Disarming Curse." Solim hooked his hands, motioning the three of them to come closer.

"The disarming spell belongs to the kind of spell that is so simplified that it can't be simplified any more, and it's so simple that it can't be any simpler. I guess you'll be able to release it after two or three tries. The spell is 'Abolish Your Weapon'. It's very simple. Come and try it all." .”

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