Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter Thirteen Halloween

In early October, Snape made the potion. With the help of Mr. Filch, a volunteer, various potion data were collected by Solim and Snape and became the basis for Snape to improve the potion. On Halloween, Snape gave Solim the third improved activator. In order to confirm the effect as soon as possible, Solim resolutely skipped the herbal medicine class and flying class in the afternoon after the first transformation class. By the way, Solim hasn't taken a flight lesson since the beginning of school - anyway, there are no exams in flight lessons. However, Harry made his mark in the flight class afterwards and was valued by Professor McGonagall and recommended to Wood.

About two corridors from the Slytherin common room is a hidden room where Solim often practices potions. Today, it is used as a temporary laboratory to observe Filch's situation.

"Argus, the first two times worked very well, this is the third time, and the effect will only get better." Solim took out the bottle Snape gave him this morning, uncorked it and put it in Filch's Front: "Come on, you know how to do it."

The mana accumulated in Filch's body was like a boulder completely blocking the entrance of the tunnel. The first time Snape made it was like black powder, the effect was not obvious. The second time was like TNT, the medicine was effective, but after drinking it, the pores of Filch's body began to ooze blood. If Snape himself hadn't been there at the time, Solim really didn't know what to do. But the second experiment was a breakthrough: Filch could use a small portion of his magic power. This also gave Snape and Solim another idea to solve the problem: overly strong potions will cause harm to the human body, if the hard ones are not enough, then use soft ones.

Solim is very optimistic about the medicine this time. In his opinion, even if the effect this time is not as good as the second time, even if the progress is slower, it is better to be safe.

Filch was bored when he picked it up without saying a word. Although the accident in the second experiment had a certain impact on his own body, he was able to use magic power in exchange. In Filch's eyes, as long as he can use magic, as long as it can make him out of being a squib and become a wizard, he is willing to pay any price.

"You're not afraid of accidents this time." After several experiments, Solim and Filch are already familiar with each other, and they can even make some small jokes.

"You're not a squib, you won't understand my mood." Filch sat on the chair well-behaved, and he understood the various rules after several experiments.

Raising an eyebrow, Solim didn't speak. Indeed, he was no Squib. But if it wasn't for the Squib, wouldn't it be impossible to understand Filch's current mood? Solim is noncommittal.

After that, neither of them spoke again. Solim wrote and drew in his small notebook, while Filch closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling his own body. This is considered normal, after all, this is the third time, everyone knows what to do.

By the time Solim and Filch were ready to leave the room satisfied, the dinner in the auditorium was almost over. Solim and Filch headed to the auditorium, they hadn't eaten yet.

"Wait, Argus, do you smell anything?" Solim grabbed Filch, "This smell... a bit like troll."

Turning to look at Filch, Solim asked hastily, "Is there any school activity planned for Halloween tonight?" As soon as the words came out, Solim wanted to kick himself. If he is so busy these days, there will be trolls on Halloween. Things were forgotten. After all, Solim... Well, he has no idea about Western festivals.

"Filch, it seems that something has really happened. Go to the auditorium to find the professor. He said there are mountain monsters in the castle. The exact number is not clear."

With a wave of his hand, Solim quickly said, "Don't worry about me, it's just a mountain monster. I'm afraid that some students in the lower grades will be discovered, and that would be terrible. Hurry up." After speaking, he gave Filch and himself a Bubble Curse - the smell is really bad.

Solim ignored Filch, and ran to the girls' bathroom. Sure enough, a small mountain monster was attracted by the cries in the bathroom, and was bending over to go in.

With a shake of his left hand, Solim pointed his wand at the giant monster quickly: "Swarms of birds!" A large group of birds flew out from the tip of the wand and went straight to the giant monster. The troll was attracted by the birds, and took his foot back into the bathroom.

Probably annoyed by these little birds, the troll swung the mallet in his hand at random, but found that it had no effect, so the troll roared angrily. Hermione in the bathroom heard the commotion outside, and walked outside while wiping away tears, wanting to see what happened.

"Ah!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" The little girl's voice was very shrill, especially when they were screaming. Not only the troll, but even the prepared Solim was startled by this voice.

"Oh my god~ this can be used as a charm." Solim still had time to complain.

"Hermione! Hurry in!" Seeing the troll attracted by Hermione's scream, Solim started to walk towards the washroom as he was slowly being led away from the door by the flock of birds.

It's a pity that Hermione looked completely dumbfounded, she raised her neck and watched the troll walking towards her step by step, but didn't respond.

Seeing that the troll had already raised the stick in his hand, Solim hurriedly cast an impediment spell on the frightened little girl, and without daring to stop for a moment, Solim quickly ran towards the door. It was a little hasty, he wasn't sure how far Hermione was pushed by the spell, if... Solim didn't dare to think about it.

When Solim ran into the bathroom, his heart was in his crotch—Hermione tremblingly watched the troll approaching step by step in the corner, and she even forgot to use her female talent—scream.

Solim hit the troll on the back of the head with a shock spell. The troll stopped, and turned to see what hit it. "Hermione, hide in the compartment." Solim called to Hermione. Hermione finally came to her senses, and hid in the cubicle without saying a word.

"Finally, you're paying attention to me." Solim looked at the giant monster walking towards him step by step, with the tip of his stick pointed at the giant monster's eyebrows. "Then you lie down honestly." The troll was too close to Hermione just now, and he was afraid that Hermione would be crushed when the troll fell down.

"Fiendfire flickers!"

The upper half of the troll's face and a part of the head behind it were burnt completely in an instant. After standing there for about two seconds, the troll finally fell heavily on the floor of the washroom. After waking up, Hermione crawled behind Solim along the gap under the compartment. She witnessed the whole scene of Solim killing the troll. Although she was still in shock, she was awake at least.

Shaking his wand, Solim cast a cleansing spell on Hermione, who had just crawled around on the floor and made a lot of stains all over her body.

After Solim cleaned Hermione, he was about to pull her outside: "Although this is a women's room, I still want to ask, why are you here? Did you leave the Halloween dinner early?" All in all, Solim thinks so.

Before Hermione could speak, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor outside the door. Solim recognized that there were only two people, and it seemed that they were not professors. When Harry and Ronald appeared at the door, they found that the women's bathroom was in a mess, a troll was lying on the ground, Solim and Hermione stood upright, they opened their mouths to ask what happened, there was another burst of footsteps The sound echoed in the hallway—but this time it sounded like there were quite a few people.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrell also appeared at the door of the women's bathroom after the savior duo. Professor McGonagall scanned the messy bathroom with a livid face, Professor Snape walked up to the troll without stopping, and Quirrell slid to the ground while holding onto the door frame, twitching from time to time.

"Small, pretending to be like that." Solim approved of Mr. Quirrell's acting skills in his heart.

"You guys! What the hell are you doing! Do you know what you're doing!" Professor McGonagall simmered for a while, and of course broke out.

"'s me. I knew about the troll from a book, and I thought I knew it well," Hermione explained with her head down. Prove me wrong. If not..."

Hermione was interrupted by Solim before she could finish her sentence. Children, naively think that the nonsense they make up can deceive adults, but they don't know that these childish lies are often seen through by adults at a glance.

"Come on, Hermione, who do you think you can fool with this nonsense you're making up?" Solim put his wand back away, and now that the two professors were here, Solim saw no need to continue holding the wand. "A good lie should be well-crafted, not a head-slapping nonsense. Tell the truth."

"Mr. Selwyn, did you kill this troll?" Snape didn't care about the conversation of the few people, but asked his own question, although it was a question, but with an affirmative tone.

Solim nodded, "I did kill it. Subduing the monster is more troublesome than killing it. And in Miss Granger's situation, I think killing it is the safest move."

"You know what I want to ask." Snape looked at Solim blankly.

"Hey, ok ok, it's a weakened Fiercefire Curse." Solim shrugged, and he didn't expect to be able to hide it from anyone. The professors in the school are all good people, and they can tell the problem at a glance.

Hearing that it was the Fiendfyre Curse, Professor McGonagall stopped worrying about Hermione and hurried over to teach him a lesson: "Mr. Selwyn, I thought you were an excellent and motivated student. Curse such a dangerous magic!"

Snape tilted his head slightly, waiting for Solim's explanation.

"As I said, it's not the Fiercefire Curse. It's a simplified and weakened spell with a very short duration and a very small damage range. It won't cause any major property damage. Professor Snape, you just read this too. The magic spell is only the size of a fist. Besides, although my magic power level is good, it is impossible to release the Fierce Fire Curse at the age of eleven. Even if it is successfully released, it is absolutely impossible to extinguish it " Solim called Qu: "Professor, you know that the damage spell of an opponent like an adult mountain monster is not very effective. In order to control the development of the situation to the maximum extent, I can only choose to kill it .”

"Very good, plus 20 points for Slytherin. So..." Snape slowly fixed his eyes on Harry's face, "Can any of you tell me why you are here?"

"We're worried about Hermione, she didn't show up for dinner, so we have to..."

"So you didn't notify the professor, and came to find the troll yourself?" Snape had a sardonic smile on his face, "Perhaps the famous savior thought he could handle a full-grown troll? Because of your recklessness, and Miss Granger's mistake , 30 points from Gryffindor." Snape then turned to Professor McGonagall and said, "You're okay, Minerva?"

What could Professor McGonagall say, she thought she knew how upset Gryffindor's students were, Hermione might have something to hide, but things like Harry and Ronald were no brainer, and she wanted to kick their asses hard.

But what needs to be said still needs to be said.

"These two children are rushing to save their classmates, which is understandable. For their bravery and responsibility, I think they should add 10 points. How about it, Severus?"

Snape glanced at Professor McGonagall, said nothing, and limped away.

Solim looked at the "lame" Snape and thought for a while, he must have been bitten by a dog. Don't go to his place tonight and make things difficult for others. Now Snape is probably very depressed, and he can't speak up after being bitten by a dog, and he can't ask for compensation. If Solim went to Snape's place tonight, Snape probably wouldn't do him any favors.

"You'd better go back to your respective common rooms now, and get out of trouble." Professor McGonagall glared at each of them, then tossed his robes and left.

"You, you... No, no, don't worry about me, I, I'll take care of it." Quirrell stood up from the ground and said stammeringly.

Solim glanced at Quirrell as he walked past him. "Too bad."

"Come on, Hermione, today is Thursday, Neville and Draco should be waiting for us at the old place." Solim led Hermione out, ignoring the two of Gryffindor, "Tell me what happened What's the matter? Show up here at dinner time?"

After hearing Hermione's story, Solim sneered at her and said, "So you put yourself in danger because of a jealous idiot? Remember what I told you about the Dark Arts? Jealousy is the real Dark Arts. Most commonly used emotion. Take care, Hermione."

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