Big Manga

Chapter 1097

Chapter 1089 : Before birth

The day after the New Year’s Eve, Xia Chuan found Meng Huo to bid farewell.

Phoenix company arranged too many performance plans for her to make up for the lack of the past few months. For a long time in the future, Xia Chuan will not have any rest time.

However, even so, Xia Chuan saw no complaints on his real face.

Meng Huo judged from her face that Shen Jie did nothing to stimulate her when she was looking for Xia Chuan’s truth last night, and she did not explore Meng Huo’s movements in the extreme east.

Although I don’t know what the two talked about, Meng Huo can learn from the real test of Xia Chuan that there is no rigid relationship between her and Shen Jie. When talking about Shen Jie, Xia Chuan’s true tone was far less intimate than in the past, but at least he did not show an expression of anger or anger.

“You are indeed a little smarter this time…”

That evening, on the way back to Meng’s house with Shen Jie, Meng Huo said to her.

Shen Jie knew that he was talking about Xia Chuan’s real things. After making a mistake, she was also much smarter and knew how to deal with Xia Chuan’s real things. In fact, she was looking for the girl to see what Xia Chuan’s real situation is. Will not cause trouble to her and Meng Huo.

In this meeting, Xia Chuan really behaved calmer than last time. She seemed to have figured it out, and there was no sign of wanting to tell the matter.

However, Shen Jie felt that Xia Chuan hadn’t let go of Meng Huo yet, which made her quite worried.

However, this worry disappeared after returning to Meng’s house. Shen Jie lay on Alice’s belly like a child listening to the voice in her belly.

“Something has happened, this little baby is about to be born!”

“It’s still a while!”

Alice smiled, and Shen Jie’s coming back made her a little happy. Although it was only one night back. The two still chatted happily.

Until eleven o’clock in the evening. When Alice was sleepy, Li Qin asked Shen Jie to rest earlier. Of course, Meng Huo and Shen Jie were together this evening.

“This is the character set of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” that came yesterday.”

Meng Huo showed Shen Jie the characters in The Legend of Sword and Fairy before going to bed. Like Alice, she also felt that these roles were very beautiful.

But no matter how beautiful the characters are, they can’t become a nighttime topic between these energetic men and women. They make up for this with their bodies.

After the rain, Shen Jie lay in Meng Huo’s arms, but was not sleepy.

“Meng Huo… can we really be together forever?”

She asked suddenly.

Meng Huo raised his eyebrows: “Didn’t you say that you are not allowed to ask such questions?”

“…Sorry.” Shen Jie gave a wry smile. She knew she shouldn’t ask this question again. Because Meng Huo has answered many times, if you continue to ask, it will make him unhappy.

Meng Huo noticed that Shen Jie was a little unusual, and looked down at her: “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing.”

Shen Jie shook her head. She was very happy to see Alice when she returned to Meng’s house today, but when she thought that when she came back next time, Alice would give birth to the child, she was also a little uneasy.

After the child is born, will the relationship between the three of them really not change? Shen Jie didn’t think deeply before, but now. Can’t help but get scared.

After the child was born, Alice and her identity weight differed. Will Meng Huo and Li Qin’s eyes shift to Alice because of their children?

In the unlikely event that something unexpected happened, the relationship between the three was exposed, or the current situation could no longer be maintained-who would Meng Huo choose?

There is no need to think about the answer, he will choose Alice, and Li Qin will also choose Alice. Because she is the mother of Meng Huo’s child, and Shen Jie is not yet.

Li Qin and the old lady have waited for the child for a long time. After the child is born, Shen Jie believes that they will like Alice more. Maybe they will destroy their unbiasedness.

Although these are all conjectures that think badly, Shen Jie also feels that she shouldn’t think about it like this. However, when Alice was about to give birth to the child, she was really worried that the child would bring some variables.

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking.” Meng Huo touched Shen Jie’s hair and comforted: “But don’t worry, I won’t throw you aside.”

“I know.”

Shen Jie listened to Meng Huo’s steady heartbeat. She knew that he would not leave herself behind. However, at special moments, the sentimentality could not disappear.

“It would be fine if I got pregnant too…”

She thought so, maybe she should think about the child.

Shen Jie did not show his sentimentality on his face. Neither Meng Huo nor Alice noticed her abnormality, but Li Qin seemed to have noticed.

At the breakfast table the next day, halfway through breakfast, Li Qin returned to the room and brought two boxes.

“Shen Jie, Alice…” She put the box on the table and said, “This is for you, one for each of you.”

“what is this?”

Shen Jie and Alice opened the box and saw that they were two jade bracelets.

“Bracelets?” Alice was surprised. Although she didn’t understand jade, these two bracelets could be seen at a glance. They should be very precious things: “Is this for us?”

Shen Jie also looked happy.

“I haven’t given you anything.” Li Qin said with a smile: “This is what my mother-in-law and I chose for you two a while ago. If you want to take it away, it will be regarded as our dowry.”

The bride price-Alice and Shen Jie were stunned when they heard this word. When they chose to be with Meng Huo together, they never thought that they would have a bride price. The meaning of the dowry ceremony is very obvious. It is a ‘hiring’ to get married.

Taking off this bracelet means that they have accepted their marriage to Meng Huo.

“We…are we going to marry Meng Huo?” Alice asked stutteringly.

“Of course.” Li Qin glanced at Alice’s belly and said: “It should have been a ritual for you, but you will have a big belly inconvenient when you come back. After the baby is born… you can choose what you like. ceremony.”

She told the two girls. In this matter. She discussed several ways with the old lady. The old lady meant that it was enough to hold a wedding for the two of them. The name is on the genealogy, and there is no need for unexpected views.

Li Qin had the idea that one of Alice and Shen Jie would first marry Meng Huo, then divorce, then get married with another person, and then divorce-so that both of them would be Meng Huo’s ex-wife. .

“There is no law that you cannot live with your ex-wife. You will all have children in the future, and you don’t have to worry about their identities.”

Li Qin said. Alice and Shen Jie immediately looked at Meng Huo and asked if he knew about it.

“I don’t really care.”

Meng Huo said.

Alice and Shen Jie smiled at each other, and both had an idea in their hearts, that is, the suggestion of choosing the old lady. Although this suggestion may prevent them from accepting it for the rest of their lives, what does it matter? The two were not such pedantic people.

A common wedding has made them very satisfied. Although it is only a ceremony, it proves that the Meng family really accepted them.

“How much does this cost?”

Shen Jie asked, playing with the bracelet.

“These two are together, they add up to more than 200 million…” Li Qin replied, so scared that Shen Jie almost threw the bracelet away, even Alice was frightened by the price of the bracelet.

This is the most expensive gift they have ever seen. Especially considering Li Qin’s temperament, she has never bought such expensive things. A bracelet has cost more than her in this life.

The weight of the bracelets suddenly became heavier, but Shen Jie and Alice put them away without hesitation, and then thanked Li Qin.

Li Qin smiled and said, “Starting today, you can no longer call me Sister Qin and Aunt Qin…”

What she said made Shen Jie and Alice embarrassed. Although they had established their relationship a long time ago, they still looked very shy when they treated Li Qin. They had been said several times, and they rarely called Li Qin as their mother.

But this time, Shen Jie called out after waiting a few seconds. She used to call her aunt, so it was convenient to change the past. Alice hesitated for a long time, but she still blushed and called to her mother.

She was used to Sister Qin, and she suddenly became “Mom”. It was really unaccustomed. Fortunately, this was not the first time. Over the past six months, she has gradually gotten used to her mentality and language.

Of course, the old lady didn’t let this opportunity let them call grandma.

After such an episode, Shen Jie didn’t worry anymore, she began to look forward to the birth of the child. On the contrary, Meng Huo still doesn’t call the old lady grandma.

He always felt that once he spoke, he would be tied to death by the Meng family.

Shen Jie was about to leave. Meng Huo sent her to the station. On the way, she looked at the bracelet preciously, but was a little worried: “The two bracelets are too similar. Will I be doubtful if I wear them with Alice…”

“You don’t need to wear it on your body, you can hide it.”

Meng Huo said that the bracelet is a gift, but it doesn’t have to be worn on the hand, it is good to keep it in the collection. Moreover, such a valuable item is very eye-catching, and it is really not very suitable for taking out.

Shen Jie therefore decided to hide in her own home.

After the New Year’s Eve, time began to accelerate.

After a while, Zhao Mei got in touch with Meng Huo and had a direct communication with him, but she was not very satisfied.

“That unicorn is really mysterious.”

In a chat with the editor, she suddenly said so.

The female editor of Zhongxia is very curious: “Why do you say that?”

“His reply is always slow, and it’s all at night… Except for work, other topics are also very cold.” Zhao Mei sighed: “He said he is busy at work, is it an office worker?”

“Really?” The editor was a little worried about their cooperation: “The comics are okay, right?”

“This is fine…Although he is a little cold, he still discusses comics with me very seriously.”

Zhao Mei said that although she wanted to see the comic series of “The Legend of the Sword and Fairy” soon, the unicorn was unexpectedly strict. According to the current situation, it might not be released until March and April.

But for the quality of the comics, Zhao Mei does not complain about this.

For Meng Huo, “Legend of the Sword and Fairy” was just one of the jobs, and he naturally didn’t have time to chat with Zhao Mei.

Phoenix has a lot of work after the holiday, and all departments have been affected by the Hexi Home app to formulate new plans. The effect of this app appeared earlier than everyone expected. The average daily turnover of the business department even doubled. Zhou Qian gathered momentum and prepared to put all the peripherals on it for sales.

In the field of animation that Meng Huo pays attention to, the popularity of “Genius Mahjong Girl”, which was not broadcast during the Spring Festival, has been thoroughly heated, and “Idiot Quiz Summoned Beast” has also brought a wave.

As for “One Piece”, that naturally goes without saying. The popularity of this animation has caused Phoenix to hold dozens of meetings for it after work, and invested huge resources to start cultivating its brand. TV stations such as CCTV are also very active in helping to organize various activities.

Shen Jie of Ninghai also officially graduated from the position of a small helper next to Dong Ding. Dong Ding made full use of her external reputation and image, and arranged for her some important and suitable jobs.

For example, the image spokesperson of Phoenix Company-Although Shen Jie had held several press conferences before, she has now been officially identified as the image spokesperson of Phoenix Company, responsible for some press conferences and promotion and marketing, and has vaguely become the “Minister of Publicity” sign.

Phoenix Company does not yet have independent departments such as the “Propaganda Department”, “Public Relations Department”, and “Marketing Department” These tasks were previously controlled by Alice, but now the departments often do their own work. of. However, Dong Ding and Meng Huo now have an idea, which is to put together the public relations resources of the entire company and hand them over to Shen Jie.

Of course, it depends on whether Shen Jie can do his current work well.

During this period, Meng Huo also ran into a lot of troubles, which happened to train Shen Jie. A large amount of information unfavorable to him and the Phoenix Company appeared on the Internet and newspapers. Shen Jie was busy all day long. However, one month later, she managed to control it well, and the information did not cause much trouble.

February is fleeting, and after March comes, the scenery of spring becomes vivid.

The spring of this year came late, but it was still beautiful. Along with the hazy drizzle, the green trees in the Meng’s yard bloomed, and the rain brought the cry of birds. Spring is the beginning of the year, and when new things are born, Alice is also approaching the due date.

The Meng family disputed whether to put Alice in the hospital, Yang, or give birth in the Meng family.

It is Li Qin who advocates moving to the hospital. She believes that the doctors and nurses in the hospital are more professional and the hospital facilities are complete, so there will be no accidents.

However, the old lady felt that it was enough to stay at home. The Meng family had enough strength to ensure that Alice had a smooth delivery, and that it was quieter than the hospital and would not be disturbed.

The final winner is the old lady. Alice will give birth in Meng’s family. Some professional female doctors and nanny have come from Meng’s family. As the expected date of delivery approaches, the whole Meng family’s strings have been raised.

Alice herself is calm. She reads the book every day and is taken care of by others, and she doesn’t feel any physical discomfort.

Meng Huo has always been home during this period, which made her feel good. (To be continued.)

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