Big Manga

Chapter 1098

Chapter 1090 : Vent

In mid-March, at Ninghai Airport, two reporters were sitting in the car, secretly observing the movement outside. ■■▲〓Read a book

“The past few days are really exhausting. I have finally got a job other than monitoring Mr. He Xi. This time I have to do it well. If it is better for me, I have to consider going back to my hometown.”

“Isn’t it, Mr. He Xi is too mysterious, watching him feels like he is playing with us.”

The two reporters talked about their work a while ago. After the Spring Festival, their newspaper suddenly ordered He Xi to be monitored and to compile vicious news about him.

Many similar jobs have been obtained in the same industry. Obviously, it is the trouble for someone to find He Xi.

But what a pity it is a fuel-efficient lamp. The reporters couldn’t take pictures of him during the day at work, and it was even more mysterious after get off work. They couldn’t find his shadow no matter how to find them.

A few times a reporter noticed that he was leaving Manga Island in a car and was about to follow, but he encountered a traffic jam or was blocked by a traffic police on the road, and then he was lost. This is too evil.

He Xi seemed to be a seamless egg. After a while, both reporters were exhausted. The newspaper transferred them to the Zhongxia Company today.

“By the way, we are the most powerful follow-up reporters in the newspaper. We used to do news about Zhongxia Company, but recently it has been difficult to find a job for them!”

“Who said no? What a shame that the few animations after returning are very eye-catching. “One Piece” is so popular now, Zhongxia has nothing to do with it. It is no wonder that the newspaper does not pay attention to them-but today’s things should be There is something to watch.”

“Yes, the president of Zhongxia Company came to the airport to pick up people in person. Who do you think is this?”

“do not know.”

When the two reporters were chatting, their eyes did not leave from the outside. A group of people stood there. Although the guards were tightly guarded, the person inside was Dong Ding.

Today Dong Ding came to the airport suddenly, obviously to pick up some important guests.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, another group of people walked out from the exit of the airport. They were a group of strange guests. All tall white bodyguards, and among them are very old maids dressed up.

Surrounded by these people is a thin woman. She wears sunglasses, but the gold head is very eye-catching.

“Who is this?” A reporter immediately took out his camera and took a picture. Asked his companion: “Do you think she is a bit familiar?”

Another reporter frowned and looked at the woman who was shaking hands with Dong Ding. Although she had gone through some dress-ups, the two of them were very professional reporters and knew the personnel of Zhongxia Company and Phoenix Company very well.

“Jin… Isn’t this, Miss Alice from Phoenix Company? How did she lose weight?”

The reporter suddenly opened his eyes, and Kim made him think of Alice first. Reading a book w︿ww. And from a distance, the two women have very similar silhouettes, so they should be one person.

“No? Is it her? It’s really her?” The previous reporter became excited: “Big news!”

He took several photos in succession. Suddenly, a white bodyguard noticed the car here and lowered his head to say a few words in the woman’s ear.

“Worse, the other party is also professional… they are here!”

The reporter immediately asked his companion to drive out.

On the side being photographed, as soon as the bodyguard next to the woman moved, Dong Ding found that something was wrong, and immediately sent someone to deal with it-it was still a step too late. The reporter just now has run away.

“Someone is following you?”

Woman-Lisa was a little unhappy.

“It should be some fish that slipped through the net…” Dong Ding frowned: “You gave me too little preparation time.”

Lisa suddenly informed him that he would come to China in the morning. Dong Ding was not fully prepared yet, and only missed one car. This was already very rare.

“…Forget it.” Lisa’s face was slightly cold: “It’s still not sure whether it will be exposed, I will be more careful in the future.”

Even so, she was also prepared to be exposed.

She now doesn’t care as much about whether her identity is exposed or not. It is best not to expose it, and there is nothing to say about exposure.

When she came to Huaxia this time, her purpose was to visit her sister. She didn’t intend to keep it completely secret—at least He Xi would definitely know her identity.

He Xi is the one she has always avoided exposure. However, this time is different. She learned some insider information about Zhongxia Company from Anthony. He Xi has already been in charge of Zhongxia. Although he did not explore her identity, she will know it sooner or later.

Dong Ding knew her identity. If he regrets the need, he will definitely tell him-considering this, Lisa feels that she has no need to cover up, and therefore decides to visit Alice.

Dong Ding invited Lisa in the car and took her to the hotel: “Your Chinese is very good. Haven’t you been to Huaxia before?”

“En.” Lisa nodded. Said: “I have a few Chinese teachers.”

In order to make her debut in China, the old duke hired a group of excellent teachers to train her a few years ago. She often does dialogue exercises and speaks Chinese naturally and authentically.

This afternoon, a report such as “Mysterious Woman Appears in the Summer” appeared in a well-known newspaper. There was a photo of Lisa in it, which caused a lot of discussion in public opinion.

Originally, even if Dong Ding picked up the plane in person, it would be difficult for an ordinary woman to make news. ※I read the book w_ww. However, this time the difference is that this woman looks very similar to Alice, and many people believe that she is Alice.

“Why is the vice president of Phoenix Company picked up by Dong Ding?”

“Miss Alice has been away for almost a year… She came back not from Phoenix Company, but from Zhongxia Company? Did she and Phoenix Company have a deadlock?”

“That beautiful female president is back? She defected to Zhongxia Company?”

News like this immediately stunned many people in Ninghai’s full-fledged storm. After receiving the news, Zhao Meng immediately dialed Dong Ding’s phone.

“President Dong, what’s going on? Is that woman Alice?”

If so, this is good news for him. Zhao Meng knew Alice’s abilities. It didn’t matter how she left Phoenix Company. The important thing was that if it was really her, it would be a pity that she would be missing a right-hand man.

It may be impossible for Alice to deal with Phoenix Company, but there will always be a reason for her to leave there. Ordinary things will not make Alice quit, and Xu Jing of Phoenix Company is her father, so the reason will naturally not appear to him, it can only be because of He Xi.

After leaving for nearly a year, he went to Zhongxia Company after returning. Zhao Meng felt that there was something tricky in it. The relationship between Alice and He Xi is very interesting.

He was worried that he could not find the weakness to strike He Xi, so naturally he would not let go of such a good opportunity. It doesn’t matter what the truth is, what’s important is that there are too many ‘topics’ that can be done.

Dong Ding didn’t tell Zhao Meng Lisa’s identity—not that he didn’t want to reveal it, but that Lisa came too suddenly. Zhongxia Company didn’t think about how to deal with her problem.

Is it to remain confidential? Or should I take this opportunity to promote her? Lisa is different from others, not only because she is the most mysterious and talented cartoonist in Phoenix, but also because she is Anthony’s adopted daughter and cannot be treated at will.

“Sorry, Mr. Zhao… Our company still has two days to discuss her matter. Then we will decide to announce it.”

Dong Ding tactfully refused, but Zhao Meng mistakenly thought that he had acquiesced to the identity of Alice, and he was excited.

In addition to Zhao Meng, many media are also curious about the identity of this woman, but unfortunately, apart from the photos found at the airport, afterwards they looked for it, but they never found the person again.

Unable to find me, the reporters gathered in front of the Zhongxia Building, but they were destined to be disappointed. On this day, in order to avoid the wind. Lisa had left Ninghai early.

Seeing so many reporters gathered at the door, Dong Ding moved in his heart. This incident was used a little bit. Isn’t it a good opportunity to announce “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”?

He quickly called Yang Liang and asked him to hold a conference.

Yang Liang informed Zhao Mei to come over, and then he opened the door and let the reporters walk into the Phoenix Building.

All the reporters thought that what Zhongxia Company was going to talk about was the identity of the woman. Unexpectedly, after they finished, Yang Liang announced that they would launch a new comic group.

“This is the most promising cartoonist group launched by our company after Angels. The name of the group is’Kirin’, and there are only two people-they will get more resources and promotion efforts from our company than Angels, their talents Why not lose to…”

Yang Liang talked freely, Zhao Mei and He Xi’s combination was called “Kirin”. This implies that the central figure of the combination is “Kirin”, and Zhao Mei also recognizes this.

But when he said that, the reporters at the conference laughed-why did Zhongxia Company do this trick again? It’s been a few years, they are still daydreaming, and the angels are fine. What a pity the talent is not lost?

It’s so ridiculous!

“Minister Yang. Stop talking about this… We are not interested in your new cartoonist group, let’s tell us the identity of that woman first!”

“Yes, who is that woman? Is it Miss Alice?”

The reporters were noisy and focused on the mysterious woman at the airport.

Yang Liang looked a little embarrassed. Fortunately, he received a report soon: “Our cartoonist is coming soon. Ask her to tell you about the new cartoons.”

Others looked at the door, and a woman walked in in a hurry. When they saw her face, some reporters stopped smiling.

“Zhao Mei? Isn’t this Zhao Mei?”

“who is she?”

“A very good illustrator, his painting skills are not inferior to angels. It seems that what Minister Yang said is not a lie. This unicorn combination should be worth looking forward to.”

“Is there any good teacher He Xi painted?”

“This one……”

Some reporters have looked forward to the’Kirin’ because of the appearance of Zhao Mei, but more people still don’t believe Yang Liang’s saying that’the talent is not lost to what regrets’.

No way, this is not the first time this sentence has been said, but for so many years, no one can really challenge He Xi.

Yang Liang handed the instructions to Zhao Mei. Zhao Mei walked towards the middle nervously, but accidentally tripped on the side of the stairs, and the documents in his hand were scattered on the ground.


“This is a good illustrator?”

At this moment, most reporters couldn’t help but laugh. Those who had looked down on Zhao Mei did not say anything. Even the reporters who had just mentioned their interest have lost interest at this moment.

How could this kind of woman who can even fall when walking threaten He Xi? It’s just a idiot dream!

Naturally, the conference did not achieve any good results-the reporters were not impressed by “The Legend of the Sword and Fairy”, but the fall of Zhao Mei, which will also be reflected in tomorrow’s newspapers.

Although the character of “Legend of Sword and Fairy” is indeed very beautiful, but without seeing the script and novel, no reporter believes that this work has the potential to challenge.

Wrestling is more suitable as the content of the report than the cloth meeting itself. As for this new comic group “Kirin”, no one cares.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel ashamed to challenge, and it’s a combination based on original comics…If you don’t die, you won’t know how to die!”

“Unexpectedly, there are still people who naively want to catch up with Teacher He Xi in the original comics…”

“Zhongxia Company is completely abolished this time. Even the adaptation of the comics can’t win Mr. He Xi. What the **** is this original comic?”

The reporters’ disdain was shown on their faces. Naturally, they never concealed the sensitive Zhao Mei. She was extremely sad. She did not expect that she and Qilin would be so unpleasant.

And on such an important occasion, what a terrible effect her wrestling had! “The Legend of the Sword and Fairy” is obviously such a good work, and the exhibition will fail in this way.

A feeling of unwillingness, regret, and discrimination emerged in Zhao Mei’s heart. After the event was over, she stood in the lonely venue, her eyes red.

Zhao Mei wiped his eyes, then clenched his fists, vowing that he would use cartoons to make these reporters who underestimated him regret.

“Minister, I will definitely turn “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” into the hottest comic!”

“Ah, oh…” Yang Liang’s face was also a little lost, but he nodded in encouragement: “It’s good if you have such ambitions, don’t mind what they say, I shouldn’t say it’s a shame to challenge…”

He has been in the comics industry for a long time Naturally, he understands that no one can challenge He Shi now. The attitude of the reporters is actually normal. If he didn’t say He Shi in the first place, it would be fine.

If you change to another company, someone will suddenly stand up and say you can challenge what Xi, Yang Liang will also find it ridiculous from the bottom of his heart.

“No, Minister, you are right-they can underestimate me, but they can’t underestimate “Legend of Sword and Fairy”, this work of Qilin will not lose to He Xi!”

Zhao Mei said, “I want to give him a sigh of relief.”

After seeing “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”, she became full of confidence in her partner. That is definitely someone who can challenge He Xi, and she can’t shame him.

However, Yang Liang couldn’t laugh or cry in his heart, vent his anger, what his anger–what a pity Qilin, he attacked himself, how could he feel angry.

But of course he would not tell Zhao Mei these words, it is good that Zhao Mei has momentum. (To be continued.)


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