Big Manga

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1103 : Countermeasures

“good morning everyone.”

On Monday, Han Xuan ran into the office one minute before being late, and greeted her colleagues out of breath.



The employees in the office answered one after another, and Han Xuan wiped her sweat and walked to her desk.

“Han Xuan, why is it so late today?”

Bai Xiang, who was sitting next to her, asked, Bai Xiang is Han Xuan’s predecessor, also from Suhua University City. He graduated a year earlier than Han Xuan and joined the Phoenix Company. Han Xuan got her a lot after coming here. Take care.

“I revised the paper last night. I slept late.” Han Xuan smiled bitterly. She will defend her thesis next month. She has been worrying about the thesis for several weeks of vacation.

“By the way, I forgot that you haven’t graduated yet.” Bai Xiang patted his head, and then smiled: “The thesis defense is quite troublesome. When I was defending, I encountered some weird problems. You have to be well prepared. Some teachers like to embarrass people when they are defending.”

When she said this, Han Xuan became nervous: “It shouldn’t be too difficult…”

“No, no, although some teachers like to embarrass people, as long as you are prepared, even if the answer is not good, they will not stop you from letting you live.” Bai Xiang laughed.

“Then I can rest assured.” Han Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the office, and said strangely: “Why is everyone so quiet today?”

The air in the office was very quiet. Except for a few people who greeted her when she came in, everyone else was bowing their heads to deal with the documents in their hands. This was a phenomenon that had never been seen before.

The office where Han Xuan is located is usually a very active office. It is also noisy after work every day. The manager must speak a few times before it can be quiet, especially on Mondays every week. They can’t be quiet at all when they come back from vacation.

At this time of the week, colleagues in the office are sharing holiday activities, where they went to play, who they dated, what gifts they brought for everyone, etc. But no one did it today.

“Don’t you know? Everyone is waiting nervously for inspection…” Bai Xiang said in surprise: “You didn’t read the news in the chat group yesterday?”

“The news in the group?” Han Xuan shook her head. She patronized the papers. Yesterday, I didn’t have any contact with anyone, nor did I watch the company’s chat group.

“You also know the queen mother…” Bai Xiang sighed, and then whispered: “I heard that the prisoner who stole “Sherabi’s Encounter in Time and Space” was caught by the police.”

Han Xuan was taken aback, and then happily said, “Isn’t this good news?”

“It’s good news… and bad news…” Bai Xiang shook his head: “The prisoner has been caught. But it is said that not only a script but also many other materials were stolen from our company.”

Han Xuan felt cold, and she understood why the office was so quiet.

“Something in our department was also stolen? Is it an insider?”

“En.” Bai Xiang nodded: “The office seems to be the hardest hit area. Yesterday, the group said that today, an unprecedented large-scale inspection will be carried out. Employees who have leaked secrets will be expelled if they are found.”

Han Xuan was a little nervous. She thought that the mighty rectification and inspections in the previous two weeks were about to pass, but she didn’t expect that a bigger wave suddenly came.

It’s no wonder that the office is so quiet, and when you come back from the holiday, you will have to face inspections, and no one will be happy. Although Han Xuan has a clear conscience, what if something goes wrong during the examination, and what should I do if I suspect her?

“You don’t need to be nervous, the manager said that there is no evidence that he won’t be wronged…” Bai Xiang saw Han Xuan’s face stiffened, so he smiled: “Besides, you are a newcomer, no one will put things on you. .”


“Because I heard it was a long time ago. Someone leaked the secret before you came here.” Bai Xiang smiled and said: “You should be happy. Maybe after someone is expelled, our treatment will be improved. !”

Han Xuan was unhappy: “I hope so.”

At the same time, similar things happened in other departments. Especially the game department is the most severe, He Qian called the members into a rage early in the morning.

“Secrecy, secrecy, secrecy… I have said it countless times, but this time our department also has a traitor!” She asked the members to stand in rows and stand in front, her face flushed with anger: “This time the problem is the most The most serious thing is the office, but at least they haven’t leaked the most confidential things to you. You don’t even protect “World of Warcraft”!”

The four words “World of Warcraft” came out. There was a tumult among the members who had seemed calm.

“World of Warcraft? Impossible, how could anyone leak this game?”

“Minister, don’t scare us, you can’t leak “World of Warcraft” by leaking anything?”

For the game department. “World of Warcraft” is an extraordinary game. Compared with “Pokemon” and other text adventure games, it has placed their expectations and ambitions more.

This is a game that everyone loves and cares about. It was formed entirely because the employees convinced He Shi with their own enthusiasm. It can even be said that this game is in the heart of every employee with a “lover” Generally noble, they don’t believe that a companion will leak this game out.

The charge of leaking “World of Warcraft” is more serious than anything else, if it is discovered. Without the company’s hands, other employees of the game department will divide the leaker into five horses. It is impossible for such a stupid person to dare to do this!

Moreover, the employees did not hear about the game leak in the newspapers and news. When He Qian said that the game was leaked, the first reaction of each employee was ‘impossible’.

“Will I make this kind of joke with you?” He Qian was furious: “The prisoner has been arrested, and the police found part of the information on “World of Warcraft” from their computers. The original script written by teacher He Xi!!”

This time, the employees boiled.

“Already caught?”

“He Xi teacher’s script was discovered by the police? Nima, someone in our place actually leaked “World of Warcraft”?”

“Who is it that leaked tm?”

“Come out, bastard, a man who dares to do, whoever did it, come out now!”

He Qian’s words made the staff of the game department angry, and a traitor appeared among the companions who were struggling together, and their emotions immediately rose.

“Who did it? Do you know the consequences of the leaks of “World of Warcraft”?”

“Fuck mother! If we let other game companies know the information about “World of Warcraft”, all the results of our hard work over the past few years will be lost!”

“Who did it! If you have the courage to do it, why don’t you have the courage to get out!?”

Under anger. Some employees scolded them for swearing. They looked at people around them with fiery eyes, and a crack suddenly appeared between their trusted colleagues.

This spreading emotion made He Qian couldn’t help being a little surprised, but she soon realized that she hadn’t made it clear that what was leaked was the original plot. The content of the game has not been leaked out.

After listening to her, these employees may have misunderstood a lot of leaked things, including some important information about gameplay.

But in fact, “World of Warcraft” did not reveal the content of the game itself. He Qian had repeatedly asked Shen Jie to verify that what the organization got was only the fur and superficial things of “World of Warcraft”.

The gameplay information of “World of Warcraft” is kept confidential. It should have not leaked out. And if you only know part of the plot content, it is impossible for others to imitate this game.

He Qian’s anger was due to the appearance of traitors in the department, and if we did not rectify it, the game information of this game would be leaked sooner or later. She wanted to catch the prisoner and warn others, but did not want to destroy the trust of the entire game department. sense.

“Shut up all!” He Qian asked the employees to calm down and said coldly: “The leak has already happened, but this is what one person or a small group of people did. I don’t want you to forget about it. Unity!”

“I will investigate this matter clearly, before I investigate it. Don’t engage in infighting!” He Qian scanned everyone and said, “Also, I hope that those who did this can stand up for themselves.”

The employees dared not speak any more, and of course no one came forward.

“It would be better to stand up by yourself.” He Qian said: “This problem has appeared in many departments of the company. Mr. Xu said yesterday that these problems will arise because the company’s management is not in place, and the company was too light-hearted to not be responsible for it, so I As long as the person who stands up does not have critical and important information, we will resign for him according to the normal procedures, and no other responsibilities will be investigated.”

This passage made the employees uproar again. Phoenix’s approach is surprisingly tolerant.

“Minister, how do you judge whether it is important information?” Someone asked He Qian.

“The secrets that have caused huge losses to the company are major secrets. Just like this script, the company has suffered huge losses and the person who leaked it has been fired.”

He Qian answered. What she said was very clear, and the things that the game department has leaked so far are not critical information. Therefore, those who are willing to confess can leave normally without being held accountable.

The employees understand, but some people are still curious: “What will happen if you don’t stand up?”

“Don’t stand up?” He Qian sneered. Of course there is tolerance and severeness. How can people stand up and admit without severe punishment.

“Don’t stand up. Let’s check one by one, send the police to the police if it is serious, and don’t want to get involved in our circle in the future.”

He Qian said: “I believe you also understand that with the company’s current influence, even if we do nothing, as long as we publish a list on the Internet, you will not want to find a job so easily in the future.”

Phoenix is ​​no longer the small company it used to be. It is also a golden sign. Employees who go out of it can easily find jobs, but in the same way, employees who make mistakes in it are basically unable to escape from other companies. The eyes of the personnel department.

‘Leaking secrets’ is one of the most unethical and disgusting behaviors in professional ethics. Even in a good-hearted company, no one would want a leaker to work in the company.

As long as Phoenix releases a list of expulsions for leaks, the careers of the employees on the list are basically ruined. Even if the relationship is dragged into other companies, the employees of the company will definitely know that there is no other reason for his affairs, just because the influence of Phoenix Company is too great.

They own the He Xizhijia forum. Every announcement will be seen by millions of readers. At the same time, it will be automatically reposted by many media, and will cause discussion on Weibo and other chat forums.

The employees of the game department are the people who know the terrible communication power of He Shi’s Forum. The general company webpage may be seldom paid attention to, but He Shi’s forum has too many eyes staring at it. Up.

When He Qian said that the list was to be announced, every employee couldn’t help but shivered too hard. This punishment method was more scary than any other method.

“It’s okay to be frank…”

Everyone thinks this way, if you make a mistake, between confession and non-confession, of course, there is less pressure to choose confession.

Of course, the person who leaked the secret may still have a fluke, because no matter how the investigation is done, it is impossible for Phoenix to make a 100% investigation. Maybe it will miss them He Qian understands this kind of thinking very well. , But this time the incident has had a great impact, and the company will definitely arrest a group of people to raise a warning. And even if there is a fish slipping through the net, they will not dare to do so in the future when they see the fate of others.

“Who has leaked the affairs of our department? In addition to “World of Warcraft”, “Pokemon”, as well as the He Shi’s Forum and other information… We will investigate this time. Please consider the consequences carefully. , Don’t cry in front of me after being caught.”

He Qian took out her mobile phone and checked the time, and said, “I’ll stop here for my morning remarks. I’m going to a meeting later. The company is really moving this time… There will be police officers coming in the afternoon.”


The employees were taken aback.

“Yes, the police… they have a lot of evidence, and they will check it by department by department. You must frankly think about it before the afternoon. I won’t intercede for you when that happens.”

He Qian said at last, then turned and walked outside the office.

Of course, most of the things she said were deceptive. The police were invited by Phoenix Company. There were some policemen in Tokyo, Suhua and Ninghai. This was to intimidate leakers and solve future problems more thoroughly.

Of course, these policemen cannot capture too many prisoners, but they do have some evidence and can find a small number of leakers. As long as these leakers are taken to the police station for a little interrogation, they can actually produce a very good deterrent. Worked.

However, the incident was so violent that the inspection and rectification lasted for three rounds. He Qian was also a little worried whether the company was overdoing it, and ordinary employees might be frightened.

However, there should be some countermeasures to restore people’s hearts…( ^ ) For mobile phone users, please visit m.

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