Big Manga

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1104 : What do you think

“Then… even our department checked it today…”

In the evening, in the private apartment on Comic Island, Qin Ya was drawing and talking to several other women about what happened at the company today.

“This matter is really serious!” Ye Feimeng turned the pen in his hand: “Unexpectedly, even the island studio leaked secrets.”

Qin Ya shook her head: “Our department didn’t leak secrets, but just checked by the way. The animation departments in Ninghai and Tokyo have heard that several people have been arrested.”

She drew several cartoons, and then handed them to the two assistants next to her, instructing them to do post-production.

“However, animation leaks are still rare and did not cause any major impact. The leak of the animated movie was too serious, and the company lowered its box office expectations.”

Qin Ya put away the paintbrush and said, “Everyone in the company is very nervous now, and I don’t know when this matter will end.”

“I don’t understand these things about going to work.” Ye Feimeng smiled: “It sounds too troublesome, Qin Ya, don’t pay too much attention to these issues. Our new comics are more important. You can’t fail this time.”

“I know.” Qin Ya nodded. Although she and Ye Feimeng’s first comic book “Phoenix” had good results, it was a failure in the hearts of both of them.

After learning its lessons, the two are more cautious about the new comics that will be released next.

“I found that the reason for our failure was that the cooperation was not good enough.” Ye Feimeng picked up a comic magazine from his side, flipped through and said: “The plot of “The Flower Season” is not better than ours. They can be so popular, completely It’s a good cooperation.”

“You just found out!”

Qin Ya was a little unhappy, she had already seen the reason for the failure of “Phoenix”. In fact, this comic is not that the plot is not exciting enough. In the two people’s expectations, “Phoenix” should cause a sensation after its release.

However, the reason why the comic they had placed high hopes on did not meet expectations because the two did not cooperate well.

Although they had already cooperated before the release of this comic, and they had a certain tacit understanding. But after all, they have never released a brand new comic, after the release of “Phoenix”. Qin Ya realized that the cooperation between the two was far from simple.

The most important reason lies in Ye Feimeng. The main script and plot of “Phoenix” are in her hands. She is not a professional cartoonist and has no in-depth understanding of the techniques and length of comics.

Ye Feimeng couldn’t distribute the good stories on the appropriate line drafts, that is, he couldn’t grasp the plot distribution of each grid of the comics. At the same time, it is difficult to adjust the high-c fluctuations of the plot according to the length of each chapter of the serialized comic…

Although Qin Ya has this ability, the main plot is not in her hands. Once she lavishly divides and changes, the whole story will become boring, and it will also disrupt Ye Feimeng’s plan. So she can only make a certain degree of change on the basis of Ye Feimeng.

This led to the fact that although “Phoenix” had a good story, it could not be best expressed. In the eyes of the two, it has become a failed work.

“You should really like to make up for the storytelling of comics. If you have the storytelling ability of a professional cartoonist, I won’t have to work so hard.”

Qin Ya sighed.

“You think I don’t want to make up for it, look at how many comics I have read in the past two months.” Ye Feimeng pointed around, Qin Ya’s studio is full of comic books, and Ye Feimeng has basically finished reading it.

“I have read so many cartoons, but I still don’t understand what I don’t understand…” Ye Feimeng complained: “I have never been a cartoonist, so how can I get a deeper understanding of the techniques of cartoons? I ask you to introduce He Xi Teacher, you refuse to introduce it to me.”

“As long as teacher He Xi teaches me.” Her eyes shone lightly: “I will learn it soon.”

“Didn’t I teach you?” Qin Ya said dissatisfied.

Ye Feimeng gave a blank look: “Qin Ya, it’s not that I said you, but you are really not suitable for being a teacher.”


The two assistants who were painting couldn’t help laughing.

“Yes, teacher, what you teach is not good at all.”

“Teaching people is still suitable for Teacher He Xi. The editors also said that Teacher He Xi is the best at teaching people. Every assistant he teaches can be his own.”

Qin Ya’s face flushed.

“You are quite brave. What a pity that the teacher taught so well, why didn’t you ask him much during the two years when we were painting together? Maybe you can now make your debut like Baihan and the others!”

The two assistants suddenly lost their voices, and they were more relaxed in front of Qin Ya. But when faced with He Xi, he will be much less courageous. In fact, he can’t be said to be timid, but rather restrained.

“Feimeng, it’s not that I don’t want to introduce the teacher to you.” Qin Ya saw that the two assistants stopped talking. He turned his head and said to Ye Feimeng, “But I haven’t seen him much in the past few months, so how can I introduce him to you?”

After the Spring Festival, Meng Huo kept the habit of going home every day, and Qin Ya did not see her except during working hours. Moreover, when the two collaborated on comics, Meng Huo gave her the manuscript every time at work and asked her to go back and revise it.

“Teacher He Xi used to draw in the company. Now I don’t know what’s going on, he keeps all the comics at home, and he doesn’t ask me to join…” Qin Ya’s face was a little lost.

“Speaking of, you haven’t been drawing in the company recently, and you have brought the comics back to your apartment!” Ye Feimeng said, “have not been to that studio for a month?”

Qin Ya nodded: “Teacher He Xi is not here, it’s better to stay at home there.”

“…” Ye Feimeng showed a playful smile: “Are you actually lonely?”

“Lonely!” Qin Ya was furious, how could she be lonely about this little thing, just sad… Yes, it’s just a change of sad work habits!

“Okay, you’re not lonely, giggle…” Ye Feimeng smiled, covering her mouth, but after seeing Qin Ya’s increasingly cold face, she still coughed and turned the topic back: “I know Teacher He Xi Very busy, but at least, you can always ask him to help us see the script of the new comic? He Xi is very good at modifying the script, right?”

Qin Ya nodded, saying that no one could be better at modifying the manga script than He Xi. The script he wrote is China’s most perfect comic script, because he has to hand it over to his assistants as a basis for drawing comics for a long time and frequently. His script is simple and clear. After reading the script, the assistants know what to do. painted.

“Teacher He Xi’s skill as a shopkeeper is unmatched. His scripts and manga manuscripts can be taken out. You can let other painters know how to post-process. It is said that many comic publishing houses take Mr. He Xi’s past manga scripts as Use of teaching materials.”

Qin Ya said that He Xi is the well-deserved number one cartoonist in terms of cooperation and education with his assistants. This is for many years, a large number of comics have been serialized at the same time, and it has been separated from many assistants. The terrifying ability that is slowly formed in He Xi’s body is impossible for others to imitate.

“Isn’t that simple?” Ye Feimeng clapped his hands and said, “You give me the script of the new comic to Mr. He Xi, and then Mr. He Xi will make adjustments for us and divide the lens. You can draw it again, It’s hard to think about it or not!”

Qin Ya is a little moved. It is undeniable that this is a good idea, but can she be so troublesome?

“I don’t think this is very good…” Qin Ya thought for a while, still shook her head: “The workload is too much, and in this way, the new cartoon will not be the work of the two of us, but the work of three.”

Ye Feimeng smiled and said: “It’s not that you are asking you to hand over all the scripts to Teacher He Xi, but just ahead, ahead! You give me his modified script and storyboard. I can learn it.”

“Can this work?”

“Of course, I am not a blank.” Ye Feimeng nodded. At any rate, she has been a comic fan for several years. After working with Qin Ya, she added a lot of comic knowledge. Her shooting ability is actually qualified. The key is Still not good enough.

Qin Ya’s manga is a very good manga, she has to have excellent storytelling skills if she wants to cooperate with her. After the storyboarding skills have reached a certain foundation, it will be difficult to improve on their own. If He Shi personally adjusted the script and storyboard draft, Ye Feimeng can become even more powerful.

“…You are right to say that.” After listening to Ye Feimeng’s words. Qin Ya nodded: “That’s it, I will ask Teacher He Xi to help.”

She thought that she would have to go to the editorial department to find some scripts and storyboards that he regrets, so as to win by quantity, or just rely on the revisions of the new comics. It is difficult for Ye Fei to dream of improving her ability quickly.

“Then it’s settled!” Ye Feimeng immediately returned to the room and took out the written script. She lived in Qin Ya’s apartment and turned around to be her room.

“You remember to take them with you when you go to work tomorrow.”

Ye Feimeng put part of the script in front of Qin Ya.

Then the next day, Qin Ya got up and started washing up while Ye Feimeng and the two assistants were still asleep, and then dressed up to go out.

“Wow!” Before going out, the little white dog got out of the kennel. Excitedly ran around Qin Ya’s feet.

“Pirate, do you want to go out too?” Qin Ya bent over and touched its head with a smile, and then said: “That’s not okay, wait until they get up and they will take you for a walk. You’ll be honest now. Now.”

“Woo…” The little white dog’s tail wilted.

“Okay, good… I’ll give you something to eat…” Qin Ya turned around and took out the dog food and soaked it for her pet. After putting the food in front of the white dog, it stopped pestering Qin Ya.

Qin Ya put on a mask and left the apartment. This is her habit. Although most of the residents in this community are senior executives of Phoenix Company and the security is excellent, it is inevitable that there will still be reporters squatting somewhere. If they are discovered That’s not good.

“Good morning, Qin Ya.”

Walking on the road in the damp community, someone suddenly called Qin Ya’s name from behind. When she looked back, it turned out to be He Qian.

He Qian moved here last year. The real estate on Comic Island is very expensive, but apartments and houses in some places are not for sale. This community is one of them, and there are many vacant apartments now.

He Qian knows Qin Ya because she wears a mask every day.

“It’s really late today, He Qian.” Qin Ya greeted her. Unlike her who went to work on time, He Qian always left early and went to work in the game department early every day.

“No way, to check the system last night, I was busy until I went to bed.” He Qian rushed to Qin Ya and said.

“One point, this is really strange.” Qin Ya said in surprise. He Qian’s work and rest standards are well known to everyone in Phoenix. Every time there are night events and gatherings, she is basically the first person to leave.

“Ah, forgot…you can’t tell Teacher He Xi about this.” He Qian found herself leaking, and quickly remedied: “If Teacher He Xi knows that I slept so late, he must get angry.”

“I understand.” Qin Ya smiled and nodded. The past events of He Qian and Meng Huo are no secrets within the company. It is said that He Qian staying up late can easily cause old symptoms, which is why she has always followed the rules.

However, He Qian is still very healthy in the eyes of most people, and now so many years have passed, Qin Ya also thinks she is too fussing.

“Actually, you don’t need to be so careful.” Qin Ya said, “Isn’t it just staying up late? Teacher He Xi wouldn’t mind so much.”

“No, he would mind.” He Qian shook her head: “The last time he found out, he warned me… He said that staying up late can’t start, and it will be troublesome when you start.”

Qin Ya was taken aback, did Meng Huo care about He Qian’s body so much? How many years have passed since her affairs, how could he still care about this issue?

“Even if the teacher said so, you don’t have to do exactly what he said.” Qin Ya felt a little uncomfortable and said, “If you stay up late and don’t tell him, he won’t know.”

“That way I will feel guilty…” He Qian shook her head and smiled: “This is the agreement between me and Teacher He Xi seven years ago. The agreement is the agreement. I will abide by it-this is also a respect for Teacher He Xi. .”

She has always kept the promise to Meng Huo because Meng Huo is a benefactor to her. Not only a savior, but also a benefactor who allows her to live so happily now.

Among all the persons in charge of the Phoenix Company at the same level, He Qian’s loyalty to Meng Huo is the highest. She believes that no matter what happens in the future, even if Meng Huo becomes nothing, she will work with him.

And because of this, she was very angry after knowing that the game was leaked. She was busy until midnight last night, in fact, to find the leaker.

He Qian could not allow half of the traitor to stay under her hands, especially now that her department had mastered more and more things and technologies that could lead to the demise of Phoenix Company, she did not allow accidents.

“The seven-year agreement… sounds so good…”

Qin Ya was a little envious of He Qian. She could work with Meng Huo seven years ago. If she could do the same seven years ago, then maybe now…

“Ha, what am I thinking?”

Qin Ya blushed, how could she have such strange thoughts. (To be continued.)

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