Big Manga

Chapter 1113

Chapter 1105 :breath

Many companies do not provide breakfast, but Phoenix Company is an exception. Qin Ya and He Qian are used to solving three meals at the company, and they came to the restaurant together.

“I haven’t seen Teacher He Xi come to eat breakfast recently.”

After eating breakfast together, He Qian suddenly remembered that she hadn’t seen Meng Huo in this restaurant in the morning for a long time. He often appeared before.

“The teacher came only after eating at home.” Qin Ya nodded. She knew that Meng Huo’s breakfast and dinner are basically at the meeting house now except for noon.

“Speaking of…Where is teacher He Xi’s home?” He Qian was a little strange: “It is said that the teacher bought a new house in Suhua and took Aunt Qin over, but no one seems to know where he lives.”

This is Meng Huo’s ‘disguise excuse’ for returning to Meng’s house every day. Except for a few insiders, most people think that Meng Huo has a new home in Suhua.

Of course, this excuse has many loopholes, and Qin Ya has never believed this excuse very much. Meng Huo has his own apartment on Manga Island, which is close to work and safe. He can live there after his mother comes. What else does he buy a house for?

And Li Qin hasn’t appeared in Manga Island in recent months. She is a very enthusiastic person. If something hasn’t diverted her attention, how could she not come around after living in Suhua for so many months?

Qin Ya always felt that Meng Huo had secrets from her. Sometimes she would really like to find out, but every time she was simply perfunctory by Meng Huo.

“I don’t know where he lives.” Qin Ya said to He Qian.

After eating breakfast, the two bid farewell at the entrance of the restaurant and walked towards their respective working places.

The painters in the island studio reached 70%. Ten minutes after Qin Ya arrived. Others have gradually arrived. It was not until two minutes before work that Meng Huo arrived late.

“Teacher He Xi, what are you holding?”

Qin Ya saw that in addition to his usual things, Meng Huo was also holding a closed file bag.

“The manga manuscript was handed to me by the editorial department just now.” Meng Huo laughed and said, “This is a newcomer manga. I turned a few pages. It is very interesting. Would you like to read it?”

“Newcomer?” Qin Ya was surprised. What newcomer’s comics should be given to Meng Huo: “Then show me 8≠style_txt;!”

“Okay, but… it’s better to wait for you when you rest.” Meng Huo noticed that he was going to work, and he couldn’t take the lead at this time.

Two hours later, when it was time to rest, Meng Huo took out the manuscript of the manga, covered the cover with white paper, and handed it to Qin Ya. He smiled and said, “You are not allowed to read the name of the manga artist. Can you guess it after reading it? Who painted it.”

“Do I know?” Qin Ya was surprised, then picked up the manuscript and looked at it. The style of the first page made her feel familiar. After reading two pages carefully, her eyes lit up.

“Is Baihan going to launch a serialization?” She saw that the author of this comic was Baihan. After so many years of friendship, how could she not see its style.

Qin Ya looked at Meng Huo, who nodded at her with a wry smile. Qin Ya quickly took the blank paper on the cover. As expected, Bai Han’s name was written on the cover. Like Qin Ya, she used her real name to make her debut.

“Island, this is a good name…” The name of this comic is “Island”, simple and romantic, Qin Ya clapped his hands and praised, and Meng Huo on one side began to explain: “This is the final draft. The editorial department asked me to do the final. Serial review.”

When he arrived at the company, he met an editor-in-chief of the girl’s editorial department. The editor-in-chief told him that Baihan’s new cartoon was undergoing serial review by the editorial department and had great hopes of passing it.

Just when I met Meng Huo, the editor-in-chief dragged him into the editorial department and gave him a manuscript for review. But to say it was an opinion, in fact, to let Meng Huo do the final review.

As long as he nods, this comic will be 100% serialized.

“It turned out to be like this…” Qin Ya nodded: “Then teacher, have you finished watching “The Island”?”

“Not yet, I know the story from the editorial department, but the manuscript hasn’t been read much yet. You can read it first.” Meng Huo said, “Give me your evaluation after reading it, and then I will take a closer look.”

Qin Ya was a little startled, then sighed in her heart. Unexpectedly, she also brought a comic today to show Meng Huo, but as a result, she hadn’t said about it yet, and another comic suddenly stepped in—and she had to help.

However, the owner of this comic was Bai Han, and Qin Ya had to put away the sigh from the bottom of her heart, and picked up the manuscript of “Island” and read it.

The weight of the manuscript is very heavy, with five pages in full. To Qin Ya’s surprise, “Island” is a cartoon about life and daily life, and it doesn’t seem to have any special theme.

This cartoon tells the story of a girl who was born and grew up on the island. It has no weird development, very realistic, and it is not a common campus story in comics. The stage of “Island” includes campus and family-yes A story that happened in a small town on an island.

There are three stories in the five chapters. The first chapter tells the sickness of the old man living alone next door to the girl’s house. The son did not want to come back to visit because he had resentment towards his father—before his mother was seriously ill and died. Father did not take care of her. The girl ran around and found the truth of the year and resolved the misunderstanding between the father and the son. The son brought his daughter-in-law back to take care of the elderly.

The second and third story tells about the noodle shop that girls often go to, and the boss’s child is lost. She went out to search with other people, and then ran into a stray dog ​​on the way. She thought the stray dog ​​was a bad dog, but it found the child. The noodle shop owner used to feed the dog with unwanted food. In order to repay his gratitude, it retrieved the lost child for him.

The four or five words tells that in the school, a beloved teacher stole the teaching equipment, and the school was about to expel him. The girl didn’t believe it, so she went to find the truth, and found out that it was a boy who was bullied by his classmates and designed traps to avenge his classmates. After the teacher knew about it, he stood up and bears this notoriety…

In these five words, the girl acts as the protagonist and the bystander. Tells three touching stories.

“This…healing style?” Qin Ya was dumbfounded after reading it. Then he became happy: “Teacher. It seems that Baihan’s mood has calmed down. Her cartoons are very nice.”

According to Baihan’s mood before leaving the comic island, she would never draw this style of comics. Qin Ya felt her current state of mind from the comics.

“Very good, right?”

Meng Huo smiled. Although he has not read the manuscript, he has heard about the main style of this comic from the editor-in-chief, which is a style he is very familiar with.

“Obviously, Han and I have been together longer, but in the end she was most affected by your teacher.” Qin Ya puffed up her face. A little unhappy.

The story of the comic “Island” is lightly touched in the light. Although there is no intense plot, it is very attractive. The scenery of the island is also very beautiful.

Qin Ya could see that this comic was influenced by “Natsume’s Account of Friends”, and Bai Han was his assistant to this comic when he was on the island of comics.

In fact, it’s not only she can see it, anyone who reads this manuscript will feel that the breaths of “Island” and “Natsume’s Book of Friends” are very similar.

Although one happened on the beach, one in the forest, one without monsters, and one developing around monsters-but the two feel the same, and they will leave a sense of healing in the heart of readers after reading them.

“Do you think this comic by Baihan is so good?”

“…It’s beautiful, it’s real…It’s a super level performance…” Qin Ya touched the cartoon. Said: “No wonder she is going home. This comic is based on her hometown, right?”

Meng Huo nodded. Baihan’s home is in one of the southern archipelago, where in ancient times it was just a place for fishermen to rest, but in the past two hundred years, many islands have had towns on it. The “island” painted by Baihan is actually a small town. .

“Baihan’s hometown seems to be a tourist attraction…” He remembered that Baihan had said this.

“Yes, yes, I remember…” Qin Ya nodded, “No wonder I can paint so beautifully. I really want to visit her hometown if I have a chance.”

Meng Huo laughed. Qin Ya would have such thoughts. The quality of “Island” is self-evident-and to be honest, the cartoons that can enter Qin Ya’s eyes are generally not much different.


After Meng Huo received the manuscript handed over by Qin Ya, he was quite happy. He is very happy that Baihan found and drew his own comics, and he also likes such works.

Ninety percent of the girly comics talk about love between men and women, but “Island” is obviously not. As the first debut work, it can be seen that Baihan has a higher vision.

When the girl left Manga Island, she told Meng Huo that she would come back, become a powerful cartoonist and return to him-Meng Huo has now seen her determination.

He likes works like “Island” very much. The theme of life without monsters and no fantasy seems to be very restrictive, but life is always the type with the strongest sense of substitution for people.

Although Meng Huo didn’t know how many of the stories in “Island” were fictitious and how many were real, Baihan used his hometown, memory and experience as resources to draw comics, and he was naturally satisfied with many that led to the direction of comics. Conditions for success.

This girl wanted to use an “Island” to take a different path from other girly cartoonists. She lingered for so long, but once a decision was made, the results were so surprising.

“Qin Ya, if you don’t work harder, maybe in another ten years, Baihan will stand on your head.” Meng Huo said to Qin Ya with a smile.

“How is it possible…Before I quit the comics industry, I will never give to others the throne of the first person in the girly comics.” Qin Ya gritted her teeth and said, but she also felt a strong urgency in her heart.

In the past few years, she has never had such a great urgency, but since the launch of “Flower Season” last year, she found that the world she faced was undergoing rapid changes.

This change is not because she is regressing, but because others are improving faster than her, and newcomers are emerging faster than her.

“The Flower Season” is one of them, and so is the current “Island”… If Qin Ya stagnates and can no longer create and break through the glory of “The Legend of the Galaxy Diva”, Meng Huo said that Baihan will stand in another decade. On her head, it was already light.

Ten years later, Bai Han will definitely not be the only girl cartoonist standing on Qin Ya’s head. Among the people who have emerged in the past six months, there are two in “Flower Season”, and Zhao Mei of Zhongxia Company is also a guy who can’t be underestimated…

And if Jingyue’s identity is a woman as Meng Huo said, it would be a pity that she can’t win in the future, if she gets angry and starts drawing girly cartoons, Qin Ya will be in trouble.

“How come all of them look like monsters…”

Qin Ya sighed in her heart, thinking that when she debuted, she was not afraid and not afraid, even He Xi didn’t care about it. Later, I admitted that what a shame, and thought that she could be the second child, but when Angel and Jingyue came out, she never dared to say that she was the second child in the comics industry anymore.

Now she can only say that she is the first person in the girl manga, but this is already a step back. Qin Ya is an arrogant person, and she will never allow herself to take a step back.

If one day she can’t even guarantee this title, she might as well seal the pen.

But now she still has a chance. She is still the most popular girl cartoonist in China, and she has a chance more than other female cartoonists-as long as she doesn’t make a mistake she will not be replaced!

“Teacher!” Qin Ya’s heart suddenly burst into flames and began to burn.

She no longer worried that Meng Huo still had Baihan’s “Island”, bent down and took out the script prepared by Ye Feimeng from her bag and put it on Meng Huo’s desk.

“I’m going to launch a new series too. These are the plots. Teacher, you have to help me adjust and adjust them…” Qin Ya put forward her request in a’violent manner’.

Meng Huo hadn’t seen Qin Ya’s appearance for a long time. He looked astonished, then smiled, and slowly listened to Qin Ya’s request.

“Okay, give me a few days.”

Although he was very busy, Meng Huo still agreed to Qin Ya’s request, and he was willing to spare the time to modify her script first.

Qin Ya didn’t expect that Meng Huo would agree so simply, and almost jumped up with joy.

“Teacher… I don’t know how to thank you, so let’s go… You go home and revise it now, and all the animation matters will be left to me! I promise that there will be no mistakes!”

Qin Ya knows that the way to repay Meng Huo is to share more work pressure for him.

However, Meng Huo shook his head and refused: “I don’t need your thanks. If you really want to thank me, you just need to keep the fighting spirit you are today.”

“Fighting spirit?”

“Yes, you are like you now…” Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya and said with a smile: “When I first saw you, you were like this, full of confidence and fighting spirit-I think this is very important to you. Traits.”

He sometimes thinks that Qin Ya is by his side, and the breath that originally belonged to her seems to be disappearing, but that is a very important breath that she also needs to draw cartoons. (To be continued.)

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