Big Manga

Chapter 1115

Chapter 1107 : You are leaving again

“Do you need to pour tea? Master.”

“No, I have finished processing these files, I have to go to work.”

In the office, Meng Huo handed a stack of documents to Xia Ying and got up to leave.

“Young Master.” Before he left, Xia Ying asked suddenly: “Has the time for Mrs. Young’s return been decided?”

“Well, it’s decided.” Meng Huo talked with Xu Jing in the morning, and formally decided on the future arrangements: “Sorry, you have just been here for less than two months, and you will have to follow me to other places in the future.”

“No, I’m happy.”

Xia Ying smiled.

When Meng Huo came to the island studio, Qin Ya became happy when he saw him: “Teacher He Xi, did you read the script yesterday? How about my new theme?”

“Very good.” Meng Huo praised: “This comic is more suitable for you than the previous one.”

He took the time to read a part of Qin Ya’s script last night. Although he hasn’t finished it yet, the theme and beginning are all well written, and the plot is more interesting than “Phoenix”.

“Are there any purchases of today’s “Sino Summer Magazine”?”

After sitting down, Meng Huo asked.

“Yes, teacher, did you forget to buy it?” Qin Ya took out the comic magazine from the bag and handed it to Meng Huo.

“Too busy this morning, I don’t have time to buy it.”

Meng Huo took the magazine and saw “The Legend of the Sword and Fairyman” once again appeared on the cover, with the ad slogan: “Super Popular New Work-Three Weeks in a Row!”

“It’s the cartoonist you like, teacher, and that Zhao Mei is not a fuel-efficient lamp.” Qin Ya praised: “This is already the third consecutive week that she has ranked first. In this magazine, “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” “It’s an invincible work.”

Meng Huo nodded, but he was not very happy. The release frequency of “Summer Magazine” is very high, and the cover says the number one for three consecutive weeks. In fact, it should refer to the ranking of “Legend of Sword and Fairy” on the day of serialization, not to say that it ranked first among all serial comics of Zhongxia Company.

At present, Zhongxia’s first comic book is still Jingyue’s work, followed by Angels, and “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” has just reached fifth.

This fifth place still relied on Zhao Mei’s drawing skills. During this time, the newspapers and news, and even reading ∑★style_txt; the discussion of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” was basically centered on Zhao Mei. The original author of “Kirin” is rarely paid attention to.

There is no way. As a beautiful girl cartoonist, Zhao Mei is very eye-catching. Coupled with her drawing skills and the original popularity, it is now even more concerned.

In contrast, Qilin is a mysterious, uninformed, and not even showing much’talented’ writer. People naturally don’t catch a cold to him, and it’s pretty good not to scold him for being too miserable.

“How worrying about the future of this comic… When will we surpass the angel if we continue this way!” After reading the comic, Meng Huo couldn’t help but shook his head.

The quality of this issue of “Legend of Sword and Fairy” remains the same, but the progress is still too slow.

“The teacher said “The Legend of the Sword and the Fairy” can surpass the works of angels?” Qin Ya, who was painting on the side, heard what Meng Huo said. I looked over in surprise.

“Right.” Meng Huo said strangely, “Is there any problem?”

“What’s the problem…” Qin Ya was quite speechless: “Does the teacher really think “The Legend of the Sword and the Fairy” can surpass the angels? Although it is a good work, it is true that the teacher’s expectations are too high .”

Because of Meng Huo, she has been following “The Legend of Sword and Fairyman” for several weeks. Although the comics are good, it is too exaggerated to surpass the angels. Doesn’t it mean that Zhao Mei is better than her?

“Beyond the angels should be no problem.” Meng Huo did not change his mind.

It’s not that he looks down on angels, but that the degree of angels’ attention to comics has been getting smaller and smaller in recent years. They have focused on animation and animated films, and now they are busy with “One Piece”. Comics are no longer the focus, and there is even no sign of launching new comics.

In this situation. “Legend of Sword and Fairy” is a matter of course to surpass the angels. If even a careless opponent cannot be defeated, then Meng Huo won’t have to bother to arrange a vest with Zhongxia Company and just give up.

“What about Jingyue?” Qin Ya laughed: “Teacher, you are so optimistic about the comic combination “The Legend of Sword and Fairy” and Qilin, don’t you think Jingyue will be surpassed by them too?”

“Jingyue…” Meng Huo pondered for a moment: “There may be opportunities in the future, but this comic is not yet possible.”

He didn’t dare to look down upon Lisa, Lisa’s drawing skills would never lose to Zhao Mei. In addition, she has gathered a lot of popularity through many excellent short comics, with a solid foundation and a very high degree of reader trust, almost second only to He Shi.

Now in China, if you mention the name of a cartoonist, you can convince readers that this cartoon is a good work. Apart from He Xi, there is only Jingyue.

Even after the end of “The Legend of Sword and Fairy”, its plot shock can be more profound than Jingyue’s work, but with this work, Meng Huo is not confident that Qilin can catch up with Jingyue.

Jingyue has a solid foundation, and Kylin needs time to train readers and fans. It is unlikely to fight Jingyue in a short period of time.

“Of course it’s impossible.” Qin Ya finally felt relieved when she saw Meng Huo’s answer. She thought that Meng Huo blindly trusted Qilin, but now it seemed that he was reasonable.

“How can Qilin surpass Jingyue?” Qin Ya raised her brows: “Jingyue’s rival is not this newcomer combination, but you, teacher, don’t be too leisurely-that’s a terrifying opponent.”

“Why do you say that?”

Meng Huo was surprised that Qin Ya would say this.

“Because she is a big beauty.” Qin Ya said solemnly: “Once her true identity is revealed, her popularity will skyrocket, and her popularity will not matter if she doubles it. Then she will be able to challenge the teacher on the same level. is you.”

Meng Huo was stunned, and immediately frowned. Qin Ya’s words sounded exaggerated, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not an exaggeration.

Revealing the true identity of a cartoonist is not just to let the original fans know you. It also has a powerful propaganda effect, especially for a cartoonist with characteristics. Once the identity is revealed, the major media will pay close attention to it, and the popularity will increase several times. Very common thing.

Take Meng Huo’s identity as an example. He became famous almost overnight. Because of his amazing youth and appearance, as well as the story background, all the media reported on him. As a result, not only comic readers, but also many ordinary people began to pursue him.

There were not many people who knew him in his hometown, Qingcheng. People don’t read comics either. But after his identity was revealed, no one would not know him. It can be said that he was no longer a ‘cartoonist’ but a star.

Meng Huo’s popularity has increased more than several times through the “identification revealed” link. It is also possible that people who know the name “He Xi” have increased tenfold.

As for Lisa, the situation she faced was almost the same as that of Meng Huo back then, and her conditions were no worse than Meng Huo.

A cartoonist who has no face, no story or special topic, may be revealed that his identity is only hot, and he will soon fade. But Lisa obviously won’t, her appearance, country, story-all are full of topics and attractive things. And she has never said that she is a woman. If this gender is exposed, it will be even more exciting than Meng Huo’s topic back then.

Now in the comics world, Lisa, whose popularity is second only to He Xi, will grow in popularity after her identity is revealed, and her popularity will be able to catch up with He Xi in a short time.

“That’s it… So it’s so…”

Suddenly, Meng Huo knew why Lisa’s new comics had chosen the subject matter. Perhaps she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to catch up with him in a hurry, and then use this comic that is more suitable for the ‘Chinese Taste’ to defeat him in one fell swoop!

After the identity was revealed. Lisa will usher in the most precious golden time, if she uses this period to launch comics that surpass previous works. She will become even more popular, her popularity will leap several steps, and readers will not be lost.

But this is also a risk. If she fails at this time, the propaganda effect will soon pass. Let Lisa return to her current popularity level and want to catch up with Meng Huo in the future. She would have to wait a long time.

The suspense of Jingyue’s true identity-now has become Lisa’s greatest weapon, and if used well, it is a weapon that can catch up with Meng Huo.

“…This sister-in-law is not ambitious…”

Meng Huo thought to himself, but he didn’t hate it, he admired Lisa’s ambition.

He thought that he had to help Jingyue. Let her become hotter and hotter after she came out-“The Legend of the Sword and Fairy” has been a bit slower, and it takes a few years for Qilin to cultivate. Now Jingyue can reverse the decline of Zhongxia in advance.

“How do we do this?”

Meng Huo thought so, and then didn’t continue to discuss this topic with Qin Ya. At noon, he took a break to continue working.

And just like yesterday, Qin Ya packed and brought lunch for him.

“Teacher He Xi, I heard that Miss Alice is coming back?”

After putting lunch on the table, Qin Ya looked particularly happy.

“Yes.” Meng Huo nodded: “Where did you know?”

“I met Miss He Qian during dinner, she told me…” Qin Ya suddenly looked suspiciously at Meng Huo: “It’s a coincidence. The woman before is really not Miss Alice?”

“Of course not…” Meng Huo shook his head.

“But they look so alike, just like sisters… Huh? What did I just say?” Qin Ya said, only to find out what she said. Her eyes lit up and she thought she was too smart: “It’s impossible. Are they really sisters?”

Meng Huo was stunned.

“Absolutely right… Miss Alice also said to visit relatives when she left. That woman must have something to do with her. The two of them are not sisters and cousins!” The more Qin Ya thought about it, she clapped her hands and said, “Otherwise, teacher. How do you know that she is Jingyue? This must be what Miss Alice told you, right?”

Qin Ya stared at Meng Huo enthusiastically. She always felt that it was strange that Meng Huo knew Jingyue’s identity, but if Lisa and Alice were sisters, then all of this would make sense.

“…You are really clever.” Meng Huo nodded. Now that he had been guessed, he had no choice but to admit: “That woman is Alice’s sister and also a cartoonist.”

Qin Ya’s eyes became brighter and brighter: “That’s amazing, Miss Alice’s sister is Jingyue!”

“Don’t tell others.” Meng Huo reminded that this matter will no longer be a secret in a while, but it cannot be revealed yet.

“I’m tight-lipped.”

Qin Ya was already satisfied with the answer.

“But sir, since Jingyue is Miss Alice’s younger sister, why don’t you dig her into our company?” She then asked.

When she wanted to come, if Jingyue was Alice’s younger sister, Phoenix Company would definitely use this reason to win her over.

“She won’t come here. Zhongxia is kind to Jingyue.” Meng Huo shook his head, then said: “And she can play a bigger role in Zhongxia than in our company.”

Qin Ya thought, too. Phoenix Company is now stronger than Zhongxia Company. Not only would it be considered ungrateful when Jingyue came, but she also had to give up her position as the’first’ in a company-she wouldn’t do it if she wanted to come. .

Although she has never seen Jingyue, Qin Ya has read her comics for several years and knows that she is a person who does not admit defeat. She is different from herself. She would not want to be a’second’ cartoonist in Phoenix Company www . What a pity… But forget it, Miss Alice is coming back, I have to celebrate! “Qin Ya looked pleased and said: “She has been walking long enough this time. When she comes back, you can become more relaxed, teacher. ”


“Yes, when Miss Alice was here, she was the boss of the company… Now her work is on you and Mr. Xu. When she comes back, your work will be reduced.”

Qin Ya was happy. At that time, Meng Huo would have more time to work with her.

“…” Meng Huo hesitated for a moment, stopped the chopsticks in his hand, and said, “Qin Ya, I have to tell you something.”

“What?” Qin Ya poured tea to Meng Huo happily.

“After Alice comes back, I shouldn’t work here…”

Sooner or later, Meng Huo decided to remind Qin Ya first: “I will be away for one to two years, and then you will be the director of the island studio.”


Qin Ya’s teapot fell to the ground, splashing a table of water, and splashing Meng Huo’s clothes.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Qin Ya hurriedly took out a tissue and wiped up Meng Huo’s clothes: “But I blame the teacher, don’t you suddenly laugh at this time…”

“I didn’t laugh.” Meng Huo thought that Qin Ya was shocked by the sudden appointment.

He smiled and said, “You are fine. I have been watching you in the past few years. Every time I have something, you have been leading everyone to make animations. After so long, you can now independently guide the island studio.”

“I’m not talking about this…” Qin Ya stopped her hand movement. She lowered her head, holding Meng Huo’s clothes, her voice was a bit cold: “Teacher, are you leaving again?” (To be continued.)

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