Big Manga

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1108 : The answer is simple

“Yes.” Meng Huo didn’t realize that Qin Ya was wrong, and continued: “Manga Island can operate normally without me. I think other places need my help more.”

“Qin Ya…”

He looked at Qin Ya and had high hopes for her: “Dao Studio is my most proud child. I can now give it to you with peace of mind.”

“I do not want……”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want the island studio, I can’t take them well…” Qin Ya suddenly looked up, her face pale: “Teacher, will you stay? Can’t you be here without you…”

“you can.”


“Yes, you have to believe in yourself.”

“I don’t believe me!” Qin Ya suddenly yelled, and after seeing Meng Huo’s surprised expression, she let go and took a step back: “Teacher, you don’t understand… Actually I don’t understand… …”

She shook her head, a look of bewilderment appeared on her face.

“I’ll calm down…” Qin Ya turned around and walked into the bathroom.

Meng Huo stared at her back in a daze, and then began to reflect that he should give Qin Ya more time. Maybe the pressure of this job is really too great. Island Studio is the top studio of Phoenix Company, and countless people are watching every move.

Qin Ya may not be mentally prepared to take over this burden. After all, in the past, regardless of whether Meng Huo was present or not, the director’s identity was always placed on him, and Qin Ya did not need to face too many questions from the outside world.

But after giving her the position of director, in the future, apart from the animation script preparation, other work and entertainment will have to be placed on Qin Ya.

“That’s what I said…” Meng Huo rubbed his brows: “I may be too forced to Qin Ya.”

He reflected that he had too high expectations for Qin Ya, and asked her to draw cartoons, and to take care of such a heavy work. How could Qin Ya, a woman without his sufficient energy, be able to bear it.

Meng Huo decided to give Qin Ya some more time to think about it. If she didn’t want to accept it, he would have to deal with the island studio’s troubles in another way.

Then, until work hours. Qin Ya just came out of the bathroom, her mood had stabilized, but her attitude was a little cold.

Meng Huo did not continue to talk about the director, but after get off work. Qin Ya was the first to leave the office.

It is rare for her to go home so early. Just when she opened the door of the apartment with the key, the little white dog, who had already heard her footsteps, ran over.

“Wow!” The little white dog wagged its tail and exclaimed happily in front of Qin Ya.

“I’m back, Pirate, good evening.”

Qin Ya turned and closed the door. Said to the little white dog.

“Why did the teacher come back so early today?” An assistant wearing glasses came over and looked strangely at Qin Ya and the puppies around her feet.

Teacher Qin Ya seems to be not very happy today. After returning, she would definitely pick up the pirate to greet or touch its head, but today it was just a greeting and nothing else.


The little white dog seemed to understand the owner’s mood, and his tail fell.

But Qin Ya didn’t notice this, changed her shoes and said, “Is there hot water? I am tired from work today and want to take a bath and sleep.”

“Huh? Dinner is almost done. Teacher, take a shower first, and then go to bed after dinner!” said the female assistant.

“Okay…” Qin Ya’s face was light. After bringing the bag back to the room, he walked into the bathroom with an expression of lifelessness, until the meal was approaching, and the assistants called for several times before coming out.

But even when eating, Qin Ya was always in a daze. Several times, she used chopsticks to hold her least favorite pepper, but she didn’t respond.

“Qin Ya!”

Ye Feimeng couldn’t help but speak out.

“Ah, what’s the matter?”

Qin Ya recovered.

“What happened to you today? Why are you always in a daze?”

Ye Feimeng frowned and asked, the puppy kept rubbing against Qin Ya’s feet, and she ignored her.

“Nothing happened…” Qin Ya shook her head. Lowered their heads to speed up the meal, the other three looked at each other, feeling a little strange, but Qin Ya didn’t say anything. They don’t know if they can follow up.

The three of them continued to eat, but as they ate, Qin Ya suddenly said a word.

“You said… Am I in love with Teacher He Xi?”

This sentence made the three of them unexpectedly, and at the same time they coughed and almost choked.

“Ah… why are you asking this suddenly?”

Ye Feimeng grabbed a glass of water and poured it down.

“Teacher, don’t be scary, okay!”

“This question is too sudden!”

The two assistants also yelled. Qin Ya looked at the three of them and frowned, “Am I asking this question suddenly?”

“Of course, suddenly, you haven’t asked before.” The female assistant wearing glasses said: “We have asked you several times before, and you have no response every time.”

“Teacher, teacher, why do you suddenly ask this question now?”

The other assistant’s eyes glowed, and Ye Feimeng stared at Qin Ya after drinking the water.

“Nothing… Today, Teacher He Xi said that he is leaving the comic island again…” Qin Ya whispered: “I feel he doesn’t care about me at all. I am very uncomfortable… I don’t want him to be far away from me for a while, I’m close, I feel like I can do that…”

The eyes of the three people at the dining table lit up. What is this? Although I don’t know what exactly is going on, listening to Qin Ya’s words, it is obvious that this guy is starting to get the hang of it!

“Teacher, cough, forgive me…” The female assistant wearing glasses coughed and said solemnly: “According to my observation, you should like Teacher He Xi-I am talking about the kind between men and women. like.”

Another assistant nodded ‘En En’, she thought so too.

“That’s love?” Qin Ya said sadly: “But why is this feeling different from when I liked Mo Ming? I don’t have the kind of fanatical feeling of liking Teacher He Xi now…”

“It’s easy!” The glasses assistant became excited and said: “Let’s test if you really like Teacher He Xi.”

“How to test?”

“I have heard a question. It is said that the answer to this question can tell if the other person is in love with someone…” The glasses assistant thought for a while and said: “Assuming that tomorrow is the end of the world, teacher, if you can hold someone with you Death, is that teacher He Xi?”

Ye Feimeng on one side almost laughed, what kind of a ghost question, it would be **** to ask the answer.

Sure enough, Qin Ya thought hard for a long time. Still shook his head: “Sorry, I can’t imagine that kind of scene.”

In fact, it’s not that this problem is not good. If there is an end of the world, true love may be recognizable.

However, this problem is too vain to say on weekdays. From the bottom of her heart, Qin Ya didn’t believe that the end of the world would happen, so she couldn’t feel the feeling when the end of the world came. Without that feeling, how could she choose the person who wanted to be together before she died?

“Forget it, this question can only be answered in a dream.” The other assistant didn’t believe this question either. To ask this question, at least to create an atmosphere-without an atmosphere, it will not get the correct answer at all.

“Then what can you do?”

The glasses assistant stared at the colleague.

“I have an easier way, you guys wait…” Another female assistant put down the dishes, ran back to the room quickly, and came back soon with a thick book.

“Here, princess…” She handed the book to Qin Ya, and Qin Ya opened it and saw that it turned out to be an album, and the album was full of Meng Huo’s photos.

“Where did you get this thing?” Qin Ya felt strange. Ye Feimeng widened her eyes enviously: “Where does this album come from, I want one too?”

“That won’t work. This is a limited edition. Only a few fans of Teacher He Xi have it.” The female assistant smiled and said, “And it can’t be spread.”

“Teacher, take a look at these photos!” The female assistant ignored Ye Feimeng’s envy and happily opened the photo album in front of Qin Ya and introduced Qin Ya to the photos inside.

“Look at this picture, Mr. He Xi’s smile, the shooting angle is great, is there a feeling of increased heartbeat…”

“This picture shows how Teacher He Xi is angry. Sure enough, he is very handsome when he is angry. This photo is very popular. Teacher He Xi rarely gets angry. It is said that there are less than 100 people who have this photo…”

“The finale is the appearance of Mr. He Xi in her upper body. Don’t ask me where this photo came from. Actually, I don’t know…”

The female assistant was a little excited to introduce the photos to Qin Ya. Ye Feimeng and another female assistant with glasses were also watching behind them, their eyes glowing.

“How is it, teacher, do you feel it?”

The three women looked a little excited. But Qin Ya did have a calm face. After reading it, she shook her head faintly and said, “I don’t feel anything.”

She is with Meng Huo every day. What kind of things he hasn’t seen before, these photos are not as eye-catching as the Meng Huo she sees every day.

“How could it not!” The female assistant was surprised: “If you like Teacher He Xi, would you not go to collect his photos? Think about it, you can make the photos into a pillow or put them under the pillow every night. You can take it out before going to bed…”

“Wait, is that a star chaser?”

Ye Feimeng vomited.

“However, I used to like Mo Ming like this…” Qin Ya recalled that when she was young, she was indeed crazy collecting Mo Ming’s posters and photos. Can’t feel it anymore.

She didn’t have that fiery feeling for Meng Huo.

“So, I don’t like Teacher He Xi?” Qin Ya’s face was a little lax, but at the bottom of her heart, she still couldn’t relax.

“Teacher, you are so cold, I can’t tell…”

“I think teacher, you should like Teacher He Xi, but your love lurks too deeply.”

The two assistants said sullenly, Ye Feimeng who was standing beside him suddenly had an idea, stretched out his hand and said to Qin Ya: “Lend me your phone.”

“What are you going to do?” Qin Ya handed the phone over.

Ye Feimeng played with her mobile phone. Two minutes later, she returned the mobile phone to Qin Ya and said, “I sent a text message to Teacher He Xi. He should call you later.”

“What!?” Qin Ya stood up abruptly. She grabbed her phone and took a look. As expected, there was a text message to He Xi in her outbox.

“what have you been doing!?”

Qin Ya shouted to Ye Feimeng.

“I hate slow-moving actions the most. It makes me impatient…” Ye Feimeng smiled: “Take this opportunity, you just confess to Teacher He Xi, do you love him or not, after you confess You can know.”

“You mean I’ll know when I’m rejected?”

Qin Ya’s face was green, indeed, even if she couldn’t judge whether she liked Meng Huo or not, as long as she confessed to him, Meng Huo would definitely refuse – after he refused, Qin Ya would know if she really liked him.

If she likes him, Meng Huo’s refusal will inevitably make her sad for a long time. And if she actually didn’t like Meng Huo, that refusal would not have much impact.

“What a cruel way.”

The two assistants murmured in their hearts. They thought that Qin Ya still liked Meng Huo for the most part, and it would not be a good thing for her to be rejected.

“You bastard!”

Qin Ya cursed Ye Feimeng.

Ye Feimeng disagreed, and waved his hand: “That’s it. I don’t think you are thinking about drawing tonight, so I won’t bother you to answer the phone.”

She looked at the two assistants and said, “Let’s go in!”

The two assistants looked at Qin Ya worriedly.

“Are you going to stay here to disturb her?”

Ye Feimeng asked again The assistants shook their heads. It was obviously worse to stand here and watch Qin Ya confess. They immediately followed Ye Feimeng and left.

Qin Ya stayed in the restaurant alone. She looked at the phone, her face was blue and white, thinking about whether to send another message to Meng Huo to explain, but after a long hesitation, she still did not send the message.

“Perhaps this is also a way…”

Qin Ya gritted her teeth and thought, and after five minutes passed, the call came and the caller showed He Xi.

Qin Ya connected the phone with a trembling hand.


“Qin Ya.” A familiar voice sounded. It was Meng Huo’s voice. Qin Ya suddenly felt guilty and said, “Teacher, the text message just now was actually a mistake…”

But before she finished speaking, Meng Huo interrupted her.

“Qin Ya, I like you.”

At this moment, it seemed as if a thunderbolt struck Qin Ya, making her whole body stiff.

“What, what…”

“Qin Ya, I like you.”

I repeat the exact same words.

“Hi… I like…”

With a bang, Qin Ya’s face suddenly became red, and her movements became bewildered: “Old, teacher…Don’t you suddenly…”

“Qin Ya, I like you.”

With the same voice again, Qin Ya instantly felt dizzy and her body soft.

She sat down limply.

“It’s so despicable…” After returning to her senses, Qin Ya suddenly clenched her fists: “This kind of testing method is so despicable, Ye Feimeng!!”

Ye Feimeng’s room suddenly opened, and the three women walked out of it.

“The answer is very simple, Qin Ya.” Ye Feimeng hung up his cell phone and looked at Qin Ya who was slumped on the ground: “Your response proves everything.” (To be continued.)

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