Big Time 1958

Chapter 31

Chapter 30: The Hoxon Treasure

Through the analysis of various aggregated data, the youngest lieutenant general director of the Soviet National Security Council has a very tough style and means of action. He is the youngest among the Soviet KGB chiefs, and has the halo of the youngest lieutenant general in the Soviet Union. Cadres of the same level are even more difficult to deal with. They are ruthless and ruthless towards the enemy like Yezhov, Yagoda and Beria and other seniors in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. .

The description that Dulles couldn’t believe the most was that Serov, who was already in a high position at a young age, hid almost all his weaknesses. For him, working in the KGB was no different from working in a factory. He was active for two years in office. Standard firefighters at the forefront of various Soviet fronts. It seems that fighting against the United States is the driving force for him to live, “Is this person raised in secret since he was a child? He believes in the greatness of communism so much?”

But no matter what, Dulles knew that West Berlin had ushered in an opponent who was not very easy to deal with. This Soviet agent showed two very obvious characteristics from his consistent work. The first is that he never knew how to compromise. No one took advantage of him in dealing with him, including the United States. The second point is that the shot is quick. Before this person makes a shot, he often uses the huge support capabilities of the KGB to hide the water. Once he makes a shot, he will find that he has already mobilized the department that the KGB can invest in to kill you.

The CIA’s secret file on Shelov has already been established, but now there is only a mere file bag, which also reflects the CIA’s incompetence in this regard. But in all fairness, we can’t blame the CIA for being incompetent, we can only say that the CCP army is too cunning! Serov never felt that being monitored by the KGB violated his privacy rights. It can be said that whether he was working in the Soviet Union or abroad, he was followed by a large group of KGB agents. Wherever others went, the power of the KGB followed. It really gave the CIA no chance to investigate.

This question is not something that Dulles can think about himself. He can only call his intelligence director to come in. The intelligence director Henry has been in charge of investigating Shelov. If there is someone in the United States who knows Shelov, this person is Henry. But in fact, Dulles didn’t know whether to understand through file analysis.

“Shelov has arrived in Berlin?” The news of Shelov’s arrival in Berlin had just reached Washington from West Berlin. Henry didn’t know that, so he asked this question. He pondered for a moment before saying, “If Shelov has great autonomy, Berlin’s The negotiation can be said to have reached a deadlock. This person has never known how to write concessions! It can be seen from the previous dealings that as long as he feels that he is 30% sure, he will dare to take action and make the situation very tense…”

“Doesn’t he have any scruples?” Dulles asked with a wry smile covering his forehead.

“I’m afraid not, Director!” Henry said helplessly, “Shelov just took over as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan and started a prison clearing operation a few days ago. He succeeded in Italy two years ago, and then quelled the riots in Poznan and Hungary! Hope! He has some scruples, so he might as well express his sincerity to the Soviet leaders…” Then he paused, “I don’t know if it is a weakness to love my wife too much, we have a picture of Valya, she is really a beautiful woman!”

She sneezed twice in her sleep in East Berlin, then changed to a comfortable position and continued to sleep. When moving around, it caused two sleepy noises on the left and right sides, and Issemottni and Lukani were all hanging on their pretty faces. With a sweet smile, the entangled bodies on the big bed showed that not only was Serov not cursed now, but he was still living quite comfortably.

The morning sun shines through the curtains, and Serov, who slept until he woke up naturally, opened his eyes. Yiren didn’t leave any fragrance left, and stood up naked and dressed. Serov, who had washed up, started breakfast. Lukani took the domestic hair dryer. The incoming telegram reported, “Minister Mendelev sent a telegram, the operation execution office has succeeded, and the goods will be disembarked from the East German port of Rostock…”

Serov continued to eat with a blank face, swallowed everything, and drank a glass of water after wiping his hands, “Let the comrades in the operation department do the thief’s business, it’s really overkill, but it’s all worth it! Tomorrow! Let’s go to the port of Rostock!”

“Director, don’t we need to sit down and negotiate with the representatives of the three countries tomorrow?” Issemottny reminded from the side.

“Just let the negotiators hold the representatives of the three countries. If the representatives of the three countries don’t want to wait, let them get out. I still don’t want to talk? Just wait to be the security guard of the refugee camp, hum…” Shelov said impatiently. , I won’t give in anyway, the so-called negotiation of a solution is worthless in Serov’s eyes…

In the port of Rostock at night, an ocean-going fishing boat slowly docked. This fishing boat returned from Scotland, England, was expensive, but compared with what was unloaded from it, it was far from comparable.

“Comrades, you have worked hard, go to rest first, and leave the rest to us! This time the credit is enough to let you live your whole life under the care of the Soviets!” Shelov waved his hand and let the soldiers of the internal affairs force behind him take over. A box was loaded onto the truck and transported to the KGB station.

Shelov was a cameo this time as an armed escort, and his solemn appearance made both women very curious. It was not until East Berlin that I let go of my heart that has been hanging.

“Director, what’s in it!” Issemottny was tortured by curiosity along the way. She didn’t know what it was that made Serov not even participate in the negotiations, and went to Rostock to pick up the seemingly ordinary fishing boats in person.

“Want to know!” Sheloff pulled Isamotny over, gave him a strong kiss, took out the key of the iron box from his pocket, shook it and handed it to the woman, “Why don’t you open it yourself? Woolen cloth…”

what! An obviously suppressed shout came, and Lukani walked over, followed by another coquettish groan.

“What’s wrong? Haven’t seen gold?” Shelov walked to the edge of these iron boxes with a confident smile, and opened more than a dozen iron boxes. Each iron box was filled with gold and silver, jewelry, and Statues, decorations, gold coins, and neatly placed gold bricks, put the two women in his arms and whispered, “Do you like it? Pick one as a souvenir…”

This collection of treasures is known as the Hoxon treasure, which includes more than 500 ancient Roman gold coins, 79 silver spoons, more than 20 silver candlesticks, some silver figurines and 29 pieces of pure gold. , fine workmanship jewelry. And the gems that have been taken down, the most valuable are 250 kilograms of gold bricks.

The Hoxon treasure was recalled after Serov’s physical condition. At that time, he asked Mendelev’s First General Directorate to prepare it. In order to make these treasures more real, he also let his former subordinates, the First General Directorate, fake it. Shilekov, the director of the intelligence department, produced some relevant evidence. In case someone investigates it, it is easy to explain it. Compared with this batch of treasures, it is worthless to argue with the representatives of the three countries.

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