Big Time 1958

Chapter 32

Chapter 31: I’M Here To Help You

“Is it okay?” Issamotne’s voice trembled a little. The value of these treasures can be seen at a glance from the gold alone, not counting the historical value and artistic value contained in them. The wealth is touching, even if it has never been Worried about money, she also showed a wavering attitude at this time, wanting to take it but not daring to take it.

“What are you hesitating about?” Serov took out two ancient Roman gold coins from the inside and put them in the woman’s hands, “Leave a souvenir, it is the ability of our secret service organization to make foreigners suffer. But You can’t do this in your own country, when these treasures are shipped back to the Soviet Union, they will belong to the country, who dares to let me chop off his claws…”

“Director, don’t you leave some for Mrs. Valia?” Lucani held the ancient Roman gold coin tightly in her hand, and her palms were sweating nervously, but she hadn’t forgotten to remind Serov not to forget his wife.

“No, there will be a chance in the future!” Shelov said haha, who said there was only such a chance. When there is a chance to enter India, there is still a big golden temple waiting for him, “generate power to No. 11 Lubyanka Square, and let Chairman Shelepin send the internal affairs troops to receive it. The iron box is locked and the statistics are recorded! Make a list and prepare for handover. to the country…”

From the beginning to the end, Serov was not confused by these treasures. He understood a simple truth. With the existence of the KGB, he Serov was a high-ranking Caspian tiger. Without the existence of the KGB, he was an ordinary person without the ability to resist. An ordinary person can’t protect this kind of wealth, and he doesn’t have the environment to spend it.

was earlier than Serov’s telegram. After learning that he had not participated in the negotiations, Serepin immediately called to inquire. He asked in detail why he didn’t show up, “Yuri, even if you don’t want to negotiate there, at least you have to show your attitude!”

“Chairman, I have a big surprise waiting for you! As for whether you want to share this surprise with the general secretary, it’s none of my business! Send a trusted army to receive a batch of things, and when you see something, You will think that not participating in the negotiation is just a trivial matter!” Sheloff, who was lying on top of his clothes, laughed and laughed, “I will participate in the meeting in half a month, who said I would not be willing to come forward, I like this kind of public ridicule the most. It’s time for an opponent!”

Shelov’s words made Shelepin on the other side of the phone confused. What is more important than participating in negotiations? “Yuri, the motherland sent you to Berlin to believe in your ability, don’t be too out of line!” Shelepin always felt that there were mines waiting for him ahead.

“You can rest assured! Don’t you believe in my ability? Leave the Berlin crisis to me!” Shelov never knew how to write modestly, and rambled on, “Chairman, give me a fund for Western Demark, it’s all waste paper anyway! Don’t worry, the things I ship back to China are much more than what I need, and it’s alright if Mark doesn’t have enough millions of dollars for emergency. It will be my opponent, don’t worry…”

Having obtained the permissions and funds he needed, Serov said to the two women in his arms, “Look, who said that the chairman of the KGB is not easy to contact, isn’t it easy to talk? It’s really hard for the old man to work so late, we Go to bed first!” Serov pulled off the lamp next to him and continued to be the winner of his life.

At the Stasi headquarters in Germany, Serov found Marcus Wolfe. He temporarily went to the port for the last negotiation. The director of the General Administration of Foreign Intelligence of the GDR was on his side. He came to ask a symbolic question. Asking about the process at that time shows that he is also concerned about this kind of thing. The last meeting can be summed up in one sentence. The two sides fully exchanged views, but both have reservations about the meeting.

“It’s the same no matter how many times I talk, don’t give them any seriousness, I really think we’re paper tigers!” Shelov put his feet on the table and leaned against the chair behind his back, his casual attitude was like a stinky hooligan…

“I also know that there is no result, but there is no way. Since we can’t fight, we can only talk!” Marcus Wolf also spread his hands, and the two sides are all free anyway, so let’s sit down and talk!

“Let’s not say your Stasi is amazing. In the entire socialist camp, no intelligence department can hide from our KGB’s ears and eyes before doing things. You did it!” Shelov took off his feet on the table. , stood up and put his hands on the table to narrow the distance between the two sides, squinting his eyes and said in a low voice, “The GDR has a serious population loss, so you have come up with a way to block West Berlin? Those building materials scattered around West Berlin, Are you going to build a wall?”

sharp! Marcus Wolfe was fluctuating in his heart, looking at his colleagues who were a few years younger than him in shock, his voice was always calm, “This is also our self-defense measure, I didn’t expect Comrade Serov to come to Berlin so much. In a short time, we found out what we have prepared!”

“If I wasn’t in the KGB, how could I be judged that I was born to work in the KGB!” Serov blew a wave for himself first, what Stasi did was quite secretive, and most people would not be interested in the kind of buildings that are stacked together. The materials are suspicious and will only be regarded as scraps, but Serov knew the process of building the Berlin Wall, so as soon as he saw the prepared materials, he immediately thought of the secret preparations of the GDR.

“I didn’t come here to ask for guilt!” Sheloff sat back on the chair and relaxed his tone, “You guys are completely inadequate, at best you can only build a wall two meters high, what’s the use of this, any Adults can climb over it!”

“It seems that our Soviet comrades should be talking about cooperation. On behalf of the Stasi, I welcome this!” Marcus Wolf said with a reserved smile. He never dreamed that Serov would agree with this. .

Serov snapped his fingers, and Issemotny, who was standing behind him, took out a map of Greater Berlin, which marked the invisible dividing line between East and West Berlin, followed by a map of Berlin’s underground waterways, electrical circuits, and Rivers in Berlin.

“There are two reservoirs in West Berlin that supply West Berlin with drinking water! The Spree and Havel rivers are the source of water for the two reservoirs. It is useless to build a wall. Work must be started to excavate the river, so that the two rivers cannot leave from the west. Berlin is flowing!” Serov suddenly stopped and said, “There is no water, the power is cut off! Then we need a wall five meters high and forty centimeters wide to surround West Berlin, with checkpoints and high-power searchlights on it. Let people in West Berlin feel the high-powered searchlights every night, so they know we are monitoring every move in the city! Let all people in West Berlin know that they are being watched, anytime, anywhere in our Under surveillance, there are no secrets to us!”

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