Big Time 1958

Chapter 33

Chapter 32: Old Acquaintance

“Such a big project? It needs a lot of money! We don’t have that much money!” Marcus Wolf said with a wry smile.

“I brought some comrades from the advisory department. This is not the GDR’s own business. Other fraternal countries should help. You don’t have to worry about this!” Shelov took a deep breath and said, “Don’t worry about your own expenses, you need to Think about how much our opponents would have to spend to maintain the stability of West Berlin if the Three Kingdoms did not give up West Berlin, the cost of which is dozens of times higher than our current project! From this point of view, we have already earned!”

If Serov completely turns West Berlin into a waste city, with the self-sufficiency of West Berlin, he can only rely on the Federal Republic of Germany to support it, and let the Federal Republic of Germany keep more than one million wastes waiting to die. Serov is completely acceptable!

The jurisdiction of West Berlin is just that, and food is definitely not self-sufficient. All the necessities of life need to be brought in from the outside world, and after Serlov diverted the river, it is impossible for West Berlin to build a power station. If the Federal Republic of Germany is willing to transmit electricity from the mainland, it is good to say that Serov is also willing to sit back and watch.

The 1.2 million people in West Berlin seem to be a huge burden on the Federal Republic of Germany. No one knows how much the extra cost to take care of this enclave is. In Serov’s view, the historical Democratic Germany is still the same. Too merciful, it may be a national relationship after all, but he is different. If the Federal Republic of Germany does not spend a lot of energy to support West Berlin, Serov will definitely make West Berlin worse than Gaza. Apart from eating and sleeping, life is meaningless.

“This is a big plan, involving urban renovation!” Serov said seriously, “This is a matter for the entire Allied countries, and the GDR should not be burdened with such a heavy workload. Now let’s talk about specific issues, if The lockdown plan begins, how much labor can you use to complete this project…”

“The internal affairs force plus the militia should be able to use about 11,000 people!” Marcus Wolf said directly without thinking. This plan has been brewing in the GDR for some time. An important player, at least one of them, Marcus Wolfe knows the preparations on his side like the back of the back.

“I can use the Red Flag 214 Engineering Brigade of the Western Cluster!” Shelov thought about the resources in his hand and added, “I can ask for help from the fraternal countries through the 11th Division of the First General Administration, and let the surrounding fraternal countries send construction projects. With the participation of the team, the wall must be completed within a month, and then the river channel reconstruction plan, the underground water channel reconstruction plan, and the power grid restructuring plan will all be implemented in sequence.

left the Stasi headquarters, and Serov found the brigade commander of the Red Flag 214 Engineering Brigade. There are not many such engineering brigades in the Soviet Red Army today, but each of the four major clusters has one. After all, it is the first batch of front-line troops that will be put into the battlefield. In order to ensure the rapid advancement of the Western cluster, it is natural to need this kind of troops that pave roads, bridges, and minesweepers.

The next day Serov received a list from Stasi, which listed in detail the number of masonry, barbed wire and steel needed to build the wall. From Markus Wolf’s list , The materials prepared by the GDR were not enough, and only half of the project could be completed. “Barbed wire and steel bars are easy to solve, but even the bricks are transported by train. This cost is too high, and the production of masonry is too late! ”

Serov admired the efficiency of the GDR, and these guys still retained the Germanic tradition of precise calculation, even more so than their brothers to the west.

The West Berlin City Hall, the semi-monthly negotiation is held today. What is different from the usual is that this time there are more motorcades coming from East Berlin than usual. A dozen cars with Soviet flags form a motorcade, and there are more cars behind. Following several military vehicles full of soldiers, the convoy stopped at the gate of the city government. Serov, who was in the fourth car, got out of the car and straightened his clothes. He yawned, “Occupy the commanding heights nearby, and other soldiers are scattered around the checkpoints!”

Following Serov’s order, the surrounding soldiers dispersed immediately. The speed of the action made the West Berlin policeman who was guarding here stunned. The British who came down to greet the Soviet delegation asked, “Excuse me, Mr. Petrovich, are you here? The negotiators are still here to demonstrate!”

“I’m sorry, this was arranged by Comrade Serov, and I can’t do anything about it!” Petrovic shrugged helplessly, pointing to Serov, who was sighing a few meters away, who always wanted to harm me.

Serov, who yawned several times in a row at the sun, finally regained his senses. He ignored the people around him from the United States, Britain and France, and passed between the British receptionist and the Soviet representative Petrovich, just passing by. I patted Petrovich, “What are you still doing, take me up…”

Isamotni and Lukani followed closely behind, followed by two dozen agents in KGB uniforms. The group entered the city government building and arrived at the conference room where the negotiations were held. Serov looked at the mentally handicapped. His eyes glanced at the representatives of the Three Kingdoms opposite, and suddenly stopped, his eyes stopped on an old man sitting in the back row, the corners of his mouth raised an exaggerated arc, “Old man, I haven’t seen you for three years, I didn’t expect this time in Berlin. I met you again! You haven’t retired yet, but compared to three years ago, you seem to be even older! You are no longer a prominent ambassador of a country, Comrade Smith…”

This person Serov is very familiar with, the former US ambassador to Italy, Comrade Smith! Serov recognized him, and he also recognized Serov. Time changed. In the first World War in Italy, Serov, who supported the Communist Party to come to power, returned to the Soviet Union and made great progress. Now he sits in Berlin as a lieutenant general of the KGB. Smith barely still works in the government, and this time he is not a negotiator, but a consultant.

“General Serov, it’s been a long time! It looks like you had a good time in the Soviet Union!” Comrade Smith made the old man in his 70s feel like a whole. He hated this title too much, especially from Serov’s mouth. come out.

“Of course I had a good time, so this time I came to Berlin to see how the lackeys of imperialism want to perform!” Shelov looked at the other side with a look of rubbish. Isamotney came in with a backpack, started a machine, then put on a headset and listened, and after a while said to Seroff, “Director, there is no surveillance equipment nearby!”

“Maybe it didn’t start, keep the machine on! Never underestimate the shamelessness of your opponent!” Shelov pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and then turned his eyes to the opposite side. There are four national flags on the opposite side, namely the United States, Britain, France and West Germany, but West Germany should have no right to negotiate but only to make suggestions, so Serov did not take it seriously.

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