Big Time 1958

Chapter 6

Chapter 5: Abstract Painter

“Oh, who is it!” Sheloff’s anger is not high, if it weren’t for his willpower, he would have been tired of the current state of life. He should be careful not to leak things in the unit, and make others happy at home. The only thing is not Happy is yourself.

“Comrade Kuznetsov, world decathlon champion, and Comrade Alexander Medved, our national wrestling champion! Both have reached an unrivaled level in their field, and if the chief has problems with exercise, he must I’ll get an answer!” Seeing the depressed Serov, Isamotney’s voice softened a lot.

The Soviet Union during the Cold War could be regarded as a sports power in any respect. In most of the Olympic Games, it was the presence of the United States. Some people attributed the reason to the national system. Serov scoffed at this view. What’s the problem with letting someone with great strength lift weights and someone with long legs to run? This can all be related to institutional issues, and Serov can only say that there is a problem with the buttocks of the people who are talking about it.

Wrestling champion Alexander Medvedi, now Medvedi is already the Soviet National Classical Wrestling Champion and European Champion, and the world championship is very likely to be won in the next Olympics. As for Kuznetsov, his current reputation is even bigger than Medvedi. Kuznetsov, who has continuously broken world records, is regarded as a benchmark among Soviet track and field athletes. It can be said that the two of them are more famous than Serov. much more.

“Hello, two comrades, I’m Shelov, Director of the Third General Directorate of the KGB!” Shelov briefly introduced himself to eliminate the enemy’s hostility. Instinctively, no one wants to deal with law enforcement for a long time, let alone the KGB’s predecessor, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has a surprisingly good reputation in this regard.

“Hello, Comrade Serov! We don’t seem to be at fault except for training, and it shouldn’t have anything to do with the work of the KGB!” Kuznetsov’s body proportion is relatively thin among the Soviets, similar to the wrestling champion next to him. more obvious than that.

“This is the General Administration of Military Administration, even if you make mistakes! It is also under the control of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau and the Domestic Defense Bureau!” Shelov smiled and introduced the functions of each General Administration. For ordinary people, the division of functions within the KGB cannot be inquired. “I’m looking for two comrades. Actually, I hope they can do me a favor. Comrade Kuznetsov’s achievements in the decathlon are worth learning from all Soviet people. Comrade Medvedi’s achievements in wrestling are worthwhile. The same goes for results, so I hope you can share your training methods as a reference for our KGB trainers…”

Shelov certainly can’t say that there is something wrong with her body, these two people can say Shelov’s real peers, not the other chiefs who started ten years older than him. Serov himself put his attention on the twenty-one-year-old Medved. If it weren’t for the emergence of a peerless Alexander Karelin in the Soviet Union in the later generations, and as a prototype of Street Fighter, Medved was promoted to the world. Ji’s popularity will be higher, after all, classical wrestling is a traditional sport in the Soviet Union.

“Sometimes I can’t control my body? Isn’t this a reaction to congestion in the brain?” Kuznetsov said in surprise. This sentence made Serov feel embarrassed. There is no reason for it, and the test results are not cerebral thrombosis!

“If it is a subtle problem, I suggest this person to learn painting! You need a very correct attitude when painting, and the hand holding the brush can help exercise subtle control!” Medvedi said very seriously, “Yes Sometimes I will also go to the suburbs to sketch, and it will be easier to calm myself down after training!”

“If the body degenerates, the most direct way is to exercise to prevent degeneration!” Kuznetsov clenched his fists and said, “We can’t stop ourselves from aging, but a strong body can delay this trend…”

This sentence made Medvedi next to him agree, although he is only 21 years old, “If the two comrades have time, I welcome you to come to our training ground for training, and I will select a group of the most elite internal affairs. Soldiers of the army, compete with you in competitive sports, I wonder if the two comrades will face each other…”

“Of course there is no problem!” Kuznetsov and Medvedi looked at each other and said at the same time, competitive sports, did not flinch! When the two faced the challenge, they agreed without hesitation.

After sending off the two national treasure-level athletes, Serov wrote down the training methods that the two of them just said, and called Lukani in and instructed, “Inform Garzna, find two instructors who do not recognize six relatives, and select them from the internal affairs force. When a group of advanced soldiers comes out, I just want to see how big the gap is between strictly trained soldiers and world champions…”

The King of Soldiers is facing the world champion. This confrontation is very selling. Shelov only hopes that the internal affairs troops will not lose too badly. The Olympics are over, and a considerable number of athletes in the Soviet Olympic Games are indeed soldiers.

Sirov wakes up in the Soviet Union, he has always been in a state of talking, and the things that sweat and sweat are done by others. Now is the time to work hard to get your body back to normal.

Moscow State Surikov Academy of Fine Arts, formerly known as Surikov Academy of Fine Arts, was changed to State University in 1948. Since mid-December, there has been an older student here. Older students are nothing new here, but this student looks extraordinary, with two women following him at any time. The attitude of being inseparable is like guarding something.

This student is the head of the secret service who has not received secret service training for a day, Yuri, Yefimovich, and Shelov, the heads of the General Directorate of Military Administration of the KGB. Sheroff came here just to learn about the most practical sketches used by secret agents in painting. Sketches, as a style close to reality, are often used in case-solving and espionage activities.

On a plane, to draw a solid three-dimensional effect requires certain sketching skills. For example, Serov, who is sitting in the last row now, has a simple pencil in his hand, and there is a feeling of flowing water in his hand. In the huge classroom, there is only the sound of salsa, which is the movement of the pencil rubbing.

Soon everyone finished their work and waited for inspection, “How is it?” Serov asked with shaky eyebrows.

This? The two women, Isamotney and Lukani, who had been peeking at Serov, looked at each other and didn’t know how to comment, “There is an abstract feeling!”

This sentence made Serov’s face collapse instantly. The Soviet Union is not without masters of abstraction, such as Wassily Kandinsky and Kasimir Severovich Malevich, but he got it when he was sketching. This kind of evaluation, no matter how you listen to it, is a bit insulting.

[The group number is on the introduction. As for why this book is named this way, it is because the title of my novel cannot contain the word “Soviet Union”! Only for me, others can! 】

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