Big Time 1958

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Biologist

Although he has no talent in painting, as a successor of communism who always maintains an optimistic attitude, this is not the reason for him to become decadent. If he has no talent, he should practice regularly. He is not ready to take the road of the head of state, and he does not have to be a wandering painter first. The job of maintaining social stability is very suitable for him at present, and it is very honorable to do it.

No matter what kind of misunderstandings and criticisms the outside world has about the work of the KGB, for Serov, as long as my heart is still bright, none of this is a problem. Sniffing out and finding traitors, keeping the good guys alive and the bad guys being punished, that’s the KGB.

In a room at the top of the headquarters of the General Administration of Military Administration, Serov is sweating and exercising. There are all kinds of fitness equipment here. Whether it is a conventional dumbbell or a treadmill that should not have appeared in this era, Serov in big pants is already wet with sweat. Hair, while walking, said, “The General Administration of Technology is really efficient. After we have finished testing, we will immediately contact a factory to produce and register a trademark in Italy. I can guarantee that once it is launched, it will be very popular. , so that the people of Europe can accept this price and quickly occupy the market in this area…”

Isemotny stood by and wrote down all of Serov’s words, then closed the small notebook and said, “Director, you’ve been there for half an hour, don’t you need to come down and take a rest?”

“I feel like I’m in a better state than ever before, how much training is there today!” Sheloff let the sweat from his cheeks and asked without changing his face.

“Two hundred pull-ups, two hundred sit-ups, three hundred squats, one hundred spring tensioners!” Lukani said, pulling her hair behind her ears, “The front is Comrade Kuznetsov’s training, the back is Comrade Medvedi’s training!”

“Come together!” Serov wiped his sweat, and around him there were testing instruments of that kind, including those that had been put into production and those still in the experiment, and more than a dozen people in white coats were observing Serov’s Happening. If this kind of scene is seen by a person with a good imagination, considering that this is the headquarters of the KGB Military Administration, there may be a rumor that the Soviet Union used soldiers for war experiments.

When Serov finished all this, the two instructors who came from Garzna City were very surprised. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed their eyes. If a person who has never exercised, suddenly starts training of this intensity, it will definitely cause great damage to his body. In particular, Shelov was like being driven by wolves. The process of completing all this was incredibly fast. Seeing Shelov’s situation, both of them wondered if they would change the course of physical training after they went back.

If Serov knew the thoughts of the two instructors, he would definitely be humbled. Incredible, this title is better suited for India, where the mud can’t support the wall. It doesn’t matter if the IQ is normal, just drink two more sips of Ganges water.

“Director, do a strength test!” Issemottny reminded, as long as you complete a strength test today’s task is complete.

“No, I’m not going to participate in the Olympics!” Shelov waved his hands tiredly. Recently, he has felt the changes in his body. The test of leaving data is not what he needs. It is actually very simple to want to test. See Mei next time. It’s enough for the two of Dewedi to fall.

Sherov, who was wearing a big vest, was helped by Lukani and came to the bathroom next to him. Before entering the bathroom, he pushed Lukani out without losing his head. It’s better not to mess around during working hours.

After more than ten minutes, Serov came out naked and took the clothes that Lukani had prepared. A few minutes later, Serov reappeared like a dog. He was handsome and was buttoned on his head with a large towel by Lukani within three seconds. While drying her hair, I heard Lukani’s low anger, “Ah, it’s not rude…”

“Me too!” Sheloff’s voice was not loud, but it was enough for the woman who was wiping her hair to hear, and then she felt the movement behind her. The short time interval was almost imperceptible, and the subsequent movements were more gentle. .

After finishing today’s physical training, Serov returned to his office. There were already people waiting in the office. Looking closely, he was actually in the training room. Among the dozen or so doctors in white coats, the most prominent one was him.

When Isemotny brought two cups of coffee, Serov said, “Actually, I am very sorry to have Academician Sukachev as my own observer! You are the most authoritative biologist in our Soviet Union, Asking you to conduct research on the human body itself is overkill, but I can’t help it…”

“No sorry, no sorry, I’m no longer an academician! My journal has also been closed!” Academician Sukachev touched his gray hair, but his face was still determined, “But I can’t sit back and watch the whole agricultural science be swept away Dominated by this wrong theory, I will not give in! As a scientist I will only pursue the truth…”

The enemy mentioned by Academician Sukachev is Lysenko who influenced Soviet biology. For political and other considerations, Lysenko insisted on the concept of acquired inheritance in biological evolution, denied the existence of genes, and used Lamarck and Rice. Churin’s genetics resisted mainstream Mendelian-Morgan genetics and called Western geneticists the enemy of the Soviet people.

“Comrade Sukachev!” Serov thought for a moment to persuade him, “Theoretically speaking, I agree with your views on biology very much. Lysenko’s problem is that he confuses the essence of the problem. Our motherland is the first in the world. Socialist countries, the tasks you shoulder are unimaginable. We need a mature system to fight against capitalist countries. That’s why this debate in the scientific community is caused. Lysenko’s cleverness is that he knows that our leaders need a kind of Proof and the theory that mainstream Western scientists occupy the right to speak, your debate is not just academic, there is something more profound…”

After expressing his thoughts, Serov still has to protect a large number of scientists such as Academician Sukachev, and cannot let these hundreds of thousands of scientists delay their experiments. This loss is too great for the entire Soviet Union to bear Sorry, “Academician Sukachev, you can send all your experiments to the General Administration of Technology. I believe that our National Security Committee is still capable of protecting you from continuing your experiments!”

“Psychologically, I don’t want to do this, but for the achievements of a large number of us, I have to express my gratitude to Comrade Serov!” How could a scientist like Academician Sukachev be willing to share blood with Serov? When people are together, Serov himself understands this kind of thing very well, and he won’t take it to heart.

【Thank you all for your support, although I lost a lot of popularity because of changing the vest, but I believe that the people who follow me are all iron fans. Thank you for your support! 】

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