Big Time 1958

Chapter 8

Chapter 7: General Administration Plenary Meeting

There is no world where there is only light without darkness. For the sake of the bright life of most people, he doesn’t mind being in the dark, “Academician Sukachev!” Serov stopped the scientist who wanted to leave and whispered, ” Can’t the biological genes of a species be artificially synthesized by means?”

This sentence shocked Academician Sukachev, and looked at the KGB Lieutenant General in shock. This idea was too bold. Artificially-synthesized genetic crops are actually genetically modified. Please forgive that Serov is not an expert in describing some inaccurate descriptions, but this is what he means. As an expert in this field, Sukachev understands the meaning of Serov’s words.

“When we challenge genes, no one knows what the consequences will be!” Sukachev did not know the debate on genetic modification in later generations, but he questioned this possibility from his professionalism.

“Since I don’t know the result, let’s try it first!” Shelov said with a disgusting smile, “The big deal is that we can export it first and use foreign people to do the test. If there are no side effects, it will be the best. If there is a problem, it will affect it. It is also our enemy!” As an ordinary person with a basic position of identifying the enemy and ourselves, Serov has always been adhering to this point of view. He pits 100 Americans every day, and he can pit at least one million people before he dies. Hitting one person is very simple. , the difficulty is that people are cheating every day.

“I cannot allow science to cause harm to mankind. I am a scientist and my ideal is to benefit mankind!” Academician Sukachev pondered for a while and gave his answer.

learn! Serov nodded clearly, and seemed to appreciate Academician Sukachev’s integrity. He said, “Everything has two consequences. If your achievements can make mankind happier, why not do it?”

An orthodox scientist pursues science with the ideal of benefiting mankind, and Shelov admires this. Since this is the case, the dark side cannot be done by noble scientists. It is better for the KGB to undertake such evil deeds. Anyway, Shelov He doesn’t care about one more sin on his own body. Before that, he had already bombed the US embassy, violated the principles of diplomacy, carried out mass shootings with blood on his hands, and exported revolution to provoke war. what.

As a scientist, challenging the unknown is more tempting to a scientist than anything. The same is true for Academician Sukachev. It is instinct that scientists want to understand the world! The more they know, the more they feel that they don’t know enough about the world. The views put forward by Serov are full of temptation to academician Sukachev, a biologist standing at the top of the Soviet Union.

“Think about the future prospects. A species that combines the advantages of various crops is formed. How many hungry people will be left in the world? Whether it can save the people of the third world depends entirely on whether scientists can promote the advancement of science. !” Serov kept his mouth shut after speaking, the meaning of which still needs the scientist to think about it himself, not his spy to deliberately instill it.

“Director, these people are too pedantic. They don’t understand what the country needs. No wonder they are not Lysenko’s opponents!” This kind of behavior of academicians who insist on meaningless morality is despised.

Riding on his back, Serov remained motionless, his body was as tall and straight as a javelin, tilted his head and said with a doting smile, “Scientists have the persistence of scientists, they have their own ideals, which is very good, all the things that are not visible. What we do is fine, isn’t that what we do in our own work?”

“But it’s not fair to us! We don’t contribute less to the country than anyone else!” Isamotney looked at the man’s profile and said, “We sacrificed so much, in exchange for only the people’s misunderstanding, bring it up We only think of surveillance, terror and ruthlessness, no one can think of our contributions and sacrifices…”

“Don’t have this kind of thinking!” Shelov’s voice was cold, but he immediately turned soft. “There is a division of labor in society, and if there is a bright side, there is a dark side. We stick to the dark and protect the light! Adhere to the ideal and don’t discuss in the unexpected world, It’s our job!”

Patting Isamotney’s shoulder to let the woman down, Serov persuaded with a firm smile, “I don’t know what real communism looks like, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about that wonderful life! Since the country needs people like us to stay in the dark to protect the light, even if we can’t see the light, it’s nothing!”

“However, we may not be able to see what a communist society looks like!” Issemotny looked at Serov with a choked expression and said that Serov’s body was abnormal and she knew even better than his real wife, whether this change was good or bad No one can tell clearly that a woman doesn’t care about a great ideal, she only wants her man to be by her side.

“Hey, I’m immortal!” Sheloff laughed, bragging to his woman, until Isemoteni burst into laughter, seeing the woman’s smile, Sheloff also felt that the haze in his heart was reduced a lot.

On December 27th, Lubyanka Square was already full of vehicles, and all the heads of KGB agencies gathered here. The Third General Administration of Military Administration, the Fourth General Administration of Traffic Management, the Fifth General Administration of the Secret Police, the General Administration of Technology, the General Administration of Supervision, the General Administration of Communications, the General Administration of Industrial Organizations, the General Administration of Personnel Management, and other departments at the same level, the Special Investigation Department, the State Communications Department, Confidentiality Supervision Department, Experience Checking Department, Financial Funding Department, File Registration Department, and Action Execution Department. and some very important local divisions.

All the directors of more than 20 general bureaus of the entire National Security Committee will be present, and most of the cadres of the subordinate bureaus will arrive on the second day to attend the plenary meeting on the second day. Serov got out of the car wearing a military uniform and a big-brimmed hat with a dark blue trim, followed by Issemothni and Lukani, and before entering the headquarters, he took off his gun and said to the two women, “You guys The two are waiting outside!”

Entering the conference room of the headquarters, and just opened the door, Serov had the illusion of entering a thermal power plant, Xu Xu Qingyan rushed out along the opened door, “Those who don’t know may think that our headquarters is on fire, imperialism. We can’t kill all our members, how ridiculous it would be if it was killed by fire?” Serov sat down in his chair while teasing.

The chairman of the KGB, Shelepin, is a big chimney, so no one will deliberately pay attention to whether they want to control their cravings on this occasion. “We are in a meeting, should we be careful not to pollute the air!” Standing on the moral high ground, Shi Shiran criticized his colleagues. Shi Shiran lit a cigarette and spit out smoke that was more than one meter long.

【Thank you for the support of many book friends, they are all in my heart! 】

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