Big Time 1958

Chapter 956

Chapter 944: Stalingrad

“There is now a voice that many cities want to be treated by Soviet Grad and Leningrad, and hope that the country will pay attention to local development!” clear.

“Okay, this is not a problem, but a good thing. When the news is released, the Central Presidium attaches great importance to the voice of the grassroots.” Shelov is not troubled at all, as he said, this is not a problem but an opportunity, “Chebrico Comrade Husband, do you know what that means?”

Seeing the latter shaking his head, Serov said with ease, “Sovietgrad and Leningrad are both cities directly under the central government. The administrative power belongs to our central government. Since we want to make our city upgrade and be valued by the central government, it is on par with the republics. A high-level administrative unit, this administrative power can no longer be given to the local republic.”

“We can take back some important cities and put them under the authority of the central government, and prevent local forces from growing.” It is very normal for the republics that are not equal. Especially some cities in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

“Let’s create public opinion!” After hearing what the general secretary said, Ligachev and Grishin nodded, and with the amendments made by the minority cadres, basically there would be no problem.

Whether it is the revision of minority cadres or the upgrading of the administrative ranks of important cities, they are all carried out under the guise of equality. The latter is still a response to public opinion, and no one can say anything.

It’s not a big deal lately, Reagan has been honest for a while without getting cheap from the Berlin Wall. For Serov, the world is still like this, and accusations are always with him. Especially after the vindication of Marshal Beria, the most evil and powerful enemy the free world has ever known. Was dragged out by the British and American newspapers over and over again.

Who cares about this kind of thing? The enemy cursed us that we did the right thing! Serov was playing with a monkey ticket, and the KGB bought about 500,000 tickets from China at a price of five yuan.

In fact, when this set of monkey tickets was just issued, there was an easier way, that is, when he was the chairman at the time, he communicated with the institutions issued by China in the name of the Soviet Union, and made some actions to show the concern of foreign comrades, and the monkey tickets would naturally be issued. The number has greatly increased. But what? This may not be valuable, it is better to use this method to collect.

With the rhythm of the train, Serov, whose back pain just improved, was a little drowsy, and handed the monkey ticket in his hand to little Valya. On the train to Stalingrad, except for Chebrikov and Bob In addition to Kov, there are Second Secretary Ligachev and Ryzhkov, and the General Secretary attaches great importance to the change of name.

“We have obtained some product samples from the Japanese factory in China and have brought them back for comparison with our products!” Chebrikov paused and added, “It is a factory that we have not successfully penetrated.”

“It’s enough to ensure the safety of our personnel. The Chinese movies in recent years are all anti-special films, and they are quite good. The vigilance of this country has not been dissipated, and our people should be careful, we will never be in a hurry. , whoever lives longer will have the right to speak!” Shelov said with a smile, “A market economy country is not difficult to deal with, and it is still a market economy country that has just started. If you observe carefully, you will find that the opportunities given to us won Like words.”

“I will let the comrades in the legal department speed up the progress.” General Chebrikov nodded, agreeing with the general secretary’s opinion. The Ministry of Justice was a new department established by the USSR after the global offensive phase, specializing in the study of the laws of different countries. Find loopholes and exploit them to serve the KGB’s profitability metrics.

The cost of the KGB’s activities in the United States is very high. Because the United States is very developed, the KGB can’t let its spies go to work on an empty stomach. If the work on the secret front is not good, it will take their lives and deduct their treatment. Serov can’t do it. This kind of thing.

In terms of penetration difficulty, it is difficult for backward countries to carry out work, and the costs for developed countries are high. On the contrary, relatively stable but not rich countries are the easiest to do work. This law also exists in the secret front.

“This is the best way. When technology has developed to the stage of ideal realization, we will also promote the revolution of the century. Of course, first of all, we must establish socialism in one country and lay a solid foundation before we can proceed to the second step. Those who have no bones in the Second International should also be wary of those hot-headed Trotskyites, especially the latter.” Serov said these words to Ligachev, the second secretary is still more idealistic , It can be seen from the expression that he does not approve of the KGB’s unrecognized style of work.

Since he doesn’t approve, it’s better to keep some things a secret. The second secretary still knows that KGB’s company transports more than 1,000 tons of white flour to the United States every year, and it is estimated that it will explode. There is no shortage of chemists in a country, and the KGB has the ability to gather chemists to do research, with lower costs and greater profits.

The surrounding area of the Soviet Union itself is the hardest hit area for drug trafficking, such as the original Iran and Afghanistan, known as the Golden Bay Moon. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in history, the United States launched a war on drugs against the Soviet Union. Taking advantage of Afghanistan’s own glut of narcotics, the Soviet Union has wiped out the revival of addicts.

Now the war has not broken out, but there is still soil in some remote mountainous areas of the two countries. In order to maintain the strong anti-drug force of the KGB border guards, the KGB headquarters purchased the drugs, and then used their global smuggling network to transport them to the United States. The Soviet Union worked tirelessly to transport the production under its nose to the United States. That’s what made this huge achievement.

The Latin American Division has been the most profitable department of the General Administration of Foreign Intelligence for a long time. Of course, it has been surpassed by the East Asia Division in recent years, mainly because of Japan. The East Asia Division is now arrogant, and there is no general secretary to guide them to buy instant noodles. of distress.

“Japan’s resistance won’t last long, and international hot money cannot be resisted by any country, and neither can the United States! For the struggle with the United States, some aspects have to stop, and some aspects have to be pushed forward. It is best to let the other party’s The problem broke out!” Serov said these words to Ryzhkov, as much as the other party could hear.

Chebrikov thought for a while, then took out another list and handed it to the general secretary. The general secretary also serves as the chairman of the National Security Council. These things must be seen.

“Hmph, there is no tomorrow for traitors.” Serov turned his head and nodded to little Valya. The latter took out the seal of the KGB chairman’s decree, glanced at it, and slammed it down, letting several Soviet giants in the carriage listen to it. There was a chopping sound! When the list was sent back to Chebrikov, it was all approved.

“When you’re old, find an assistant!” Serov said calmly, “I understand that there are only a few true communists, and those who have this kind of thinking are very precious, just like Americans are not everyone. Reagan. That’s the rule, but it’s never been a problem, and that’s why the second secretary is an ideological authority, and at the same time leads the work of the secretariat. We can’t let unreliable comrades lead the country, neither communists nor traitors.”

“Send power to Lubyanka and let Kryuchkov deal with this group of people.” Chebrikov did not hesitate, and gave the list directly to his assistant, who was very familiar with Serov, who could not be more familiar. , his eldest son.

Get off at Volgograd Railway Station, simply shake hands with the first secretary of the municipal party committee here, and then leave the group directly to prevent inconvenience to the people at the station, and also listen to the report here. All parts of the Soviet Union are extremely rich in material, which must be bragging. The American agriculture is so much stronger than the Soviet Union, and I dare not say that. There is no difference from ordinary cities here. The supply system is still in operation, and there is no shortage of materials.

The shortage of supplies in the Soviet Union only appeared in two eras, one was the Stalin era, including the years before Khrushchev came to power. The other is the period of Ge Map. Of course, there are queues at other times. Where do you go without queuing? impolite!

As is customary, Shelov first asked the local director of the State Security Administration and the General Administration of Internal Affairs to see if he had been deceived, then listened to the report, and finally encouraged the first secretary of the municipal party committee that there was no guidance, and the general secretary was only concerned with safety. The domain is an authority, and he has attainments on things like infiltration and public security. He has published more than 20 books.

Under the monument to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad, Serov stood in front of the monument and faced the gazes of Soviet veterans, local labor heroes, cadres and the people. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked carefully at the lifelike Red Army soldiers above. He turned around again. At that time, his face was full of seriousness, his eyes were a little red, and he shouted, “History has given glory to Stalingrad, not Volgograd!”

“During the Great Patriotic War, the heroic and unyielding soldiers of the Soviet Red Army withstood the mad attack of the fascist army with the spirit of determination. They saved the world without modesty. Blood donation may fade, but the national spirit will last forever!” Serov He announced loudly, “At my own suggestion and with the approval of the Central Presidium, Volgograd has officially restored the name of Stalingrad, and the executive power is directly under the Central Committee, Stalingrad, Stalin, Ulla…”

“Ulla, Ulla, Ulla…” Many elderly people looked at the Stalingrad Battle Heroes Monument with emotion and joined in the cheers.

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