Big Time 1958

Chapter 957

Chapter 945: Establish A Municipality

When every veteran of the Red Army saw the sculpture above, they thought of themselves. For the sake of the country and the nation, they joined the most brutal battle in history without hesitation. Compared to their comrades who belonged to the Soviet mother, they were lucky.

“As long as we continue on the right line and stand with the people, no one can defeat us. Any external force to destroy the Soviets is impossible. The only hidden danger is that there can be no traitors in our leadership, so our country’s only What needs to be vigilant is the emergence of those in power who yearn for bourgeois life in the cadre class.” Serov pointed to the red star on his hat and said, “Proletarians of the world, unite!”

“It’s almost 1986, and we have the most dangerous enemy of the Soviets. Even more vicious than ever! Reagan scorned our great sacrifice in World War II and trampled our values underfoot. This unprecedented imperialist country has always had a class-like hatred for our motherland. We have expressed goodwill, but first the Federal Republic of Germany was established, and then NATO was established, telling us that blind tolerance is useless. As long as the Soviets exist for a day, Those capitalists will find a way to destroy us.”

“They are destined to be futile, they will lose to their own greed. I can say responsibly, we are on our way. Today’s socialism is far from perfect and cannot be compared with capitalism by static indicators. The greed of human nature is used as a cover, and it is concluded that communism cannot be realized. I would say that the moral standards of each era are different. Slave society, feudal society, and capitalist society have their own moral standards. Both moral standards and human nature can be developed. Yes. It must be very difficult to enter a communist society, but the hope is always there.”

“But the ultimate development of capitalist society, as Comrade Lenin has already said, is imperialism. Bank capital and industrial capital merge into one, forming financial capital, and on this basis a financial oligarchy arises. I do not say who this country is. , you know!” Shelov looked back at the Stalingrad Heroes Monument again, and continued, “I am not afraid of any external enemies, even if they are more secretive and smarter.”

“I believe in the country, and the country will believe in you! You hate the country, and the country will also hate you. Any difficulties are temporary!” Serov was immersed in this atmosphere, and he was about to hypnotize himself, but there is a thunder point Let the general secretary wake up, it should not be far from here to add a sentence…

is not far away This sentence is a word that Serov has always avoided, because Brezhnev uses too much, many of which are not achieved. Great hope was given to the Soviet people, until latecomers had to constantly cool down the definition of the state.

“In the end we will win, and this cannot be stopped by anyone, because this is the power of the people.” After Serov’s speech, Second Secretary Ligachev applauded. Although some paragraphs did not seem to say, from the warm applause below, It can be seen that the general secretary’s speech was very successful.

After finishing his speech, Serov walked down and shook hands with the old Red Army soldiers, worker representatives and model workers here.

“General Secretary, here it is for you!” A little loli, a hairy girl, put a wreath on Shelov’s neck.

“Thank you!” Sheloff thanked him with a happy smile, holding Xiao Maomei and letting others take pictures. If there is no accident, it will be on the Soviet news network at night, and the general secretary’s close-to-the-people image can also be shaped. Didn’t you read what the general secretary said? The cadre class is the most vigilant enemy of the anti-revolutionary workers, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

“I hope that when drafting speeches in the future, there will be no such words as not far away.” After returning to the suburban villa arranged by Stalingrad, Serov took time to say to Ligachev. This kind of word of constant promise is meaningless. An ordinary person loves to hear what a leader has to say? Simple, honestly.

God Emperor Trump came to power by constantly poking out the real situation of the United States through his big mouth, if this example is not universal. There is another example in front of Serov. Reagan, who vowed to lead the United States to win the Cold War, faced overwhelming domestic accusations that he must destroy the Soviet Union in order to resolve the huge crisis in the United States. This was also achieved by Americans who were humiliated and dissatisfied because of the defeat in the Vietnam War. If Reagan stood in office for ten years at night, and the generation that protested and decadent during the Vietnam War became the mainstream of American society, it would also not be able to reverse the lack of American confidence.

But the mainstream in the United States in the 1980s was the group of people after World War II, those ordinary white people who supported Reagan’s confrontation.

Therefore, it is the greatest respect to tell the truth to the people. If the country has difficulties, just say it directly. Don’t wrap it up with those theories. Tell the people directly that my country’s natural conditions are not good, and it cannot surpass the United States in agriculture. This is not because the country is not working hard. First, let’s talk about the difficulty in increasing food production. The latter can prove that the country is still working very hard to be self-sufficient, which is very good.

Speaking simple words is far more useful than long stories, so people can still remember what Khrushchev said, on the contrary, they have no impression of Brezhnev’s readings. However, the Soviet Union is very short of leaders who can speak. The leaders of the Soviet Union all know the pen. Lenin and Stalin both wrote flawlessly. Even if the speech level was not low, they were covered up by their writings.

“The Ministry of Culture will immediately republish the complete works of Stalin. Stalin is the most important leader of our country, no one! It is impossible to avoid such an important leader. We have been avoiding it for 30 years, and we cannot continue to avoid it. Go!” Serov looked at Ligachev and said in a low voice, “I dare to say that the purge is absolutely correct. The death of 700,000 class enemies, in exchange for 1.5 billion proletarians, is more like living alone, no problem. .”

“General Secretary, even if it is true, you can’t say it as you are.” Ligachev had to remind the General Secretary not to make such a statement publicly, and pay attention to his identity.

“He shaped the Soviet Union by himself. Most of the people were the beneficiaries, but he kept pouring dirty water on the leader? All the mistakes in decision-making are blamed on General Secretary Stalin himself? Don’t you think it’s too unfair? More What’s more, the achievements of General Secretary Stalin are far greater than some mistakes.” Serov continued unmoved, “Recovering the true face of history is one of our main tasks. As for the issue of the first secretary of Khrushchev, the same is true. It’s not his problem alone.”

If Serov had learned from each generation of the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and stepped on his predecessor to be worthless after coming to power, Brezhnev’s reputation would have been bad. Just one cadre with a lifetime tenure can make almost all the people of the Soviet Union feel unfair.

He can only admit that the general secretaries of all generations have their own merits. Although Khrushchev screwed up a lot of things, the economic growth of the Soviet Union was very good at that time, and the people had their own housing for the first time. Although it is only a 50-square-meter package, this is not bad. In the 1950s, what would you like to live in a package. Serov lived in a thatched hut before he went to primary school in his last life, which was in the 1990s.

It will take some time for Stalin’s complete works to be published. The general secretary who returned to Moscow is ready to seize power from the local republics. There are many benefits to establishing cities directly under the central government, especially for countries like the Soviet Union. The municipality directly under the central government alone has more than a dozen positions of central committee members, and the cadre class is very satisfied.

The sense of honor of the cities directly under the central government can satisfy ordinary citizens, regain control from the local republics, prevent local cadres from getting bigger, and can consolidate the authority of the central Soviet Union, which makes the giants of the Kremlin satisfied.

“Tashkent, the largest city in Central Asia, must be included in the plan directly under the central government, and the capital of Uzbekistan should be replaced by another place! There is also Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The first batch of cities directly under the central government cannot be too many, otherwise it will not be precious.” Serov was lying on the table playing with the map of the Soviet Union. Kyiv temporarily has his in-laws sitting in town, and he does not need too much precaution. Belarus has no problem, and Minsk is too small. Not a big Soviet city in the traditional sense.

The traditional big cities of the Soviet Union, in addition to Moscow and Leningrad, plus the rapidly developing Soviet Grad, there are several more, Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Tashkent is the largest city in Central Asia with the largest population, and is far more valued than Almaty. Baku is the largest city in the Caucasus. The two cities happen to be the two places where the Soviet Union is most likely to breed local forces, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

If these two cities are separated, Uzbek, the largest ethnic group in Central Asia, will not be a threat. Similarly, Azerbaijan, as a cross-border ethnic group, also has hidden dangers in this regard. Once these two ethnic groups are dealt with, the Caucasus and other ethnic groups in Central Asia will not be a major problem. Other ethnic groups are far less populous than these two ethnic groups.

This will lead to conflicts between urban and rural people. This kind of conflict is only trivial for the country. Local power is a big problem. The general secretary would rather watch the local urban and rural people discriminate against each other.

After the October Revolution in 1985, the Soviet Central Presidium officially issued an order to upgrade the administrative ranks of Baku and Tashkent. .

The news of    quickly spread in the two republics of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. Uzbekistan was devastated by the cotton case, so there was no large-scale dissatisfaction for the time being. Azerbaijan certainly does not want the largest city to be directly administered by the central government. At the same time, Aliyev, the first vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, who was instructed by Serov, left Moscow and was going to Baku.

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