Big Time 1958

Chapter 958

Chapter 946: National Equality

Aliyev is an Azerbaijani, but it doesn’t matter. He is the first vice-chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers. The nation is far from being able to decide its own position. He can maintain basic sympathy for his own people, but you have to count on a It is too naive for a cadre who has been the chairman of the Azerbaijani KGB for a long time to show mercy because of one nation.

Baku is of course important for Azerbaijan, but for Aliyev, the position of the Central Presidium member and the reputation left by the Soviet Union in the future are more important. If some people are ignorant, the Gulag in Siberia still lacks unpaid labor for building socialism. Aliyev doesn’t mind adding a few names to the list. The charges are ready-made, and there are more than one, confronting the Soviets, confronting central!

Aliyev came to Baku in a very low-key manner. He served here for many years as the chairman and first secretary of the KGB. I am very familiar with every plant and tree in Azerbaijan. Of course there are feelings, and there are also responsibilities.

Aliyev, who got off from the Baku train station, did not hesitate and went directly to the Azerbaijani Central Office. The current first secretary of Azerbaijan is Vijirov. Vijirov was the ambassador to Pakistan, which of course no longer exists. Compared with Aliyev, who has been sitting here for a long time, Vigirov is softer, at least on the surface.

Vigilov was still very surprised when he saw the appearance of his predecessor. Unlike Aliyev, the Soviet Union began to send cadres from the central government to govern the localities after the emergence of the post of state party secretaries in various regions. To prevent such giants as Kunayev and Aliyev from appearing, Vigirov is an Azerbaijani cadre who has lived in Moscow for a long time.

“Comrade Aliyev, why did you come to Baku.” Vigirov greeted Aliyev to his home and asked.

“The chairman knows something has happened in Baku, so he sent me to take a look.” Aliyev’s first sentence was a standard police perfunctory. Act suddenly to solve the problem.

Vigirov nodded, knowing that the chairman Aliyev was talking about was the general secretary who was also the chairman of the National Security Council. He did not ask how the central government got the news. The KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had been completely spun off from the local governments during the Serov era. The local state committees and the republics had no ability to interfere with the security agencies. Ka appoints and removes himself. Even if a KGB chairman of a republic accuses the first secretary, Vijirov, as the first secretary, cannot remove the KGB chairman, but should feed back this kind of information to Lubyanka and wait for the investigation team to investigate. .

The Soviet security department formed its own system. It recruited members for its own assessment, appointed and dismissed cadres, prevented local cadres from interfering with the security department, and curbed the expansion of local forces. No one except Lubyanka had the right to interfere. Vigirov is of course dissatisfied, but the general secretary himself is also chairman of the National Security Council, and no one can say anything.

“There are indeed some cadres who don’t really agree that Baku is directly under the Central Committee. I think it is still possible to communicate.” Vigilov said it was more difficult to open his mouth. He chose to tell the truth. Aliyev came directly.

“It should be very disapproving! Especially some grass-roots cadres.” Aliyev calmly corrected the current First Secretary of the Azerbaijani Communist Party. From being the chairman of the KGB to the first secretary, Aliyev knew very well the cadres in Azerbaijan. He was also promoted from the grassroots level, and of course he knew the thinking of the grassroots.

The importance of Baku to Azerbaijan goes without saying, the population occupies a quarter of the entire Azerbaijan. Except for Baku, local cadres and people certainly do not want the most important cities to be directly under the central government.

“I’m just here to publicize the central government’s policy, and the general secretary is also very concerned about this matter.” Aliyev nodded, and he didn’t say much, but downplayed his intentions. The two quickly communicated, and Aliyev left to live in the KGB guest house. He was unwilling to return to his original house.

In fact, the easiest way is to use interests to buy places to create a fait accompli, but after preliminary calculations by Serov, who is far away in Moscow, he feels that in this period of full confrontation, it is slightly uneconomical to use funds to support Baku and Tashkent. , In the Caucasus and Central Asia, two cities are already very good.

To catch up with such a stingy general secretary, Aliyev has no choice. Obviously, the general secretary is still fighting Reagan to death. I heard that this year’s military spending must be on par with the United States, showing the determination of the Soviets to fight to the end. The Baikonur launch site is constantly being updated on the spy satellite network. The Caspian Sea’s ground-effect aircraft has been approved for mass production by the central government, and heavyweight ocean-going warships such as the Red Navy’s heavy aircraft carriers and battlecruisers are still in full swing.

Before leaving Moscow, Aliyev also heard the general secretary muttering that destroying the local party organization is also a good thing. Tashkent’s proposal to the central government was very calm, of course very calm. The Uzbek Communist Party was purged of tens of thousands of cadres because of two major cases. Instead, the KGB, which was drawn from the whole country, said that Uzbekistan is now under military control. Even if it wasn’t, it was under the control of the KGB police.

If the General Secretary personally intervenes, I believe that the big stick of local nationalism will definitely hit the Azerbaijanis. Instead, Aliyev might as well go into battle by himself. How can he say that he also has some feelings for his own nation, but this feeling does not exceed his feelings for the members of the Central Presidium.

“Is this the only list of cadres with excessive nationalism?” Aliyev held the investigation list handed over by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. There are not many high-level cadres. There is only one first secretary of the municipal party committee, usually the secretary of the district party committee, the chairman of the collective farm, and the chairman of the people’s council.

After all, for cadres like the first secretary of the municipal party committee, Baku left Azerbaijan and is directly under the central government, which means that their competition has become smaller. This is not the case for the chairman of the collective farm and the chairman of the People’s Council. They place more value on the financial appropriation and support of the Republic. Azerbaijan, which has lost Baku, has lost its strength, of course.

While looking at Aliyev, he looked for information that could lead to a judgment from the sheets of paper, and said to the Minister of Internal Affairs and the chairman of the KGB, “The one who opposes is the youngest first secretary of the municipal party committee, and they are generally the new generation. Cadres. They usually reach a high level at a young age and think they are very competitive. On the contrary, many older cadres will not object, which is interesting!”

“We can also solve the problem with intra-party debates. First, let’s see how many cadres really oppose and let them all come out. On the other hand, once the debate fails, if they still make trouble, we will arrest people. Solve it before the new year!” Aliyev told the two ministers. Now that he is the first vice-chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, he does not have much right to interfere with the republics, but the rank of the KGB general has not been lost, and he can do things through two powerful departments.

“We can arrest people directly, but we don’t need to.” The chairman of the KGB felt that it could be more direct.

“Our security cadres, every generation must learn the lessons of Minister Beria, even if we can do this, we have to wait until the decision is made!” Aliyev looked up at the two security cadres and said, “This is our security system cadre. consensus.”

A few days later, a plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held to discuss the work after Baku is directly under the Central Committee. This is the procedure announced to the outside world. The arguing at the meeting cannot tell the people. The cadres still need to pay attention to unity, at least let the people think.

The confrontation between supporters and opponents is very fierce. After all, the supporters are a group of old men. Even if there are a lot of people, the first secretary of Vigirov and Aliyev are in the battle, and it is very difficult to deal with a group of energetic young cadres. strenuous.

“Nearly forty first secretaries of district committees played against eight first secretaries of district committees, how could they be evenly matched?” Aliyev is also enough, but he is no longer the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, so he can’t interfere here on the surface s meeting.

Among the members of the Azerbaijani Central Committee who support the ownership of the central government, the one who seems to be the most prepared and has the confidence to support the central government is the secretary of the state party committee of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region. The tendency of the Soviets is that they only know their own Azerbaijanis, and they contradict the concept of the Soviet nation advocated by the central government.

The Secretary of the State Party Committee of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region broke out with full combat effectiveness and became the backbone of support for Moscow. If the Secretary of the State Party Committee was not Armenian, Aliyev would definitely think that he had found a cadre with correct views. , the entire Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region is an Armenian agglomeration. Any move to weaken Azerbaijan, the Armenians agree.

Armenians don’t care about solidarity with Azerbaijani cadres. The entire Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region agrees that Baku is directly under the central government, and the secretary of the state party committee only conveys the opinions of the people of the state.

“After the discussion at the plenary meeting of the Azerbaijani Central Committee, it was recognized that the Greater Baku area is directly under the central government. I believe that with the support of the entire alliance, the development of Baku will definitely get better and better.” When the first secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan Vijirov announced Relief, he is very complicated with this decision.

Shelov immediately called back, and the recognition of the economic and political status of Baku and Tashkent will be true national equality.

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