Big Time 1958

Chapter 962

Chapter 950: French

“Where has Valenoff been recently?” After his son left, Serov remembered that he wanted to ask his brother why he was there, and he hadn’t seen him for a long time.

At the White House National Security Council meeting, President Reagan emphasized the importance of cracking down on Libya to the United States. The meeting was attended by Defense Secretary Weinberg and CIA Director Casey and a series of senior American officials.

For the United States, there must be a premise in evaluating any military operation, that is, whether the Soviet Union will stop the United States. The Soviet factor has always been a factor that the United States must consider before doing things, and this time is no exception.

“We believe that the radiation intensity of the Soviet military is not enough to launch an equal confrontation with us in Libya. Of course, we also considered how we should act after Libya really asked for help and the Soviet Union really assisted.” Defense Minister Wimber Ge smugly said, “As we all know, the Soviet Union cannot help Libya from land. Even if Egypt itself has a military advisory group of 18,000 people, it is not enough.”

“What the Ministry of Defense means is that the Soviet Union should not take the initiative to interfere with our actions against Libya. Even if Gaddafi asks for help, the possibility of support is very small. This is not a land operation, and the navy and air force must be used. The home port of the Eastern Mediterranean Fleet is in Greece, and there are important ports in Syria, Albania and Yugoslavia. The Soviet Union has not yet acquired it. Our newly equipped Aegis system has been able to defuse the threat of Soviet heavy anti-ship missiles.”

The traditional mechanical-to-radar has many shortcomings in the detection and processing of low-altitude or high-speed targets due to the data update rate. During the Vietnam War, the experience of introducing digital computer-assisted automated combat systems allowed the US Navy to Using computers to enhance the confidence in multi-target tracking control and intelligence grasping capabilities, it is decided to integrate all detection, command, control and combat systems in the development of the next generation surface ship combat system, no longer Let the control consoles and operators under each system work independently, and finally formed Aegis.

Reagan nodded, and after Secretary of Defense Weinberg finished speaking, CIA Director Casey stood up and said, “We have a general understanding of military locations, air defense positions, and anti-ship missile launchers all over Libya. Those countries that buy Soviet weapons will not be able to form an airtight network with numbers like the Soviet Union, and it is okay to deal with some ordinary countries, but it is completely impossible to play against our US military.”

Both the military and the intelligence department gave an affirmative answer. At least from a purely military perspective, there is no problem with the US military itself. This answer made Reagan very satisfied. The United States needs a victory to get rid of the fear of socialist countries after the Vietnam War. Grenada is only an appetizer, and Nicaragua is not a dinner. Even the planned operation against Libya was not enough in Reagan’s view.

If Reagan wanted to ask, maybe Seroff would tell him that you couldn’t do it. The Gulf War under President Bush restored America’s confidence in the war. Since Reagan is still testing carefully, the general secretary won’t say anything.

“I hope this military operation can revive the morale of the U.S. military and clear up doubts after the Vietnam War. Of course, the U.S. military is the most powerful army in the world, and the Soviet armed forces are nothing. This is the real fact. It’s not what many people think!” Reagan encouraged with a firm tone, “Showing our strength, but also giving confidence to our allies, especially the Western European countries that can get by.”

“USA…” The senior officials of the National Security Council shouted in unison, and the time has come for the US military to regain confidence.

Reagan was very dissatisfied with the various socialist parties and communist parties in Europe occupying half of the country. He believed that this was the reason why the Soviet Union still existed. France is still in series with Western European countries to let the United States and the Soviet Union sign an intermediate-range missile treaty. Reagan did not want to sign such a treaty at all. Only when the Soviet nuclear missiles are aimed at Western Europe can the US troops stationed in Europe reflect its own value. That’s why I have always insisted that all medium-range missiles of the United States and the Soviet Union must be dismantled. The Soviet Union, which suffered a great loss in such numbers, would not agree.

From the point of dissatisfaction with Western Europe, Reagan and Serov definitely have a common language. As a poisoned patient who believes in Stalin’s Communist International line, the chief spy chief is very dissatisfied with the existence of the Socialist International. He is not afraid of how popular the Socialist International is, as a place beyond the control of the Soviet Union, he would like to have more of this Notre Dame camp.

‘s dissatisfaction is that he has always been afraid that the ideas of the Socialist Party International will affect the Soviet Union. When Ge Tutu first advocated reforming the political level, he took the Socialist Party International as a reference and proposed a humane and democratic socialism. In the end, the disintegration of the Soviet Union ended. However, after the 21st century, people can find that the suicide gene of the Socialist Party International has always existed, but Western Europe is slow suicide in this regard, and Ge Tutu who has not learned it is acute suicide.

Now that the Soviet Union is the enemy of the Soviet Union, the chief spy must tell the Socialist Party International that we are all socialists. In the future, if there is a chance, we must cut with this group of Virgin Mary who knows protest but does not know armed protest.

“Recently, there seem to be more reports about the US accusing Libya.” Little Walia muttered while holding the newspapers of major US news, of course, none of them scolded the big spy, and the scolding had already been singled out.

“Huh! Huh?” Serov recovered from Hawking’s state in an instant, straightening his back and startling little Valia. But he didn’t care about it, he took the giant globe on the table and stared at Libya’s location.

No wonder Reagan has not acted recently, if using bombers to help the Honduran junta to bomb the guerrillas is considered an act. It turned out that the big move to hold back was to clean up Mr. Ka. As for the reason, there is no need for a reason, just say one. If you really can’t find it, saying that your country is not free is also a reason to beat you up.

When the Soviet Union beat Turkey, it also entered in the name of liberating the Kurds who were treated unfairly. As long as it is a country, how can there be no reason for war.

After flipping through several newspapers in a row, the United States accused Libya of supporting international terrorism. This reason almost made Serov laugh out loud. Compared with the original history, he wanted to laugh even more. Is this a reason? There is only one reason, Libya is anti-American.

Will Libya be beaten? This is absolutely not the case, because the world is balanced, some countries are pulling the United States to check and balance the Soviet Union, and some countries are pulling the Soviet Union to check and balance the United States. Libya belonged to the latter group in the 1980s. Of course, Cardozuo didn’t like the Soviet Union, but he was even more disgusted by the United States, which despised the Arabs.

Of course, the premise is that the Soviet Union is still alive. If there is no country that can look as strong as the United States, Mr. Card will definitely not be hard-hearted to the end. In the face of heavy pressure, he may choose to kneel. Nothing matters. However, the United States has always had a tradition of killing the whole family, and the countries that choose to kneel also have no good fruit to eat.

“Let Comrade Gromyko communicate with France. Traditionally, West Africa is the sphere of influence of the French. Tell the French that the United States may solve the problem through military action, and at the same time inform Libya of the news.” Shelov immediately issued an order, the Soviet Union did not It will interfere in this military operation of the United States, and the Soviet armed forces also need to assess where the US military is now. Furthermore, as he thought, with the existence of the Soviet Union, those anti-American countries who were beaten would be closer to the Soviet Union after being beaten.

There is a theory in later generations that the Soviet Union was besieged by the whole world in the war in Afghanistan. In fact, it did not. At least France also helped the Soviet Union to attack Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was in decline in the 1980s, France helped the Soviet Union in almost many important matters to prevent the imbalance of the world’s power balance. Help the Soviet Union against the US deployment of neutron bombs, provide loans to help the Soviet Union tide over the difficulties, and boycott Reagan’s Star Wars plan. But with such an ally in an enemy camp, it cannot stop the Soviet Union from committing suicide.

Soon Mitterrand thanked the Soviet Union for providing the information, and at the same time clearly assured that “the United States cannot use the French mainland and any French base in Africa, whether it is a naval base or an air base. France will also let Spain and France take joint measures. position.”

The reply of    is full of the domineering power of the old imperialism. The French now think that the current world is very good. If the comparison is out of balance, there is no chance for France to exert influence. At least so far, the French world’s third-placed position is still very stable. Sitting on one third of Africa and more than 10 million square kilometers of maritime territory, it is a power that no one dares to underestimate.

In Washington, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff William Crow submitted a battle plan to President Reagan, which proposed to use the A-6 carrier-based attack aircraft of the Sixth Fleet “Coral Sea” and “America” aircraft carrier formation and the United States stationed in Yingluck. The F-111F fighter-bombers at Kenheath Air Force Base mainly carried out night air raids on five targets in Libya, including three in Tripoli and two in Benghazi.

At the same time, the U.S. Navy’s Sixth Fleet has moved slowly, preparing for Operation Golden Canyon. United Nations Ambassador Vernon Walls was ordered to set off to start lobbying in various countries.

Then when Vernon Walls did not set off, the Soviet Union Youth League Pravda publicly warned that the United States had the intention of starting a war against Libya, and then all the socialist countries issued statements one after another, if the United States took military action, it would be a typical example acts of imperialist warfare. French President Mitterrand announced that he would try to dissuade Reagan from giving up military operations.

“French!” Reagan shouted gaffe.

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