Big Time 1958

Chapter 963

Chapter 951: The Rise And Fall Of The Empire Is In This Battle

But immediately, Reagan forced himself to calm down. Ignoring Mitterrand’s actions, France always came out to sing the opposite of the United States from time to time. It has been a trouble for the United States for many years. Reagan calmed his anger. Although it was not easy, he still hoped that the communication would work.

It wasn’t long before Secretary of Defense Weinberger arrived at the White House knowing that Operation Golden Canyon seemed to be in trouble.

“If France and Spain do not open their airspace, our attack group will travel a long distance, which is a lot of trouble.” After learning of France’s attempt to stop the United States, Defense Minister Weinberger It is also necessary to point out the negative side, which will make a big circle and increase unnecessary risks.

The    detour refers to part of the air power of the United States, because during Operation Golden Canyon, the US military came up with a plan that the US F-111F fighter-bomber group at Lakenheath Air Force Base in the United Kingdom must take off in the United Kingdom. If you make a detour when returning to the flight, it will increase unnecessary risks.

“With our air superiority, can France and Spain not open their airspace to return safely?” Reagan had to prepare for the worst, which was to let the Air Force bypass the Strait of Gibraltar to participate in the war. Seeing Defense Secretary Weinberg’s affirmative reply, Reagan said fiercely, “When we in the United States want to do it, we must do it. Then detour, of course, we still will not give up hope that France and Spain will change their minds. ”

Regardless of whether France and Spain can take care of the overall situation, military action is inevitable. Reagan and Serov have the same considerations. Does a country as big as the United States have to rely on the goodwill of other countries to live? cannot! Carter took into account the feelings of his allies too much, so he managed in a lawful manner during his tenure, resulting in the crisis that has not been resolved.

Reagan abolished the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan through the Plaza Accord, never mentioned multi-polarity again, and reiterated the US-Soviet leadership of the world. The implementation of the Star Wars plan no longer mentions that there is no winner in nuclear war, but, like the big spy chief, firmly believes that even if it is a nuclear war, the United States can win the final victory.

Of course, there are some side effects. Some allies of the United States are not suitable for the United States, which is re-offensive, causing relatively big trouble for the United States, such as France. The difference between the United States and the Soviet Union is that the Soviet Union generally did not have a country that could compete with the Soviet Union in terms of national strength. It was only that individual revolutionary leaders could use their prestige to cause trouble for the Soviet Union. The most dangerous time for the Soviet Union is over, because those revolutionary leaders are dead.

The internal threat of the US camp is not caused by some powerful leaders, but is really facing many old imperialists who are still powerful, such as the French who have always been unwilling to be lonely. The U.S. policy towards any Soviet Union is often obstructed by France. After Yugoslavia was taken over by the Soviet Union, this situation, which had always been a hindrance, became a separate treatment for the United States.

In this case, Vernon Walls’ trip to France was only symbolic in Reagan’s view.

“One day the Soviet Union is gone, I think the French can still dance like they do today?” Reagan looked at the stars and stripes outside the window, his heart was very calm, it was inevitable, and the next one was France.

The Elysee Palace in Paris, France, a palace of equal significance with the White House in the United States, Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, and the Kremlin in the Soviet Union, French President Mitterrand welcomed the US ambassador to the United Nations, Vernon Walls. Mitterrand was prepared for any etiquette that should be present, and it was absolutely impossible for France to open its airspace.

Gaddafi is an important customer of the Soviet Union and also an important customer of France. Libya is anti-American but friendly to France and the Soviet Union. If Mitterrand has the ability, he will never let the United States do it. possible.

Vernon Walls’s mediation to France ultimately failed, but he immediately set off for Spain. At the same time, in the Kremlin of the Soviet Union, Serov is also stepping up to make up lessons, comparing the history in his memory with the current situation to see what help can be found from it.

Libya in history is no different from ordinary peace religion countries, people have no loyalty to the country at all. The leadership of the republic headed by Gaddafi initially advocated Arab nationalism. For this reason, it tried many times to unite with neighboring countries such as Tunisia and Egypt, but all ended in failure. Then, Gaddafi turned from the Middle East to Africa, echoing the Pan-Africanism proposed by Tanzania, Kenya and other countries, hoping to promote the integration of African countries, but with the failure of intervening in the wars in Uganda and Chad, this plan also ended in failure.

After a series of failures, Gaddafi also accepted his fate. Finally, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Western world was invincible, and Gaddafi was not trying to establish any pioneering rule, starting the oldest family rule until it was overthrown.

I have to say that Mr. Card had ideals at the beginning, and he really wanted to make a career out of it.

“I forgot about this country!” Shelov knew what power he had neglected, Egypt! Egypt did not kneel, and it is still the birthplace of Arab nationalism, which can steadily suppress the pan-peaceism advocated by Saudi Arabia. This is where the present and history are different, Egypt is still the country that wants to integrate the Arab world.

“Give me the Egypt hotline!” Shelov picked up the phone on the table and said, and then fell into a long wait. No translation needed, Mubarak studied in the Soviet Union, and the two could speak Russian.

Hope that Reagan can face the difficulties of Arab unity, but this is wishful thinking. Reagan was ready to resist the pressure of the Soviet Union and France, and the protests of a group of third world countries were not painful for the United States. Serov’s move can only benefit the Soviet Union, and these countries will become more anti-American, which is the benefit.

When the preparations for the US military operation came to an end, demonstrations took place in Cairo in Egypt, Damascus in Syria, Basra in Iraq, Baghra, and major Arab cities to oppose the US threat of war against Libya. Whether in suits or Arabic robes, people took to the streets to support Libya. The wave of Arab nationalism spread all over the Arab countries except the Gulf countries, and people took to the streets to express their support for the Libyan brothers.

“Libya’s leader Gaddafi called on the entire Libyan country to prepare for a showdown with the United States.” Foreign Minister Gromyko seemed to have such a sense of unity when talking about the recent situation in the Arab world.

“He doesn’t have the illusion that he can fight back. The United States has had a lack of confidence because of the Vietnam War for more than ten years. Now why does everyone think that Vietnam can be replicated?” Serov was afraid that Kadazoo’s confidence was temporarily inflated and he was directly killed. A desert country replicates the Vietnam War, do you have a place to fight guerrillas? Even if there is, what is the population of Libya? One hundred thousand U.S. troops can kill you all.

“Let the military advisors stationed in Egypt be more prepared, and release news to prepare for the formation of the Arab coalition. If Reagan can still bear it, then no one can stop this matter.” Shelov’s order is completely obeying the fate of personnel, and the Arab coalition is even It is really formed, and it is not enough to reach the US aircraft carrier. He just hoped that Reagan would be a little more scruples and retreat in spite of difficulties.

When the Arabs prepared to form a coalition to jointly respond to the news of the US military action against Libya, the entire Arab world fell into jubilation. Arab countries praised their leaders and expressed their determination to share the same hatred. Many American flags were burned, and people were in Damascus and Cairo. , Cheers in front of the leaders’ residence in Baghdad, expressing support for the country.

“Shouldn’t I be grateful? Without Lao Tzu’s aid of 1.2 billion rubles a year, the Egyptian army is so obedient?” The chief spy is really enough, he can be found in any bad thing, and something that can turn his reputation a little bit appears, who can Can’t think of him.

“Action, no one can stop us from moving.” Reagan said firmly to the US military, what the movement of the Soviet Mediterranean Fleet, France’s closed airspace, and the formation of a coalition by Arab countries would not frighten him. If the U.S. Navy has to have scruples before military operations, it means that the United States has lost all its advantages, and the Navy is the strongest military service in the United States.

A series of combat orders were issued, canceling the original defense change plan of the aircraft carrier formation of the Sixth Fleet “Coral Sea”, and making it stay on standby in the Mediterranean. The next day, the United States ordered two aircraft carrier formations of the Sixth Fleet to take advantage of the darkness to sail covertly to the central waters of the Mediterranean Sea, preparing to take part in the attack. Subsequently, the United States urgently dispatched 10 additional Kc-10 tankers from the mainland to the British Air Force Base on standby.

There are various indications that Reagan was not frightened by the so-called Arab coalition, and in fact it was the case. Did the Arabs swim into the sea to sink the aircraft carrier? Even the approaching Soviet Mediterranean fleet was indifferent. Reagan said firmly to the Sixth Fleet, “The Soviet Red Navy will never attack the U.S. military. This represents a world war.”

The U.S. Sixth Fleet, ignoring the Soviet Mediterranean Fleet, went into an offensive situation, which was fed back to the Soviet Ministry of Defense by Soviet spy satellites and then to the Kremlin. Sheloff pursed his lips and sighed helplessly, “You’re so brave, Reagan won. But what’s the point?”

is just a game of adults playing against children. It’s just that the Soviet Union and France entered or mixed mud, making the US military risk ignoring the approach of the Soviet Red Navy. Isn’t it a battle for the rise and fall of the Empire? As for it?

At seven o’clock in the evening, the Coral Island and the USS America received operational orders. At Lakenheath Air Force Base, one after another F-111F fighter-bombers accelerated from the runway, rose to the ground with a loud noise, and disappeared in the air. in the darkened sky.

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