Big Time 1958

Chapter 967

Chapter 955: Root Your Ass

“It stands to reason that there should be news!” Serov in Moscow was worried about gain and loss. Gaddafi, who was beaten, was fine, but he began to worry about whether the leader of Libya was too calm?

This cannot be blamed on Serov. In the strategic layout of the Soviet Union, Egypt is much more important than Libya. Population, golden waterways, and leadership are all factors to consider, so even Egypt has no resources other than deserts. The Soviet Union must also respect Egypt, and it also needs to formulate policies around Egypt to prevent Egypt from rebelling. The surrounding Sudan and Ethiopia are all around Egypt as an ally of the Soviet Union.

Libya is nothing compared to Egypt, and the Soviet Union has no shortage of oil. In order to prevent Gaddafi from resenting the Soviet Union, Serov did not take the initiative to station troops in Libya. Libya was more of a blur in the eyes of the Soviet Union, because Serov didn’t care much about this country either. Until Reagan took action this time, even someone so careful was caught off guard and began to plan actions for profit.

Why didn’t Gaddafi respond? This is the question that Serov considers. He didn’t know much about Gaddafi when he was young. The revolutionary leader who came to power in a coup d’état was bold and ruthless in his early years. He took the initiative to send agents to attack the United States, and even created the Lockerbie air disaster to fight against the United States.

However, this arrogant behavior ended with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and Gaddafi, who was more daring than Saddam, had to bow his head. Now the Soviet Union is strong and ruthless, and Gaddafi’s confidence is still there. Therefore, instead of being afraid, he took the initiative to take the blame. It was a reaction to the US bombing of Libya, and the image of a madman was fully revealed.

Gaddafi did not regard the death of the American hostage as unacceptable at all, but it is difficult to convene Chebrikov and Mendelev to discuss for the sake of Serov in Moscow. Is there a mistake? Plan failed?

It was not until the personnel of the operation department returned to China through Egypt that the general secretary watched Mendelev’s interrogation of the operation process with his own eyes from the monitor, and finally determined, “You are really a madman, you are more courageous than me. .”

The military delegation that has arrived in the Soviet Union will report the investigation report of the Soviet air defense system to the Ministry of Defense. This matter does not require the personal concern of the General Secretary of the Army. Besides, the shame is not the Soviet Union itself, and the French radar warning mechanism is not useless. Well, this time the United States slapped the Soviet Union and France.

The general secretary, who is convinced that diligence can make up for one’s selfishness, just started to make up lessons and analyzed Gaddafi. The Lockerbie air crash has just been awakened from the sleeping memory. Complete Gaddafi’s early experience, and recall the experience of the second half of Gaddafi’s life in his mind. It is a complete understanding of Gaddafi.

Among the Arab heroes, Gaddafi’s country is the weakest, and its population is pitifully small compared to other countries. But more daring than Assad and Saddam. As long as Gaddafi feels that he still has a big brother to take care of, he dares to do anything.

But this person must have a bad vision, because when the Lockerbie plane crashed, the Soviet Union had already begun to reach the end under the leadership of Ge Tutu, and the decline had already been seen by all countries, and France was still trying its best to help the Soviet Union resolve external pressure. Zafi dares to do something like this, he just doesn’t know the value of life.

“This mad dog can really bite people when you get it right.” Sheloff had to admit that Li Gen said that Gaddafi was a mad dog was really justified. This time the American hostage was destroyed. If this madman still thinks it’s not enough, he can still remember the Lockerbie air crash in the future, and he shouldn’t be stopped.

The general secretary can think of another person with a similar fate to Gaddafi, Mussolini, Hitler’s idol in his early years. The country is not strong, the leader loves to die, and in the end he succeeds in dying, it’s really like…

Now that the murder of the American hostages has not been revealed, it means that there is still room for manipulation. It is also necessary to complete the follow-up actions to a perfect ending. Because Serov knew that Reagan had already found a scapegoat, he did not fall into the trap of the Iran crisis that broke out at the end of last year, and of course not this time.

The chicken blood effect in the United States continues, and it is unrealistic to expect Reagan to get out of the country by killing a few hostages. What’s more, it is difficult to find a second leader who is so desperate to confront the Soviet Union. If it is lost, it will be a loss to the Soviet Union. It can be said that if there is a crisis of political life in Reagan, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union is absolutely bound to stand up if necessary. Help Reagan defuse the crisis and keep fighting.

Now, Serov knows about the death of American hostages, but Reagan doesn’t know yet, so? Pick up the phone and call Smolensk Square and ask Foreign Minister Gromyko to come to the Kremlin. The two should make a serious plan.

“After the Iran Gate, Reagan also encountered a lot of challenges, and this time it may weaken Reagan’s prestige.” Foreign Minister Gromyko’s words were full of excitement. Reagan was the rare kind of president in the United States who fulfilled his promises. Not for elections. When Reagan said he wanted to wrestle his arms with the Soviet Union, he was wrestling his arms with the Soviet Union. The entire socialist camp could feel Reagan’s undisguised hostility.

“Comrade Gromyko, you misunderstood it!” Serov had to think about Gromyko’s assumption that Reagan would get into trouble, because this was unrealistic, would the Soviet Union think that someone died and ousted the general secretary? Won’t! So why do you think America will? Human rights above all else? Just listen to this. Dozens of people are not a big deal for any country. If it is beneficial to the country, it is also possible to remove them by yourself.

“It’s basically impossible to count on this incident to overthrow Reagan. In fact, I also hope that Reagan will be re-elected! We can reveal this incident and make the United States more hostile to Libya. But we must take the initiative and shoulder the international responsibility of the head of the Soviet Union. Attitude, rescue the American hostages, provide good offices, and ensure the safety of the hostages. It must be done before Reagan puts pressure on it.” Serov stood up and said word by word, “I don’t want Reagan to step down, but the Americans must appreciate it this time and let the Soviet Union rescue it. The hostages who come out of the United States will slap American conservatives in the face.”

“Then, I’m starting to prepare now and start the operation of the Libyan hostage crisis.” Gromyko also laughed. Is this something? It’s very interesting, I don’t have any admiration in my heart, but you can try it.

“Wait until the U.S. Sixth Fleet leaves to start! Let them spend a little money on gas.” This sentence exposed the miser nature of the Soviet Union’s No. 1 greed. It’s not a bad thing to calculate the cost.

The Libyan people waving the Libyan flag showed their support for the leader by marching. Facing the power of U.S. imperialism, Gaddafi, who came from the bottom, knew very well what ordinary people were thinking. It was not difficult for him to incite these people to love him. Many people cheered Gaddafi with tears in their eyes.

The smoke of gunpowder in Tripoli and Benghazi has dissipated. On the radio, the announcer narrated the names of the people killed in the air raid, including Gaddafi’s adopted daughter. This mixed environment of grief and dissatisfaction with the United States will turn into a sympathy for Gaddafi. The support of the Philippines, at least for now, is still useful as long as the United States and the Soviet Union do not send troops over.

“The Libyan mid-level officer and above were not on duty during the air strike. I remember that the Komsomolskaya Pravda had reminded the Libyans that the US attack was imminent? Is that so?” A Soviet technical officer was somewhat dissatisfied at the Soviet surface-to-air missile battalion. Check, and muttered with dissatisfaction with his companions.

“These Arabs won’t let us touch the weapons systems they produce, but they can’t maintain them themselves. Sometimes I’d rather have our weapons used by the Israelis, at least they know how to fight.” Another officer with a slightly higher rank also said: Helpless, after communicating with the Soviet technicians stationed here, I got this poor answer.

“Forget it. Israel is the enemy of the Arabs. Besides, Israel can’t buy many weapons.” The officer who had just started to speak stopped him. The Soviet Union did not have much negative propaganda against Israel, but it has always emphasized that Israel is an anti-Soviet country. Every year, it warned Israel not to try to develop nuclear weapons, otherwise the Soviet Union guaranteed that Israel’s territory would be fully nuclear-armed.

The Soviet military investigation team is still slowly investigating the reasons why the air defense system did not work. The United States is in a carnival. In this era, the Internet is far from the development of the media, and people listen to what the traditional media say. The vast majority of Americans believe that Reagan’s decision was not wrong, so what if there was a mistake?

Both the White House and the Pentagon are very satisfied with the news leaked. For the United States, this is obviously a big victory, but a piece of news spread from Libya and quickly spread to the whole world.

When the United States got this news, it was like a big earthquake. The hostages held by the United States in Libya were killed because they wanted to escape from prison. Although there was no direct evidence, the news was immediately known to the world.

This news quickly dispelled the joy of the American military victory over Operation Golden Canyon. Libya has US hostages? how many? Why don’t ordinary people know about this! This is the question in many people’s minds.

Many people hoped that the White House and the Pentagon would come out to refute the rumors, but as time passed, the US government did not refute the news of the existence of the hostages, because the decision-making speed of the entire Golden Canyon operation was very fast and the time was relatively sudden, and the US government did not expect Libya to be a country. hostage-taking in the name of Even Reagan and senior government officials were even more ugly when they heard the news.

The pain after the joy followed, Shelov found a good opportunity, picked up a sap and smashed it at Reagan, directly giving Reagan dizzy.

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