Big Time 1958

Chapter 968

Chapter 956: Soviet Mediation

The silence of the U.S. government directly blows up the people. Who made the U.S. keep human rights high and use it to accuse the Soviet Union. This has caused Americans to have an illusion of cherishing life. The illusion that the U.S. government has always respected the lives of its own people has been shattered.

Many people think of the Iran crisis that broke out in the second half of last year, which was also caused by the hostage crisis. Shelov would be very pleased to know that the Iran door he poked out last year still had this effect, and this time the Libyan hostage crisis would be even more gratifying. Adding these two things together, at least Reagan’s personal morality can’t even be left behind…

After Reagan left office, he believed that his reputation would not be better than that of Nixon in Watergate. The American people naturally do not know that the head of the secret services of the Greater Kremlin used the hostage crisis in the early years and the current hostage crisis to cause a superimposed effect to deceive Reagan.

What if you know? The two countries are enemies. Could the Americans expect the Soviet Union to be merciful? Besides, the Soviet Union is ready to let Americans thank the Soviet Union this time, and while gaining a good reputation, they also want to discredit Reagan.

The protest is just beginning, and everything needs to be fermented. In terms of efficiency, the Soviet Union should be higher than the United States as long as there is no such thing as the death of the general secretary one after another. While the United States was still thinking about countermeasures, Moscow took action.

The Soviet Union first evaluated this military attack as a typical unjust war of imperialism attacking third world countries. After the Soviet Union’s statement, GDR, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia and a series of countries joined the ranks of criticizing the US military action, but the topic immediately turned to another issue, which became a personal criticism of Reagan.

The United States always uses human rights to disgust the Soviet Union. Serov finally waited for this opportunity, and he will never let it go. The Communist Youth League Pravda commented that this military operation was very ill-considered. With a large number of Americans still stranded in Libya, a country should first find a way to evacuate its own people. As for whether the war is just, it depends on the subsequent development. But the U.S. government omitted this process of evacuation.

This is not a human rights issue, but a necessary process before war. Of course, before the comment, the Komsomolskaya Pravda forgot the precedent of the Soviet Union’s attack on Turkey. The Soviet Union and the United States have different national conditions. As long as the Soviet Union is ordered to evacuate, the number of people going abroad is usually very small. This difference Americans don’t know.

The Soviet Union’s attack was tantamount to confirming that the American hostages in Libya had indeed suffered casualties. For a time, Western European newspapers also began to quote Soviet reports, criticizing the ill-considered military actions of the United States and disregarding the comfort of their own people. France, which has just been beaten in the face with the Soviet Union at the same time in Libya, is particularly active. This involves the issue of French weapons orders and cannot be sloppy.

With the deepening of the report, the memory of some earlier attempts by the Soviet Union and France to prevent the United States from carrying out military strikes is awakened. After the death of the American hostage, this memory will make people unconsciously believe that the Soviet Union really found the problem. The military strike led by Reagan was very impulsive.

In front of the White House, the crowd of protesters still appeared, which can be described in one word, a huge crowd. The men held protest signs and demanded the government explain what happened to the American hostages.

“The Soviets did it on purpose, maybe even the Soviets killed our people. Gaddafi didn’t dare to do that.” In front of many senior American officials, President Reagan never mentioned that he did not wipe his ass, but thought that The Soviet Union deliberately revealed that the American hostages were taken by Libya. Reagan could not admit that he knew that the hostages were being held and that he had forced a military strike because it would have resulted in his resignation.

The Iran crisis at the end of last year has caused a lot of trouble for Reagan. If things go wrong this time, he may really follow in the footsteps of Nixon, which is definitely not a good thing for the current Reagan.

It is true that the Soviet Union made the matter, but Reagan has no evidence. This kind of thing, the most responsive and the fastest to act are those Western reporters who are afraid of the world being less lively. They immediately tried their best to follow up and interview. report. Multiple news exposures made this wind blow stronger and stronger, and eventually became a storm.

There was only a small wind blowing from the Soviet Union, but after passing through Western Europe and reaching the United States, it has grown into a tornado that can crush mountain peaks. Even a seasoned politician would change color in the face of such a storm, not to mention Reagan Not so sophisticated, the only thing he was good at was scolding the Soviet Union, and he did the same this time.

“It’s going to take a while to ferment, I’m still waiting for Reagan to save himself.” Sheloff said rudely to the security giants around him, “I’m not going to let the United States do anything this time, just let Reagan’s reputation change. It stinks a bit. What kind of world is this? An actor wants to turn the world upside down?”

“Even if Reagan survived this political turmoil, he would be reviled by thousands of people after he stepped down.” General Zweigon wasted no time in flattering, “This senile dementia still wants to implement his anti-Soviet policy and is dreaming.”

“Hey, I can’t say that. Libya was also pushed over by Reagan’s policy.” Shelov smiled reservedly, “So what? There are no negative factors in this world. It is impossible for one thing to happen only to the right. We have a negative impact, take advantage of everything, wait patiently for opportunities, and things will turn around. We have taken over the deaths of 30 million people at the beginning, and the country is getting stronger and stronger, and the situation is much better now.”

“At present, the Soviet Union and the United States are in a state of real balance. This is still my humble statement. In fact, time is on our side. As long as I ignore Reagan and slowly wait on the Eurasian continent, the United States will naturally become more and more Marginalization, there is no challenge to us in the end!” Serov asked little Valya to take out a few wine glasses, and poured a glass of red wine for each of the top spy chiefs next to him and said slowly, “But pressing the United States It’s easy, as long as it develops slowly for 20 years. But to really defeat this opponent, the United States needs to make its own problems.”

“I believe this is the purpose of the general secretary’s confrontation, and the winner will be decided as soon as possible.” General Bobkov touched his bright forehead and said, “We are all very old, and I hope to see that day appear as soon as possible. .”

This is true. They are not young anymore. It will be a huge honor to end the Cold War while they are still in office. As a leader, nothing is more important than this. This is also the reason why Reagan had mixed reputations during his term of office, but became a national idol after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The confrontation policy was determined by Reagan.

“If we want to break the balance, we need to do a few things well, abolish the financial advantages of the United States. It takes a cycle for the derivatives of the financial industry to circulate around the world. Once this cycle comes, it will be the next period of economic stagnation in the United States. The Federal Republic of Germany and Japan It has been abolished. This abolition refers to manufacturing and will not impact American manufacturing. It can be said that Reagan has helped us lay the foundation. The problem now is that the financial industry in the United States is kidnapping all the old imperialist countries. , let these countries continue to **** blood to the United States. There is actually a conflict between the manufacturing and financial industries. The United States abolished Japan and Germany to stop the bleeding temporarily, but it has changed from heavy bleeding to chronic blood loss, because a country with cheap labor is not enough. Let the current United States feel the pressure of the trade deficit.” Shelov said after a moment of silence, “How to turn the US’s economic stagnation into an economic collapse? The key question is whether it can cause problems in the US financial industry. In short, It’s about making the dollar a common currency.”

“I have never stopped Iraq and Iran from continuing to settle in US dollars, that is, they are storing US dollars. When there is a problem with the financial capital of the United States in the next cycle, it is time for us to do it. At that time, all our US dollar reserves will be thrown out, anyway. The Soviet Union and the U.S. had no economic ties.” Serov added, “This is just one step!”

The Soviet Union’s foreign exchange reserves were mostly used to sell food, and they were also used to buy large machinery in the 1970s, but Reagan is now starting to block the Soviet Union. Therefore, the foreign exchange reserves of the Soviet Union can basically only be kept there. At best, a little beef is imported from Argentina, and Argentine agricultural products are also very cheap.

“Comrade Tykhonov should also know about this, right?” General Chebrikov asked.

“Well, our Soviet Union has been preparing for 30 years. The question now is not whether we can defeat the United States to end the Cold War, but how to win! I hope that all the unfavorable conditions for the United States will break out in two years. Oil prices must rise. , the dollar will also sell at the same time, the premise of these two actions is that the economic crisis reappears.”

“Some actions need to be slowed down, others need to be accelerated. As long as the United States enters a recession, I will restart the Guantanamo Naval Base!” Serov poured everyone a glass of wine again, raised their glasses and said, “Cheers for victory!”

“Cheers for victory!” Chebrikov, Zweigon and several security giants all stood up, raised their glasses, and then drank the red wine in their glasses without hesitation, and came to the Kremlin again. Being fooled by the big fool with poisonous chicken soup for the soul.

After the big agents left, Serov poured the wine again and handed it to little Valia, then went to the desk and called Gromyko on the phone. The next day, Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko visited Libya and expressed his willingness to mediate the thousands of US hostages held in Libya. This move by the Soviet Union once again took the lead from the United States. Reagan was just preparing to respond positively to the hostage incident, and Gromyko had already arrived in Libya.

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