Big Time 1958

Chapter 969

Chapter 957: It’S A System Issue

This group of people cannot be kept in Libya’s hands forever. There is still a distinction between countries and armed groups. Gaddafi can’t really act like a terrorist. Since he is the leader of the country, it is inevitable that these people will be handed over sooner or later.

The question is, who will Libya hand over to the hostages? Of course, Reagan is trying to solve this problem. Directly let the Soviet Union’s Central Presidium member, Foreign Minister Gromyko go to Libya and intercept people before Reagan makes a move

When Gromyko arrived in Libya, the smoke of war had already gone, and even the Sixth Fleet returned to the port in Italy to stand by. The Soviet Union knew this best, and Italy was not far away.

The Libyan hostage incident has become a huge storm under the promotion of the world media. Of course, the storm was directed at Reagan, and Moscow was calm, preparing for the May 1st International Labor Day parade.

“This group of Americans will return to the United States sooner or later, taking hostages as a threat, which will not be tolerated as a country.” Gromyko saw Gaddafi, who was safe and sound.

There is no congratulations to Gaddafi for his escape, and no comfort. For a national leader from the bottom, this kind of comfort is not necessary at all. Gromyko also went straight to the topic and talked about the Libyan hostage crisis that the world is concerned about now. .

After all, more than 1,000 lives were lost. Even on the surface, Gromyko had to make every effort to save the Soviet Union’s enemies. If successful, the Soviet Union would leave a deep impression on others in front of the whole world. .

“The Americans did not hesitate to use bombs to kill so many of us, and the United States did not apologize.” Gaddafi said with great dissatisfaction, “Among them, my adopted daughter was killed, she was only one and a half years old, and my adopted daughter was killed. My son was also injured.”

Gromiko did not change his face, and was not moved by the affection of the other party. The diplomats were originally a group that only paid attention to interests, not to mention that the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs had always had a good relationship with the spy department, and was regarded as the most ruthless of all diplomatic groups.

If you need comfort, Gromyko can comfort each other in private, right? Now is not the time!

“You also said that the other party is an American.” Gromyko’s voice was flat, but the meaning contained in it was self-evident. The other party was an American, and that was not an ordinary country. A country that would not be threatened by war if it killed an American would be So many. These countries definitely do not include Libya, which belongs to the kind of country that the United States does not care about.

If Libya has an army of 4 million from the Soviet Union, the support of dozens of countries, 100,000 tanks, more than 300 nuclear submarines, more than 40,000 nuclear bombs, and a Warsaw Pact, then the United States is willing to cooperate with Libya even if it encounters such a thing. Talk, big deal protest.

Semichasny once arrested the Americans for no reason, and when Serov was the chairman of the KGB, he also imprisoned the Americans who made trouble in Lubyanka to death, didn’t he have nothing to do? The problem is that Libya is not the Soviet Union…

Maybe Gaddafi could not accept it for a while, but this matter is very clear. If Gaddafi does not let go, the US Sixth Fleet is in Italy and can be killed at any time. Being threatened by hostages and not daring to start a war will not happen to big powers, especially the United States and the Soviet Union. If the other party is a piece of fat sheep, the Soviet Union would like to have a country tie up its own people and use this as an excuse to start a war.

Gromiko also gave Gaddafi time to consider, but expressed that he wanted to see the captured American hostages and ensured that there would be no death of the hostages. Gaddafi agreed.

In addition to the United States still criticizing Reagan for being reckless, the eyes of the world are on Libya, or on Gromyko. The Soviet leader has always had a bad reputation, giving a stereotypical robot image, which has been exacerbated since the KGB chairman came to power. But this time, no one reported with tinted glasses. Even European and American media praised the Soviet Union for its rescue of ideology and form, which fully reflected the Soviet Union’s leadership and international responsibility.

Regarding the hostage issue, the two camps have the same position. If the hostages were held by the Soviet Union, the European and American media would of course publish two sour articles, naming the incident for a reason. There must be something wrong with the Soviet Union first.

But it was an American who was kidnapped this time. Naturally, these reporters couldn’t say that. At most, they would make trouble for Reagan.

The views of Libya are good, of course limited to the coastline close to the Mediterranean Sea. It includes a large number of Roman ruins and stretches for hundreds of kilometers of coastline. The landscape of ancient Rome at its peak. There is also the Tadlart Akakus Grottoes, a well-known historical and cultural heritage in Libya, which is rich in carvings and paintings.

If it was Serov who came here, maybe he would take a look at it, and don’t know if these ruins exist in future generations? But Gromyko obviously does not have the leisurely style of the general secretary. For the foreign minister, work is work.

Because the U.S. naval and air strikes have ended, the American hostages scattered at important targets and oil wells are being held together again, and guarded by Libyan soldiers in military uniforms. The management method is no different from prisons around the world. However, there was no abuse. Obviously, Gaddafi also understood that he could not touch the tiger’s **** again and again.

Gromyko’s every move is being noticed by the whole world, especially the French journalists around him, who are in touch with Paris at any time to update the actions of the Soviet foreign minister in Libya. The reporters have no morals in this regard. With such an opportunity, the French do not mind to write the greatness and correctness of the Soviets while getting first-hand information.

As the foreign minister of the Soviet Union at this time, Gromyko also appropriately expressed his closeness to the people. Although the other party was an American, he said some high-sounding words in front of the Americans and deceived the other party…

The general secretary made up his mind long ago in Moscow that these Americans must be rescued by the Soviet Union, and at the same time they must prevent the United States from rescuing themselves, so the role of the Soviet Union is not noble at all, it is more like a special trip to pinch the United States. of.

In fact, even the French journalists are far more concerned than Gromyko, finding an opportunity to talk to the American hostages held by the North, leaving some food and comforting each other. Now even the Soviet Union is trying to find a way to solve this incident. , Rarely did not come out disgusting America.

What happened to this country? It must be a system issue! I couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

“What made the peaceful Libyan people use hostage threats that are not tolerated by the international community? You must know that this small country with a population of less than four million is facing an unprecedented superpower in the world. What makes the two A country with a clear gap is ultimately hostile, can’t this make the Americans think deeply?” Gromyko said to the American hostages righteously, and his words pointed directly at the inappropriate foreign policy of the United States.

“May our world be at peace and not in endless hatred. I grieve for the Americans who died in this military operation, but also pray for the Libyan people who were killed by the Americans, I hope our descendants can transcend beliefs, nationalities, and history, and live in a big family of mutual respect, equality and fraternity.”

“I hope that people will not blindly hate each other, fear each other inexplicably, and fight each other in a confused way. Now it seems that under the background of different races and religions, there is still a long way to go before the society we try to build. …”

“Finding the source of the conflict and resolving the hatred between the United States and the Arab world is the fundamental solution to the problem.”

Through the lens of the French media, the safety of these American hostages was widely reported by the media around the world, and of course it also attracted the attention of the Americans, which objectively relieved Reagan’s pressure.

Of course, this also includes Gromyko carrying a gun and a stick, overtly and secretly belittling the hasty U.S. military operations, disregarding the safety of its own people, and recklessly resorting to war to solve problems, and now we need to face the rest of the mess.

The    attack is very closely related to the theme. It is obvious that Reagan is a third-rate actor, and his hot-headed handling is not the basic quality of a good politician. Americans must listen to these words, because the hostages have not been rescued…

Even if Reagan wanted to strangle Gromyko to death, and wanted to cover his stinky mouth, he had to listen honestly.

Sizz! The big spy in Moscow watched Gromyko’s speech on TV, and his teeth were sore. They all wondered if their foreign minister had switched the wrong way of thinking, what a standard socialist international speech.

It’s not that Serov has no sympathy, but that it is indeed disgusting to face Gromyko’s bowl of poisonous chicken soup. This is still the case when the general secretary and him are on the same position. If you put yourself in the position of the United States, these words will be even more disgusting.

But this did not delay Gromyko’s speech, which won the praise of the whole world. Not to mention that the Second International’s Descendants of the Virgin who used morality to kidnap is so powerful, this kind of speech is really hard to pick out. As a result, even the Soviet Union and the United States, who were not interested in this rhetoric, had to pinch their noses and say that Gromyko was right, and dried up the bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

“Let Komsomolskaya Pravda express solidarity with Comrade Foreign Minister’s speech!” Serov endured his nausea and asked Ligachev to do this, and now the pressure is on Reagan.

Reagan now appreciates the achievements of the United States’ continuous promotion of human rights for decades. This kind of taste is roasted on the fire. Only he himself understands that the overwhelming accusations will almost drown Reagan. If things continue, Watergate will repeat itself!

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