Big Time 1958

Chapter 971

Chapter 959: Cynicism

Different from being very confident when facing reporters before, this time Reagan appeared with an undisguised embarrassment and embarrassment. This time is the most difficult time for him since he ascended the throne of the US president. Otherwise he wouldn’t be on the phone with Nixon every day, struggling to find a way out.

The American media can really kill people. At the beginning, Nixon had to step down because of the Watergate incident. To this day, Nixon is still troubled by the original. If he can’t survive this time, he will definitely not end up better than Nixon.

In fact, before this, the White House had already started infighting in the past few days, and no one was willing to come out to face the thunder. Defense Secretary Kasper Weinberger blew the wind that he had long commented on the venture in a relevant National Security Council memo: “It’s absurd.” CIA director William? Joseph? Casey said he played little role.

As for Reagan’s deputy, Bush, he was also trying his best to avoid having nothing to do with it. No one wants to be pushed out to the top! But each of them knew that sooner or later someone would come out.

“It’s sad that something like this has happened. It was some basic intelligence that led to today’s problems, but I have to say that no one would have expected Libya to do this kind of hooliganism, which is very much in line with what I give to Khazah. Fei’s mad dog commented that the United States must not compromise on this matter, that’s it.” Reagan said with a serious face.

Reagan finally chose to find a high-ranking official to sacrifice himself. Of course, he first had to get through today’s difficulties. In addition to the instability of the internal and media, Reagan’s current situation, as well as the actions of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union controlled all the Americans in Libya, which made Reagan, who had just completed the Golden Canyon operation, very embarrassed.

It stands to reason that the United States has just completed Operation Golden Canyon, and the morale should have been boosted when it won a big victory, but this matter has not been exploited by the United States, and the Libyan hostage crisis immediately dissipated this time. victory. Reagan’s move to revive American morale was not only ineffective, but aggravated the suspicion of American public opinion.

After Reagan finished his speech, reporters from major American media took turns asking questions. The questions became sharper and even pointed at Reagan himself. From the necessity of military action to the safety of American hostages, they were besieging him like a barrage of cannons. President of the United States, Time magazine calls himself the most powerful man in the world.

“We will communicate with the Soviet Union to rescue our people without harming the image and interests of the United States.” Reagan said this sentence with a blushing face. Now that the Soviet military force has stepped in, it is different from when Libya faced the United States itself. Don’t look at it as just a police corps, with a number of only 2,000. But this is a problem of two concepts, the problem has changed from Libya to the Soviet Union.

Even if Reagan wanted to kill himself and prepare for armed rescue, no one would agree. The United States can fight Libya without any scruples, but it will never try to use military means to test whether the Soviet Union can fight.

Faced with the situation of the Soviet armed forces in Libya, Reagan had to talk to what he saw as an evil empire. For him, the president who is trying to revive the United States, it is impossible for others to know the embarrassment and discomfort in his heart.

“Haha! Asking for help from what you call the evil empire? Reagan, you have today…” The laughter belonging to the chief spy resounded throughout the Kremlin. Serov’s sarcasm was undisguised. The president of the United States is really hard-boned and doesn’t know how to compromise. Now it seems that the degree of hardness is very limited.

When the news that Reagan was going to talk to the Soviet Union reached Moscow, Serov learned that the old man with dementia would also compromise. It seems that it has not developed to the advanced stage yet?

It took a long time for him to restrain his smile. As he got older, it was very tiring to keep smiling all the time. “Follow the procedure!” Serov said flatly to the cadre who came to ask for instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Follow the process, which means to follow the relevant regulations, rescue with the greatest sincerity, fully understand the position of Libya, and of course the position of the United States, try to be a bridge and provide a platform for the United States and Libya to communicate.

This description is actually a bit long-winded. Of course, there are more accurate explanations to cut into the theme, drag it on…

The Soviet Union can continue to operate the hostage problem with maximum action, and put Reagan on the fire. Let’s bake for a few months or half a year, and then release a little news if it’s okay. It’s disgusting Reagan. When the time is almost up, let’s send this group of people back to the United States.

Let’s be disgusting for a few months first. The longer this incident lasts, the more Reagan’s situation will not get better. Sheloff judges that the hostage crisis will not make Reagan step down, so let Reagan maintain a state of beating and beating for a few months.

It is already the second day in Moscow time. The Kremlin responded to Reagan’s proposal that ensuring the safety of hostages is an international responsibility that the Soviet Union should shoulder, and is willing to temporarily cooperate with this anti-Soviet US president, because the hostage crisis is obviously more difficult than one or two anti-Soviet politicians. The gibberish is more important.

In the statement, the Soviet Union also rarely shouted two sentences about human rights, but saying this at this time makes the Americans even more embarrassed. Reagan was not only embarrassed to ask for help from the Soviet Union. For many Americans, it was also unacceptable to ask for help from the biggest enemy.

This kind of embarrassment is permeated in the conversations between many Americans. Sheloff only saw a small action in Libya’s countermeasures, but it eventually turned into a reversal, and the morale brought by the American Golden Canyon operation disappeared.

Serov has been assigned Foreign Minister Gromyko to be solely responsible for rescuing the Libyan hostages. At the same time, he has once again started micro-manipulation, directly crossing countless levels, so that the secret police force already in Libya will prevent any American media and individuals from approaching the American hostages, and directly attack Moscow. Chebrikov is in charge. Procrastinate as much as possible, never let this end soon.

This is actually very easy. It’s hard to do one thing well, but it’s not easy to break one thing? Consider the relationship with Libya, the relationship with the United States, and the relationship with the Soviet Union. Gaddafi came to power and announced the withdrawal of the United States’ Wheelers Air Force Base in Libya and the expulsion of 6,000 American soldiers. The United States was extremely annoyed at Gaddafi’s decision, and Libya’s subsequent closeness with the Soviet Union made it even more difficult for the Americans to accept.

Colonel Gaddafi announced: From Benghazi in Libya to Sidra Bay in the west of Misraid Gulf belongs to Libyan waters, any ships sailing in these waters should leave the waters, otherwise they will be attacked by Libya, the US Navy The Sixth Fleet often conducts exercises here. Although the United States had a very tough attitude, the United States, which was on the strategic defensive at the time, did not want any conflict with Libya, so in fact, U.S. warships have rarely entered Sidra Bay since then.

The Soviet Union has never opposed any country that is pro-Soviet. The old imperialists are all allies of the United States. The Soviet Union can only rely on the countries in the third world that have developed well to catch up. In addition to several Middle East wars, the Soviet Union has sided with the Arabs. Both Naturally, the relationship between the two countries is getting more and more harmonious. Of course, Libya is not important in the eyes of the Soviet Union, and Gaddafi’s pro-Soviet policy is not very obvious.

But since the Golden Canyon operation, Libya has become very important. It is already a place worthy of the Soviet Union’s key support, and it will not only support itself. The Central and ASEAN countries of the Soviet Union, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq have also sent armed forces into Libya at the same time. , This is on the surface of the three countries in order to help the Arab brothers resist American aggression.

On the surface, this is because Gaddafi used his personal friendship to win the support of his Arab brothers and ushered in an Arab coalition of more than 20,000 people. At least in terms of momentum, it can be regarded as a chance for Libya to breathe. The Soviet Union has stated that Libya’s actions have nothing to do with the Soviet Union, it is an internal matter of the Arab countries themselves.

In the capital of Libya, US Secretary of State George Platt Schultz has led a team to this desert country, just a week after Operation Golden Canyon, at the repeated request of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko , the trip finally took place. At this time, American public opinion all paid attention to the hostage incident, even if George Platt Schultz himself did not want to come over to wipe his ass, he had to come.

Schultz, of course, has a reason not to come, and even if the US is caught by the Soviet Union, it cannot move. He, the US Secretary of State, came to Libya, not only to suffer hostility from the Libyan people, but also to risk his life.

The most important thing is that Schultz came here this time to play a supporting role for Gromyko. He used his position as US Secretary of State to help Gromyko. Who would like to do such a thing? From another angle, Gromyko was unwilling to come over, but there was nothing to do.

“On the issue of the Libyan hostage crisis, we will fully respect Libya’s wishes. It is definitely wrong to use hostages to threaten a country first. The Soviet Union will also communicate with Libya. Everything is based on the premise of rescuing ordinary people. Of course, we are respecting Libya. At the same time, I also respect the position of the United States. Maybe this will be a tough negotiation, but I will do my best to resolve this crisis. I believe this is also Mr. Schultz’s idea.”

Gromyko’s words made Schultz next to him very uncomfortable. In the end, he could only express his position. From today onwards, even if he does not stay in Libya every day, he will attend here every once in a while. The negotiations are basically tied here until all the American hostages are released.

“President Reagan’s idea may be from the standpoint of the United States. Everything has positive and negative sides, and the decision at that time cannot be criticized by the result, but I still think it is a bit reckless for military strikes.” Now the most hated Shelov Reagan, the leader of this evil empire, had to listen to the cynicism of the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union every day.

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