Big Time 1958

Chapter 972

Chapter 960: Reagan Looks At France

Sherov, who has been with Khrushchev for a long time, can’t wait to come out and talk nonsense from time to time. I managed to seize this opportunity to comment on how the Libyan hostage crisis should be resolved almost every few days, either to be concerned about the progress of the Soviet Union’s mediation, or to say a few words to Reagan.

And what Reagan hated the most was the last option. Reagan always took the anti-Soviet mission as his mission. This time because of the hostage crisis, he did not dare to express his position at will, but he had to listen to the comments of the enemy. Saying that this kind of humiliation is unacceptable, which is more uncomfortable than the face slap at the Los Angeles Olympics.

The actions of    Shelov and the Soviet Union almost made Reagan, who has been making trouble for the Soviet Union for several years, feel like a clown.

For the first time in his long acting career, Reagan accepted such a role as a clown, and it was completely forced.

But Reagan still had to pretend like the great friendship between the Soviet Union and the United States. He couldn’t have any disgust with the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Now the whole United States is staring at the Libyan hostage crisis, and even two or three hostage photos have been leaked from Libya. It was packaged and reprinted by non-partisan media in the United States. He can no longer talk about cleaning up the Soviet Union at this time, at least until the hostage crisis is over, otherwise the fire that has just been attracted to the Libyan negotiations will definitely come back to burn him…

“I just want to strangle Serov.” In the White House office, Reagan said unabashedly in front of his close friend Casey, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, without any demeanor in the outside world. This is the real Reagan now, it’s useless A little acting.

“He is so cunning, forcing us to have to compromise. The spirit that the United States has just gathered has begun to be worn down!” CIA Director Kathy also frowned. The other party is doing his best to rescue people in your country, this At that time, the United States could not accumulate hostility to the Soviet Union no matter what.

The atmosphere that Reagan has created since he came to power is mainly in terms of international politics. However, they are not only opposed to the real politics of the old Republicans, complaining that they do not care about the nature of the regime when forming alliances with foreign countries; they are also opposed to the traditional internationalism of the Democrats, believing that they are naive to rely on international organizations and economic development to promote democracy, and what they value is “Strong”. There are two main political philosophies of neoconservatives: First, liberal democracy and autocracy are incompatible, and democracies should stand up against tyranny; second, the United States and its values are paramount, and the United States should shoulder its world mission.

The whirlwind of neoconservativeism that Reagan hung up has now hit the wall, and it is the United States itself. When it comes to the safety of their own people, the American people are directly attracted by the Soviet Union’s preemptive action, regardless of the current relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union.

“Ordinary people are short-sighted. All our problems are due to the existence of the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union is defeated, the whole world will no longer have the root cause of the problem. Even if we are a problem and have no reference, naturally there will be no threat.” Reagan Complaining helplessly, he walked to the window and looked at the lawn outside the window, but his heart could not calm down.

The cozy scenery outside the White House could not calm Reagan’s mood. When Reagan calmed down for so many days, he was considering remedies. Room for influence. The Soviet Union made a lot of preparations at the first time. If the United States wants to be more sincere than the Soviet Union, only Reagan himself will be able to suppress Gromyko.

Just finished fighting Reagan in Libya, and now he will personally negotiate to rescue the hostages? The hostages have been rescued, and the president has lost face. Americans may still think that the president has lost face and continue to oppose the wave in advance. Faced with this consequence, Reagan had no choice but to ask the Soviet Union for help. The disgust in the ninja’s heart made Serov comment from time to time.

“When this incident passes, we are slowly regaining our lost confidence.” When he said this, CIA Director Casey could clearly feel the helplessness in his close friend Reagan’s tone.

This time, the United States was completely held hostage by the Soviet Union. It was also kidnapped by the media with morality. It could only make a friendly appearance and cooperate with the Soviet Union. The initiative was still safe with the Soviet Union.

“What’s the matter? Hasn’t Western Europe been held hostage by us for decades? The United States in the future will slowly get used to it. When the situation becomes clear, we will beat the United States at any time.” Shelov took a drink without rushing. Lemonade, compared to Gromyko returning from time to time, and then to Libya, and to France to discuss the INF Treaty. The days of the general secretary are very pleasant, and he is very leisurely on vacation in Sochi, on the coast of the Black Sea.

Who said that the general secretary cannot take vacations? Ordinary workers have 150 days of vacation a year. Why can’t they rest? Is it right to be the general secretary? Not only did he take vacations, but he also took the second secretary and the chairman of the Council of Ministers to take vacations together.

Naturally, the general secretary could not go to Indonesia or Greece for vacation. He could only come to the health resort of the Soviet Union, where he stayed in Sochi, the summer capital.

Stalin first cultivated the enthusiasm of Soviet leaders to go to the south for vacation. The Soviet government built the Cuilin Villa for him in Sochi. After Stalin’s death, Khrushchev took the lead in building a personal resort villa in the scenic Sochi. His villa was built in a virgin pine forest near the seaside and built a cement wall with a total length of more than ten kilometers, which is very spectacular. In addition, Khrushchev built a total of twelve villas along the Black Sea coastline for his senior officials. Now Serov is in one of them.

When Reagan was overwhelmed, the general secretary was going to take a vacation, and at the same time, he was preparing for the next round of battle, because from Gromiko, it seemed that the progress of the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty had sped up a little. It doesn’t matter whether the Soviet Union made a move, or whether the United States just confuses the Soviet Union, but it’s always right to be prepared.

“According to Reagan’s character, maybe he will fight Libya again before he leaves office.” Serov, who was walking in the forest, told Ligachev, who also came out. As for the chairman of the Council of Ministers, Tikhonov, this octogenarian is really Came to heal.

“Isn’t it?” Ligachev still thinks that American presidents are generally quite normal, and of course Reagan is indeed a little abnormal.

“It’s easy for others to say, Reagan, as I said earlier, if he was in the Soviet Union, he would be more suitable to be the chairman of the KGB.” Shelov smiled. If he remembered correctly, Reagan really fought again in history before he left office. Libya. You said that Mr. Kazuki provoked whom, and he must be used as a whetstone when he was targeted by Regan.

The two walked for a while, then started to walk back. Reagan’s current mood has nothing to do with the Soviet Union. Serov himself is still very satisfied with this guidance. After killing the United States in the future, he may have to **** the big killer of human rights. At that time, democracy, freedom, human rights will be in your chest, and people will stop killing people…

I have to say that his rogue thinking has never changed. It is time to read Suslov’s essays to cultivate his sentiments.

Because the Soviet Union made some progress in the hostage crisis from time to time, the Libyan hostage crisis has never passed. At the same time, Egypt, Syria and Iraq sent coalition troops to Libya, which made the Arab countries feel that they share the same hatred. Taking advantage of this crisis, the Soviet Union also In cultivating Arab countries’ goodwill towards the Soviet Union, this kind of cultivation has been going on for decades and will continue in the future.

Because of Moscow’s will, Gromyko is also very busy at the same time, so this negotiation is doomed to not be short at the beginning. Neither the Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko nor the US Secretary of State Schultz can stay for a long time. In Libya, they still have their own affairs, and they return to North Africa to exchange positions almost every fortnight.

Every little progress or deadlock in the negotiations will be widely reported around the world, and soon Serov made another move, calling French President Mitterrand in an open letter, “Because in the Libyan hostage issue, the bitterness between the Soviet Union and the United States may lead to rescue. To increase mutual distrust in hostages, in order to ensure the safety of American hostages, and at the same time resolve the hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union. At this time, another world power is needed to join in. France, which has traditional influence in Africa, will be a good solution. , even the only candidate, the Soviet Union has no doubts about this.”

Shelov’s open letter, asking France to exert its unique influence and become a great power to join the mediation. The letter to the Soviet Union placed France in a very high position.

In fact, France has always been looking forward to such an opportunity. After the Libyan hostage crisis, France was a little dissatisfied. It was obvious that they and the Soviet Union opposed the attack on Libya. Now all the pictures have been taken away by the Soviet Union.

It was not too late for the Soviet Union to react, and it took the initiative to ask France to join the mediation. In this case, of course, France would not refuse. This was an opportunity to exert French influence.

The time has entered mid-June unknowingly. Because of the participation of France, it seems that this tug of war will continue. More France needs to increase the interests of one party in the negotiation. The representative of the United States is very careless about this matter, but France, a very important power between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States must appease before defeating the Soviet Union, and can only accept the reality.

The participation of France has kept the hotspot of the Libyan hostage crisis unabated, and it has also prolonged the negotiation time. Reagan, who had been keeping a low profile because of the hostage crisis, suddenly discovered that the French were really not good birds.

The constant wrangling between the United States, the Soviet Union, and France, coupled with the occasional lift out of Libya, time has passed for another month.

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