Big Time 1958

Chapter 983

Chapter 971: Weary Country

Now it seems that farming is more important. More than half a year has passed this year, and Serov’s internal adjustments are still continuing. Of course, during regular work, he also needs a little adjustment. For example, when I was free, I would go round the map, and the Soviet Communist Youth League Pravda published a speech about General Secretary Serov, pointing out the problem of the separation of the cadres and the masses.

Stavropol Territory, Gorbachev, as the first secretary of the Territory, returned to his home with a heavy heart. His iconic head was no longer high, but looked a little dejected.

Stavropol Territory is also a famous resort in the Soviet Union. For a long time, as the first secretary here, Gorbachev received many big figures from Moscow, including the former general secretary An Dropov, and the former general secretary Brezhnev, but it happened that the current general secretary Serov did not come here to recuperate.

Shelov prefers to go to places with few people. As the Soviet gunner, he must choose places that are not noticed in order to complete power and **** transactions with many Mao girls, so the place for recuperation is that he does not go to places where others go. For example, in Siberia, or just going abroad to Bulgaria, Gorbachev was not given a chance to know himself.

During the Brezhnev and Andropov periods, there were several rumors that Gorbachev was going to enter the center, and the Gomap, who finally held hope, gradually lost his illusions as time passed. The two general secretaries with friendship have left one after another, and the current Soviet controller, he has never really met once. If the Central Plenary Session counts as a meeting, it counts as…

“Misha? Why are you so worried?” Raisa Gorbachova asked with concern when she saw her worried husband come home.

Misha is Gorbachev’s nickname, just as Shelepin’s close ones call him Shurik. In the face of his wife who has been with him for decades, Gorbachev restrained his worries and comforted him, but he couldn’t hide it from Raisa’s eyes. Instead, it aroused the latter’s questioning. In the end, he could only confess one by one. .

The article on the relationship between cadres and the masses published by the Komsomolskaya Pravda directly named Gorbachev, the first secretary of the Stavropol Krai. This joke made the general secretary very angry, so in front of Serov, as Gorbachev, who was not much stronger than a grasshopper, he was directly turned. From the time the Komsomolskaya Pravda article was published, the name Gorbachev was remembered by the Soviet people.

“I am obviously working very hard, why are there such rumors? It seems that those old men are right. Some things are not just compromised with goodwill, and people will forgive them.” Gorbachev was a little bit. He said angrily, “And that US President Ronald Reagan, he is the source of all problems, I really hope to replace the general secretary to fight against him, the general secretary is right, Reagan is an Alzheimer’s who is full of brains… ”

“Don’t be angry, it’s a big deal, we retire.” Raisa comforted her husband. Although there are some aspects of being a cadre, it is not safe at all, especially Serov was born in the KGB, and in recent years he has always sent cadres in large numbers. go to jail. Now her husband has been named by the Communist Youth League Pravda, which is not a good thing.

“No, I’m going to write a letter to apologize publicly.” Gorbachev shook his head and returned to his bedroom, ready to respond to this question. He didn’t know why there would be a political joke with himself as the protagonist.

Of course, Gorbachev, who was writing quickly, didn’t know, because this kind of joke that stinks him was when Andropov was very optimistic about him, and Serov asked the KGB’s fake propaganda department to release it. If it weren’t for the low status of the Khitans and no cards, this golden pair would have long been known in the Soviet Union.

The general secretary who received the review of Gorbachev, the first secretary of the Stavropol Krai soon, did not know the consequences of Gorbachev’s regular round this time. The villain, suddenly enlightened, cultivated a sense of hatred for Reagan, but even if he knew, Serov would not promote him.

“The spread of political jokes reflects the tension between the masses and cadres. This is our work to improve, but I will not hold important local cadres accountable because of a joke. I still believe that Comrade Gorbachev is fully capable. , to govern a state very well.” Serov put on a high stance and let go of the real general secretary. He won’t dismiss Gorbachev once. It’s boring. When I think about it when I’m bored, I have to take it out for a round.

Moreover, he also responded to Gorbachev’s apology letter, in which he encouraged Gorbachev to work hard. Gorbachev, who was scared out of a cold sweat, sighed in relief and wiped the map head dry. sweat on.

Most of the Soviet political jokes used to be released by the KGB, but now, the source is not at home. Serov remembered one thing. When he was very young, there were many rumors in China in the 1980s and 1990s.

In terms of the communication strength of that era, Serov, who is now in Moscow, puts himself in the shoes and thinks that the entire socialist camp should exist in the country, and the source is very clear. But this is a small path and will not affect the overall situation.

Thinking more about these things, it is better to do some specific work. The Soviet Union also has a wealth gap. There is a wealth gap of ten times between the richest and the poorest. This wealth gap is not reflected in wages.

The Far East, even though it was a poorer part of the Soviet Union, had a very poor living standard. The local area is rich in wood, but residents can only go to distant Central Asia to buy furniture. Residents cannot eat vegetables and fruits, children cannot eat ice cream in summer, and fishermen along the coast are in short supply of housing. In the Far East, the Soviet Union is sparsely populated, but faces Alaska, northern China and Japan. The operating cost of the defense industry is high, and military expenditures are rising year by year. The economic burden is very heavy.

“There are too few people here, and it is meaningless to pursue large and comprehensive departments and enterprises.” Serov, who was about to go to Switzerland, began to inspect the Far East before his departure. At least in the 1980s, a lot of work really needed people to solve, not everything could be replaced by machines. The Soviet Union itself lacked people, and the Far East especially lacked people.

Across the river is China. According to time, Serov’s body should not be born, and it may not be born. However, the life in the forest area should not change, and there are still some impressions in his mind.

Other general secretaries can understand, but the only thing they can’t understand is that the forest area can’t solve the furniture by itself, and the wood processing industry is so far away. After careful recall, it seems that the forestry bureau life in the past life is a bit more reasonable than the layout of the Soviet Union. At least there are ice cream factories, match factories, furniture factories, guitar factories, and floor factories, but they all closed down…

These factories gradually disappeared when Serov grew up. Later, the entire forestry bureau was idle, and there was no job for these people to do. The way out for ordinary people is to leave the northeast and go to the south. development, as did the Far East of the Soviet Union.

The Northeast has at least a lot more people than the Soviet Far East, isn’t it? Regarding the layout of a forestry bureau, this matter is one of the few things that the general secretary knows more about. In the name of collective farms and forestry enterprises, they cooperate with Chinese-related enterprises in the name of collective farms and forestry enterprises. There is no reason why Sino-Soviet joint ventures cannot be made.

After returning to Moscow, Serov began to study life improvement plans in the forest area, and then prepared to go to Switzerland. In this year, the US diplomatic environment is relatively isolated. In the name of counter-terrorism, the US military launched several attacks on Libya, successfully destroying many military facilities in Libya and dealing a heavy blow to the Gaddafi regime.

In the past two years, there have been many incidents, such as the car bombing at the US embassy in Beirut, and the hijacking of TWA Flight 817 last year. At the end of last year, militants attacked the airports of Rome and Vienna, killing many people. More than a hundred people were injured.

Although Serov was negligent for a while, the school bus bombing, which had no prototype, appeared in the Soviet Union. But peace religion bites people regardless of country. Although the United States destroyed a large number of military targets in Libya at the cost of almost zero casualties, except for British Margaret Thatcher, the US military operations did not receive the support of NATO allies, and its actions cause panic in the international community.

People all over the world have just gotten used to the environment after the Soviet Union’s strategic attack, and they can’t get used to the US coming here for a while. Besides, Serov is not the one Reagan was destined to do, and he has always resisted the US counterattack fiercely.

The consequence of the confrontation between the two is that the international prestige of the Soviet Union and the United States is currently undermining, but the small countries of the Soviet Union camp have not spoken out on the surface, while the old-fashioned imperialists headed by France dare to criticize.

Serov, who is about to have a second meeting with Reagan, is still making up his class. The damage to the international prestige of the United States is only one aspect. There is also the analysis of economic data in the United States this year. Many economic data at the macro and corporate levels are bleak, causing investors to panic. Signal a recession similar to the current one, but ultimately how much the U.S. economy will grow after adjusting for inflation, because the year is over and the big spy doesn’t know yet.

The U.S. stock market crash in memory is the end of next year. Reagan’s sheep shearing and welfare cuts should not last for more than two years. In fact, the situation in the Soviet Union is not good, just because the new allies of the Soviet Union are too bad. , and often a large population made the Soviet economy seem impeccable. If Serov can’t stand Reagan’s attack and lose a few populous countries, the Soviet Union, which has no problems on the surface, will also show Reagan a weak side.

After years of fighting, both the United States and the Soviet Union entered a period of exhaustion.

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