Big Time 1958

Chapter 984

Chapter 972: Inf Treaty Signed

The Soviet Union has India, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia as its support, so that it can maintain the current growth rate. A large population is of course a kind of wealth, and the expansion of the sphere of influence will open up a larger market. This is also the reason why the Soviet Union had to withstand Reagan’s attack. Its own allies were not as rich as those of the United States, and they only got closer and closer because of their large territory and large population.

But even so, in 1986, after several years of trembling, the United States and the Soviet Union were exhausted. Even if Serov and Reagan refused to admit defeat, other countries could not bear it.

“One thing I can be sure of is that if nuclear weapons are deducted, the Soviet Union in Eurasia today will have no opponent. Our current armament can fully support the simultaneous war on both sides.” Defense Minister Marshal Ahromeyev said confidently.

“I believe it!” Serov replied without hesitation, the construction of the Bea Grand Railway was completed and began to open to traffic normally. The capacity of the Bea-A railway far exceeds that of the Trans-Siberian railway, and the preparation time for a large-scale war against China has been shortened from two months to less than fifteen days. If the Soviet Union’s large-scale strategic reserve warehouses in the Far East are added, the Soviet Union can complete a large-scale attack on China within two weeks. In fact, from now on, the Soviet Union has improved the situation in the Far East.

But isn’t it? Serov spread his hands to Defense Minister Marshal Akhromeyev and said, “Even our own country in the Far East has fallen behind the European part. Are you still going to let me raise 800 million more people? General Secretary Stalin can’t do it, right? .”

Why didn’t China attack India from the east in the Indo-Pakistani war, because it was afraid of the more than 200 million population bombs in northeastern India? If they can cooperate, the Soviet Union will never choose to confront China. It is best for China to be rich, otherwise it will be too poor to have no scruples, and it will become a big problem for the Soviet Union.

“In view of the comradeship and brotherhood of the proletariat, and the urgent needs of the Far East, it is very normal for the collective farms and forestry enterprises in the Far East to cooperate with relevant Chinese enterprises.” Just listen casually, of course, the general secretary also talks casually.

The Far East and the Northeast are only separated by a river, and many necessary items in the province have to be transported from Central Asia via the Trans-Siberian Railway. It will definitely be more convenient. In fact, the disintegration of the Soviet Union has already doomed the decline of the Northeast.

After passing the written report on the extensive cooperation between enterprises in the Far East and Chinese enterprises, Serov said deeply, “From this year on, one of the things I don’t want to see is that the prices of the products coming out of the factory are directly printed on it. We The price of goods has not changed for decades, but now the environment is completely different from decades ago. Any product is the same, if I buy a wrench today, I don’t need to see the stencil on it to tell me the price, the shipping fee Isn’t it a fee?”

“Our Soviet Union’s prices are relatively much fairer than those in the United States. Of course, we must follow certain rules. The development of things is still very optimistic. This year, Reagan just passed a big tax reduction policy in the United States. Judging from the current feedback, The situation in the United States is not good. Wait for the opportunity to surpass, this is what we should do. Comrade Tykhonov, it is up to you to worry about this matter, Comrade Romanov will help you.” Serov calmly recounted. .

After the release of the Reagan tax cut plan, various stock prices in the stock market rose quickly, showing a rapid rise. The US stock market will collapse in a year, and the US dollar in the hands of the Soviet Union is basically buying whatever it can buy. Because the Soviet Union will throw away all the foreign exchange reserves accumulated over the decades, not only the Soviet Union itself, but allies of the Soviet Union will do it, even if they don’t want to, Serov will remove those disobedient partners.

“Don’t worry, General Secretary, I will personally pay attention to this issue.” Tikhonov had to stand up, but was stopped by Serov. For the 80-year-old old man, he now has to focus on protection.

“In two days, I will go to Zurich!” Sheloff is going to leave early, because he is going to make a train first, then go to Italy, and finally arrive at Zurich, the capital of Switzerland, the largest black money center in Europe.

In Zurich, there is no distinction between camps, and the black money of the KGB also flows here. Serov is not the first time to this place, he has been operating here for a long time. He has a very good relationship with many large institutions, and there are many famous large companies, which are basically his.

When passing through Italy again, Serov also finalized a lot of contracts with Bellinger, chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers. Whenever the election situation of the Italian Communist Party was not good, the Soviet Union would sign some big contracts to try to save the Italian Communist Party polls, sometimes with success and sometimes failure, this time it was just a repeat of the old trick.

The place where the INF Treaty was signed was in Zurich. Reagan wanted to let Serov go to Washington to show the advantage of the United States, but Serov would never go. In the end, the two countries set the venue for the signing in Zurich, the capital of Switzerland.

“Before it was signed, the media in the United States had already praised Reagan.” Foreign Minister Gromyko said flatly, “Those newspapers unilaterally emphasized that the United States destroyed fewer nuclear weapons than the Soviet Union.”

“Don’t care about this kind of remarks. The distance between Cuba and the United States does not require medium-range missiles. Our confrontation with the United States can be threatened by intercontinental missiles. Medium-range missiles are only useful to Europe. Now is not the Cuban missile crisis. It’s time!” Shelov replied unmoved, “The environment has changed, and who is more cost-effective, they will know later.”

In his opinion, missiles that cannot hit the United States are useless, but basically useless.

As witnesses, French President Mitterrand, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Federal German Chancellor Kohl, Ceausescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party on the Soviet side, and Erich Onner, General Secretary of the German Socialist Party Central Committee Croatia and General Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party Zhivkov also came to Zurich.

Cole and Erich Honecker first held a meeting on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany before the arrival of the main lord. After the Plaza Accord, the Federal Republic of Germany, which was supported by the whole of Western Europe, was also affected to a certain extent. Germany raised interest rates, and European countries had to raise interest rates in order to balance interest rate differentials. In a sense, the market of Western European economic integration maintained Germany.

The GDR is currently responsible for supporting the development of many of the Allies following the Soviet strategic offensive, and is doing well. Serov once told Erich Honecker, because Western European countries have a policy with France and Germany at the same time, which makes another country very embarrassed, that is, Britain, which is outside of Europe.

The entire Western Europe adjusted with France and Germany at the same time, which made the United Kingdom particularly overwhelmed. As a result, the Bank of England had to give up the peg of the pound to the dollar. The hidden danger of Soros shorting the pound in the future has already begun at this time. But this still has to wait for the Soviet Union to die, but this does not necessarily have to be done by the United States. The Soviet Union can do it for you, and Uncle Sam is also very tired, isn’t it?

The two leaders also talked about the intermediate-range missile treaty that will be signed soon. GDR leader Erich Honecker emphasized that nuclear powers should immediately stop nuclear tests, prohibit the deployment and gradually dismantle nuclear weapons systems and nuclear weapons that have been deployed in Europe. Medium-range missiles, and the establishment of a China-EU nuclear- and chemical-weapon-free zone as soon as possible, so as to eventually destroy all nuclear weapons in the world.

Cole must agree with the other party’s proposal in his heart, but he still has reservations about destroying all nuclear weapons. Really destroying all nuclear weapons, isn’t the Soviet Union, whose armaments are so huge, going to heaven? As for the unification of Germany, which has been arguing for a while since the Berlin Wall speech, Erich Honecker said that once the economies of the two countries are completely at the same level, it is something we can all talk about. Anyway, Erich Honecker has seen the evasive attitude of the United States, so he doesn’t mind putting on a high profile.

October 1986, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Serov arrived in Zurich, and US President Ronald Reagan’s special plane was also slowly landing at Zurich International Airport. Witnessed by leaders of many countries and the world media, we will meet again.

“Old guy, is your resilience good? No wonder not a single bullet killed you.” Serov, who was holding Reagan, greeted him with a smile, mentioning the last time he stabbed the other party.

“My body is really good. I will definitely see the day when the Soviet Union retreats. Let me see how long you can hold on.” Reagan was in a good mood and didn’t mind the cynicism of his opponent.

“There is a country that is bound to go backwards, but whether it is the Soviet Union or not, let time tell. You are sixteen years older than me. I hope you will live longer. Since you are sick, you should take more medicine.” Serovsson He opened his hand, not going to be in the shadows once, so Reagan couldn’t sign for a while.

In the organization specially arranged by the Swiss government, the two people appeared at the same time, stood side by side and announced that they would implement the commitment of the joint communiqué. At this time, the heads of the two countries met in Zurich and formally reached an agreement.

Under many flashes, Reagan and Serov sat together and formally signed the “Treaty for the Complete Destruction of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Missiles between the Two Countries”, announcing that within two years, all the short- and medium-range missiles and intermediate-range missiles of the United States and the Soviet Union will be destroyed.

The pen for the two people to formally sign the INF Treaty has just fallen, and there was a huge cheer in the audience. Many reporters and many other leaders of other countries who witnessed it applauded enthusiastically. It seems that the threat of a nuclear war in the world has gone away.

“What’s there to be happy about, the threat of our tank army has disappeared.” Serov whispered to Zweigon next to him, who nodded with a smile, but in other people’s interpretations, the general secretary is also peace-loving of.

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