[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

H: Keep Away

AN: Thank you for sticking with me despite my inconsistent updates. I've had a monster of a writer's block~


After school came fast as Guiren was very excited. His friends had no idea why their usually laid-back boss was fidgeting in his seat after returning from lunch.

Worse, he was smiling from ear to ear, which was creepy.

None of them, however, dared press the matter as such questions usually resulted in a kick or punch.

This left Guiren to revel in his giddiness for the rest of the day. Getting scolded by the teacher in the hall was nothing compared to his joy.

He was going out with his master!

Sure, it wasn't a date, as he was sure that beta would outright refuse but it was a start. First, they would hang out and get close, as was proper courting procedure. Then, something would happen, maybe them being pressed up against the door of the train. They'd breathe each other's air and Master would realize that Guiren wasn't just a guy.

He was his guy.

While his instincts wanted the fantasy to lead into a kiss he knew that wouldn't happen. Cramped space or not, Guiren knew Yibai would punch him in the nose for trying.

No, it would just be the beginning!

Guiren was well and truly settled in his fantasy when he walked out of the classroom and spotted the worst person he could.

Li Suren.


His curse must have echoed far, as the omega turned to him. His usual scowl forming, the pale-haired teen strolled over.

“There you are.” Suren looked up from his phone, crossing his arms. “I was wondering when you were coming out.”

“What are you doing here?” Guiren asked, glancing around. There weren't many students around as they rushed to go home but they weren't alone. When they had become engaged, they both agreed to keep it a secret.

Showing up at his class was not something one did for a vague acquaintance.

“Don't get all pissy with me.” He snapped back, cocking his hip. “I'm just here to confirm what you told me.”

“Told you?” Had he said anything like that to this annoying guy? His mind was so filled with thoughts of hanging out with Yibai, Guiren couldn’t pay anything else any mind. “Did we talk before this?”

Suren smacked the alpha's arm, unable to hold back at his inconsiderate response.

“Did you forget about the dinner!?” He snapped, blocking Guiren’s path. His gaze was stern and accusing. “You said you had a thing but I doubt it'll go on so long we'll miss the meeting.”

A look of pure confusion flitted across the alpha’s face, showing he legitimately forgot about their monthly dinner. Or was it the text he forgot? The dinner made sense since neither of them wanted to attend but how could he forget about their conversation?

Suren crossed his arms and frowned. “Did you not see my text?”


Guiren checked his phone. Usually, he never missed text messages since he was always on his phone. It was not allowed in class but Guiren wasn’t one to let such petty things like rules get in the way of catching up with his favorite comics

Yet today, he was in a happy daze because he got a chance to spend time with master alone so he didn’t check his phone after texting Suren. As such, for the first time ever, he unlocked his phone to find a certain notification.

Several unread messages.

All of them stated that Suren would come by and make sure they made it to their meeting.


Oh right, there was a thing like that, wasn’t there?


Guiren hadn’t been thinking too much when he made the excuse. He just wanted to keep Suren from looking for him after school. He didn’t think the stubborn omega would follow him anyway.

Suren said nothing, watching the look of realization flash on the teen's face. It turned out he actually forgot.

He sighed, shaking his head.

“I was wondering why they went unread despite you always responding.”

While Guiren would sometimes ignore or not respond to Suren’s messages, he always read them at least. Probably just to screw with him.

“Anyway, let go and get whatever this is done with.” Suren continued, moving aside to let Guiren lead the way. “The quicker your task is done, the faster we can get ready.”

Guiren scowled but walked forward, feeling the white-haired teen follow close behind.

This was not how he thought things would go.

Damn, he’d been planning on bailing on the meeting to hang out with Master instead. Heck, he’d have done it anyway, even if he hadn’t bumped into the beta. While being with Suren was a good cover, he really disliked his grandfather.

Every Time they met, he felt like an object being inspected by a buyer.

Suren’s parents were cool but they were rarely invited to their ‘family get togethers’. This just left the pair to have an awkward dinner with Suren’s grandfather and his friends.

It was horribly uncomfortable.

He knew Suren didn’t like either. Neither of them had a choice in the matter unless they used an excuse, like school.

Today was supposed to be his best day ever so he wasn’t about to let that old bastard mess it up. That meant he’d have to throw Suren under the bus.

He apologized to his partner in his heart.

“Ah, since you are coming with me, how about you support me?”

Suren’s frown deepened. “What foolishness are you talking about now?”

“I’ll be late if I don’t get going soon but I forgot to get myself some snacks.” He gave the omega a helpless look. “Could you buy some for me? I’ll pay you back.”

“Can’t you wait until dinner?”

“It's just a few snacks. It’s not much but something to tide me over.”

“Ah right. You have a voracious appetite.”

It can't be said to be a common trait but Guiren ate a lot for an alpha. If not for his constant exercise (getting into fights), he’d probably be a blob. Snacks were his only means of getting through the day as he was only allowed to have 3 full meals a day. Any more than that and he’d probably develop some kind of disorder.

As such, his request wasn’t out of the ordinary. It was just the first time he’d asked Suren to buy them.

“What do you want and where are we meeting up at?

Guiren listed out his request, making sure they were only found at separate stores. Such a trick wouldn’t have worked on someone who knew the area but Suren rarely ate outside food, so it was a simple thing.

He promised himself that he’d send Suren a text telling him not to wait up for him as soon as he got Yibai and left campus.

He wasn’t cruel enough to leave his partner waiting like a fool.

Suren, earnest in his desire to get the matter done, nodded. He turned on his heel to get the snacks for Guiren. As soon as he turned the corner, Guiren ran to find his beloved beta.


Said beta was packing his things, trying to remember if he and Guiren had agreed on a meeting spot.

Damn, he hadn’t so that idiot would definitely come by his classroom.

The classroom with a bunch of other people.

If they saw him with the infamous Guiren, things would get even more bothersome.

“Damn it.”

He couldn’t clear the room so the next best thing would be to intercept him.

With that in mind, Yibai swiftly walked out of the classroom, ignoring Song Yang, who had been trying to talk to him all day. He’d hidden himself well during lunch but wanted to know what happened from everyone.

Everyone including Yibai.

“Won’t you help a guy out?” The beta pressed, leaning over Yibai’s desk. “Just tell me who to look out for?”

“You’ve made so many enemies you need specifics?”

“I can’t just avoid every Alpha in school.”

Yet he wanted to gain control from Guiren? With this kind of attitude, Yibai couldn’t fault his caution but wondered how far he’d get.

As a kind gesture, he chose to give the man some advice.

“You could try not being a jerk and then you wouldn’t have to avoid anyone.”

“This from the guy who won’t pick sides?”

“I’m also the one who doesn’t have to hide from people.”

Except that is what Yibai sort of wanted to do just then.

Song Yang was annoying now but if he saw Guiren waiting for him, he’d absolutely come to some strange conclusions. Yibai himself wasn’t sure about the two of them but he was sure whatever this guy came up with would be incredibly troublesome.

Ah, Song Yang was being troublesome! He kept on his ass, trying to get something out of him despite being told he wouldn’t say. He could only guess that the other students in the class gave him bad or no info.

Leaving only him.

“Ugh…” Yibai groaned as he slipped from the classroom. His eyes darted around, trying to see if Guiren had shown up like an idiot.

To his surprise, there was an alpha in the hall but it wasn’t the one he was expecting.

“Ah, there you are!”

From his spot crouched on the floor, the teen unfolded himself to his full height. In terms of build, he was definitely an alpha. He was taller than both him and Song Yang. That and he was way too good-looking to be a beta.

But he was a stranger.

Just as Yibai was pondering who this guy was looking for, he heard Song Yang shout.

“Xingxing, I told you not to wait outside my classroom like this.” Song Yang scolded, smacking the taller me in the chest. “It’s annoying.”

…Xingxing? Yibai watched as the larger teen was scolded by Song Yang. Was that the kind of name one would give to this behemoth?

The cutely nicknamed alpha smiled despite being chewed out. In fact, he tried to get closer and was only prevented due to Yibai standing between them.

Was this shameless guy trying to use him as a shield?!

While he could sympathize with him, having his own clingy alpha, he wasn't willing to get involved in the people's business.

He moved aside, leaving Song Yang to deal with the grinning teen.

“Didn't I tell you not to do this?” Song Yang snapped, suddenly cornered by the looming teen.


“…Don't just say yes! Show some remorse!”

“I don't wanna.”


This went on for a while, giving Yibai a chance to slip away. He needed to find his own Alpha so they could leave unseen.

Hed only just reached the corner when Song Yang noticed his departure and called out to him. At the same time, he spotted Guiren running toward him, mouth agape to call out to him.


Without a word, Yibai rushed forward and grabbed Guiren’s wrist, pulling him down the hallway into another corridor. He could hear Song Yang calling out to him but Yibai was not about to be caught so easily. Spotting a semi-closed door, he shoved Guiren inside, quickly shutting the door after following him in.

“M-master, what is-”


Just as his voice faded in the cramped closet they'd hidden themselves in, he heard Song Yang walk past the closet door. He looked around, his image blurry in the fogged window of the closet door. The fact he couldn't see Yibai and Guiren from outside made their escape seamless but…

Why is he not leaving?!

Rather than leaving like he wanted, Song Yang lingered about befuddled.

“I can't hear his footsteps anymore.” Song Yang pondered aloud, confused. “Was he always this fast?”

Yibai, while average, was a heavy-set guy so it wouldn't be surprising that his footsteps would be loud. It wasn't an issue to Yibai but Guiren was never one to let any implied insults slide when it came to his beta.

“Just because he's dumb doesn't mean can call you fat.” He grumbled. “Master is perfectly light. Like a grumpy panda or-”

“Shut up.”


Ah, master was being all cool again~ Guiren blushed, feeling his body heat up at their proximity. Yibai was a little shorter, so his hair brushed Guiren’s nose enough to make him smile. Ah, he has that clean soapy smell. Just like before.

Guiren was basking in their closeness, yearning to wrap his arms around the beta. In the darkness, Yibai didn’t notice them reaching out to him. His attention was solely on those outside, waiting for the sounds to move away.

Once the moment came, Yibai escaped the humid closet. He took a breath of fresh air and jumped when he heard a bang from the closet.

“What are you doing?” Yibai asked, staring at Guiren who had fallen in a strange way. Why were his arms angled like that? Had he tried to grab onto something on the way down?

“N-nothing.” Guiren grumbled, blushing for an entirely different reason now.

He’d missed his chance, damn it! He lamented, wanting to cry.

Yibai had no idea how close he’d come to being embraced so he chalked it up to Guiren’s standard weirdness.

“Let's get going now that the coast is clear.”

“They left?” Guiren was in his own world for a little bit so he didn't notice their departure at all. Why did they leave?

He didn't bother to ask, as it wasn't important. He only had a little more time before Suren realized what he did. While the omega was unaware of some things, he wasn't an idiot so they had to move fast.

This led to Guiren leading away from the front gate and toward one of the far walls. The school was enclosed to prevent students from ditching class but such barriers were nothing to Guiren. Even if a regular alpha balked at the height, it was a mere skip and a jump to Guiren.

Is this your method of getting in and out without getting caught? Yibai could guess this guy's intentions.

“A true artist never reveals his tricks.”

“An escape artist you mean.”

“Yeah but now we can leave without being seen and-”

He stopped, faintly hearing something behind him. Something familiar.

“Fuck my life!”

Not expecting the sudden expletive, Yibai wanted to ask what his issue was now. He opened his mouth to ask but found Guiren circling behind him and grabbing him around the waist.

“W-wait, what are you-”

“Get moving, Master!” The alpha snapped, lifting the bulky beta like a kitten to the edge of the wall. “We have places to be.”

Realizing his intentions, Yibai followed his orders, though his pride stung a bit at being lifted so easily. Was he light or was Guiren just that strong.

Either way, he was now having to deal with the aftermath of that strength.

Namely being Guiren, who chose to lift him higher with his hands a little more than he was expecting.

“Are you groping my ass!?” He snapped, feeling a pair of hands squeezing his butt when he knew for a fact that there was no need for it.

“Yes, and it's amazing but please get moving already! We don’t have time!”

That shameless bastard enjoyed that moment of bliss before pushing Yibai over the edge. He waited a moment, listening out for the telltale thud of feet hitting the pavement.

“I’ll meet you at the bus stop!” He called out, letting the other teen know before setting off. He had some matters to deal with first.

Moments later, he heard the voices he’d noticed before.

“-telling you, I heard it from over here.”

“So why are we going toward the weird sounds?”

“Maybe he’s hoping to catch a couple in the middle of-”

The trio stopped, seeing Guiren leaning against the wall and glaring at them. While they’d been curious about who would be here after school, Guiren was the last person they expected.

“Boss!” They cried out, grinning through his glower made them falter a bit.

The trio were Guiren’s subordinates, affectionately referred to as the Jii triplets. They looked nothing alike nor were they related but they were always together which made them easy to match up. Guiren liked them since their names were easy to remember.

“Zhou Ji, Zhou Jin, Zhou Zhi.” Guiren glowered at them, looking pissed. “Where do you think this is that you can just walk as you please?”

E-eh?! Wasn’t this their school? Since when could they not walk around after class? Moreover, why was their boss acting like they’d cockblocked him?

Zhou Jii looked around but couldn’t find any evidence that anyone else was here. It was just the 4 of them. Before he could ask what they’d done wrong, Guiren cut them off.

“You're not allowed to bother me today. I’m going home.

Again, the aggrieved trio felt some doubt. If he was just going home, there was no need to look so pissed that they had walked by.

It was clear he was hiding something.

As if sensing their thoughts, Guiren stepped forward, making the trio step back and huddle together. The alpha’s expression was cold and sharp like a winter wind, cutting them deep. They shivered unconsciously.

“You didn’t see me but you know I went home.” He stated slowly, looming over them. “Right?”

Three heads rapidly nodded, not daring to disagree. Even if they were held over the flames of hell, they would not refute his statement.

Those who saw him fight called him a mad king but those who knew him knew that his frenzies were never out of rage, but boredom. If Guiren was truly mad, he lost his smile.

Before today, they hadn’t seen the alpha this serious about anything.

What was so special that he intimidated them into silence.

This question would never be answered as Guiren moved away. He frowned, his heavy mood shifting into a lighter one that the trio was used to. With a nod, Guiren departed over the edge of the wall, leaving the trio to meekly huddle together with their cigarettes.

The mood was dour as they tried to guess what the hell just happened for them to be threatened by their boss.

They were innocent!


Yibai, in the meantime, was waiting at the bus stop for Guiren. Luckily, the schedule was very accurate and spaced apart enough that he wouldn’t have to worry about missing the bus.

Still, he felt a bit mad about the ass grab from before.

I’ll properly punch him for that later. He thought as he saw the bus nearing. He glanced around, not seeing Guiren anywhere.

For a moment, he wondered if he should get on or wait. He’d promised to hang out with him and waiting was the courteous thing to do.

But on the other hand, he’d have to wait another 20 minutes for the next bus, which was a hassle.

He grimaced at the thought.

Courtesy or not, he wasn’t about to do something troublesome like that so when the bus arrived, he stepped on it.

Whether or not he walked a bit slower than usual was completely unrelated to anyone, especially a certain alpha.

Yibai watched every passenger come on, absolutely not looking for anyone in particular. When the crowd thinned, someone asked to sit next to him but he refused, saying he was saving the seat.

He absolutely wasn’t though. It was just that he wanted somewhere to place his bag, is all. It wasn’t for anyone in particular.

Just as the doors were shutting and Yibai felt a rush of disappointment, he heard someone shout.

“W-wait, don’t close the door yet!”

An arm slipped through the door, halting it. The driver stared for a moment before sighing, opening the door once more. A familiar face stepped on, casually flipping off the driver. The driver, used to such antics, didn’t even look at Guiren, moving along his route.

The alpha glanced around and beamed when he spotted Yibai.

“Was that necessary?”

“He was gonna leave me behind.” He explained, wordlessly slipping into the seat Yibai absolutely wasn’t saving for him.

“Whose fault is that? You came late.”

“Master is so mean. Can’t you just be glad I made it?”

“Who would be glad? You embarrassed me.”

“I worked up quite the sweat to get here.” He grunted, taking Yibai’s hand and placing it on his chest. “Can’t you let it go for my poor heart?

Guiren’s shirt was slightly moist and his heart was racing. He’d clearly run as hard as he could. It was only because of his excellent athletic skills that he was panting for breath. Even Yibai was a bit out of breath when he ran to the bus stop.

Yibai considered his options for a moment before wordlessly nodding and taking his hand away.

Having been forgiven, Guiren grinned like a child beside Yibai. He opened his mouth to talk to Yibai just as the bus arrived at another stop.

“Actually, I-”

“Yibai?” A deep voice called out, making the beta flinch. “Ah, it is you!.”

Shit! It just had to be one of his father's friends!

“I didn’t know you took this bus.” The man said conversationally, smiling a bit as he stepped close. “How come I’ve never seen you before this?”

“This is my first time.”

“Oh?” The man glanced at Guiren with a raised brow. “Hanging out with friends?”

His tone was casual but he kept glancing between Yibai and Guiren. It was clear he was suspecting them, what with them having matching uniforms and being so close.

This was bad. If this guy learned Yibai hung out with an Alpha, he’d absolutely tell his father.

So he lied.

“Yes, I’m meeting them there.”

He felt Guiren’s subtle gaze but the teen wisely showed no outward sign of being interested in the conversation. As if they were truly strangers on a bus.

At this, the man relaxed.

“Ah, alright. Be careful though.” He warned, patting Yibai on the shoulder. “You have really bad luck so the guys worry about you.”

Absolutely he had bad luck. Why was it that he just so happened to bump into his dad’s coworker if not because of his horrendous luck?!

“Thank you.”

The man left but Yibai didn’t relax, knowing the man was behind him. What the hell was taking this bus so damn long to move!?!?

Damn, this was stressful!

Just then, he felt Guiren tap his thigh, making him flinch. Glancing down, he saw the alpha’s phone out with the notepad open.

[You good?]

Yibai turned to him but Guiren still acted like they were strangers.

Yibai sighed, typing out a message.

{I’m fine. It's a personal thing. Sorry.}

[It's fine. You looked nervous so I was worried.]


Guiren gave him a look, flicking Yibai on the arm.

[I said it's fine. But if you want me to forgive you, give me your phone number XD]

This time, Yibai gave him a scolding look, to which the alpha grinned as he stared out the window like it had nothing to do with him.

This guy…

Yibai sighed, typing out his phone number. Moments later, he got a text.

Unknown number

I’m really not mad, Master. I get you

have your reasons and I won’t press you on them

For a moment, Yibai didn’t know what to say. Being ignored like that had to be hurtful but Guiren didn’t even complain.

It made Yibai feel bad for treating him like that.

As such, he chose to name Guiren in his contacts as something tame as opposed to something indicating his troublesome nature.

Chimney, cause Yibai could faintly smell cigarette smoke on his clothes.


After a few stops, both teens exited the bus. The man from before had left a few stops prior, making Yibai finally relax.

Guiren didn’t understand why he was acting like this but he felt it had something to do with the beta’s desire not to be seen together with him. He couldn't begin to guess why but chose not to press the matter.

If Yibai didn’t want to tell, it was fine.

In the meantime, they had a new dilemma.

“You want to go where?” The two of them were standing face to face in an alleyway. It wasn’t ideal but there were very few places that would allow students.

Especially in this part of town.

“A karaoke club.” He replied, pointing to a place down the block. “It's private and it’ll be fun. I even booked us a room.”

“But this place isn’t meant for high schoolers.”

The place they ended up in was a known hang-out for college students and adults. There was not a single student uniform to be seen. It made sense too, as there were plenty of bars and hotels which were very inappropriate for students to be in.

The straight-laced Yibai was mortified! If he got caught here…

“That's why we won't be high schoolers.” Guiren proclaimed, holding up a tote bag. It had been tied to his book bag since before but this was the first time he’d brought it up. “I’ve got us covered.”

“You have spare clothes?”

“So we won't be outed as students.” He assured with a grin.

“…Just how often do you cut classes?”

“…Anyway, wanna try them on?”

They stared at one another in silence, neither giving any indication of backing down.

“We-” Yibai snatched the tote from Guiren, pointing at him firmly. “Are gonna have to talk about your attendance later.”

Guiren grinned at the implication of future interactions. He watched Yibai slip into a bathroom stall as he waited beside the sink. He was practically shaking with excitement.

He really didn’t like school cause it was boring and the assignments were way too easy. It was the same with Suren but he had to attend because his grandfather was a tight ass.

Guiren, on the other hand, attended because his dads threatened to beat his ass if he tried to skip grades. For whatever reason, they felt that skipping would be unhealthy for his ‘emotional development or something. He didn’t get it but he’d do as he was told if it meant his dads were happy.

Prior to this, it was a chore but with the knowledge that Yibai was here, school finally seemed to be worth the hassle!

Yibai stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in casual clothes and looking awesome! Anyone else seeing him would think he looked mundane but Guiren couldn’t help but stare in awe.

Ah, Master looks so cool! Guiren resisted the urge to growl with approval, instead smiling casually as he looked him over.

“With that grumpy look on your face, you look more like an adult than I do.”

Yibai’s frown deepened.

“My face is just like this.”

“I’m not complaining.” He assured, draping an arm over Yibai’s shoulder. “I just think it's funny. I wonder if people will mistake us for a professor and student.”

“That’d be even more inappropriate!” Moreover, the way he said made it sound like they were on a date or something. That’d be annoying.

Guiren blinked innocently. “You think?”

This guy…

“Moreover,” Yibai continued, brushing off Guiren’s arm. “I doubt anyone would pay attention to me.”

How could they? Guiren in casual clothes was very eye-catching. Not only was he handsome, but he was tall and muscular. If anything, Yibai would probably be mistaken for a lackey than anyone important.

It wasn’t anything the beta really minded. It was just a fact of life.

Guiren wanted to argue but held his tongue. Talking in the bathroom like this wasn’t good.

“Let's get going!”

Guiren leads Yibai inside, casually greeting the clerk. The omega with pierced ears and earphones only briefly glances at them.

“Room 4G.” He muttered before going back to his phone.

Guiren showed the same amount of concern, walking past the clerk with a nod. Yibai, on the other hand, was a bit more nervous as hed never done anything like this before. He glanced around, curious. He could feel the thump of music through the floors, though all the windows were opaque.

It was a nice place, clean and private. It wasn’t a high-end place but also not a dive.

“Does this place sell liquor?” He asked, noting the faint smell that lingered in the hall.

“Yeah but don’t worry. I won't let a drop enter our room.”

“I don’t know if I trust you.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you.” He assured Yibai, patting him on the shoulder.

If anyone was to try such a thing, it’d probably be that sly fox of an omega. He’d definitely try some underhanded shit like that.

As they walked down the hall to their assigned room, Guiren wondered what Suren was doing. He’d sent him on a wild goose chase. He had intended to let the omega know once they got far enough away but he only just now remembered.

He's probably back at school by now. Guiren thought with a sense of guilt.

That guy is an arrogant jerk but it was wrong to abandon him like that. Guiren wondered how he’d explain himself later when he opened the door.

“I must say, I like the variety of songs they have here. There are trashy songs fit only for the most inebriated college girl and some actually good songs.”

Sitting inside their reserved room, munching on some chips as he flipped through the catalog, was the source of Guiren’s guilt himself.

Suren turned to the shocked alpha with a smile. “Your taste really is to my standards sometimes, you lying mutt.”

“H-ho-how… You…”

Guiren was struggling to come to terms with the reality looking him in the face. Meanwhile, Yibai was only mildly surprised.

“Ah, it's Suren.”

The omega beamed, setting aside his snack to lounge on the couch.

“Hello, sweetie~”


AN: Yes, I am a Doctor Who fan. How could you tell?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.