[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

H: Lunch Date

AN: No edit so let me know where I mess up.


*Four hours prior*

From the window of the office, students could be seen entering the school building. From high above, a pale-haired youth watched them as he waited.

"That hooligan better not be late this time." Suren seethed, tapping his foot impatiently. He'd been calling Guiren to his office for days now and he kept slipping away.

But not this time.

As if on cue, his office door slammed opened, revealing a handsome young alpha glaring at him. Suren suppressed a shiver as his instincts screamed to submit.

But he'd be damned if he ever submitted to this thug.

"Look who finally showed up." He mocked, leaning back against his desk. "Did you get lost?"

"I'm not here at your beck and call, you know." He snapped, slamming the door closed. With an ease that spoke of familiarity, Guiren threw himself onto the couch and rested his feet on the table.

"Yet you always track mud in."

"What? Those guys from Shen Lao high?" He countered, shrugging his shoulders. He'd just gotten off his suspension a few days ago yet looked so ambivalent. "They wouldn't dare make trouble for the school now."

"And you ended up getting another suspension! Do you think I can cover your ass forever?"

Suren had a lot of control over student affairs due to his position and the trust given to him by the principal. As long as the school's reputation wasn't at risk, he could do as he liked without either of their parents being called.

This was the best possible deal for Suren and Guiren as their parents only approved of their attending this school on the condition they behaved.

Yet Guiren's violent tendencies put his perfect scenario at risk!

"You're the one who asked me to take care of those guys harassing our guys." Guiren argued, angrily ripping open his hastily bought breakfast. "Is it my fault that they came back for revenge? At least no one but them got hurt."

"That and you got suspended, or did you forget!?" He snapped back, snatching the snack from his hands. Without thought, he handed Guiren a milk tea he'd bought before. They happened to like the same flavor so it wasn't an issue to share.

They were engaged after all so what was an indirect kiss or two?

Guiren took a sip, enjoying the cool drink along with the taste of Suren's lips. Neither would ever admit they like this casual act. It never failed to cool their tempers and make conversations easier.

Even though the act still felt like it was missing something.

After a minute of silence, the two sat across from one another, contemplating their next words. Suren had managed to keep Guiren's parents from finding out about his suspension as it was only a few days but keeping it out of his records was even harder.

It had caused him quite a bit of stress over the last few days and he had to promise some 'generous anonymous donor' would give a donation in order to get it done.

All in all, he was pissed.

Seeing this, Guiren at least had the decency to look slightly guilty.

"No," He continued, staring back at Suren. "but the safety of our guys is more important, right?"

Shen Lao High School had been a major antagonist to Yunli high school since long before Suren and Guiren enrolled. It was a private school, attended exclusively by alphas with lots of money.

It was also the school Guiren was originally supposed to attend before joining Suren at Yunli.

For years, the high-end school looked down on Yunli as it was a public co-ed school. It wasn't as aesthetically pleasing or attended by students with the highest pedigree but it somehow became something to be compared to.

In spite of, or perhaps because of the wealth of the students, the academic performance of those attending Shen Lao high school was always inferior. Perhaps if Yunli high school wasn't so close nearby, the comparison would be moot but the two schools were so close by, the students could easily intermingle if they wanted to.

But who would want to? Their parents had made their feelings quite clear.

How dare a public school do as well as a privately funded establishment?!

Was the money being poured in just used to pay for the shined seats and ritzy meals?!

Parents were outraged, constantly berating their children for somehow ending up compared to a cheaper school. For doing worse.

This ended up making the students there resent students of Yunli high, constantly harassing and bullying those wearing their uniform. For years, it went on. Even with students who had no resentment toward them, the tradition continued on.

That is, until Suren and Guiren came.

For reasons unknown, two well-known youths chose to attend Yunli high school as opposed to Shen Lao high school, like what was expected. The fact they could easily say that they wished to act properly as students and get good grades pissed off the arrogant alphas.

So rather than their initially passive taunts, the students at Shen Lao have begun bullying their schoolmates, trying to get them to not attend school. If not for Guiren and his subordinates keeping the school safe, many more students would be harassed.

But that was only seen by those acting under Guiren. The betas only saw their alpha classmates standing by the gates as a pressure tactic, to scare those who aren't under them into compliance.

Despite being co-ed, most betas were afraid of their bigger and stranger schoolmates, preferring to hang out with Omegas.

This is where Suren came in, acting as the bridge between the two. It was also why he was the student council president, despite only being a first year.

Who better to contact the mad king on behalf of the betas than the Tyrant king himself?

Yet this partnership was beginning to be more trouble than it's worth.

"You are my fiance!" Suren seethed, again tapping his heel impatiently. "If you keep making trouble, Grandfather will-"

"Your grandfather couldn't care less about my character flaws as long as I'm still a Chen and you can have my child."

"Do you think that's my only concern!?" Suren shouted, slamming a hand down. "We made a deal!"

"And I'm keeping my end!"

"Are you?" The omega stood up, crossing his arms. He even leaned over just to get in this guy's face. "Cause I don't see much difference between you and any other knot-headed alpha I'd have to babysit."

"Babysit!?" He snapped, jumping to his feet. "I've had to deal with your high and mighty ass for 2 damn years now and I'm the one who needs babysitting? Do you know how many alphas I have to fend off just because you can't be bothered to take the right dosage of suppressant?"

Suren leaned in closer, glaring at his partner. "I lock my doors just fine, thank you very much."

How was it Suren's fault that suppressants took so damn long to work?!

"If lock doors were enough, what would be the need for scent suppressants?"

Why was it Guiren's job to protect this annoying bastard!?

They glared at each other for a full minute, each wanting to punch the one in front of them for being so damn troublesome. Being so damn annoying!

Yet, out of all the things that could have been done, they instead kissed.

Neither was sure which initiated it but both were fighting for dominance. Guiren pulled Suren close, burying his fingers in his pale hair. Even with the table between them, Suren knelt atop it, wrapping his arms over those broad shoulders.

Their fight for dominance went on until they naturally wished to lie down and realized gravity was still a thing.

Perhaps it was instinct or just caution but Guiren rolled under Suren, taking the brunt of the fall. It didn't hurt but it broke off their kiss just as abruptly as it started.

They were young and in society's eyes, children but their bodies spoke otherwise.

They were an Alpha and Omega, at a ripe age for reproduction, in such a position. Their instincts saw nothing of society or norms, only nature. To have such a position, there must be only one reason.


Yet the two just stare at each other, their most base instincts screaming at them to get closer. To press against one another until not an inch of flesh wasn't pressed against the other.

They were already partway there, as both had managed to partially remove the other's shirt in the few minutes they were kissing.

Yet the desire to continue had faded as reality set in.

They were both missing something and could go any further.

Suren sighed, sitting up to straddle Guiren. He could feel the Alpha's erection pressing on his butt but he wanted it nowhere near his ass. He might be attracted to him but his womb was for another.

He knew Guiren felt the same so there was very little awkwardness as they rearranged themselves to look like proper students.

This wasn't the first time they'd fallen together like this yet it seemed to be happening more often now.

But why? What was different now?

Neither was able to come to a conclusion as the school bell rang. Guiren was usually late for class so there was no rush for him but Suren was quick to hurry him along.

"Meet me on the rooftop for lunch." He commanded, watching his alpha grumble about 'bossy omegas'. "We need to talk."

Suren was tired of almost getting screwed in his office by this hooligan. They were going to figure out why things were so hectic all of a sudden if he had anything to say about it.

Hopefully, nothing got in the way of that.


Hours later, it was only Guiren on the rooftop, diligently waiting for his omega to pull his ass out here so he could eat. He might not like that annoying control freak but as someone he claimed, even if it was just conditionally, Guiren was going to act accordingly.

So he waited, all the way until he heard the door below him open and a mildly familiar scent hit his nose.

It couldn't be...

He jumped down, ready to beat up the intruder. This was his and Suren's spot. The only one other than the omega allowed out here was somewhere else, far from his side.

He always hated that. That he and Suren weren't allowed to be with Yibai as their parents made sure they never were in the same place.

In other words, they couldn't follow Yibai.

This public school was their best bet at bumping into the beta but they had yet to see him at all. Suren had mentioned he thought he could smell Yibai on one of the class monitors but an omega's sense of smell was nothing to rely on.

Yet this guy looked and smelled similar to Yibai.

Even the way he challenged Guiren despite their size difference was like him.

But he had to be sure.

"Punch me." He demanded, staring the beta straight in the eyes. His eyes were the same dull grey he'd dreamed about for months but he had to be sure.

Then he said those words, 'troublesome', and he was absolutely sure it was his Yibai. He felt such a sense of joy he thought he'd cry.

What were the chances of their beloved Yibai coming to them as opposed to them chasing him? This was the best news ever and Guiren felt overwhelmed by his happiness.

Then he got kicked in the balls and then felt a different kind of overwhelming sensation.


Thus bring them to the present, in which Yibai stared down at him with that adorable grimace that screamed 'I want to be anywhere but here'.

"You're a lot more overbearing than the last time I saw you." He said, frowning as he stared down at the curled-up alpha. While his strike was weak due to lack of force, the place he hit was a man's weakest point.

Even if he wasn't in pain, he wasn't getting up anytime soon.

Yet despite that, Guiren laughed.

"If I'm not, will you listen to a word I say?"

Probably not but Yibai wasn't going to admit that.

"Then don't blame me for defending myself." The beta retorted, crossing his arms. "I don't appreciate being grabbed by people like that."

Guiren said nothing, showing neither guilt nor shame at his previous actions.

An alpha is dominant by nature. Even if the man before him is master, how could he not wish to bind him? This person, so scathing and stubborn, was the most desirable person in Guiren's eyes. To hold his attention, even for a moment, was rewarding enough to ignore the pain that followed.

Yibai had no clue what he was thinking but felt that it was probably super annoying somehow. Still, now that they had met, there were some things he felt he needed to get off his chest.

"About before, at the gym." He started, crocheting down beside Guiren. "Turns out your identity was a lot more troublesome than you implied before.

At the sudden change of subject, Guiren could help but frown. "About me being an Alpha?"

"No, that's my fault for not seeing through your obvious lies."

Upon further reflection, Yibai realized it was kind of obvious Guiren wasn't a beta. While he wasn't as strong as an adult, he was definitely stronger than a normal beta. That and his looks were exceptional. As Yibai wasn't interested in him, it didn't matter at the time but betas were known to have average faces.

Guiren was by no means average in terms of looks.

Sharp eyes that made one think of a predator and a smile that set hearts racing. How could such a good-looking guy be a beta?

So really, it was Yibai's fault for missing the obvious.


"I mean about your family."

"Oh, that..." The alpha, for the first time, looked nervous.

"Yes, being tied to the heir of Chen corp is incredibly troublesome." He continued, a slight smile spreading as he spoke jokingly. "Our picture was blasted all over the internet. If not for my mask, I'd have been mobbed!"

The bitter tone in the beta's voice made it clear his 'joke' was not a joke.

"I didn't think you were the type to watch the news."

"Even if I wasn't, I'd have to be dead to not hear all about the 'Cinderella' story from other people's mouths."

At this, full-blown shame filled Guiren's chest. While he liked the picture of the three of them, though he'd definitely cut out that annoying omega, he knew how much trouble such a picture could cause.

"I-I'm sorry. I should have mentioned it so you wouldn't get troubled."

Though truthful, he wished he could hide it forever.

People think being the child of a rich family was great just because they were the center of attention. Those people misunderstood the order of events, as if the child wanted that attention to begin with.

Suren and Guiren were used to constant attention but Yibai was nothing like them.

To suddenly go from a face in the crowd to a face on everyone's screen was terrifying. People were vultures, picking at anything that they could. From the simplicity of a slight bit of powder on someone's sleeve to reading their intentions from their posture, so many things could be inferred.

And it was always the worst possible interpretation.

Yibai was a tough person, confident enough in himself to not let others pull him down but even then, to have so many people insult and degrade him for the 'sin' of being around one of his 'betters' was hard.

Even his father talked about it, telling him that he should be wary of Alphas and Omegas for just this reason. That just being around them made trouble for betas.

And he was right. He hadn't even done anything yet he was the villain of the story.

Being called 'Cinderella' was more an insult than a cute nickname.

While he knew Suren and Guiren had no ill intentions that night, he still felt a bit resentful.

Guiren could tell Yibai was mad and sincerely apologized, despite his desire to tell him he had worked to downplay things. The reason the story had only lasted a few days as opposed to the weeks it would have lasted was because of his interference.

While he liked being paired up with Yibai, he hated how people were so toxic to make Yibai the bad guy for no reason. He had made sure to punish those who dared to say such things. It was just little things, blocking discounts for purchases of his family's products and the like. It was petty but it made him feel better knowing they were suffering in a way that wouldn't be noticed by others.

It was the one time he did things subtly as opposed to recklessly breaking noses.

His parents would be proud to see him handling things less violently if they hadn't also received complaints about such strange matters.

Guiren, however, told Yibai none of this. He hadn't done those things to be thanked or noticed. He'd done it because he felt it was his duty to avenge his beta.

Yibai stared him down, trying to read the alpha in front of him. He was kneeling, looking guilty as he stared up at Yibai. It was a look that made him think of a scolded puppy yearning for forgiveness.

It was only right to respond in kind.

"As long as you don't trouble me again, I'll forgive you." He said, stroking his head as if it was a normal thing for them. "Got it?"

Guiren shivered under his touch, surprised by how much he liked it. Very few people would dare try and pet him. Not only was he very tall, but most were intimidated by his size and strength.

Yet this guy, with ease, did so without thought.

"I can't do that, master~" He sighed, grabbing hold of Yibai's hand to nuzzle it. "You might feel troubled by my presence so how can I promise such a thing?"

"Eh? Why would your presence-" He then realized Guiren's implication. "No! Don't you dare think of lurking around me!"

"Hm? Would Master dislike it?" He cooed, trying to look innocent.

It did not work.

"Absolutely." He growled, gripping Guiren's collar. "I already have that troublesome guy on my ass. I don't need some larping alpha on me too."

"Eh?! Is someone harassing you?!" Guiren looked him over, as if expecting to see some kind of gremlin hanging off him. "H-he even got to see your ass when I haven't?! I'll kill him!"

"...Are you an idiot?"

"How could you say something so mean, Master?" Though it was exactly what he predicted this prickly guy would say. "It's my duty as your alpha to protect you."

There he goes saying weird things again. Yibai thought, rolling his eyes. Nothing changed then.

"Bullshit. I'm not your anything, Guiren."

"Not yet."

"Not ever."

"Must you be so stubborn, Master?" He whined, embracing Yibai from behind.

Ah, that yappy fox is rubbing off on me. Guiren thought, mildly bitter about the revelation.

Still, holding master like this is so nice~

"About this?" Yibai gestured at Guiren's arms, which he didn't bother to try and escape. "Yes, now let me go."

With visible reluctance, the alpha did as he was asked. While he liked hugging Master, he was sure this guy would get legitimately mad if he continued.

Later then.

The ever shameless Guiren followed after Yibai as he exited the rooftop. "Let me walk you to class."


"Come on, it's been so long since we last saw each other and-"

"I'm not letting myself be seen with someone as notorious as you! I want to have a normal high school experience." He already had that annoying Song Yang guy bothering him about factions and the like. If he was seen with the so-called king of the alpha's, he'd never hear the end of it.

Just imagining it made him want to push him down the steps.

"And I want to spend more time with Master. Regardless of our parting, weren't we friends?"

"...You really won't let this go, will you?"

Guiren smiled. "Not at all."

How could he dare to? The fate that brought them together was possibly a fluke. Who knew if this stubborn beta would end up moving to another city or something ridiculous like that. He couldn't risk it if he could help it.

"How about this?" He offered instead, draping an arm over Yibai's shoulder. "After school, you accompany me and I won't bother you at school."

"How is that any different? Being seen with you is the troublesome part."

"No one will see us if we go somewhere private." He argued, already planning out their destination. "Besides, I really want to hang out with you. Do you really not want to?"

When asked upfront, he couldn't really say no. He never disliked Guiren after they became 'friends'. He was annoying and loud but not unpleasant.

It's just his identity really did cause a lot of problems for him. Especially now.

The beta looked away, his signature scowl deepening.

"...It will be private, as in no one will see us together?"


"...Fine." He grumbled, accepting his fate. He knew that regardless of his protests, he could avoid this. If he said no, he was sure Guiren would follow him around for the rest of the day trying to convince him.

He was that kind of guy after all.

Still, Yibai had his pride so he brushed off the alphas arm and moved ahead, heading to class. As he moved through the hall, he could hear whispers behind him.

- Is that him?

- It is. I guess he's back now.

- That's great! Those alphas were getting uptight since he left.

- Still, isn't he so cool?

- That crazy guy? How can-

- But look at him!

Ah, so Guiren was following him now? Great!

Because this guy was apparently much more popular than Yibai thought, as all the students who were previously trying to get to their class now flooded the hallway.

Recalling the hoard of fans that waited for the Tyrant king on his first day, Yibai realized that the other king was just as popular, it seems.

He wouldn't really care if these bastards weren't blocking the way!

How troublesome!

"Don't you all have somewhere to be?"

These words, spoken with such authority, rippled through the crowd. Silence fell, with only Yibai still moving through the crowd. The betas had no clue how much was happening due to their lack of awareness when it came to pheromones but the rest of the student body knew very well.

His words, while softly spoken, were a growl that rumbled through them like a wave. The message was very clear.

Move out of the way.

The hierarchy of their school was clear and they knew better than to disobey.

The crowd dispersed quickly, so much so that Yibai was left mildly flustered as he suddenly able to move freely. Frowning, he glanced at Guiren, who looked to be being scolded by a teacher. The collar around her neck indicated that she was an Omega.

He couldn't hear her words over the noisy students but he heard something about 'being reckless' and 'stop causing trouble for the students.'

Ah, had he been caught for using the rooftop?

As if sensing his gaze, Guiren glanced over.

Nothing was said.

Nothing needed to be said.

They'd already agreed, right?

Not wanting to draw attention, Yibai inclined his head, just to show he noticed the Alpha's gaze. It wasn't much more than just acknowledgment yet Guiren grinned, looking like a cat that got the cream.

This, in turn, pissed off the teacher even more, her scolding getting more verbose.

Aish, she wasn't the literature teacher for nothing! She was using words that even Yibai wasn't sure of.

Was she speaking Latin!?

Not wanting to be drawn into that, Yibai hurried to class, relieved to see none of the hooligans from before were there anymore.

And look at that, Song Yang was there too. What a coincidence.

It was only when he arrived back to his class that he realized he hadn't asked about Suren. While he had no proof, he was sure he was here too.

That head of pale hair he saw his first day was still fresh in his mind.

But the fact that he hadn't seen Suren with Guiren made him wonder what he was doing?


Elsewhere, an omega was slouched in his office chair, glaring at the ceiling as he tried to regain his composure. He'd had a long meeting with the other class monitors and his mood was sour.

Li Suren was often called a tyrant but that is only because everyone else is a goddamn idiot!

"How?!" He grumbled, clenching his teeth with frustration. "How does someone fuck up this badly with so little to work with!?"

The meeting had been called to go over the final confirmation on a school trip they'd be having in a few months. The venue had to be booked in advance and cancelations were rare, so Suren wasn't taking any chances.

Suren had even managed to get a discount on account of the size of their group so the principal was willing to hand over the technicalities to him. It was a huge responsibility that the omega felt happy to carry.

Until someone managed to fuck it up.

Suren had made sure to take parents' financial capabilities into account when calculating permission slips and fees. It wasn't so high as to be tossing money to the wind nor was it low enough to insult a parent. Moreover, what parent wouldn't want their child to enjoy a nice resort for so little.

All the monitors had to do was give out the permission slips and collect them back.

Despite how it was just a simple task of printing up a PDF file he'd sent to all the monitors, someone had the bright idea to edit it and change the price for their class to something considerably less. Now they were short and had to send additional letters to parents and guardians to make up the difference.

And shocker to the world, they were pissed about it.

Is this discrimination?

No, it's a simple fuck up that isn't his fault.

Why only us?

Because one of the monitors was chosen because his classmates thought a pretty face meant he was competent.

Why not use funding from the school?

If I could just do that, would I bother taking this troublesome path?!

Suren wanted to scream, hating that he now had to fix the problem this one guy had created for him. Sure, he could make the monitor who messed up fix it but considering the current situation, he'd probably screw it up even more.

That and the deadline was looming ever closer so he couldn't risk it. It wouldn't be fair to that class to ruin their first trip of the semester just because one guy was an idiot.

Suren let out a forlorn breath, laying his head on his desk.

The tyrant king, respected and despised in equal measures, was tired and wanted a break~

He reached under his office desk, opening up his mini-fridge. It took a lot of paperwork and some mild bribery to get the dean to agree to let him have the thing but it was so worth the headache! Because within its confines was his salvation from the daily drudgeries of work.


He munched down on a celery stick, taking joy in the crunch under his teeth. It was cool, crisp and so satisfying. Whenever he was stressed, the echoing crunch of a root vegetable was like a spa day to him.

That and it was a pretty nice snack when his work overshadowed his lunch break.

Speaking of lunch, he was supposed to meet up with that thick-headed idiot, Guiren for lunch today. Was it too late now?

Just as he thought about him, his phone let him know he received a text message.

Dumb dog

I'm busy with something today so I'll be going home

by myself.

Busy? Had he been held up by the teacher?


If it's not too long, I can wait for you. Our parents want to

have dinner together tonight.

It was because of this that Suren was so pissed off about his suspension. As Guiren's fiancee and future mate, he had to keep this crazed dog of a partner in check. If either of their parents saw he wasn't doing that, they'd break them up in a heartbeat.

Neither of them wanted that.

Dumb dog

No need. I won't be late~

All the emojis that followed were intense and made Suren chuckle at the sight.

It didn't, however, reassure him.

Guiren was often late, making him have to cover for him often. It was annoying and he wasn't planning on letting that happen this time around.


AN: Sorry for the wait. It took me a while to decide where to end the chapter. Part of me wishes I could do short chapters so I can update faster but I hate that kind of format. 

Really, this wasn't the ending I was intending but I really wanted Suren to have his chance to show up. He'll do more next chapter. I promise~

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