[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Common Sense*

AN: So I’ll be honest, this was a hard chapter to write. Mostly because I didn’t know how to end it. I got midway through and found myself stuck. The scene after the shower was weighing on my mind for days, cause I didn’t know which way to go about it.


After a long night, Jun Yibai wanted to sleep in.

No class meant no need to get up just yet.

Yet despite his desire, something dragged him from the sweet embrace of sleep. Whatever it was, he decided as his body woke him up, he was going to make it regret taking that one pleasure from him.

He groaned, his eyes opening even though he wanted nothing more than to sleep in. Yet he sat up, knowing he wouldn’t fall asleep even if he closed his eyes again.

Sometimes, it was an assignment that needed to be done and he couldn’t afford any time to sleep if he wanted it done. Other times, it was the strange kind of exhaustion that made you want to stay still but refused to let you sleep.

Either way, it was a pain to deal with!

He yawned, looking around the hotel room. As the memories of the previous night surfaced, his frustration arose.

That bastard Chen Guiren had broken in last night.

Had it not been for the fact that he’d needed to take a piss last night, the whole incident would have been unknown to him. The ease at which he did make him wonder how often the alpha did shit like that.

He’d have to have a talk about the proper way to visit friends.

To his surprise, however, Jun Yibai found himself alone in the bed. Chen Guiren, he could understand since it was clear his ‘visit’ was supposed to be covert but there was no way Li Suren would give up a chance to cuddle up with him.

The times he let the omega do so were few and far between. Li Suren was not the type to let an opportunity slip away.

Curious, he walked around the room, stopping when he heard the shower turning on. Upon entering, he could hear voices. A pair of them.

“Not so rough!” Li Suren chastised. Jun Yibai moved closer, seeing the two in the shower with the omega naked and pressed up against the glass door. “That hurts, you brute.”

“Yet you’re just as hard as me.” The alpha pinning him retorted, his hands roaming over the omega sensually. “And here I thought I wasn’t your type.”

The pair were pasted to one another, clearly into one another at the moment. Jun Yibai could vaguely see them through the steam of the shower and the water made it so that he could slip away without being noticed.

Yet he remained where he was, watching Li Suren slide a hand up Chen Guiren’s cheek like a lover.

“An alpha with a big dick is always going to arouse an omega, even when the alpha is an idiot and a masoc-”

“Fuck you!” He snarled, grabbing the omega’s ass as he pressed them to the door.

Jun Yibai could see Li Suren’s bare skin squished against the glass. He could see Chen Guiren’s fingers gripping those globes, the contrast heating his blood.

H-He should leave. He had to leave this was too-

“You wish. This ass is all for my sweetie~” Li Suren declared, swirling his hips to arouse the alpha before him. “But I might let you watch as he claims me~”

“Master is mine!” Chen Guiren snarled, his tone making him hard like never before. His voice was so much deeper than Jun Yibai was used to. He sounded like an alpha just then. “And so are you, so there is no ‘might’. I will watch him fuck you.”

“Oh?” Li Suren clearly liked this, as he let out a weird purring moan. “Will Sweetie let you? You might have been bad~”

“If I’m bad, Master will punish me by making me watch. He knows I’ll want to taste the two of you.”

Jun Yibai watched the two kiss, unsure what to do. He’d walked in, curious about the noise but now he was rooted to the floor.

His friends, both of whom seemed interested in him, were making out while talking about him. It was… a bit of a surprise.

He’d always assumed they were rivals who were fixated on him and just tolerated each other but now it seemed a bit more complicated.

He tried to imagine what they were talking about. Jun Yibai pinned Li Suren to the bed as Chen Guiren watched from the foot of the bed. He wouldn’t be restrained, as that would make things too easy for him. No, he would have been told to keep his hands behind his back and he knelt behind them.

Jun Yibai wondered how long he could hold out before pouncing. Would the alpha succumb to his baser instincts and join in or be obedient til the end and be rewarded as their omega lay languid in orgasmic bliss?

Shit, he really shouldn’t be thinking that kind of thing! Hell, he shouldn’t be here, listening to them like this. He should leave and-

The bang echoed through the room, ripping the beta from his thoughts of retreat. The pair were now back to chest with Li Suren pressed up against the glass door. The omega looked dazed as Chen Guiren held his arms up above his head.

“Close your eyes and think of Master.” He growled into the omega’s ear, his gaze now fixated on the beta. How long had he known here was there? Who knows but now Jun Yibai was a part of the show.

“S-Sweetie? Sweetie, I- AHH” He cried out, his cock soaking the glass. Jun Yibai wondered how much of that liquid came from the omega himself. “D-deeper, please. I want it~”

Jun Yibai couldn’t see where the alpha’s other hand was but from the way Li Suren was trembling, his fingers were in a sensitive place. The omega thrusted his hips back at the alpha, standing on his toes just to get more of those fingers. Begging for it.

Jun Yibai leaned back, his hands landing on the sink as he gripped the edge tight. He was so hard, he wanted nothing more than to join them but…

Something about this made him refrain. This was a show, after all. Chen Guiren was showing him this so he couldn’t ruin it by jerking off. That wasn’t his role here.

“Master won’t be as big as me but he’ll fill you up just the way you like it.” Chen Guiren promised, his heated gaze on the beta in question. His growl rumbled from his chest as he weaved their fantasy so elaborately. “He’ll be perfect for a needy omega like you. Look at how wet you are!”


“Yes, he’s here. It’s his fingers inside of you, making a mess of that wet hole of yours. It has to be wet, otherwise, how is he gonna get that massive cock inside you? I’ve tasted it, held it in my mouth, and tasted his cum.” The alpha licked his lips at the memory. “That dick will break your little ass.”

“Yes! I want it!”

He must have hit something good because Li Suren couldn’t respond. All that came from the omega was choked-out moans that made Jun Yibai want to kiss him. Li Suren was a brat that needed to be reined in but comforted when overwhelmed.

Yet Jun Yibai remained in place, watching the two.

Li Suren’s hands were free yet he kept them pressed to the glass, more focused on the fingers thrusting into him. Even with his dripping cock desperately rubbing on the warm glass, his hips moved to the alpha's motions.

Chen Guiren’s other hand was moving out of sight but Jun Yibai knew he was probably stroking himself. He couldn’t see it but it was probably just as wet as the omega. Thick and throbbing, desperate for release.

Yet the hottest thing about the situation was Chen Guiren’s heated gaze. He kept staring into the beta’s eyes, keeping him rooted in place. Even as his face got flushed his breathing ragged, he refused to look away.

What a good boy.

“I-I’m cumming” Li Suren cried out, his body stiffening. “Sweetie! Yes!”

“Yes, me too. Fuck, Suren you-” Despite his words being directed at the omega, Chen Guiren didn’t look away from Jun Yibai. In fact, he gave the beta a pleading look. One that he recognized.

Was he… asking for permission?

Jun Yibai covered his mouth, suppressing a grin.

Was Chen Guiren always this cute?!

Li Suren cried out again, gaining the beta’s attention as he watched his cock spray semen onto the glass. Jun Yibai watched the omega squirm and tremble as Chen Guiren continued to push him past his limits. That expression of endured pleasure truly appealed to the beta’s kinks.

Next time, he wanted to be the one to do that to the omega. Making that brat beg for more than plead for mercy was a new goal for him.


Jun Yibai looked back at the alpha. Chen Guiren’s hands were tormenting the omega purely out of spite it seems. His eyes were glazing over as he held himself off.

He wanted to cum too. He resented the omega for leaving him behind like that. So now he was begging with his eyes. The alpha would soon follow, as long as he gave the word.

Jun Yibai shook his head, watching the alpha’s expression fall.

“W-what!? But… P-please, I-” He begged, biting his lip as disobediently thrust his hips. He was close, it seemed. Just a single nod and he’d be writhing and painting Li Suren’s back with his thick cum.

Yet Jun Yibai shook his head again, his expression firm as he made his order clear. It was up to Chen Guiren whether to follow or disobey.

Jun Yibai was curious to see which one this masochistic man chose.

He could see the indecision on his face. He hadn’t released all night it seemed, wanting to have that moment with the beta. If he wanted to, he could disobey and get the release he’d been craving for hours if not days.

But he would be disobeying his so-called master.

Seeing the frustration on the alpha’s face was not as pleasing as the satisfaction Jun Yibai felt when he saw the alpha’s hidden hand encircle Li Suren, jerking him off on top of everything.

“No more, no more!” Li Suren begged, shaking violently as climax after climax pushed him over. “Yibai, please~”

Jun Yibai flinched, worried he’d been noticed but quickly realized that the omega was still in his fantasy.

The alpha finally stilled his hands, leaving the omega bonelessly leaning on the door. Seeing Li Suren so languid made Jun Yibai want to pet him. He’d endured a lot so it was only proper to ease him back to reality.

He walked to the shower, watching as Chen Guiren made space for him to take Li Suren into his arms. The omega was sleeping, probably exhausted from that exercise so early in the morning. He lay boneless in the beta’s arms, his face still flush.

Ah, he was so cute~

Jun Yibai shook off the thought, carrying him to bed and drying him off. While he wasn’t fully asleep, his nap was not going to be interrupted by his actions.

As he was being tucked in, Jun Yibai stroked the omega’s hair.

“You did good, Suren.” He praised, wanting to reward the omega, even if just a little. “I’m so proud of you. You were such a good boy.”

The omega let out a soft snore in response.

Muscular arms wrapped around Jun Yibai’s waist, embracing him and allowing no room for escape. Yet the beta didn’t bother to do such a thing, instead letting those arms tighten around him as Chen Guiren grew them close together.

“Was I a good boy, Master?” He whispered, resting his chin on the beta’s broad shoulders. “I did as you asked so I was definitely good.”

Chen Guiren rubbed up against Jun Yibai, his shaft nestling on the base of the beta’s back. He could feel it twitching against him, still yearning for the stimulation needed to throw him over the edge.

“Oh, and how were you good?” He asked, glancing over to the alpha. “I didn’t say you could touch me, did I?”

The alpha flinched, clenching his fists into the beta’s robe before reluctantly letting go.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

Jun Yibai turned to the alpha, feeling his heart race and his cock harden at the sight. Chen Guiren looked so good with that submissive expression on his face. Better yet, his kneeling would be the most attractive stance just then.

Yet Jun Yibai wasn’t brave enough to say such a thing to his face. He could do silent commands but facing the person himself made it hard to say the words.

As if sensing his desires, Chen Guiren knelt down, laying his head on Jun Yibai’s thigh. Glancing down, Jun Yibai could see the shape of his restrained erection jutting out. In this position, wasn’t it like that time in the car?

Only this time, there was no need to rush.

“Well then?” He asked, petting the alpha before him. When he was met with confused eyes, he sighed. “My question. Did you forget?”

“No, I didn't!” Chen Guiren nuzzled the beta’s thigh, clearly trying to move the robe out of the way. “I-I…. I didn't cum, Master.”

“At all?” Jun Yibai pressed, glancing down at the cock that hung between the alpha’s leg.

It certainly was big. Bigger than expected but curious as well. It certainly looked different from his own. Curious, Jun Yibai pressed on the swollen base with his foot, tensing at the heat and tension he felt there.

“Fuck!” Chen Guiren clutched at the beta's leg, shuddering with pleasure. “M-master, don’t… not there.”

“Don’t be loud. Li Suren is sleeping.” He ordered, glancing over at the omega. Seeing him still asleep, Jun Yibai touched the alpha’s ear, pinching it slightly. “I’m rewarding you because you were obedient but you can’t cause problems for others. Understand?”

“Yes, master. Sorry master.”

Jun Yibai smiled. “I forgive you. Now tell me what I’m touching.”

Jun Yibai leaned back, taking in the view. He’d been a bit curious about the differences in their bodies since the incident in the car. He’d heard rumors about alpha dicks but to see one in person was a unique experience.

Chen Guiren’s dick looked normal up until the base where there was a strange swelling. It was like a small ball at the base of a stick and he couldn’t help but toy with it. Every time he pressed on it, Chen Guiren would let out a shuddering moan.

“H-Hah…” Chen Guiren trembled, grabbing at the beta’s robe. His gasps for air echo through the bedroom, inflaming Jun Yibai’s desires.

His cock was leaking precum, soaking the beta's toes but making his exploration much more smooth. He could even see how the alpha was trying to sneakily match his motions, rubbing up against the arch of his foot.

How cute.

“Chen Guiren.” After a moment, the alpha looked up at him with lustful eyes. “I forgave you so shouldn’t you answer my question? What am I touching?”

“M-my, ngh… my knot.” He choked out as Jun Yibai rubbed his shaft harder. Now his hips were much more blatant in its thrusts. “Master, Fuck… please!”

“It’s not that big.” Jun Yibai noted, still a bit more curious about the knot.

“It’s not… Heat or rut… I’m not-” He was trying to explain but his panting breath hindered any coherence.

No, instead the alpha was fixated on the touch of his beloved beta, rocking his hips to get all the friction he could.

Jun Yibai’s foot felt hot, though it was unclear whether or not this was due to the friction or the cock that was using him like this. Even without being directly touched, Jun Yibai felt like he was being led. He paid attention to which spots made the alpha gasp and moan the most.

If he liked it when Jun Yibai pressed down on his testicle with his heel, it did so. The sight of him biting back a louder sound was invigorating. He was learning a lot from the man at his feet. Just how much pain was needed to bring him out of his lustful daze?

Chen Guiren, it seemed, liked the pressure of his foot but not any pain there.

Jun Yibai felt grateful for that. He was willing to match this guy's interest as much as he could but ball-busting wasn’t something he was comfortable with as a fellow man.

Still, just this much was nice.

“You’re making a mess.” He complained, tapping the alpha’s leaking head with his big toe. It was gaping wide, letting loose rivelets of precum onto his foot. There was so much, it could be mistaken for lube.

He pulled his foot away, reveling in the alpha whine.

“I'm tired. Do it yourself.” He ordered, using his foot to push the alpha’s shoulders back. It was only at this moment that Jun Yibai realized that Chen Guiren’s was kneeling yet his shoulders were above the bed. As such, his action left him exposed to the alpha’s heated gaze.

Chen Guiren swallowed hard, his eyes darting to the newly revealed underwear that Jun Yibai was wearing. The beta had been looking very calm throughout the encounter but seeing the wetness forming beneath his boxers made it clear he was just as affected as the alpha.

Chen Guiren grabbed hold of his cock, stroking it hard and fast. Jun Yibai briefly worried he was gonna hurt himself but hearing his desperate moans assuaged his concerns.

“Hah… Fuck…”

It was messy and filled the room with wet sounds but neither man could look away from the shaft being played with. Jun Yibai wanted to watch his alpha spill all over those larger hands. He’d seen those hands break and bruise people but he now wanted to see it covered is semen.

Yet he was holding out surprisingly long.

Even after several minutes of jerking off, Chen Guiren seemed no closer to cumming. The man himself seemed to notice too, whining in frustration as he pressed fevered kisses onto Jun Yibai’s raised leg.

His ankle, calf, and knee were kissed and nipped at. He probably would have done for his thigh but such a thing would obstruct Jun Yibai’s view.

Wanting to reward his alpha so he could have his own satisfaction, Jun Yibai pushed him back with his foot. The alpha had been taken by surprise, rolling onto his butt as the beta once again stroked him with his foot.

“Ah!…” Chen Guiren looked up at Jun Yibai, confusion and lust battling within his red eyes as he watched the beta casually rest his chin on an open palm.

“You said you planned on taking me so show me how much you’d be filling me up with.” He noted, massaging the alpha’s cock firmly. Chen Guiren gasped, possibly surprised by his words but he kept going. “That’s what you want, right? To fill me up until there is no space for anything else but you. To watch me struggle to hold it all in after you fucked me raw.”

The fantasy that he had told Li Suren before was now forefront in his mind. That leaking cock pulsed heavily beneath the beta’s touch, getting harder with each stroke.

Eyes blazing with desire looked up at him with conviction. “After I breed you.”

Jun Yibai cocked a brow at this.

“Breed me?” He echoed, smiling. “Is that your ultimate goal? How brazen of you.”

“Yes.” Wild eyes stared up at him, heavy and adoring. “Yes, I’m brazen enough to claim master in such a way that even after a thousand baths, others will know you are mine. I want to mark master so deep, that your very being will reject everyone else. All mine. All mine. All mine.”

Chen Guiren kept muttering to himself, various words like ‘mine’ and ‘my master’ spilled from his lips as he used Jun Yibai’s foot to get himself off. He might as well have been a fleshlight for all the care he was given but Jun Yibai didn’t mind.

He loved it, in fact.

Seeing the alpha lose himself in ecstasy and yet still be so subservient was making Jun Yibai so hard. He wanted nothing more than to pull out his own erection and fuck his own hand. He wanted to spill his own seed on the alpha, to satisfy his own desire to paint the man’s face white with his cum.

But Chen Guiren was his servant, willingly submitting to his desires and obeying his commands so it was only proper for his alpha cum first. Afterward, he’d put that dirty mouth to work.

“Are you going to cum?” He asked softly

“Y-yes! Yes, fuck I am.”

“Even if I tell you not to?”

“No, master!” Chen Guiren’s free hand grabbed Jun Yibai’s robe, his restraint clearly on the edge of breaking. “Please…. Please don’t be so mean, Master!”

He briefly considered saying no. Seeing this powerful man on his knees, desperate for his grace was way too attractive.

On the other hand, Chen Guiren had been obedient since the night before. To punish him despite that would make him a terrible master.

“Show me.”

Chen Guiren shuddered, hearing the one thing he needed to let loose.

“Master~ Need to come, need to come…” Chen Guiren is muttering fervently, growing tense. “Oh fuck… Master!”

Chen Guiren lunged for Jun Yibai, pressing the man down and pinning him beneath him. Before he could even voice a complaint, the alpha lips blocked it.

It was a deep and passionate kiss, if not a bit amateurish. Compared to Li Suren’s sensual kisses, Chen Guiren was pillaging his mouth. There was no place left untouched and it swallowed his senses like a rampaging beast.

Jun Yibai kissed him back, seeking to regain his dominance.

As they ‘fought’, Chen Guiren’s pressed their shafts together and ground up against him. Pleasure raced through him as Jun Yibai’s shaft finally got the attention he was craving.

Fuck, he’d been hard for a while yet got no relief. Now he was so close!

Just before Jun Yibai suffocated under Chen Guiren’s kiss, the alpha pulled away to kiss him everywhere else. His neck was ravaged, the sting of bites only soothed by the alpha’s adoring kisses.

“Master, I need to mark you.” He rasped, clutching the beta’s waist as he thrusted against him. His gasping breaths grew louder. “I missed you so much so I have to bury you in my scent!

He was being so loud now!

Jun Yibai pulled him into a kiss before the roar that was rumbling from his chest shook the hotel to its foundations.

"Mnn!" Chen Guiren's thrust became frenzied, shaking the bed beneath them.

Jun Yibai could barely think as the alpha pinned him down and kissed him. He couldn't help fighting back, loving the back and forth.

Chen Guiren's hands slid up and down the beta's body, unsatisfied with staying anywhere for long.

Unconsciously, his legs locked around the alpha, restricting his movements until they could barely do more than twist their hips.

Chen Guiren hurried thrust became unsteady and frantic, his muffled moan leaking from between their interlocking lips.

The pair tensed up at the same time, clutching at each other as wet cum spilled between them.

Frenzied hands clenched into his hips hard, keeping them shaft to shaft as the alpha spilled his load onto Jun Yibai. With how strong his hold was, Jun Yibai wondered if the alpha was imagining that he was being bred and had to ensure nothing slipped out.

He was thinking about it. Imagine being hammered into by him in that ruthless, trance-like state again. Of his hips being held tight as this man lost control and fucked him hard like that.

Chen Guiren pulled back from the kiss first, gasping and moaning with a flushed face. Exhausted, he collapsed onto Jun Yibai, resting his head on the beta's shoulder.

For a minute, there was only the sound of the pair's loud breathing and the faint snore of the omega beside them.

Somehow, he slept through all that noise.

Jun Yibai rubbed his partner's back and neck, noting he too had a warm spot on the back of his neck. The rumbling growl that radiated from the alpha was surprising but calming.

To his surprise, Chen Guiren moved first, sitting up until they were face to face. His eyes were laced with suppressed desire.

Ah, so he wanted more.

The air was heavy with unspoken feelings. There was still an electric charge that fell over them as if any second, something more could occur. Jun Yibai sought to do that, wanting to see where this was going.

Yet, much to his annoyance, Chen Guiren’s phone rang.

The alpha panicked, worried it would wake the sleeping omega beside them. He reached over to shut it off quickly, sighing with relief that Li Suren was still sleeping.

But his phone rang again, pissing him off further.

Jun Yibai watched the alpha dash out the door after the 4th attempt to call him. He radiated with hot fury as he snapped into the phone

“Bastards!” He glared at the phone, glanced at Jun Yibai who had followed him out, and put the phone on speaker. “You fuckers had better be dying right now if you’re calling!”

“B-brother Chen, it's not us.” The caller pleaded. Jun Yibai could recognize it as one of the Jii brothers who always hung around the alpha. “Jun Yibai’s phone has been ringing constantly. A friend of his is worried about him not responding and is threatening to call the cops if he doesn’t respond.”

“You guys can't handle something as simple as that?!”

“They don’t believe we’re him. I think they have some kind of code or something.”

“If it's Yang Ru, then yeah we do.” Jun Yibai responded, watching Chen Guiren hang up and text someone. “It's not hard to hack into people’s phones nowadays so we both have an ‘all clear’ phrase to make sure nothing happens to us.”

Chen Guiren snorted, looking at the beta with a look of amusement. “Are your lives so exciting?”

“Yang Ru has always been a troublemaker since I met her and I’m stuck with you two. What do you think?”

Moreover, he somehow had the ability to get caught up in crazy shit just walking down the street. He had yet to be kidnapped but it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility. It was better to be prepared for the possibility.

“I won't let anyone touch you, Master.” The alpha promised, nipping at his earlobe. “Master is mine after all. How could I let anyone trouble you?”

“Other than you?” He shot back, relaxing as the alpha nuzzled him. He was still horny but it was sorta nice to be held.

“That fox can too, I suppose.” He conceded distractedly, his eyes darkening as he pulled the beta closer. “He’s mine too.”

Jun Yibai wondered about that, not really understanding the mind of an alpha. Was it that simple?

He supposed it wasn’t the kind of common sense that a beta could understand.


AN: I sometimes wonder if my writing these is some form of exploration for what I can and can't write about. When I started these stories, I didn't think it'd get too kinky yet I've covered snowballing and foot stuff already. Heck, the mild BDSM stuff is a new thing for me too so I wonder what else will spring forth from me.

Also, a fun recommended stories~ For TOXIC ML's in a BL setting, we got:

Jinx: POS MMA fighter with sex addiction works with Sweet physical therapist. They... interact with one another.

Roses and Champagne - Russian mafia dude is really into this tough-as-nails lawyer

Dead heat: An undercover cop is discovered by high ranking member of the gang and is 'requested' to do favors for silence.

For non-toxic or just mild toxicity in a BL setting, we got:

Salty Lust - A broke college student (IN SPACE~) is hounded by handsome but horny aliens who are really horny. Like really~

Whispers through the Willows - Omegaverse but it's mega ultra rare to present and looked at as a genetic malady. Alpha prince and 'omega' experiment get close and bond quite wholesomely. Then bone.

Will you subscribe  - Onlyfans model is discovered by the boss and is told to shut it down before his dumbass gets caught. OF model offers sexy time instead. Its short and has two storylines in total.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.