[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: First ‘date’*

AN: So someone I know who was reading this story told me all the time skips made things confusing so I’m gonna try not to make long skips happen.

Also, this was going to be a shorter chapter but I felt bad cutting it up after writing so much. I fell asleep editing so let me know where I made a mistake~


Li Suren woke up the next morning in a daze, bleary-eyed and wobbly. His alarm blared, ripping away the peaceful sleep he’d been reveling in.

Despite that, he was in a good mood.

After shutting off the alarm, he flopped back onto the bed, nestled between a pair of sweaters.

They were very different in style, one being a bright red, long-sleeve shirt with some big-breasted anime girl on it. The image was worn out from frequent washes but it was very obvious what it was. The other was a plain brown turtleneck that Li Suren had definitely not stolen from a certain man’s room the night before.

Having them both gave the omega such a rush of joy, he almost squealed.

The only thing that would be better was if the men these shirts belonged to were here with him.

Instinctually, he felt that an alpha should be enough to protect him and his nest but Li Suren himself knew it wouldn’t be enough. Without their beta, they would be lonely and less secure.

They needed their beta just as much as they needed each other.

As if summoned by his thoughts, a familiar ringtone echoed through the room, waking him up once again.

He sighed, hanging up without even looking. He knew who it was.

He grabbed his phone, ended the call, and scrolled through all the messages. Most of them were from Chen Guiren and all of it was a long stream of expletives and accusations that he was cheating.

He made sure to send him a cute winky emoji before shutting off his phone.

Maybe that would encourage him to work faster.

While having Sweetie in his home was great, he still reluctantly wanted the mutt here as well.

Li Suren got himself ready for the day and entered the living room, hoping to catch sight of his Beta. Despite how early it was, however, the place was empty. Looking around, he found a note.

I don’t know the distance from the dorms

so I’m leaving early. Be back tonight and

we can go out tomorrow.

Li Suren grinned, kissing the note as if it could relay his adoration to the writer. He had been scared that his Sweetie would change his mind after a night's rest. His beloved was stubborn that way and while it would have been disappointing, Li Suren was prepared to accept it.

Yet, much to his surprise, his Sweetie actually kept his word.

Perhaps that short affair with the mutt had opened his eyes a little to the possibility of the three of them together. If so, he might just offer a bit of help to the mutt.


Jun Yibai had just gotten off the bus when he saw a crowd of people at the gate.

Ever aware of his status as a background character, Jun Yibai didn’t get close, leaving a wide berth between him and the crowd.

Whatever that was, was not his problem.

Rather, he had something he needed to turn in to his professor before he forgot. Sure, he could have emailed it but this professor was old school, preferring physical copies to grade. It was a hassle but Jun Yibai liked this professor.

Upon arriving at the office, he knocked twice before entering. The professor always welcomed his students when available. If he wasn’t available, his door would be locked so there was never a need to wait for a response. A mere knock was all that was needed.

Yet he walked in on the scene of a drama.

His professor, a 30-something-year-old omega, was kissing a larger man who looked to be swallowing him whole with those arms. They were in an intimate embrace that left no clues as to how this would end if uninterrupted.

Jun Yibai didn’t want to be that guy. He considered just locking the door and sneaking out before he was caught. If he was quick enough he could do it.

He was not quick enough.

He’d just started pulling the door back when the man - definitely an alpha - turned to him and growled. It was animalistic and screamed danger for the fool who had dared interrupt him.

The beta grimaced, holding his hands up in surrender.

I guess I can’t just sneak out. He sighed.

“You!” The alpha glared at him, lowering himself so that the professor was shielded by his body. “Who are-”

“Xiaoshi, leave him alone!” The professor scolded, shoving the man away. Despite the clear size difference, the alpha moved, looking annoyed. “Don’t give me that look! I told you that I don’t want to sleep with you again.”

Despite looking ready to rip his throat out a second ago, the alpha wilted like a flower, looking like a kicked puppy.

“Teacher, I already apologized for almost marking you last time.” He pleaded, wrapping his arm around. The omega melted in his arms, though his expression was obviously rejection. The alpha nuzzled him. “If you would just give me a chance, I can prove to you I’d make a good mate and-”

“I don’t need a mate.” He shot back, though his face was burning red.

“You do! What if something like last time happens and-”


Two pairs of eyes darted to the door, where the forgotten beta was standing with an annoyed expression. Somehow, they had completely forgotten about him in the minute they’d been talking.

“Yeah, hi! I’m still here.” He snapped, feeling annoyed at having to wait for them to finish. Perhaps he was in the wrong for interrupting but this was an office, not a stage play. “Look, could you just sign my work so I can leave?”

“Sign?” The alpha echoed, glancing at the professor. “You still do that? You are so old-fashioned, teacher.”

“It's very easy to plagiarize in this day and age so I at last have to make my students work for their grade.” He explained, pouting. “Even if it's just a little.”

“Or maybe you are still mad about that one time with the water balloon and-”

“We are not talking about that!” He snapped, glaring at the alpha who preened under his gaze. He turned to Jun Yibai with an apologetic expression. “Please don’t mind him. I used to tutor him and-”

“I really don’t want to hear your love story, professor.” Jun Yibai interjected, briefly wondering how he kept getting between lovers like this. “I just need you to sign the assignment so I can go.”

The alpha snorted, clearly holding in his laughter. He wasn’t used to seeing his omega so flummoxed by someone younger. Or at least, someone other than him. Had this kid been an alpha, he might have felt like his claim over the omega was being challenged.

That and he smelled weird.

Had he been scent-marked? If so, why him?

He wasn’t all that attractive, not to mention his personality wasn’t very welcoming.

Yet he smelled of an omega and an alpha. A dominant alpha at that.

This kid was interesting!

Once Jun Yibai left they briefly spoke about him.

“He looks familiar.” the alpha muttered.

“You said you were looking for the guy who helped your sister-in-law, right? Maybe it was him?”

“No, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that kid’s face before that. Maybe he was younger?”

“That kid? He’s not that much older than you. How can you call him a kid?”

Chenshi was sure he’d seen the guy's face before. Maybe in a photo? But why would anyone want a photo of such a mundane guy?


Meanwhile, Li Min was dodging calls from Wu Yusheng, her would-be investor.

After they had left the restaurant, both were in a sour mood. Wu Yusheng since he felt gypped and Li Min because she had to pay an exorbitant amount of money on the bill.

Who the hell else had she paid for?!

Dozens of orders, with drinks and appetizers with prices in the hundreds to thousands.

She had earned a lot of money from the investors she’d fooled with her name and supposed connection so she was able to cover it but it was a major blow.

On top of that, Wu Yusheng was demanding a hint of assurance for the money he’d already given her. They were on good terms so he didn’t ask for his down payment back.

That would have been easy but no, he wanted proof she could talk to the Old Master Li. Something more than just her word.

This was why she had been dodging his calls.

She was still trying to find a solution. Even if she went to her uncle's house, what are the chances of the old master being there? Even worse, how was she supposed to prove such a claim?

Nobody had questioned her about her abilities before so she had never come up with a plan.

When she arrived home after worrying herself ragged, she was greeted by the smiles of her parents who looked at her with appreciative expressions.

Li Min frowned, confused. She hadn’t made a lot of money yet so why were they acting like she’d won the lottery?

“Sweetheart, you truly are your mother's child!” Her mother gushed, ushering her into the house as her father put her shoes away. “How did you do it?!”

“D-do what?”

“Get us an invitation to the old master of the Li clan’s birthday celebration!” Her parents proclaimed as they showed off the mail they’d received hours before.

Li Min blinked, confused. How had that happened? Was it a mistake?

Yet upon looking at the elegantly embroidered invitation addressed to the three of them, she could only wonder why.

“Who sent this?” She asked, still staring at the invite with suspicion. Was it the guy from last night? He was a Li but surely he couldn’t get an invite, right?

“Your worthless uncle.” Her father answered, shrugging his shoulders. “After all this time, he finally realized how much family means and is willing to help us. Honestly, I wish he’d had this revelation sooner.”

“Right?” Her mother echoed, looking wronged. “If he had just told us that woman was a Li to begin with, we wouldn’t have reacted so harshly.”

According to her parents, her uncle had impregnated some random college student and refused to get rid of it. They had wanted to marry him off to one of their associates since it was a ‘good match’. Their ‘good will’ was wasted, however, when he married this orphan girl.

Li Min read the letter sent with the invite. It was from her uncle, asking that they reconcile since he and his wife are expecting and he wants his children to know their family.

Her uncle had yearned for approval from his family for years so it was not to be unexpected yet Li Min wondered if this was a trap. To get an invite right after meeting that guy?

Still, this was her best chance at getting acquainted with the Li’s. If she was careful, she could avoid that guy and get some new investors. She just had to avoid that guy and her uncle.

So she grinned and claimed the credit for herself. She wouldn't risk losing this opportunity to gain all new connections. After all, a trap isn’t a trap if you know it's a trap.


After dropping off his assignment, Jun Yibai sat on a bench on campus, contemplating what to do. He’s only left the apartment to drop off his work but now he had the rest of the day free.

He didn’t bother going by his dorm. Considering Li Suren’s stunt, his roommate will either be pissed or blueballed. Either way, it was bothersome to deal with.

This meant that he’d have to go back but he felt very nervous doing so.

He still didn’t have a clue where to take Li Suren.

Staying home might be good but how would that be a reward?

But all the normal places felt wrong. Boring even.

If he could just ask someone else, it would be easier.

Then it hit him. He could ask someone else!

He pulled out his phone and texted Hanyu, asking him where his girlfriend had taken him out.



Are you going out on a date!?

Jun Yibai flushed, typing out a denial but was thwarted when he saw he was being called. It was Hanyu.

“It's not a date!” He denied it immediately after answering the phone.

“Bullshit, it’s not! Now tell me who you are dating now!” He shot back, a teasing tone in his voice. “Is it the alpha from before or the omega from last night? God, I didn’t know you were such a charmer, bro~”

This was the worst.

“It's really not like that.”

“Uh-huh.” Jun Yibai could feel the omega’s eye-roll. “Who asked?”

“I-I mean, I did but-”

“So you asked out a guy who fondled you?” He interrupted, chuckling. “Which one? The alpha or the omega?”

The fact Hanyu knew about both of them was mortifying.

“I don’t want to-”

“If you don’t tell me, I won’t give you any suggestions.” He stated flippantly. “Going online to look for spots is too impersonal.”

W-was it?! He thought that would be a good backup plan.

Then again, he’d chosen to ask Hanyu for that exact reason. The suggestions online were too mundane. None of the ‘popular’ spots would appeal to Li Suren.

The omega was innovative and elegant. He wasn’t the kind of guy that could just be taken to some random noodle shop. He might tolerate it because Jun Yibai took him but this dat- outing! - was about making sure the omega had a good time.

“It's… It's the guy from last night.” He grumbled out reluctantly.

“Oh!” He seemed surprised by his answer. Was he expecting it to be Chen Guiren? “Hm… Then how about…”

Jun Yibai spent the rest of the walk home on the phone. Hanyu had a lot of unique ideas for a ‘date’ though Jun Yibai was adamant about denying that it was a date. After giving a few hints, the Beta had quite a few ideas of his own.

He’d only just reached the entrance when he realized he’d gone to Li Suren’s apartment rather than his dorm. He’d only been here once yet he’d walked all the way here without thinking.

He absolutely couldn't tell the omega this. He’d never hear the end of it.

Once inside, he found Li Suren on the couch, typing on his phone.

He had that ‘I just fucked with someone’s day’ grin on his face.

“What did you do?”

“Sweetie?” Li Suren blinked, grinning up at the Beta leaning on the back of the couch. “Welcome home~”

Jun Yibai resisted the urge to kiss his forehead. It felt natural and he wasn’t about to do that. It was hard enough to convince Hanyu that they weren't going on a date. If he acted like a weary husband coming home to a welcoming mate, he’d never be able to convince himself that it wasn’t a date!

“I’m back.” He replied, sitting on the back of the couch with his back to the omega. “Now, who are you messing with?”

“Me? No one… yet.” Li Suren assured, winking playfully. “Just setting a trap for someone. It's something to keep me entertained when I go to a boring party.”

Boring party?

“Your grandfather’s birthday?” He guessed, recalling Li Suren’s previous complaints.

“Yeah, my parents and I are expected to go.” He grumbled, pouting. “Worse, I can’t even take Sweetie with me or else it’d be troublesome for you.”

It was clear that the omega really wanted to take Jun Yibai with him. If for no other reason than he wanted someone who wouldn’t try and shove him into a box.

While his studies in medicine were noteworthy, old master Li was an omega who insisted on doing things as traditionally as possible. If an omega was the family head, they had to act a certain way.

Li Suren, being a rebellious and cunning man, was not what that old man wanted, hence his complaints.

“But all that is for me to deal with later.” He suddenly said, interrupting Jun Yibai’s thoughts. “I’m more curious about our date tomorrow! What did you plan for me?”

Seeing the omega’s dark eyes sparkling with anticipation, Jun Yibai felt a bit embarrassed about his plans. So much so, that he failed to correct the omega’s use of the word date.

“It’ll be a surprise.” He mumbled, moving away. “But we’ll have to leave early in the morning.”

“Oh?” Li Suren wasn’t sure what he was expecting but it looked like his Sweetie had thought this through. “Then let us use one of my cars. It’ll be my contribution to our outing. You don’t need to spend money renting a car if I already have one, right?”

Jun Yibai wanted to argue but he couldn’t refute his words. Why rent a car if one was already available? Plus, it's not like it would be something Li Suren hadn’t used before. The omega drove all over the place so it wasn’t even an inconvenience.

Moreover, any car he could afford wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable.


The next morning, they left the apartment just before dawn. Li Suren, excited about being taken out, could barely sleep and was therefore tired when they left.

“Do you mind if I take a short nap?” He asked, yawning cutely. Without even waiting for his reply, the omega leaned on Jun Yibai’s shoulder with his eyes closed.

The comforting presence put him to sleep in seconds.

Jun Yibai smiled, stroking the omega’s back as he instructed the driver where to go. It was good for him to sleep since it would take a while to arrive and he couldn't keep their destination a surprise if the man was awake.

That and he was quite adorable when he wasn’t talking.

He just hoped Li Suren would like the place he was taking him. He’d agonized over it for hours but felt this would be a way for them both to have fun.

When they arrived, Li Suren sleepily looked around, seeing they had gone to a pier. There were dozens of shops lining the boardwalk, the salty air filling his lungs.

It was a nice day so everything was perfect for their ‘not’ date.

Yet when the pair walked over to a certain attraction, Li Suren couldn’t help but frown.

“Ripley’s… Believe it or Not?” He read the sign, confused. He’d heard of these kinds of attractions but the name was a bit strange.

“I think you’d like a place like this.” He stated, watching Li Suren observe the few attractions visible from the outside. There were a few factoids and a strange display of a pipe connected to nothing but pouring out water.

Where the water was coming from and how the pipe seemed to be floating in the air was what drew them close.

Li Suren stared at it for a minute as Jun Yibai gave their tickets to the ticket taker. They had just gotten through when the omega had a eureka moment.

“There's a tube!” He declared, grinning at Jun Yibai with satisfaction. He explained the trick, looking excited for what else they’d see inside.

Jun Yibai sighed with relief, happy that Li Suren was enjoying himself. If the entrance didn’t get his interest, what else inside would?

The pair walked through the attraction, reading all the little factoids and records broken by everyday people. They curled their tongues to prove that they were part of the 80% that could. They marveled at the displays, though Li Suren wanted to find the ‘trick’ behind most of them.

This was because the omega, despite being so smart, was easily tricked by some of the displays.

One such display was placed in front of a doorway. When one walked through, they’d see an old man bent over to take a picture. Proper manners said that one should wait until they were done. Most would stop but Jun Yibai and a few others noticed the trick and would watch to see who fell for it and for how long.

Li Suren was one who fell for it, standing waiting for the elder to finish. When the man didn’t move, he’d frown and look more carefully only to discover that the ‘elderly man’ and his ‘elderly wife’ were nothing but statues.

“Were you not going to say anything?!” Li Suren complained, blushing as the two observed other visitors fall for the same trick.

“Nope.” He replied, watching the visitors laugh as they walked past the ‘couple’. “I had to see how long it took you to figure it out.”

“You were laughing at me!?”

“Absolutely.” He chuckled. He pinched the omega’s cheek, grinning. “You looked so mortified so how could I resist?”

“You are so mean to me, Sweetie!” He grumbled, pulling the beta away. “What kind of guy are you?”

“The guy who can spot a wax display faster than our genius Li Suren.”

Jun Yibai kept teasing Li Suren for the next hour until he was felled by a short tunnel of swirling lights. The ever-observant Beta assumed he could walk through but was hit with vertigo as soon as he stepped inside.

After a few minutes of trying to get his feet under him, he gave up. The smirk on the omega’s face made his own burn.

“Shut up.”

“What was that?” He questioned, looking clueless. “The super smart beta who can see through tricks got beaten by a 3-meter-long walkway?”

(AN: 3 meters is about 10 ft)

The jabs his way went on for the rest of the attraction, though Jun Yibai got a few in himself. By the end of the attraction, they were grinning and laughing at the stuff they’d seen.

Once outside, they found that it was just a little after noon.

Since the day was nice, they walked the boardwalk, buying knickknacks and snacks as they went. Li Suren wanted to share an ice cream cone but was thoroughly rejected by the beta as he ate his in one bite. All while maintaining eye contact.

The subsequent brain freeze was thoroughly enjoyable for the omega.

The sun was just starting to sink over the horizon when a group of people passed them by.

“Hey, I heard there’s gonna be a show tonight.”

“Tonight? What kind of show?”


“Whoa, really?! Should we go check it!”

The group walked off, their excitement radiating from them.

“Can we go too?” Li Suren asked, nearly shaking with excitement. How romantic was it to watch a fireworks show with one’s partner? It was loud so he could even say things that didn’t need to be heard without fear.

It was a very nice idea.

“Then how will we get back?” The beta argued, sighing with disappointment. He too wanted to watch fireworks on a beach.

“You don't have class tomorrow so let's just stay the night.” He reasoned. Jun Yibai didn't even bother to question how he knew that. He wasn’t even surprised anymore.

Jun Yibai grimaced. The boardwalk was a spot where tourists came often so the prices were high. The only hotel around here couldn’t be cheap.

“The prices-”

“I’ll cover it.”

“I’m supposed to be treating you.” They might not be on a date but Jun Yibai refused to let Li Suren pay tonight.

“Then let’s split the cost.” Li Suren reasoned with a shrug. “Will that be enough?”

Jun Yibai was reluctant to agree. They had already had fun today so why stay the night?

They argued as they walked back to the car. Jun Yibai wanted to go back to the apartment since staying at a hotel was a waste. As they grew closer to the car, Li Suren stopped responding to his well-reasoned arguments, now just making short hums.

Had he finally convinced him? Jun Yibai sighed, happy that no money would need to be wasted tonight.

Yet upon arriving at the car, rather than walking to the door, the omega circled the car and opened the trunk. Before he could question what he was doing, Li Suren pulled out a picnic blanket.

“What are you-”

I’m going to watch the fireworks.” He declared, walking past the beta with a raised chin. “If you don’t wanna, I’ll leave you here with the car. It’s not leaving without me anyway.”

Jun Yibai watched him walk away, grumbling to himself. He thought he’d made his thoughts clear but apparently Li Suren was just giving him the silent treatment!

That sly-!

Jun Yibai glanced at the driver, who tactfully pretended not to hear their antics. He could just wait in the car. He didn't want to give in to Li Suren like this. If they stayed for the show, the driver and they would be too tired to drive home. Then he’d have to stay at a hotel.

If he stayed at a hotel, things might get strange between them.

He’d already spent the last two nights agonizing over the incident with Chen Guiren. The way he treated the alpha and the things he said…

Damn it, but he really wanted to do that again!

Chen Guiren had looked so good on his knees, begging to taste his dripping precum. If not for the drug burning him up, he’d have taken his time with the alpha. Teased him more so he could maybe get him to cum from his words alone. He’d read it in novels and had doubted it was possible but he was sure he could do it with Chen Guiren.

The alpha was born to be on his knees.

Yet, Jun Yibai knew that it was only because of that drug that he dared act so brazenly.

He’d fantasized about doing that kind of stuff for a while now. The faces were always vague but the thought of the alpha replacing those vague figures was sending heat through his blood. Any more and he’d actually get hard.

Li Suren, he was sure, wouldn’t be far behind. All throughout the day, Jun Yibai had found himself wanting to kiss the omega quite a few times. He’d resisted, of course, but he knew if they went someplace without any prying eyes, he might not be able to resist that temptation.



Li Suren blinked, his vision suddenly obscured by a large blue blanket. A blanket he recognized just as much as he knew the figure sitting beside him on the blanket.

“Hello, Sweetie.” He smirked up at the beta, amused by the grumpy look on his face. “You came after all.”

I only came because you’re an idiot.” He grumbled back, wrapping them both. The show was happening on the beach. As such, the breeze from the water was chilling. “You forgot to bring a second blanket.”

Nope, I just know my Sweetie has a soft heart and a hard mouth. He thought, moving in closer to the man. The blanket was enough to keep the chill away but his omega instincts told him to seek out the heat of the human body.

The intimacy was definitely making him more clingy. How could he help it? His beloved beta was so close, shoulder to shoulder in a cocoon.

Wasn’t it kind of like having him in the omega’s nest?

He shivered at the thought, wishing he could have the real deal in his nest rather than just some shirts he’d stole- borrowed! -from Jun Yibai’s room.

Yet he remained where he was, content with just being cocooned with his Sweetie.

The show started, filling the air with the shouts of excitement from the crowd and the exploding lights in the air. It was loud but Li Suren had chosen a nice spot. It was secluded enough that there were only a few other groups there. It was far enough away to keep the noise from being deafening.

All in all, it was a great spot.

Jun Yibai relaxed, pulling Li Suren closer under the guise of keeping their cocoon from having any gaps. It was nice, feeling the steady breath of the omega wafting over his neck.

Then he noticed it.

All around them, just under the pops and bangs of the fireworks, he could hear it. Very faintly, he could hear some strange sounds.

Thinking he was just hearing things, he peeked over only to see that the couple beside them were under their blankets. While he couldn’t hear them over the noise, they were definitely moving in a suggestive manner. The person under the blanket was moving back and forth, though the speed varied as if they were in a hurry.

He quickly realized just how far they’d gotten when a bare leg slipped from underneath, a dainty panty dangling from her ankle.

He turned away, feeling weirdly warm all of a sudden. He didn’t dare check the other side lest Li Suren notice too.

Catching someone having sex so close by was definitely embarrassing but also arousing. He could swear he could hear their ragged breaths as they moved. Small moans. Short cries. The telltale shudder of someone climaxing.

Shit, he-

He felt a hand land on his upper thigh, the fingertips just barely brushing his slowly hardening shaft. He didn’t move, knowing there was only one person who could be touching him.

“Sweetie,” Li Suren whispered in his ear, somehow heard over the bangs. It was a slow cadence, matching the rhythm of his naughty fingers. “You got so hard.”

“S-shut up!” Having been caught, Jun Yibai didn't deny it.

“I’m a bit disappointed though.” He complained, tapping the teeth of his zipper. The bulge contained beneath it jumped, as if replying to his silent knock. “I just wish it was because of the cute omega on your lap rather than those people beside us.”

Of course, he noticed. Li Suren wasn’t an idiot or unaware of his surroundings.

Jun Yibai’s hand, which had been gripping the omega’s waist, clenched, eliciting a small squeak from the man.

“Should we join in?” Again, those fingers kept teasing the zipper that was now straining to contain the erection he failed to hide. “It feels awkward to be the only ones not ‘having fun’.”

“What?! Just watch the show.”

“Which one?”

The ‘show’ beside them was ramping up, as more and more people realized that they could do all kinds of things in this small enclave they’d claimed. The illumination from the fireworks was brief enough to excite them as their erotic forms were revealed for a brief time. The thought of being seen exciting them rather than curbing their desires.

Jun Yibai closed his eyes, hoping to drown out the sounds. Yet ever since he noticed them, he couldn’t stop listening. Every cry made his muscles stiffen. His breath caught as their neighbor begged for ‘more’.

“Sweetie, pay attention to me~” The omega by his side whined, his breath brushing his neck and making him inhale sharply.

“Stay still.” His tone was harsh with desire. With all the stuff happening around him, how could he not be a bit tempted? Li Suren was attractive and his naughty fingers were making it hard to think.

“What if I don’t? Will you spank me?”

Damn him for putting that thought into his mind!

The thought was tempting. He’d imagined it a few times whenever the omega really annoyed him. He was such a brat sometimes. Egging him on with his arrogance and smirks. God, had he wished he could put the mouthy omega over his knee and-

“Sweetie, are you going to spank me?” He asked, his coy voice echoing though his ears and speaking to some deeply repressed part of his mind.

He really wanted to. Especially as Li Suren straddled his lap, staring deeply into his eyes like he was waiting for something there. A spark of… something.

For a moment, there was no sound. Not the fireworks or their neighbors making love. No there was only the two of them as they stared into each other's eyes.

It was unclear who moved in first, as it didn’t matter to either man. No, what mattered was that their first kiss was tentative, as if scared that anything more would harm the other.

Li Suren sucked in a breath, pulling away slightly, his face flushed.

It was cute.

Damn him, he was cute!

“Suren.” His words were low and barely audible to even himself but the omega gazed at him. That was all he needed.

Then, as if the heavens themselves felt like screwing them, it started to rain. Hard.


It was unclear how they’d gotten to the hotel.

When the rain came down, there were panicked screams and scrambling bodies yet Li Suren quickly led them to a safe place. By the time they’d arrived at the hotel lobby, the pair were soaked.

He was sure they’d had some sort of agreement about it but Jun Yibai’s mind was dazed. He only briefly noticed that Li Suren had led him into the elevators without even glancing at the registration desk.

With luck, the elevator was empty, which suited them both. The second the doors closed, their lips smashed into each other.

The tinge of blood that was exchanged between them was but a small treat. More so for the omega.

“Sweetie! “ He cried as the beta nipped and nibbled at his neck.

His bites weren't as sharp or as electrifying as an alpha but it was just firm enough to center him in the moment. He couldn’t feel his clothes sticking to his skin or the cool metal of the elevator wall because his beta was right there in front of him.

“S-sweetie, talk to me… please” He begged, rubbing himself against the man. His wet clothes made it easier but damn it, he wanted more. “I want…”

A hand landed on his ass, the wet smack echoing in the empty box. Li Suren cried out, surprised by the flash of pain.

It hurt! It hurt but Jun Yibai’s hand was rubbing it, easing the sting as he squirmed. The burn made him want to whine and cling more.

“If you want something, ask for it properly.”

Li Suren pouted, wanting to scream at him for spanking him. He didn’t deserve it this time. He just wanted…

“I want to hear you talk dirty to me too.” He whined, locking his legs around the beta with a petulant look. “You are mine so I deserve it too.”

He hated that the mutt got to hear their beloved’s first attempt at his kink. Jun Yibai had a caustic tongue so it was obvious that he would use it during sex. It was probably awkward and mortifying after the fact but the fact he was left behind?!

“What you deserve?” The beta chuckled, pulling the omega’s ass closer. They were groin to groin now, eliciting a loud moan from the pale-haired man in his arms. “That’s not up to you, is it?”

It wasn’t up to him, yes but he’d be damned if he waited when the opportunity was right there.

He bared his teeth at the beta, his omega instincts demanding he prove himself to his mate. Not by submitting to him. No, that was not what he wanted nor what his mate wanted.

“Then I’ll prove you are mine, Jun Yibai.” He declared, wanting so badly to bite this male. Then he’d properly claim the omega for himself. Pin him to the bed and make him submit. Li Suren would fight, as he wished to feel his large hands hold him down. To make his ass burn from his spanking.

To hear his mate call him his.

“Then do it.” The beta challenged, his hands brushing over the nape of the omega’s neck. It felt so hot, aching for a bite. No, the touch was making him more horny. “Make me mark you like I did Guiren.”

Li Suren shivered, feeling his pants get a bit wetter. He wasn’t leaking slick, was he? No, it didn’t matter. His Sweetie, his chosen mate, wanted him to prove himself.

Li Suren tightened his legs, slotting their shafts together as he rode the beta wantonly. He didn’t hide his pleasure, moaning loudly. He was probably babbling too. He could feel his lips moving but his mind was fully on his gyrations.

He was using his Sweetie like a sex toy.

It was embarrassing but he loved it. He loved being held like this. Being carried like something precious and wanted. Even though the beta wasn’t moving as much, Li Suren could feel his shaft throbbing against his own.

Jun Yibai helped him along, whispering praises into his ear.

“That's it… Ride me, Suren.” He ordered, his breaths labored. “So good… So good for me! You’re doing so well, I…G-god, yes-”

The hands hold him up clenched hander on his ass as Jun Yibai started thrusting against him.

After that, it was hard to say who was riding who. They were a tangle of lust and limbs, straining against each other to reach their climax. Words were said but neither knew what left their lips. Whether it was praise or confessions of love, their final words at the moment of climax were the same.

They shuddered against each other, the aftershocks of their orgasm sending shivers through their bodies.

They slide down the wall, trembling in each other's arms as the warmth of their cum made their already-soaked clothes stick together.

Neither wanted to move.

They panted, trying to right themselves and come back to reality.

Jun Yibai did so first, as expected.

“We… We should go inside” He mumbled, probably embarrassed. Li Suren was sure this wasn’t how the beta thought their ‘not’ date was going to go. Still, he lifted the boneless omega into his arms and walked out of the elevator which had, at some point, reached their floor.

As the beta looked around the room the elevator had taken them straight to, the languid omega couldn’t help but chuckle.

His Sweetie hadn’t even noticed that the entire time they made out, the elevator doors hadn’t opened once.


AN: To those wondering why this chapter is the way it is, the answer is simply this: the beginning part was pure stream-of-consciousness writing. I started at the beginning and just went for it. I couldn’t think of what to cut out cause it does become relevant later but it feels weird, kinda. As such, the chapter is pretty long.

Also, Ripley’s really is a lot of fun. I’ve only gone twice, I think, and the exhibits are very interesting. The wax figure was one that I noticed but my mom didn’t so we stood there for a while before it clicked. After that, me, her and a few others watched to see who else fell for it. It was so much fun. The tunnel, however, floored me.

The lights disorient you so it feels like everything is moving when you walk through. 

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