[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: If Petty was a Sport

AN: So this chapter came out to be a bit longer than expected but I know you guys love meaty content.


There were times he forgot how troublesome Li Suren could be when he gets in a mood. It's a different type than the trouble Chen Guiren brings but a problem nonetheless.

Tonight, despite the simple goal of just picking up some food to eat at the omega's place, they found themselves dining with his enemy and her 'friends'.

All because Li Suren couldn't help but fuck with them.


Minutes before...

"Ah, so you can recognize a true member of the Li clan then?" He puffed up, radiating self satisfaction like an aura. "Not surprising, I suppose. This prince is so lovely, how could I be mistaken for anything less!"

His brazen declaration made Jun Yibai want to dump the man right now.

While it was true that Li Suren was the most attractive person in the room, to just proclaim it without shame was too much.

"Suren!" Jun Yibai chastised, pinching his cheek lest this guy float off with all the hot air in his head. "Behave."

"I can't help it if some random nobody is trying to get close to others using the family name." He complained though he didn't look too bothered.

In fact, he was feeling pretty good. Getting to show off with his darling by his side was such a satisfying feeling~

Moreover, his lack of confirmation made him seem even more likely to be blood-related to the Li's. He didn't mind being mistaken for a branch family member as long as his Sweetie was satisfied.

He pulled the beta down until he could whisper without being overheard.

"Sweetie, do you trust me?"

The beta frowned at the sudden question. "What are you-"

"Do you?"

The two stared at each other for a moment before he nodded.

"...Yeah. We're friends, right?"

Li Suren smiled, amused by his beta's naivety.

"Absolutely." He grinned, rubbing the man's earlobe and noting the slight blush that followed. Something to look into later then. "So I want you to trust me after this."

Jun Yibai's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What are you-"

"Excuse me, Master Li." Wu Yusheng gently interjected with a smile. "I'm sorry about the fuss. Ms Li is just a bit young so she tends to say all kinds of things."

"Oh? Then shouldn't she be making it up to my Sweetie?"

"I promise to give you and your friend justice." He said with a humble bow. "Perhaps you would allow me to make up for my mistake by treating you both to a meal?"

Wu Yusheng was older than everyone else but only by a few years so he knew something was happening but he wasn't sure what.

He had agreed to talk over dinner with Li Min since she said she was related to the Li's. He wasn't sure about how connected she was considering she was asking for an investment from him. His family was well off but nowhere near the scale of the Li's.

If anything, he should be asking for an investment from her.

Still, rejecting her due to his suspicions without confirmation would be dumb.

So he thought of inviting this omega as well, since he was sure he was part of the Li family.

If he could secure both of their reassurances, he'd be losing nothing.

Li Min, on the other hand, was horrified and wanted to scream with anger.

How!? How could this bastard beta know a member of the Li clan? He was just some scholarship student who was lucky enough to do just a bit better than expected but he knew a rich man?

So not only was he trying to ruin her plan to get senior Hanyu to realize they were meant for each other but now he was showing off his side piece.

The more she learned about Jun Yibai, the more disgusted she became.

Her thoughts were broadcasted very clearly as she glared at Jun Yibai and Li Suren. The former could only cock a brow at her, wondering what kind of thoughts could be circling through there.

Part of him wanted to back out and leave.

Another part was a little amused by the sour look on her face.

After days of disgusted and suspicious looks on campus, the chance to get a bit of revenge was just too tempting. And just like the devil he was, Li Suren was there to lead him down that path with a sultry look and a smile that made it clear he had bad intentions.

Yet like a moth to the flame, he went along with it.


Thus the group was led to a booth that could fit all seven of them.

Jun Yibai placed himself between the omega and the rest of the people. While he liked that he could mess with them by sticking to Li Suren, he didn't want his friend to get hurt.

Li Suren grinned, loving his softie of a beta.

"Would you like it better if I sat in your lap, Sweetie?

Having gotten used to his shameless words, Jun Yibai replied casually.

"Just cause I can lift your fat ass doesn't mean I want it on me at the dinner table."

"So it's a promise for later then?" He teased back. He didn't get a response but it was enough to have the chance.

His Sweetie, after all, was a softie at heart so he was sure he could get what he wanted tonight.

Jun Yibai didn't dignify that with a response but Li Suren knew the beta best. No response was as good as a yes!

How cute~

Everyone else at the table could only grimace at the casual flirtation going on between the two. In fact, they feared if they didn't make their presence evident, things might get worse.

"S-shall we order?" Wu Yusheng suggested, pointing to the menu.

Jun Yibai paled as he saw the prices listed. He had assumed it was better when the prices weren't listed so he could eat without feeling burdened but now he realized just how expensive places could be.

Why pay so much for a single dish when one could buy a meal at the same cost?

Seeing his grimace, Li Min wanted to mock him. It was clear he couldn't afford the food here. Even with a member of the Li clan by his side, he didn't dare ask his date to take him anywhere.

"Sweetie, you should try this!" The Li Suren suggested, pointing to some of the appetizers. "You'd like this."

"But the price..."

"So what?" Li Suren waved off his concern. He thrust a thumb at Li Min, still staring at the menu. "Young Miss Li is treating us so why be humble?"

What?! Since when was she covering them?!

She opened her mouth to protest but was interrupted by Wu Yusheng.

"Miss Li, you spoke rudely to this man so think of it as an apology." He reasoned, trying to smooth things out. "I'll take care to cover it if it's too much."

"It's not too much!" She insisted, clenching her fists beneath the table.

She could afford it but having to cover a meal as an apology was humiliating. Especially when it was that annoying beta who kept getting between her and Hanyu.

He even had another omega fawning over him so why couldn't he just mind his own damn business?

"See? So order whatever you want, Sweetie~" Li Suren insisted, deciding to order a bunch of takeout. His guards were probably tired so why not give them a treat?

Li Suren grinned like a cat as he imagined her reaction when she learned she was covering the seven of them and the dozen or so men outside.

Maybe he could even suggest they bring some food back for their family.

On the flip side, Jun Yibai relaxed as he ordered whatever he liked. It was a novel feeling.

Jun Yibai was a frugal man. He hated spending other people's money and owing favors, even friends.

But he was also a petty man so the chance to get his own small revenge by using his enemy's money was a rare but welcome activity he had dreamed of.

He smiled, shocking everyone. While he wasn't handsome or likable, he was well known for being a grump. That along with his plain looks made him unappealing.

However, his smile, while small, was shocking when it came from him.

It was like spotting a shine gleaming from the mud. Whether it was treasure or strap, that feeling of shocked excitement was similar to what everyone felt just then.

Li Suren just felt upset cause he didn't feel these people deserved to see his darling smile.

Even the mutt barely deserved it!

As if seeking to ignore the two extra people, Li Min instigated a conversation with the other people at the table. It was lively and complex, using prior get-togethers to reminisce.

It was petty but neither Li Suren nor Jun Yibai cared. They were in their own world.

"I'm still trying to get the right reaction." He complained, munching on his pasta. "Theoretically, it should be attached to the right enzyme."

"I told you using an acid solute would do that."

"But that's the only way to isolate that amino acid!"

The others at the table were mystified by his words. He was using complex words, yet the beta beside him didn't miss a beat.

"Oh, are you a medical student?" Wu Yusheng asked, wanting a chance to talk to Li Suren. He still needed to know who was actually affiliated with the Li Clan. "I dabbled a bit in chemistry so perhaps I can help?"

Li Min perked up, seeing a chance to show off a bit too. She was good at chemistry too!

Yet when she tried to give advice, Li Suren cut her off.

"Miss Li Min has yet to apologize to my sweetie for the scene she caused before, so I don't feel any obligation to talk to you. Mr Wu, on the other hand, has allowed me to pamper my Sweetie so I'll allow you to speak to me."

Such blatantly arrogant words were said with no shame and yet how could they argue? Li Suren was a Li, after all. If there was anyone worthy of being arrogant, it was them.

"T-thank you for indulging me, young master." Wu Yusheng replied, not really sure how else he could reply. He spent a few minutes talking about biochemistry with the duo, fascinated with their conclusions. "That's a very interesting theory. Making it work would be hard though."

"It's fine." Li Suren assured with a smile. "I have everything I need to make sure it works."

Like funding from the Li's? He wanted so badly to ask but knew it would be pushing it. Instead, he steered the conversation to the subject he wanted to talk about.

"I was actually wondering what you thought about the business deal between Miss Li and I? Do you think it would be something that the Li head would be interested in?"

Wu Yusheng only agreed to help Li Min with her business in hopes of getting a chance at making a connection with the head of the Li clan.

He knew this omega had a connection with the Li clan so he just needed to know whether Li Min was worth the trouble.

Li Suren considered how to respond.

He heard them talk a little bit about their business deal. Li Min wanted an investment from Wu Yusheng while Wu Yusheng wanted a meeting with someone from the main family of the Li's. It was simple and nothing that wouldn't be worth the investment.

Even if Li Min failed to get a meeting with a main family member, just mentioning his name would put him in a favorable position.

But the question lay in whether she could even get his name into their ears.

She had mentioned her uncle marrying into the family but there were no other details mentioned in conversation. So he had his men investigate her extended family.

"It's not a bad deal though I would think it would be better to have her uncle act as your middleman rather than her." He replied, watching her reaction.

As expected, her expression altered for just a second.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea." She insisted, covering her nervousness with her water. "Uncle Heiguo isn't interested in that kind of thing. He's a very humble man so-"

Heiguo? Li Suren drowned out her excuses, going through his mental family tree to find who this person was. It sounded vaguely familiar but...

"Ah!" He let out a sound, though only Jun Yibai noticed.

"You know him?" He guessed.

Li Suren nodded, sneering as he watched Li Min speak about her beloved uncle.

If this woman was talking about the uncle he thought she was, then she was more shameless than he had anticipated.


Jun Yibai watched Li Suren, amused by the sly look in his eye even as the corners of his lips rose. It was a look he recognized.

Someone was about to be screwed with.

Jun Yibai chose to be passive, enjoying his food. Li Suren promised him dinner and a show.

"Speaking of Uncle Heiguo, I happened to bump into him the other day." He interjected, innocently looking at the alpha with questioning eyes. "You said you spoke to him too about this deal but he never mentioned meeting any family members. Considering his circumstances, I would think he'd mention such an event."

Li Min flinched, feeling a cold sweat run down her back.

D-did this guy really know about her uncles 'circumstances'? Her parents were vague but she knew she couldn't risk letting anyone know.

"P-perhaps he just forgot?" She stammered, trying to smile.

Li Suren let out a small snort, heard only by Jun Yibai who sat beside him.

"Perhaps so." He said, giving Li Min a warning look. "Then again, I wasn't asked about our uncle. I'm not one to air our family's dirty laundry out in front of outsiders after all."

Li Min looked away.

Shit, he really did know! How?! She was sure her uncle wouldn't tell anyone. He was so meek, he wouldn't dare to, right?

Li Suren let her stew in her fear for a minute before continuing.

"You wanted my opinion on your business deal, right? Unfortunately, as amazing as I am, I'm not a businessman." He turned to Jun Yibai with a smile. "Sweetie, what do you think?

Everyone frowned, having forgotten the beta was even there.

"Him?" One of the girls complained. "What would he-"

Li Suren cut her off, not even turning to look at her.

"My sweetie is studying business as a major so I think he has more understanding than you, miss literature major."

The girl froze, feeling nervous. She hadn't even said her name so how did this stranger know her major?

Wu Yusheng frowned but turned to Jun Yibai, curious about the person suggested by this brilliant man. "Your thoughts?"

Jun Yibai hadn't expected to be put on the spot. He glanced at Li Suren before sighing.

He really just wanted a dinner and a show.

"It's not a bad deal but all the risks are on Mr. Wu's side."

"How so?" Wu Yusheng frowned. "As long as I get my name out there-"

"That's assuming it will even reach the ears of anyone important. How would you know?"

"I trust Li Min." He argued, glancing at the alpha woman. They had worked together a few times and knew she always kept her promises.

"Why?" Yb shot back, cocking a brow. "Trust is fine for a minor favor but this involves money. I'm assuming a bit more than just a casual loan expected to be repaid. The price of being acknowledged by Old Master Li isn't cheap, right?"

Wu Yusheng's frown deepened. They hadn't discussed how much he was investing but it was quite a bit. Wu Yusheng had felt it was a good price considering he knew Li Min was related to the Li's. If he could get old master Li to at least know his name, it might help him down the line.

But if that failed, he'd have wasted his money.

"Mr. Wu and Young Miss Li are friends!" Ms. Literature major argued, scowling. She could see the doubt in his eyes and spoke up for her friend. "She wouldn't-"

"Business deals with friends are ones that are most likely to favor one side over the other." He stated, wondering why the people around Li Min were so dumb. "How many CEOs get screwed over by friends and lovers because they lacked caution?"

100% of businesses close due to bad management. Whether it was on the business side or on the personal side, those bad choices sunk a business.

Seeing that things were going badly for her, Li Min tried to speak up but was cut off by Li Suren again.

"I hope you didn't make any promises to invest in exchange for a meeting with the old master Li on merely her word?" Li Suren asked, blinking innocently as if he wasn't pouring fuel onto a fire. "Surely you know how traditional that man is."

Everyone knew how old Master Li was. The man wore it on his chest with pride. Yet no one understood what Li Suren was getting at.

No one but Li Min, who paled in her seat.

Li Suren turned to Jun Yibai, giving a questioning look. "Sweetie, what do you think?"

"If she was smart, it wouldn't be a written contract. Nothing to bite her later." He reasoned, not noticing the look of anger forming on Wu Yusheng's face at the realization. "Old master Li hates those who use his name to profit for themselves, right?"

"Absolutely. All benefits should be in service to the clan."

"So it was probably just verbal. Maybe even a down payment was done already?" He guessed, watching Wu Yusheng's male friend start to catch on. "If it's a contract, she'd be legally liable for not keeping up her side of the bargain. But it's purely verbal, there's no legal repercussions for failing."

"That's true!" Li Suren put on a look of shock. "She could just say she tried but failed to set up a meeting. A simple mistake, right?"


Li Suren turned to her with a sly smile. "She's a smart woman so there's no way she made this deal to benefit herself knowing she had nothing to give in exchange other than a single dinner."

"B-b-but that's all conjecture!" Miss Literature Major cried, pulling out what little she knew to help the situation back into Li Min's favor. "Young Miss Li is absolutely capable-"

"Her?" Li Suren sneered, glancing at Li Min who was glaring at him. "Do you think he'd let someone like you into the Li manor? Someone who isn't even blood-related to the Li's?"

"Uncle Heiguo is a Li!" She argued, though she really hoped he wouldn't embarrass her any further. He had already made things difficult with her business deal.

If Wu Yusheng wrote up a contract, she'd be...

"I think we both know just how 'close' your family is with Uncle Heiguo, right?" The omega said, his smile cold and knowing.

He absolutely knew.

"I-" She tried to speak up but Wu Yusheng interrupted her this time.

"Since we're friends, I won't question you too deeply, Li Min." He said curtly, making it clear that he meant he wasn't going to question her here, in front of others. Considering he'd already given her a third of what she needed for her business, she couldn't run away.

He might be willing to make a down payment for a friend but he wasn't dumb enough to pay everything upfront for something he had yet to receive.

She'd have to show evidence that she at least spoke to old master Li or else. But she couldn't talk to her uncle! He would spit in her face before helping her.

Damn it, everything had been going so well before this omega showed up!

She'd seen her parents use their estranged uncle's name as a way into all kinds of places they wouldn't dare even peek at. It was never major enough for anyone to bring up to any of the main family.

As long as no one knew the truth, they were scavengers feasting after the lion's hunt.

Yet this person not only knew her uncle but knew how to reveal it in such a way as to not embarrass the Li family.

And all this with a guileless look in his eye as he nailed her to the wall.

"Who are you!?" She growled, hoping to intimidate him. To let out her pheromones so openly was incredibly rude but she didn't care.

The alphas at the table gave her a look of shock and castigation. Everyone else at the table was a beta so it was clear she was trying to harm the one omega at the table.

The two men glared at Li Min, who faltered under the gazes of the males.

"I-I didn't mean to-"

"I think it's time we leave." Jun Yibai declared, once again surprising everyone with his presence. "There's a foul scent in the air and I think it's best we leave before it sticks onto us."

Li Min flushed at his insult. She was sure he couldn't smell her pheromones since he was a beta so wasn't he just plain insulting her?

"You're right, we should leave." Li Suren whispered, looking up with tears in his eyes. "I'm scared~"

The women could only marvel at this man's brazen lies. He had openly mocked them and dragged their friend through the mud yet shamelessly said he was scared?!

The men, being alpha's, believed him. An alpha's pheromones could have all kinds of effects on an omega. They respected Li Suren and wanted to protect him.

Wu Yusheng offered to take them home but was stopped when Jun Yibai glared down at him.

"I can take care of him myself, so there's no need for you to bother." He said. His tone was polite but his expression was telling them to fuck off.

Jun Yibai pulled Li Suren from the booth, effortlessly carrying the omega from the private room. He passed a waiter who greeted him before continuing on. Jun Yibai had just reached the hallway when he heard a screech.

Ah, she must have received the bill.

Li Suren wanted to snicker but he was too caught up in his own excitement.

Sweetie is carrying me!!!! He could barely hold it in, kicking his legs energetically.

"Stop that!" Jun Yibai scolded, carrying him out of the restaurant. They got a few looks but Li Suren's men made sure nothing was recorded of them.

His Sweetie, his Jun Yibai, was so cool just now!!

He really wanted to kiss the man~

He stared at his lips, tempted to act like that dumb mutt and throw caution to the wind.

The beta glanced at the manically grinning omega in his arms and chuckled.

"You are quite the actor." He muttered, recalling the tears he'd seen minutes before.

"So are you!" He replied, still kicking his legs. His Sweetie was strong enough to carry him regardless. He ogled the beta's body, wishing he could touch those chiseled muscles he knew were hidden underneath. "Acting like a suave alpha carrying his weak-in-the-knees Omega to be ravished out of sight."

While he knew that wasn't how the night would end, a man can dream, right?

"Only you would see it that way."

This was not true. The other alphas in the room could feel the slight possessiveness in Jun Yibai's hold on Li Suren. While they weren't intimidated, they knew better than to try and flirt with the white-haired Omega.

Perhaps it was only the beta himself that didn't notice.


When the two arrived at Li Suren's apartment, Jun Yibai was surprised that it was as low-key as it was. With Li Suren's personality, surely it would have been more classy but it was actually... normal.

Fucking huge but normal.

Li Suren watched Jun Yibai, wanting to see his reaction.

He was the first one to show their home to the beta so he had to win. If he liked the place, that meant Li Suren knew their beta better. Sure, it was won by omission but screw that guy!

Jun Yibai could feel the omega's gaze so he said nothing, choosing to instead find the guest room. In a place this huge, it had to have one.

"There are three rooms." Li Suren explained, pointing them out. "That one is mine and the one in the middle is yours."

"And the last door?"

"It's for the mutt." He grumbled, leaning on the wall. He had considered only having two since he'd rather just have his Sweetie with him but that wouldn't work. He couldn't be rid of that thuggish alpha so he had to make a space for him.

He was even considerate enough to let their beta's room be in the center.

Jun Yibai frowned. "So there's no guest room?"

Jun Yibai felt a bit strange about having a room at a place he'd never been before. It wasn't a bad feeling but definitely strange.

"Who am I going to invite other than you two?"

This was his home, the place chosen, decorated, and prepared by him alone. So why would he let anyone else inside?

The place might as well be his nest so he'd only let his mates inside.

"You are so anti-social." The beta grumbled, feeling embarrassed. He couldn't even let Li Suren into his own house yet he made a space for him. It was sweet.

Li Suren beamed, feeling happy that his darling beta seemed content. He'd have to go buy some racy books for the man later though. Had he known before, he'd have added a few choice books of his own.

More tasks to be done.

Just then, a thought came to him. Something good for him.

"Tonight didn't go as I planned." He declared, surprising the beta who was just about to check out his room. "Having to deal with all those unimportant people! Oh, I feel so tired now~"

The omega collapsed onto the couch, looking like a wilted flower. It was only years of knowing the man that left Jun Yibai unaffected.


"So... Shouldn't I get something for having to put up with all this?" He asked, pouting cutely. "I deserve a special reward considering what I went through."

So this was his angle!

"Sitting down with them was your idea." He argued, a bit worried about where this was going.

"I did it for you!" Li Suren shot back. "When else will you get a chance to smack that arrogant hussy around without fear? You are way too passive to have tried anything like what I did just now."

That, he couldn't argue with. While he wanted to get back at her, there was no way to do so without making him the villain. She was pretty, well-liked, and apparently rich.

He was none of those things.

Had she been male, they could hash it out physically. While being an alpha would make it an easy win for her, he'd be satisfied with having punched that smug face a few times.

Yet he couldn't hit a woman so he had been at a loss.

As such, he did owe Li Suren a bit.

Damn him for doing this!

"Fine! Something special, right?" Since it was up to him, they didn't have to do anything weird. But something that Li Suren would enjoy too. "How about we go somewhere together? Just the two of us?"

Li Suren stared at the beta wide-eyed, his face growing increasingly red. After a minute, Jun Yibai started feeling self-conscious.

Did he make things weird?!

"Y-you can just say no if you-"

"Are you asking me out... on a date!?"

Now it was Jun Yibai's turn to blush.

"N-no! It's a completely platonic outing as friends!"

"Oh?" That teasing look had returned. It was evil how cute Li Suren looked just then.

He jumped to his feet, drawing close to Jun Yibai, and pressed a short kiss on his cheek.

"Then I'm looking forward to our get-together." He whispered seductively in his ear. "As friends, of course."

Jun Yibai watched him leave, the waist he'd held just hours before making his palms itch. He wanted to hold him again.

Shit, maybe he'd made a mistake?


AN: to those wondering about Li Min being related to Li Suren, she sorta is but in the loosest sense. I cut out a scene with Li Suren explaining this cause it felt out of place but the short version is that the uncle she's referring to had been disowned by his family years prior.

His story is this: Heiguo was a beta born to a mostly alpha family. When his mom gave birth to him, his dad, being an ass, declared that he must be a product of an affair and divorced his mom. Due to being rich, he got custody and Heiguo was a Cinderella. When he was working at a club, he bumped into a young omega who'd been drugged and you know the rest. He was then 'forced' to marry her and had all kinds of hijinks occur. His family disowned him because they thought he'd sullied their name by getting some nameless chick pregnant. Note, neither he nor his family knew she was related to the Li's until well into her pregnancy.

As for why he wouldn't be the best way to get close to the elder Li is because his wife was adopted by the elder to pay back a favor. She isn't a Li by blood so most people bullied her. She has her own business that is doing well. Heiguo assists since he's pretty good with numbers.

[Skipped Conversation]

"So was she a member of your family?"

"In the loosest sense and only if her side has no shame. It's gross."

"Is it?"

"Sweetie isn't an outsider but Uncle Heiguo's life is his own so I can't talk too much about it. Just know that that shameless chick's family cut ties with him years ago."

"Oh! Yet when he married into a rich family, they came clambering back?"

"Yeah. I thought it was settled years ago but it turns out they are still acting like they are part of the clan without anyone noticing. It's gross."

"I can imagine."

Jun Yibai felt a bit curious about the uncle. A beta marrying an omega and joining a large clan like the Li's? That had to be stressful.

The way Li Suren described him, he must be pretty down to earth despite everything.

Jun Yibai's thoughts were interrupted by the omega's grumbling.

"I'll have to settle this later."


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