[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Quality Time

AN: Thank you for being so patient with me. Summer classes went well so I really appreciate the consideration.

This chapter was supposed to be longer but a new idea came up as I was writing and formed a new path. A path that split the long chapter into two.


Jun Yibai was already in the backseat when Li Suren arrived.

The beta gave him a look. “You look better.”

“Obviously.” Li Suren puffed up, showing off his looks like he was modeling for a magazine. “Even if I cry badly, I still end up looking amazing.”

Jun Yibai couldn’t really respond.

How does one handle someone with an ego like this? Compliments just make it worse and criticisms can’t possibly pierce skin that thick.

But Jun Yibai had a sure-proof method of handling a guy like Li Suren.

“Oh?” Jun Yibai moved close, reaching out to touch the omega’s cheek. “Your eyes look a bit red though.”

“Eh?!” Li Suren flushed, not expecting to be approached. “I-I mean, yes that happens but-”

Jun Yibai leaned in closer, letting their breaths mix just slightly.

Li Suren’s skin was getting pinker by the second, making his pale hair stand out even more. Yet Jun Yibai closed in on his closer, reaching past his ear.

“You really should be more careful, Suren.” He warned, his voice low and grumbly. “It's dangerous for someone like you to-”

Li Suren struggled to piece together a sentence, his eyes darting from the gray eyes staring deeply into his own to the lips that had been tempting him for a while now. “T-to?”

“To…” Jun Yibai let his wrist brush the omega’s ear, earning a small squeak. He smiled with satisfaction. “To… ride in a car without a seatbelt.”



Li Suren stared at the seatbelt drawn over his torso. He hadn’t bothered to put it on when he got in the car nor did he do so when the trip started. Yet now, there it was.

With a familiar hand on the buckle.

Jun Yibai smirked, chuckling at his bewildered expression.

“Really, how reckless can you be?” He scolded, patting Li Suren on the chest. “Are you an idiot?”

“S-Sweetie, you-!”

Jun Yibai sat back, smiling to himself as Li Suren voiced his complaints at being teased.

This was the method of winning against a narcissist like Li Suren.

Just throw him off his game with a bit of pushing and he could get quite an amusing reaction from this narcissist.

This strategy can’t be done recklessly. It was a bold move and can backfire if done too often.

Still, seeing Li Suren all flustered was worth the risk sometimes.

Having been granted a few minutes of peace, Jun Yibai stared out the window, noting the multitude of black cars around them. The windows were tinted and they kept their distance consistent regardless of the traffic.

Was this how Li Suren usually traveled? With an entourage?

“They are there to protect me.” The omega explained, having settled down from the beta’s teasing. “My papa is always worried that something might happen so she has some of her cop friends look after me whenever I’m out.”

Papa? Ah, right, that lady he’d met that one time. She’d just been a regular officer back then but recently got promoted to Chief.

Many accused her of using her connection to the Li family to get bumped up but her wife was quick to put the rumors to rest. Still, Li Suren had been upset at the time and vented about it often.

He was proud of his papa but worried about the new job and its dangers.

Jun Yibai couldn’t understand being in such a position. His dad was a leader but much lower on the totem pole than a chief. The stress of being responsible for dozens of workers wears down on the soul but to add politics to it must be a different kind of stressor.

It turned out that both their father figures had it rough.

At that thought, something occurred to the beta.

“Suren, did you do something last night?”

“I did a lot last night, Sweetie.” He said with a grin. “You’d need to be specific.”

“You showed up at the hospital rather than my parents.” His eyes narrowed. “Did you do-”

“Well, Guiren was there too but he had to step out.” The omega interrupted, tapping his chin. “He carried you in like a princess. It was really troublesome to get him off you.”

Jun Yibai flinched, feeling mildly panicked at the mention of the alpha. He briefly wondered how much the omega knew about what had occurred between them. Surely, he noticed, right? Omega’s have a better sense of smell than beta and-

“Wait, do I smell like him!?” Jun Yibai sniffed his arms, before realizing he could only smell himself.

“Like who? Oh, the mutt?” He guessed, smiling wider. “Yeah, a little. Nothing that would indicate anything salacious. Him, on the other hand? Oh, he must have had an interesting car ride over~”

“Li Suren!”

“What?! You’re the one who made a mess on his face.” He teased, grinning like a cat. “Beta’s might not have a scent but semen certainly does so-”

Jun Yibai covered his mouth, hating that the omega had gotten back at him so easily. And he even dares to give him a catty look?!. This wily little-

“Young master Li?” A voice echoed through the car, cutting through the casual atmosphere via the intercom. Both men had forgotten they were in the car.

“Yes?” Li Suren answered, pulling Jun Yibai’s large palm from his lips.

The beta couldn’t help but rub his palm with his thumb. It was still dry but he could still feel the warmth from Li Suren’s lips there. This went unnoticed by the omega as he listened to the driver's reply.

“The order you placed is ready for pick up.”

Jun Yibai frowned at this. “Order?”

Li Suren just smiled. He had wanted to distract his sweetie so he had pre-ordered some food but it was taking too long so he had to improvise. Teasing him by mentioning the mutt worked but he still needed the pickup to handle the other pressing issue plaguing their time together.

“I ordered us some food.” He explained. “You can just go pick it up. We’ll be there soon.”

“What were you planning on doing if I wasn’t hungry?

“Feed you anyway.” He declared, slipping his hands into the beta’s with ease. “My big strong man needs to eat solid food if I want him to get better, right?”

His hand and the memory of the warmth he’d felt before made Jun Yibai feel a bit self-conscious.

This was just Li Suren, right? There was no reason to think anything more.

Still, there was nothing wrong with letting their hands stay like this, right?


Upon arriving at the restaurant, Jun Yibai pulled his hands free as casually as he could. Li Suren didn’t mind.

Just holding hands was a good way to start. His sweetie got scared easily after all so the slow and steady method was for the best.

It was only that the mutt had managed to get so much further than him that pissed him off.

Speaking of Chen Guiren, they needed to talk.

Li Suren told the beta how to pick up the meal. Since the place he ordered from was a high-class place and rarely did pickups, the beta would have to go through the front entrance. It was best to clear things up so his sweetie wouldn’t be accosted by anyone.

“Just mention my name and it’ll be fine.” He assured the beta. “They might be a bit uptight but they’ll heel once you tell him who’s behind you.”

“So they won’t bully the dog when they know who it belongs to?” He quipped, feeling a bit weird about using Li Suren as a shield.

“I’m glad you know who you belong to, Sweetie~”

“Don’t be gross.” He grumbled, though there was no bite behind it. Perhaps it was just a habit that made him say that.

Jun Yibai stomped off, his casual confidence endearing in the eyes of the omega who wished to to one day be carried off in that man’s arms.

As soon as Jun Yibai was out of sight, Li Suren’s face turned to a scowl.

He’d gotten a text from his bodyguard a few minutes ago about some people following them. He had been worried that it was his grandfather’s men but upon being sent a photo of the pursuers, he just felt annoyed.

He looked over to the other side of the road, noting the trio of motorcycles idling.

He recognized one of the faces looking back at him.

The Ji brothers.

He knew they weren’t triplets, brothers or even sharing a drop of blood. Their only connection was the fact their names were phonetically similar.

Chen Guiren had kept his subordinates consistent and close, choosing his friends from high school to work alongside him. While the Ji brothers weren’t the brightest, they were strong, coordinated, and efficient. Hence why they usually acted as bodyguards for the alpha or Li Suren on occasion.

This was also why he knew who they were despite the helmets on their heads.

One of them even had the balls to give him a small wave.

That little-!

Li Suren pulled out his cell, calling the number he called most often as they were lifetime partners, albeit reluctantly.

The call connected almost immediately.

Before a word could be said, Li Suren snapped. “Mutt, get your pups off me or I’ll have them run off the road.”

“You took Master, you sly fuck!” The alpha snapped back, a growl rumbling under the surface. If not for his own anger, perhaps it would have intimidated an omega.

But this was an equally pissed-off omega so his growls could go fuck themselves.

Still, since they were allies, it was fine to explain himself a little.

“He needs to rest and refuses to pay for an extended hospital stay.” The omega clarified, his angry gaze falling on the men lurking across the street. “He won’t take my money.”

“Why would he think-”

“Sweetie doesn’t like owing favors.” He interjected, knowing the alpha had the same feeling about Jun Yibai’s stubbornness as him.

It was endearing but oh-so annoying.

“So you took him to your house?!”

The place Li Suren had chosen was close to his apartment so it was very clear where the omega was taking him.

Still, Li Suren felt no shame for being caught.

“Obviously, I wouldn’t take him to yours. You are busy, aren't you?” He could hear the alpha grit his teeth with anger.

Chen Guiren was busy. Their deal with Young Master Gu had taken on a new dimension and while beneficial, it disrupted their original plan. Since Chen Guiren was the one to introduce the new deal, he was tasked with seeing it to completion.

This meant the mutt wouldn’t have time to visit Jun Yibai for a while.

Li Suren would have helped but he was still angry that the alpha had gotten so far with his sweetie while he hadn’t even gotten a kiss yet.

So let him negotiate with the young master Gu, the notoriously shrewd businessman. No doubt the older man would attempt to sway their deal back to his favor. It wasn’t impossible to win but it would be quite the battle of wits.

So let Chen Guiren walk through that minefield on his own.

In the meantime, he and Sweetie would get some quality time together without the mutt butting in.

“Since you are busy, I should let you get back to work.” He said with a smirk, blowing a clearly mocking kiss to the receiver.


“I didn’t call to discuss this. Tell your subordinates to stop following us or else.” He didn't let the alpha reply, hanging up and muting his phone.

It was certainly petty but the mutts fuck up had really pissed him off. So let him stew in his frustration.

Their beta was not going to be pleased with how things had progressed. While Li Suren wasn’t clear on the details, he’d snuck a peek at the books his sweetie hid under his bed.

Such interests couldn’t come out without some trust and time. The fact he’d been drugged at the time had made the words slip free but the aftermath?

He was sure his sweetie was dying inside.

Li Suren sat back in the car, smiling as if he hadn’t threatened an up incoming gang leader and his goons that loitered about them.

He watched them answer a call, flip him the bird and drive off.

He doubted they were really gone, just out of sight.

Still, better than them lurking about, drawing attention.

A knock echoed beside his ear.

With a smile, he rolled down the window.

“That was fast. Was there no li-” He stopped, disappointed that the person facing him was not his beloved beta but one of his bodyguards. His expression darkened. “What do you want?”

His men knew better than to bother him unless his life was in danger. Since he wasn’t being told to stay hidden or being dragged off to safety, it meant this conversation was not about his well-being.

“Sir, Master Jun seems to be having some issues inside but you asked us not to interfere.”

Li Suren knew how uncomfortable his beta felt about his money so he tried to keep it to a minimum when they were together. The fact he was being notified meant that it was less a minor matter to be settled later and more like something troublesome.

His Sweetie was strong and determined but a proper mate makes his partner’s life easier when they can.


Inside, Jun Yibai was feeling regretful.

He should have bit the bullet and let Li Suren get the food. It would have been a hassle if he was recognized but at least if the beta would be shielded by the tinted glass. Now he was stuck with troublesome people.

“As I said, I’m just trying to pick up food for my friend.” He explained again, for the nth time.

The manager sneered, giving his humble clothes a once over.

“You think you can fool me? Do you know how many times we’ve kicked out hoodlums seeking to steal our customers' orders by posing as a ‘friend’?”

For some reason, Jun Yibai mentioning Li Suren’s name didn’t get the expected response. They assumed he was trying to steal his meal.

Considering how classy this place was, he doubted there were many people brazen enough to pull such a scam at a place like this. As such, he doubted his claims were true.

Yet why make a fuss?

Just as he was wondering why, a familiar voice called out to him.

“Junior Jun?” Li Min called out, looking as if she had just happened to pass by. “What a surprise to see you.”

Seeing the subtle glance she gave to the manager, Jun Yibai figured out what had happened.

He chose to ignore her, turning back to the manager.

“If you need proof that the order is for us, I can call him and-”

“Oh, you are here to pick up some food?” she cut in, smiling like they were friends. “I didn’t know you could afford the food here. Are you sure you aren’t just working as a delivery driver?”

Someone in her group snickered, apparently amused by the notion.

“Do you see anything on me that indicates that?” He shot back, cocking a brow. “I don’t need fancy clothes to pick up food. Just because you do, doesn’t mean everyone is so insecure.”

Li Min’s smile stiffened, feeling a bit silly. She hadn’t expected him to retort in such a way

“Who is this?” One of the men asked, looking confused as to why they detoured to talk to a stranger. Li Min opened her mouth to reply but the beta didn’t let her.

“Who I am is none of your business.” Jun Yibai interjected with a scowl. “We’re not friends nor do I want to know you. I just want my food.”

“Junior Jun, you shouldn’t be so rude.”

“Why not? You are keeping me here despite having a ‘guest’ with you.” He pointed out, noting the unfamiliar man, who had spoken before, behind her. “Who's really the rude one here?”

Li Min had arrived with a pair of girls and two men. The others seemed to be orbiting around one of the men so he figured this must be her guest of honor.

“You-!” Li Min seethed before calming herself down with an elegant hair flip. “I suppose it can’t be helped that you are this way. A man willing to sell himself just to get into a good school can’t be anything else.”

Ah, this bullshit again.

“Him? Is he an omega?” The man asked, glancing at Jun Yibai’s neck for a collar. Seeing none, his frown deepens. “A beta?”

“Yes, I heard he might have some salacious relationship with an older man.”

The man was clearly doubtful. “Really?”

Jun Yibai watched this clown show, feeling himself get dumber with every syllable. What kind of bullshit is this? Making accusations like this with a stranger like they were a bunch of housewives. It was gross.

He’d have ignored it but their words were making the manager even more doubtful.

Obviously, a kept man couldn’t possibly be ordering food from a place like this.

These people were fucking stupid.

His expression remained stoic, though on the inside he was seething.

He just wanted to pick up some takeout and leave!


Jun Yibai felt something grab his arm, distracting him from the dumb people in front of him.

“Sweetie, what’s taking so long?” Li Suren said with a pout, not giving the group any of his attention. “I’m hungry.”

“Same but apparently, I’m supposed to be wearing a suit in order to pick up food.” He replied, staring down at the handsome omega. “Then some clowns showed up and made things more troublesome.”

Li Suren snickered, loving the shocked sounds coming from the group in front of them. His Sweetie truly held nothing back.

Still, he couldn’t let some clowns trouble his precious beta.

“Oh?” He cooed, sounding intrigued. “I didn’t know this place had clowns as live entertainment! And we aren’t even seated yet we get a show?”

“I suppose a place like this has to make up for the bad service with something, right?”

The back-and-forth jabs were devastating to the manager and Li Min. They had assumed they could insult and deride Jun Yibai since he was alone. Yet he dared call them clowns!?

One of the girls, Su Zhe, couldn’t help but speak up with indignation. Li Min was her meal ticket after all!

“You jerks! How dare you call Young Miss Li a clown! Do you know who you are insulting if you say such things?”

This caught Li Suren’s attention.

“Young Miss Li?” He echoed, his expression turning strange. “You are telling me she is a member of the Li Family? The Li clan?”

Assuming he was feeling regretful, Su Zhe puffed up arrogantly.

He must be feeling regretful now.

“Yes, she is. Do you dare call her a clown now?” She challenged, giving them a haughty look. “You should apologize while you still have the chance. She might just forgive you.”

“Now, Xiao-Zhe, there's no need to be so combative.” Li Min said softly, suddenly the mediator where before she was the instigator. “My family isn’t so petty as to go after people below them. That would just be bullying.”

Implying they were the ‘people below them’, huh?

Li Min was quite a character when Hanyu wasn’t around.

Somehow she was even more annoying!

Meanwhile, Li Suren just kept staring at her, unconcerned about Su Zhe’s demand for a groveling apology. No, he just looked perplexed.

“You?” He questioned, looking Li Min up and down. “You’re a Li?”

Having been ignored, Su Zhe couldn’t help but complain.

“Who are you to doubt her?!” She snapped, looking ready to attack like an enraged puppy. “If the young miss says so, why make it your busin-”

“You are claiming to be a member of the Li family and using that status to bully my sweetie here.” Li Suren cut her off, giving her a cold look. “Why shouldn’t I get involved? The Li clan is an ancient and noble bloodline yet here you are tarnishing the name”

Li Min was quick to deny this. “I’m doing no such thing!”

“Oh?” He sneered, leaning on Jun Yibai’s arm like a coy lover. “Yet here you were, acting like a child with a shiny new toy. How are you even related to the Li’s? I don't have a face like yours.”

“Like mine?!” She knew he was insulting her. He had to be!

Li Min was confident in her looks but her features were sharp, like any alpha. She had to use makeup to soften her features. This guy was clearly an omega, with his collar and delicate features.

Worse, he was absolutely stunning as an omega. She had a crush on Hanyu because he was more handsome than cute, unlike most omega’s. This guy somehow was both!

It was infuriating to be compared to an omega when it came to looks!

The man being orbited, Wu Yusheng, couldn’t help but butt into her thoughts.

“Li Min, I think I know this guy.” He whispered, though they were close enough that his whisper could be heard by everyone. “I’ve seen him at some of the dinners with the Li's. Perhaps he’s from a branch family?”

A branch family?! Li Suren almost burst out laughing.

His noble blood was pure and derived from the most respected omega in the city, Li Suzhen. That old man might be a pain but he was still his family so if there was some strange woman claiming to be his relative, how could he stand to let it slide?

Moreover, she was the bitch who’d been spreading dirty rumors about his beloved beta. He wasn’t about to let some uptight alpha dare make trouble for his Sweetie.

More importantly, he felt like this might be a little fun too~


AN: One day, I hope to find a novel with the premise of ‘I was reborn as the best friend of the Toxic Male Lead’. I’ve been reading some evil novels that lure you in with fluff and punch you in the dick with angst. Dumb, really easily resolvable angst. And at the heart of all these misunderstandings is a male best friend who thinks the best response to your girl being upset that your paranoid ass threatened to skin her male friend alive like a grape is ‘just buy her shit. She’ll get over it.’

As you can tell, stories like these frustrate me to no end.

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