(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Becoming the pet dragon

Something felt weird. Something felt very weird. Suffocating and tickling. It was pressing down on him! 

Eric ripped his eyes open. He couldn't breathe! Terrifying! This was terrifying! Why couldn't he breathe? 

Eric struggled and panicked. Was he being strangled? Buried under something heavy? Submerged? 

But then a light voice pulled him out of his anxiety and lifted the boulder off Eric, both mentally and physically, "Are you awake?"

On the small bed, Eric quickly turned around and stared an awake Hans in the face.


Hans! Eric flew out of Hans' embrace and excitedly circled around Hans until Hans' big and soft hands caught this little pet and brought him to his chest where Eric settled down and made himself comfortable.

"Teacher, it's alright, I'm fine. I'm happy to see you and that you're excited to see me," Lav's wonderful laughter lit this small house up and when he tapped Eric's nose, sparks blossomed around them.

But Eric- Teacher?... Processing...

"Lav!" so this was Lav! Eric wasn't wrong!

"Lav, can you hear me?"

"Yes, teacher, I can hear you, the master-servant bond is activated, Hans and Howl can understand each other."

Eric was very happy to hear that. At least, he wasn't a mute dragon anymore and was able to communicate with someone.

"Teacher, how's my story?"

At this, Eric raised tail lowered. When Eric went out to steal- cough, borrowed food these past few days, he heard how scared people were because Eli still didn't wake up.

If she was in a coma for a long time, the king really was going to attack Murim! Martial arts could do nothing against laser beams or nukes. If nuclear and cyber weapons rained down on Murim, they would instantly be destroyed! Eric also heard the culprit was instantly killed.

So, Eric was reluctant to tell this to Lav because of his recklessness, he completely changed the plot. Eric was sure Murim wasn't supposed to be threatened, right?

Eric had no idea how to break it to Lav when suddenly [Bing] this cursed skill decided to make a comeback.

[Teacher, as a dragon, is very cute]


I don't need this embarrassment and humiliation! Don't you dare tell this to anyone! Lav saw Eric's dampened mood and gently used a finger to hold up Eric's chin, when their gaze crossed, Lav hosted a deadly attack!

His beautiful smile! While Eric subconsciously dealt a counterattack. The moment he sadly, with his big eyes and dropped ears looked at Lav, Lav's heart received a fatal K.O.

[Teacher's way too cute to be legal!]

You're not fucking legal! Deactivate skill! Deactivate!

[Skill Deactivated]

Now you decide to listen to me, huh? And before Eric focused again, he was pulled into Lav's bear hug.

"Lav! Your wounds!"

"Don't worry, teacher! You took such good care of me, I'm fine."

Wow, would you look at this very filial and polite student who now crossed the border by hugging his dragon teacher?

"Teacher, can I say something?"

Why was Lav being so cautious all of a sudden?

"What is it?"

"Teacher... you're really cute!"

Kuagh! Eric wanted to spit acid onto Lav to make him disintegrate! Eric would've known it without Lav saying something this unnecessary! This blinding audacity this cheeky student here had! Even going far as to tease his teacher huh?

"Don't call me that! I didn't want to be stuck in this body! Who do you think took care of you?"

"Of course, teacher did! Teacher is the best."

Hmpf, that's right, you better know who your benefactor is before spouting such nonsense again!


[Teacher is such a dishonest fluffy tsundere.]

FUCK! Eric swore the skill was doing this on purpose. It selected the most awful things for Eric to hear to take a piss out of him! Eric finally got this confirmation. This skill did have a mind on its own!

There was no way it wouldn't! Eric didn't accept this! And of course, it looked like that the skill went off by itself again, refusing to activate, no matter how many times Eric tried to force it to do. Eric's been paying it imaginary bullshit!

"Teacher?" feeling Lav's warm hand caressing his back, Eric suddenly shuddered and pulled back from Lav's overly intimate embrace.

"Cough," Eric was about, no, didn't he already, throw his fake act away? Whatever, he couldn't stand Lav's overly gentle eyes, he definitely never had before and looked at Eric like this because he was a bloody dragon, and changed the topic quickly. 

The further the boat stirred away from this dangerous overly cuteness overloaded stream, the faster it avoided an outcome like booty Titanic tripping on an iceberg!

What was the iceberg in this situation? Eric's damn form! No, it might be Lav's questionable behaviour towards him! Yes, Lav has always pretended to be nice to juicen Eric up but now he acted like a doting husband majorly in love with his wife. Only thing was, this wannabe wife was a full-fledged dragon!

And the look in Lav's eyes bordered more on the area of love for a pet than a love interest. Hmm, Eric got worried. Did Lav perhaps have a ...furry fetish? Heaven, Lav please save this poor kinky soul and Eric's mind! Eric didn't even have fur!

"Lav, how do you get into this situation? What are the circumstances?" After murdering himself for a good while inside head under Lav's scrutinising stare, Eric managed to choke out at last.

"Oh, that...'' Lav embarrassed scratched his head and as if Eric caught him throwing back a fish into the ocean he fished out and was caught making out with, he said, "When I teleported into this body, I was in the middle of the war. It was crazy and I was already badly injured and the enemy was after me. However, I managed to escape. The space shuttle I was on was already on its way to Murim. I crash-landed not too far and finally made it here."

Hearing this, Eric was shocked. Lav went through a lot! Eric's worries were nothing compared to that.

"Teacher don't worry. I'm a demon, still, although it's not my body, I'm tenacious enough to survive something like this," seeing the worried eyes of the dragon, Lav's heart felt itchy and moved due to his teacher's care.

He really never expected Eric to be so caring. For the past few days, it was Eric who nurtured Lav back to life and now Eric even became teary-eyed. Lav has always thought Eric, despite his empty phrases, never cared about them demons, so this was a very pleasant surprise.

Another beautiful misunderstanding, because if Hans wasn't the MC, Eric would've given a singly flying demon fuck for him.

On the other side, Eric was alarmed because Lav believed him so easily! And what the hell was Eric doing showing so obviously his worry and concern? Dammit, has his acting skills disappeared? Was he doomed to show more of his true self?

Never! This could never happen, although he was indeed trying to keep his act up all the time! And Eric's reputation long went down the drain, especially with this dragon appearance!

Another sad appearance was Lav's! Although Hans could count as a top tier handsome male in this world, it really was absolutely no match for Lav's real appearance and this was a big shame. Especially in Eric's opinion, because at least he could've gotten eye candy to look at but nope.

Anyways, why was Eric so thirsty for eye candy? This was unlike him! Focus on the plot Eric, focus! And not your horny senses!

Dammit, Eric has really gone down a lot, huh? He's become a simple trash character, right? Self-deprecating about what he has turned into Eric didn't even realise he sighed for quite a long while.

Lav who amused watched this cute and deflated dragon on his chest started to scratch Eric's ears and rub his head. Mhm, that felt really good. At this thought, Eric jolted awake and tried to escape but was trapped like a small kitten wanting to run from a clingy admirer.

In the end, Eric had to submit to his fate and was satisfied and purred. Fuck!

"Teacher what about you," Lav noticed Eric unwillingness and diverted his attention, "How did you fare after teleporting here?"

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