(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

I’m not your nanny but I sure act like one

If Eric didn't leave, none of this would've happened. The bloody king wanted to declare war on poor Murim! It was Eric's action that caused this to happen. Damn, was the plot going to change because of Eric? Because of this incident? Would this have any meaning later on?

But wait the plot focus wasn't on Eric currently but with Hans. So, when Howl and Hans met again and Hans found out he almost caused a possible war, only then would the readers find out about it and... naturally be angry.

While things were in this tense stalemate, Eric snuck out to see Eli. No one bothered to notice him, the dragon, anyways.

Eric was quite surprised to hear that Eli was back on the spaceship, recuperating but he would've expected it because the technology was much better than Murim's.

Seeing Eli in a glass vitrine, Eric rolled his eyes. The king was too dramatic. It wasn't like Eli was going to die, right? She got hurt, yes, but Eric didn't think it was too bad. However, how did Eli get into a coma? From what Eric remembered, most of her injuries were physical rather than internal.

Well, Eric hoped Eli recovered fast, after all, she risked her life to save him and with that Eric left the spaceship and new earth people.

He had to follow this burning yearning that fortunately subdued a lot after his slumber and was more bearable.

This time his journey went very smoothly. After two hours of tiresome flying, Eric finally entered a vast grassland where nature ruled and no human was present. It was very peaceful at the far end, there was a waterfall quietly flourishing with a beautiful sight.

The only prominent noises were the birds chirping and flying around in the clear, blue sky. Eric breathed a sigh of relief as it felt like he finally arrived at the place where Hans was but just where was he? Nothing but grass and nature appeared.

Eric knew, he knew very oh-so-well that this was a bad idea but... but he still did it. With all of his might, he gave a loud roar which echoed across the whole place.

"RAWRRRRR!" and then Eric closed his eyes before timidly opening them again. Was... someone or something coming? Some kind of ferocious beast?

Yet nothing came, to Eric's relief. He roared because his instincts, or maybe it was Howl, told him to shout to his heart's content in hopes of Hans hearing him. Howl's overly naïve thinking, not Eric's. Of course, totally not.

Taking a deep breath, Eric shook his little wings and continued to fly. Ever since he teleported into the story, he wasn't able to look into a mirror to see himself. So, he didn't even know what colour his skin was or if he was cute or not. Although, yes Eric was very cute. Always.

Surprisingly, the perks that came with being a dragon was he didn't need to pee or poop nor did he need to drink or eat as frequently as humans do. He could go on for days not replenishing himself, which was very weird but also very nice.

When Eric flew around this lonely place, absent-mindedly, he came closer to the waterfall and at this moment hearing the water splashing happily, Eric's heart was squeezed tightly. Here! Hans was very close!

The area under the waterfall looked like another dimension, different from the green grassland. Earthy ground, a silent retreat and an abundance of blue from the waterfall into the pond, opened up from the busy place prior.

And on the earthy ground next to the large pond where the water accumulated, a small wooden house stood.

It looked uninhabited and gave this tranquil area a melancholic look but Eric felt it. Hans was in there! 

Not being able to contain his joy, Eric quickly rushed into the wooden shed. It had only one room. Very sparsely but on the simple bed laid Hans. A youth with golden blonde short hair, a peaceful handsome face however what shocked Eric the most was the blood! 'Hans' blood that got onto the bed sheet and even worse, fresh blood was leaking!

"Rawr!" Hans! 

Did he just make it here? Using his last bit of strength and consciousness? Eric had to instantly apply first aid but the problem was- Eric had no idea about first aid! But this didn't stop him. He moved very fast. In less than a second, Eric's claws ripped through Hans' clothes and inspected the wound. It was quite dep.

Half of his stomach was slashed and more cuts were on his legs and arms. Eric looked around but found nothing in this useless place, so inevitable, he took Hans' bloody clothes and rushed to the stream. Washing them and putting a bit of water into an old bowl, he found outside the house, Eric used it to clean Hans' wound and wipe him clean.

Now looking at his body, Hans was quite muscular and well-built but this youth looked completely different from the prince charming Lav was. Was this Lav or not? Until Hans woke up, Eric wouldn't get an answer. Maybe Lav was even the villain like Leon or a small character like Lyna was. There were endless possibilities.

For now, Eric didn't wonder about it. The safety and survival of the MC came first where obviously plot armour would never let the son of heavens die, but just to be sure because his demons students and the system loved to fuck him over.

After making sure Hans was clean, Eric as fast as possible left the place and snuck into some houses that were nearby to fetch some things, he promised to return later.

The same evening, Eric fell exhausted next to Hans and even cuddled into his arms. This day has been very tiring for Eric. He never had to take care of someone, so this was a new experience.

After cleaning Hans, Eric disinfected his wound, nicely (awfully) bandaged his wound with much effort, put on his clothes, fed him (forced) some soup in order not to let him starve and dehydrate. Just look at all the things Eric did for this MC just to not let him move to a grave under the earth.

Eric didn't even bother to eat himself. Spooning Hans soup and hoping he'd swallowed, it also gave Eric a fright. Sadly, there weren't any hospitals here and Eric definitely couldn't let anyone touch Hans or see him since he was a new earther.

And he also didn't want the new earther to find Hans, for now. Only after conversing with Hans, hopefully, Lav, they'd come to the next decision!

Eric hoped he did the right thing. Feeding the injured and unconscious like this. There was nothing convenient here in this world like feeding patients through damn needles stuck in their skins! Luckily, when Eric was on earth, Eric never got sick.

And no, he wasn't an idiot. 

Not long later, Eric fell asleep and curled up under the blanket, he, as well, stole-cough, borrowed from somewhere else.

The next morning, the same ordeal continued. Rebandaging Hans' wounds, feeding him, making sure he was fine, making sure Eric was fine, Eric felt like a full-fledged nanny. Be grateful you're the MC, this amazing editor would've never possessed a dragon and taken you!

At night, Eric cuddled with Hans again. It somehow felt like Hans sensed his presence and his face riddled with pain turned softer and relaxed.

This routine kept on going for three more days until the next morning, Hans finally opened his eyes. He turned around and found a very cute dragon curled up in his arms.

Then Hans looked down on his body and a beautiful smile blossomed on his face. He stroked the sleeping dragon and felt its warmth, "Did you do this? Thank you."

The dragon was very peacefully slumbering when Hans pulled it closer to him and buried his head into its soft skin.

"You've worked hard," Hans tenderly looked at the dragon before he continued to smile, "Thank you for taking care of me, teacher."

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