(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

Begone tho- main girl

"And this is how we got here," drenched Eric brought the wet culprit into the house and woke Lav up. Lav was surprised and quickly prepared a hot bath for Eric, while drying him, Lav laughed, "So you both fell into the stream?"

"I-I didn't intend to! Howl just scared me and I lost my balance so-"

Yes, this pouty and sulky voice belonged to- Dun Dun Dun- none other than the stubborn princess!

The reason why Eli was even more down was the fact that Hans, her ultimate crush has been focusing all of his attention, care and love on Howl!

She knew they had an unbreakable bond but as a fellow human and woman, Eli felt completely defeated. She loved Howl as well but Hans first bathed and took care of Howl before even letting her use the bathroom and warm up! Hey, dragons were studier and won't get a cold but she might! Why was this so unfair?

There was no way, Eric didn't notice Eli's aggrieved gazes and while he was wrapped in a towel, held by Lav, Eric sighed and asked, 'Lav, you do know she has a crush on Hans right?'

'Of course, I'm the author.'

Fuck, how did Eric forget that? Did he become senile by being spoilt? What the hell?

'Then does it make you uncomfortable?' 

Lav paused before giving Eric a charming smile, 'I'm used to it.'

Obviously, prince charming gets all the ladies crazy after him. Like that popular kid who's used to all the fame, popularity and fawns but still remains kind and humble, completely the opposite to what Eric used to be. Well, Eric didn't bother with it anymore.

'So, she'll be stuck with us...'

'Teacher, doesn't like it?' Lav smiled knowingly and teased Eric but Eric had no idea what Lav meant nor cared to read his mind.

'A variable threatening the plot to deteriorate,' Eric sighed. His chance of leaving the story as quick and smooth as possible were diminishing second by second. However, Lav knew what Eric was worried about and said, 'Don't worry, I'll keep her in check. Let's go back to sleep.'

Lav put Eric on the bed while he walked out of the house under the confused gaze of Eli. A second later, Lav came back and smiled, "Eli, you can sleep there."

Eli followed Lav and her eyes almost fell out. W-What was happening to Hans? Why did he suddenly dislike her so much? Something must've happened during the time he was injured! It was definitely the doing of these hateful magic people! There was no other explanation!

Eli gritted her teeth and forced back her tears. Or else Hans would never ask her to sleep outside!

Well, Hans, with his magic, created a room next to the house but why didn't he let her sleep with them in the small one-room house? She didn't mind sleeping on the ground!


"Eli, I'm sorry but people will misunderstand. You are a princess, even if we'ee close, I can't offend you."

Who would know? Just me and you!

Eli was very aggrieved. This wasn't the Hans she knew, the past Hans would've never let her suffer such grief! Devastation didn't even describe what Eli felt, her fingers trembled and her lips quivered but she remained firm.

"Precisely because I'm a princess, I can't sleep alone! It's dangerous!"

"I know," Lav gently said and took her hand. Then he led her into the room to crush all of her hopes, "that's why I put a barrier around this. No one but us can see it, so don't worry. Even if someone attacks you, you won't be hurt."

Cry! Cry! Cry! Eli wanted to cry! What was this plain obvious awful treatment? But in the end, Eli had to give up as he just left her alone. At least the room was luxurious, she could find some comfort in this.

Meanwhile, Lav went back to the house and found Eric asleep. Pulling the blanket over them, Lav cuddled with Eric. If Eric knew what Lav just did, he would spit 1000 curses at the mistreatment of the main girl!

Fuck, can you even be considered the MC? This was rather a 'slap-all- thots-away' beta MC!

Luckily, Eric didn't know. He only noticed Eli's very depressed mood the next morning but blamed it on Lav prioritising him over her. However, in the afternoon sudden energy came over Eli as they hiked up the steep mountain path to the next village.

While Eric and Lav rested in a small space close to the village, Eli said excitedly, jumping up and down, "I'm going to get us some lunch!"

They weren't planning to enter this village and wanted to continue their journey until evening where they'd find a place to stay.

"Eli, it's dangerous," Lav was worried his character was going off on her journey to be killed. This would change the story drastically.

"I'm fine, just cast some magic over me!'' Lav glanced at Eric, who sat on his ass with his little stomach bulging out.

'Just let her do as she pleases.'

Eric knew it was because this love-struck fool wanted to earn back her brownie points with Lav.

"If teacher says so."

"Do they get together? Hans and Eli?" Eric suddenly asked as Eli's gradually smaller form disappeared in the nearby village.

"I haven't written so far yet."

"Then did you think about it?"

"I'm not sure, I was playing around with different ideas."

"Fair enough," Eric knew how fucking whimsical authors were. 

At the last second, they'd decide to kill off a character, pull a major plot twist or create a new character named Eric and have him be the antagonist stabbed 3000 times and suffer for an eternity. 

In other words, authors staying consistent with outlines most of the time didn't work but it wasn't bad because new ideas meant a fresh breath of air for the plot and sometimes an improvement.

Eric suddenly felt lazy, he laid on the ground and like a needy kitten looked at Lav. Fuck! He wanted belly rubs, pats and caresses so badly!

What the fuck was this hoax? Was Eric going to fully transform into a pet? And of course, Lav who sensed Eric's intentions and feelings, took Eric into his arms and rubbed his belly, "Teacher is so cute!"

BLANK, rage, furious anger! Eric wanted to die of shame! Wait, wait, wait, let's change topics!

Ah yes, wasn't this the perfect time to get to know Lav better?


"Yes, teacher?"

"A bit to the right."

Smile, "Of course."

FUCK! This is not what I meant? Calm your overwhelming rage, Eric! Calm thy might!

"Cough, what I wanted to ask was why did you want to write this story? What made you interested in becoming an author?"

In normal, not full of hidden intention, words, lay bare your past and I'll skin you if it's gonna be another tragic sob story!

"Hmm, it's nothing special. Nol was interested in books and when the Demon Lord brought me in, Nol shared his books with me, so I started to love reading. And when Nol, wanted to become an author, I also wanted. Nol really admires teacher and me too!"

Charming, innocent, beaming smile!

KUAGH! The force Lav's charm held was too deadly! So no tragic bullshit? The relationship between you and Nol sounds so pure, so brotherly, so what the fuck went wrong between you two?

Eric of course couldn't straight-out ask but he now realised Lav was the type to be easily misunderstood. Just like Eric thought badly of Lav, he was just easily misunderstood. Something must've happened to make Nol think Lav was fake as well!

'Skill, c'mon activate!'

[Skill activation]

[Sub skill- Flashback activated]

Here to tell the truth!

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