(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

This is just another story trying to get its screentime

"Brother! I really like his book!" a cute, small hand held a large book while little legs stumbled forwards. With dazzling big eyes and a gentle smile, Lav, as a child, was too adorable to look at!

His chubby and rosy cheeks were so pinchable! Paired with his blonde hair, he looked like an angel. On the other side, the slightly taller boy gently held Lav stopping him from falling, "Be careful."

With an overly sweet big bro vibe, Nol was completely different from his bratty and puppy attitude. He actually seemed to be mature and dependable.

"Brother is the best!" Lav's giddy smile and Nol's helpless one lit up the whole room.

Inside Nol's room, on his bed, under the blanket, Lav and Nol happily sat next to each other and intently stared at a book.

Nol's firm and perfect acting read out the book while Lav's big and amazed eyes glistened. It was really an adorable sight. This brotherly relationship was beautiful and would blossom into a deeper bond of loyalty and love.

If only the future was kind to them because unfortunately, it wasn't. Certain incidents led to their current situation.


Eric leaned against the wall and watched the two cute kids that would later become his problematic students. Then a long sigh escaped his thin yet luscious lips.

"Do you... have to fucking narrate this whole thing?"

Yes, the sentimental sentences were fucking narrated by the fucking skill's mechanical ass voice.

Also, why the fuck was Eric this time physically in the flashback? Wasn't it usually him seeing it like a film? Is this damn skill doing something unnecessary again? Gosh dammit!

Anger fumed out of Eric's perfectly styled hair and his handsome face contorted in hesitation until finally, Eric pushed himself off the wall and approached these two kids on the bed.

Seeing how lovely and carefree they snuggled against each other, Eric really couldn't believe these were Lav and Nol. Suddenly an urge rose that Eric couldn't swallow down. His fair and long fingers reached out and BOING- first poked, then pinched these chubby cheeks. Since he was in a ghost-like state, he indeed was able to touch them but they'd never notice his existence. Very well. Eric got bolder and ruffled their hairs.

Fuck, Eric really wished he had his phone and snapped some pictures to tease Lav and Nol about it, but Eric couldn't deny these two were really cute like this. If only they remained little kids as his students.

Wait! Eric jumped and questioned himself. He wasn't a pedo! It was only less troublesome to have these pure and innocent demons than an ex-brat turned puppy and prince charming. Although Nol and Lav as they were now, weren't too bad either. Dammit, was Eric getting soft? Did he really develop a soft spot for his demon students?

No, no, no this shouldn't be. Error! Error!

Report! Report! Abort mission! Next flashback! Eric pulled his hand away and coughed. Well, let's pretend nothing happened and Eri didn't suddenly develop fatherly feelings to dote on them. Cough cough cough.

'And as time flew, these two inseparable, will become sadder and unfortunate than anyone anticipa-' Again! Stop with the narration! Your dry ass voice is grating my ears!

[Skill: Hurt]

What the fuck? Do you have feelings? 


SWOOSH! In an instant, several scenes flew past Eric and they were all full of painful misunderstandings that Eric felt so bad for Lav but also understood where Nol came from, he wished he could turn back time to record it all to show to Nol.

Every time Lav wanted to do something good for Nol, be it cooking his favourite dish, writing him a story, taking him to a beautiful place, fate loved to take a piss out of them and make Nol miserable or have the events end in a situation where Nol got blamed and hated by everyone. 

Lav who obviously have no idea what happened, just smiled at Nol in anticipation, "Did you like this? I made it just for you!"

But obviously Not misunderstood and thought the reason why he got scolded and blamed or hurt was because of Lav's scheming.

This two-faced fake bastard! In the end, Nol never received the presents or good deeds Lav did for him, something always came in between. This was when Nol was finally sure Lav was trying to harm him while pretending to be innocent.

Poor Lav was confused as to why his big brother suddenly turned so cold and hateful to him, one day he figured out why. But he couldn't blame Nol for thinking Lav was a greasy bastard and didn't try to justify himself. There was no evidence and nothing backing him up anyways.

"Gosh," Eric wanted to tear the images in front of him apart. What a wannabe sob story, "Are you now trying to get me to clear up the misunderstanding between them?"

Eric was just a pitiful scum editor and not a damn normally sociable, empathetic human! STOP! Don't develop pity, or empathy or a soft spot!

The next second, the surroundings around Eric changed. Now he found himself in a living room flooded by sunlight.

"Grandma! Here!" A very small Lav ran to an elderly woman on the couch and hugged her before giving her a drawing.

"This is beautiful, my dear," the grandmother kissed Lav's head and raised his drawings.

Eric looked around. Lav was definitely younger than in the first scene with Nol. So this meant, this was before Del picked up Lav? 

Lav lived with his grandmother alone in a fairly normal house. It seemed to be only them two. After Eric strolled around the room, he came to this conclusion.

And Eric was not wrong. Just when he went back to the living room, Del stood there and talked to them! Del didn't look much different, the only thing was that he did look younger and less muscular than he was now.

Fuck, how old was Del? Wasn't Lav only a year younger than Eric? No, no wait, these demons might be hundreds of years old but in human age were only 20ish, or did time flow differently in the Demon World?

Eric needed answers! Did he really think about getting boned by demons who were hundreds of years old than him?

His demonay was diminishing! Actually no, it wasn't. Eric still drooled over these fine demons.

Anyway, in the next second, Del allowed Lav's grandmother to live with them in the castle. Nol and Lav got along quickly which made Lav's grandma very happy. Then... not long after, his grandmother passed away and that was when Nol started to read books to Lav every night and Lav started to love books.

The flashback ended here. Well, Eric was happy Lav didn't have an overly tragic or sad story.

However, even though Eric didn't want to admit it, his heart ached for the broken brotherly relationship between Nol and Lav.

"Teacher?"Eric, forcefully thrown out of the flashback, shivered. Lav noticed that and held this small dragon in his arms closer, much to Eric's dismay because he got reminded again, he was a fucking dragon! His human form! Nowhere to be found!

"I'm fine," Eric mumbled and needed time to get adjusted to reality. They were still resting next to the mountain path.

"Teacher suddenly fell asleep and I got worried."

"Don't worry, I'm fine,'' Eric actually flew up and patted Lav's head. With wide eyes, Lav stared in disbelief at Eric, "T-Teacher what did I do to deserve this?"

Because you're actually an innocent cinnamon roll constantly misunderstood.

"Because you're obedient and very caring. Thank you," Eric wanted to treat Lav better from now on.

"Teacher!" Lav pulled Eric in his bear hug again and smiled beautifully. At this moment, the whole sun beamed down at Eric.

Yeah, this prince charming could be fatal. 

Eric sighed. 

Coincidentally, Eli came back with a basket full of food. 

Eric sighed even more.

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