(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!


At first, Lav was only interested in Eric because Nol admired Eric as an editor and although their relationship wasn't great anymore, anything Nol liked, Lav liked as well.

However, when Lav became interested in writing, he finally understood why Eric was a great editor and wanted to learn from him. And the more time Lav got to spend with Eric, the more he thought Eric was very cute and humans an interesting species and he misjudged. More than that, Lav felt incredible awe for Eric. Paired with respect, Lav was the perfect student, any teacher could ask for.

Studious, curious,  knowledge-thirsty, polite and respectful and kind. All Lav wanted from Eric was to be acknowledged and praised. Lav took his profession, his dream as an author very seriously and Eric was really doing his best to help them.

What Lav absolutely loathed was to disappoint Eric, so Lav was very happy, Eric didn't seem to hate his story so much. So, did this mean Lav's story was good? Had potential? Lav could become a great and successful author?

"Hans?" Eli held up a peeled fruit to Lav's lips and batted her eyelashes innocently.

"Thanks," Lav forced himself out of his thoughts and smiled at Eli. His dazzling aura brought Eli to heavens before violently crashing her back onto earth. Although Lav took the peeled fruit from Eli, he actually fed Eric with it!

However, Eli swallowed the disappointment down and peeled another fruit. Luckily, this time Lav ate it himself. Eric watched this exchange wordlessly and just enjoyed the food. He really couldn't care for the princess unrequited love that, indirectly Eric, may or may not, have caused.

After they rested, it took them another day until they finally found the location where the 'ruler' disappeared and hid. It was a beautifully tranquil place. Deep inside the mountain, behind a cave opening, there was a large, large island surrounded by glistening water. 

Light iridescent veils hung over the border of the water. Lav, Eric and Eli stood at the entrance, the only place where a bit of soil was beneath their feet. Just a few centimetres further and they plunged into the water.

Of course, to even pass the entrance and get to this magnificent place needed one to undergo a trial but since the MC had plot armour, it went without a hitch.

"Wow," Eli marvelled at the sight, "This is like another dimension."

Indeed, it really seemed like this, after all, how the fuck could there be a fucking sea with an island of the size of a mountain in the middle of the mountains?

The sky was exceptionally clear and sunshine lit up the whole place, having it dance in colours. The island itself was bare though, nothing but juicy, vibrant green covered the place. Eric narrowed his eyes, as a dragon it was easy for him to fly there. In his true form, he could carry both Lav and Eli, but were things this simple?

"So, we should get to the island?" seeing how Lav didn't speak up, Eli perplexed stared at him. Why was he so serious?

'Teacher, do you feel that?'

'The wind?'

When Lav mentioned it, suddenly cold breeze swept over Eric's skin making him shudder then-

"Eli, do you feel cold?"

"Huh, no?" Eli was even more confused and couldn't see the massive whirlwind that brewed over the peaceful water that by each second became stormy and unruly.

"And the water?" Eli followed Lav's view, "Erm... looks normal?"

"I see."

'Teacher, could this be another test?'

'There's no other way but to check,' honestly, recklessly plunged into danger wasn't a good choice and only infuriated the readers, however, Eric, religiously swore to live by the motto 'Edit on paper and not real life!'

So, Eric couldn't care less how the story went now, as long as it was close to a good story, the plotholes and other stupid details could be mend later.

The system, after the first story, didn't say anymore he had to edit the story perfectly so that the readers loved it and propelled the author into popularity, no, now the system only said to edit the story successfully.

By which standards, it didn't say, so Eric just went by his own criteria. Fuck the system!

"Ok," without waiting and hesitating, Lav was about to step onto water when Eli asked, "Hans, what are you doing?"

"Let go- '' but by now the whirlwind that obediently swirled above water, dangerously approached the shore. It came closer and closer until Lav quickly shielded both of them and was swallowed up by the whirlwind.

Talk about anti-climatic, however, drama queen deserves an Oscar-

"HANSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Eli was ready to jump after Hans but Eric fell in front of her and stopped her.

Lav disappeared, Eli broke crying down to the ground and Eric was unfazed. Protagonist halo strong. Stonks up. Cough.

Eric really didn't know how to comfort the crying Elia and just buzzed around her, hoping she magically understood and grew some brains.

"Howl!" and of course, Eric was instantly squished into a tight embrace and struggled to get out.

Great... however, not much later, suddenly, out of thin air, a bridge formed over the water between the shore they stood on until the island.

"What?" shocked Eli stood up and nervously got closer to the bridge. Using this opportunity, Eric managed to free himself and flapped his way to the island.

Since Eric had no fear, Eli, as well, threw away her cautiousness and skipped over the bridge.

The fact that the bridge appeared after Lav has completed the trial and he didn't reappear, meant he was on the next one. The MC had to work hard, so all small fires could easily lay down and pass.

"Hank is ok?" Eli laid on the grass and watched Eric fly around. Since Eli didn't understand what Eric said, no, made up her own words and put it into Eric's mouth, Eric didn't bother with her.

He explored the vast island with nothing on it, where the entirety of the island could be seen with just one blink.

Yet while a full hour passed, and Eli whined of boredom and wanted Eric to play with her, which he did by dodging her bear hug attacks, Eric suddenly got a bad feeling. What was this foreboding he felt? As a dragon, Eric's senses were keener and he could feel unnecessary calamity brewing.

And indeed, the fucking island started sprouting trees and houses and all the other good shit an enjoyable island should have.

"What's going on?" Eli was of course perplexed but Eric knew it was because Lav was successful but seriously what the fuck?

Each time Lav passed a trial, something popped up and inhibited the island? What kind of hogus bogus was that? But this sudden explosion of weird things wasn't the source of Eric's discomfort, no, it was something else and Eric felt it approaching!

In an instant, he beamed over water to the entrance.

"H-Howl?" Eli could barely keep up and was confused about Eric's behaviour, however, Eli soon understood.

Not far from the entrance, further down the mountains, a group of suspicious people were headed their way.

It was obvious they were following them!! They acted very suspicious and stealthily moved around, afraid to be caught. 

Eric wanted to blast them away when suddenly Eli grabbed his tail and dragged him back to the entrance, "It's best not to engage them when Hans is away! Let's just hide! They can't come into the entrance!" 

Eric had no idea what got into Eli but realised her last encounter with a group of suspicious people went badly, so maybe this princess developed a trauma?

But Eli was right, maybe it was better not to confront them.





Guys, it is not wise to ship Lav and Eric, since Lav has only respectful admiration towards Eric lmao

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