(BL) I teleported again and now all demons want me!

The ruler with veins all over his face

After the discovery of suspicious people, Eric and Eli made it back to the island just when Lav appeared. And of course-

"Hans!" Eli immediately fell into Lav's arms. Lav literally spawned out of thin air like a noob getting killed over and over again in a game dragging all teammates down, being basically fucking useless.

What do people call them? Ah yes, randoms or randumbs. Basically, Lav successfully passed all trials without a hitch.

"Did something happen?" Lav gently peeled Eli off and signalled Eric to land on his shoulders.

Very unwillingly and very arrogantly, Eric let himself be ordered around and sat on Lav's shoulder.

"Nothing!" Eli beamed happily yet Eric raised his eyebrow. Excuse me?

Shouldn't you tell Lav about the suspicious people about to catch us off-guard and raid us?

Eric found this very suspicious of Eli, this imposter, and mentally told Lav, "Be wary, Lav. Just now, Eli and I found out we're being followed by a group of people. I wanted to get rid of them but she seemed to be against it, so we came back. I don't know why she doesn't say anything. I have the feeling she knows them."

"I see. Then should we take care of them now?" Lav immediately understood and noticed what Eric hinted on.

"Should I distract her?"

"No," Eric shook his head, "Let her witness it."

"They're outside?" 

"Yes, about to arrive here soon."

"Ok," Lav walked the bridge and turned to Eli, "A bridge appeared?"

"It did! Just a while after you got kidnapped by the whirlwind!"

Kid...napped...well she wasn't too wrong though.

So, with the speed of light, Lav left behind the princess and ran across the bridge, to the entrance, onto the path.



"LAV! Shut up! Just attack them!" Eric was so fucking ashamed and embarrassed to witness Lav firing laser beams with his fingers while making these awful sound effects that he shed his angel pretence and was fed up completely with Lav.

Why... why... WHY THE FUCK do you have to use your mouth? Don't be like those embarrassing cartoon characters that scream out their attack names so confidently like fuck you writers! Be embarrassed about your own mind-fuck naming sense! Be self-conscious about it! Fuck, second-hand embarrassment makes me trip and want to choke myself!

"T-Teacher, am I not doing a good job?" Lav hung his head low after he tied up the enemies and looked like he was really sad to be scolded by Eric.

"That's not what I mean," Eric quickly came to his own rescue, "just don't make the sound effects with your mouth and please don't come up with any attack names it's very unprofessional."

Although kids with no taste loved it, Eric added in his heart, hoping he didn't offend anyone again to be teleported to hell... again.

"Ok, understood!" Lav happily hummed. He learned something new again! Teacher was very good!

However, since Lav was a fanboy and Eric stuck in nauseating embarrassment, the group Lav captured used this opportunity to get away, meaning they took their own lives.

They had poison in their mouth, bit on it and died. 

This was too serious!

Eric was insanely shocked! Was this that kind of story? Just because they didn't want Eric and Lav to know who sent this group of people they had to kill themselves?

Lav also had a complicated expression but-

"Ah!" a shrill scream shook Eric and Lav out of their thoughts.

"Eli?" Lav was the first to recover and turned to Eli who now collapsed on the floor.

Her face was ashen white and her lips quivered. She slowly backed off and shook her head as Lav approached her, "What's wrong? Do you know them?"

"What?" Eli was out of it, "N-No, I don't know them. It's just scary to see dead people! Hans, hug me!"

Eric only shook his head, how ridiculous. This princess, captain of the spaceship laser beaming everyone to death tries to appear innocent and pure. Everyone can see you're lying. Come up with a better excuse! 

Since there was no information to be gained anymore, Eric headed back to the island waiting for Lav to bring back the shaken Eli. Eric was right. His gut feeling didn't lie to him. This stupid plot was cooking up something again and Lav didn't know either.

So, the plot did change a lot because of their appearance, huh?

Eric got a headache but just right after that, Lav's voice appeared in his head, "Teacher, I've received enlightenment."

Eye Roll.

"The ruler's just in another dimension."

"Then come back quickly," Eric simply said. What are you dilly-dallying outside for? Go and meet the ruler already and let us end this quickly!

"Of course!" not a second later, Lav and Eli appeared. Eric rolled his eyes again. This brat could use teleportation, couldn't he? Why not do it sooner, you damn idiot!

"Hans!" Eli whined and refused to let go of Lav which infuriated Eric massively. Stop blocking the plot for fuck's sake! 

So, furiously flapping his wings, Eric flew to Eli, tugged on her clothes and pulled her away from Lav while he told the latter, "Go and find the ruler now!"

"Teacher come with me," gently Lav grabbed flying Eric bullying Eli who sat on the ground aggrieved and moved his finger in the air in a circle. A silver-blue circle appeared in the air. A portal!

Eric and Eli made eyes. How the hell was Lav able to summon this? Through his privilege of clearing the trial? Either way, Eric was grabbed tightly by Lav again, "Teacher, come with me," and approached the portal. 

Eli who saw the scene, got agitated and ran after them, "Hans, don't go-" but she was too late. Eric and Lav already disappeared and with it the portal.

Once they stepped inside, Eric's gut feeling got increasingly worse. At first, nothing but darkness enveloped them, then a bright light blinded them and afterwards a super illuminated person stopped before them in the black space.

The ruler. He was surprisingly young. He had long black hair, a serious yet good-looking face, straight posture and wore a Murim robe.

"You have come to seek me out, tell me what is it that you want?" 

Eric wanted to spit blood at this way of talking! Why gramps, you look young but actually aren't, are you?

"It's a pleasure and honour to meet you," Lav bowed while Eric continued to feel something was off so he guarded the portal at the back while Lav and the ruler started to get into a conversation.

Lav was really good at loosening the ruler's tongue, because swoops the ruler already laid everything bare, "The reason why I hid was that all humans are nasty and this place here is the only safe one. You shouldn't trust anyone.''

Just when his words echoed in the air- BOOM. An explosion hit this so-called safe space!

This black dimension started to form cracks and splintered. A violent wind surged around and sucked everything into a particular place like a vacuum. Where once the portal was, nothing but a black void appeared and soon the three of them were forced out of the dimension and found themselves back on the island.

The only difference was that Eli now sobbing laid on the floor while a whole mob of men surrounded them.

What was going on? Neither Eric, Lav nor the ruler had any idea what just happened. The ru

ler was the most confused. His well crafted years of hard-spent dimension... just destroyed like that!

The ruler was furious! How dare they! Humans after all were fucking hideous and vile! He hated them all! He was played!

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